Coyote and the Money Tree, Chiricahua Apache Text excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes |
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11. Coyote and the Money Tree as told by Sam Kenoi
![]() | Coyote and the Money Tree, Chiricahua Apache Text | ![]() |
11. Coyote and the Money Tree as told by Sam Kenoi
Coyote was walking [along] a road.
Mai 'íńtin hołghołná'a.
'Íńtinshíͅ ditsiͅ'óó'áí bitł'áshíͅ neesdáná'a.
'Aashíͅ sidágo 'a'ááłná'a.
He sat down under a tree that was standing by the road.
There he sat for some time.
1. Mai 'íńtin hołghołná'a 'Coyote was walkinging along a road, it is said'. mai 'coyote'; 'íńtin 'road'; hołghoł, 3rd person prog. of -l-ghee 'to move' [act, intr.]. Note that the noun 'íńtin has no postposition indicating its relationship to the verb. This is unusual.
2. ditsiͅ'óó'áí 'a tree that was standing'. ditsiͅ 'tree' plus 'óó'á, 3rd person indef. of -'á, rigid object extends [upward]' [hi- perf. neut. intr.], and the relative -í.
Then he put several [silver] dollars upon the tree that was standing there.
1. bééso 'money, dollars' > Spanish peso. We know the reference here to be to several pieces of money because the verb that follows is used only to refer to several discrete objects.
2. yaadahyeesndiłná'a 'he put them upon it, it is said'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person obj. of 0aa-dah-hi-...[si- perf.]-n dííł 'to put several object on to something' [act. tr.; aa- 'to'; dah- 'on'; hi- ?].
Then two white men came along the road driving a pack [train].
Nágo 'íńtinshíͅ 'indaa naaki hééł yił'inayołná'a.
'Aashíͅ, 'íńtinshíͅ ditsiͅ'óó'áí bitł'ashíͅ, sidáná'a.
Hééł baabił'inéńyooná'a.
'Indaań 'ábiiłndiná'a:
There, under a tree that was standing by the side of the road, he sat.
They drove the pack [train] to him.
The white men spoke thus to him:
1. hééł yił'inayołná'a 'they came driving a pack [train], it is said'. hééł 'pack, burden'. 'inayoł is the 3rd person prog. with indef, obj. of the verb theme ni-...yó 'to drive, herd [animals]' [act. tr.]. The prefix ni- is thematic but only in the progressive mode does it occur with no other derivational prefixes.
The text form means literally: 'they were driving (animals)
with burdens, it is
2. hééł baabił'inéńyooná'a 'they drove the pack [train] to him, it is said'. baa- 'to him'; bił- 'with them'; 'i- indefinite obj.; néń- > ni- thematic plus the ni- perfective, 3rd person; -yoo perfective stem. See §1, above.
3. dá'kodéshíͅ [appears as dá'kodeshíͅ in the text--MEC] 'in this lonely place'. 'lonely, wild'. Cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 6.8, §4.
1. dooda means literally 'no, not, none'; see passage 6 of the text.
2. baasídá 'I sit guarding it'. baa- 'to it' plus 1st person of -dá 'one sits' [si- perf. neut. intr.].
3. 'baanánt'íͅ 'it grows on it'. baa- 'from it' plus 3rd person iter. of ni-...[si- perf.]-táͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.].
4. shiłnzhóͅ 'it is valuable to me'. shił- 'to me, with me' plus 3rd person of ni-...-zhóͅ 'to be good, beautiful, of value' [imp. neut. intr.].
The white men spoke thus to him:
naanaahiiłndii 'we will buy it from you'. naa- 'from you' plus 1st person dual of naa-hi- |...[si- perf.]-ł-ndii 'to buy' [act. tr.]. naahi- ? but cf. naa-|...[si- perf.]-ndii 'to give away, to distribute here and there' [act. tr.]. The verb 'to buy' is probably the causative with an extra prefix hi- of 'to give away'.
Then he spoke thus:
dáͅ'ayáłáͅí 'ílíͅ 'it is worth a great deal'. dáͅ'ayá 'very much'; łáͅí 'much'. 'ílíͅ, 3rd person of 'i- ni-...-líͅ; 'to be worth, to be valued at' [imp. newt. intr.]. 'i- ?; ni- adj.
Then the white men spoke thus to him:
Nágo 'indaań 'ábiiłndiná'a:
ádíídíí łíͅí dá'łk'eh daadahondééłgo 'both these horses with their burdens'. ádíídíí 'these'; łíͅí 'horses'; dá'łk'eh 'both' [see note1.l, §4]. daadahondééł, 3rd person distrib. prog. of dah-|...[si- perf.]-n dé 'to move carrying a load' [act. intr.], dah- 'on'; theme alone 'to move'. This is an idiomatic way of describing fully saddled and bridled horses.
2. hééłí biłnoodzołí 'the pack animals that we are driving'. hééłí 'packs'; biłnoodzoł, 1st person dual prog. of the verb analyzed in note 11.3, §1, and -í relative. The -d of the lst person dual combines with the initial stem consonant to form dz-. This is an irregular resultant sound, however [see Grammatical Sketch, part 12], and indicates that this stem initial is historically z- rather than y-.
3. nanndííłgo 'we, giving them to you'. 1st person dual of 0aa-ni-...[ni- perf.]-n dííł 'to give someone several objects' [act. tr.]. nan- > ni- plus aa- plus the 1st person dual pronoun [see Grammatical Sketch, part 12].
4. nahaadéń'aa 'you will give it to us'. 2nd person imp. of 0aa-di-ni-...[ni- perf.]-'aa 'to give someone a round object' [act. tr.]. Cf. 0aa-ni-...[ni- perf.]-'aa 'to give someone around object' [act. tr.]. The former differs in that it refers to giving under compulsion or to giving in expectation of a return.
5. nghá 'shake it'. 2nd person imp, of ...[hi- perf.]-ghá 'to,shake' [act. tr.].
6. naaniidá hálí 'let's see if it will fall'. 3rd person imp, of naa-ni-|...[si- perf.]-dá 'several fall off' [act. intr.]. naa- 'off, down'; ni-| ?; -dá 'several objects move through space'. hálí, a modal particle denoting uncertainty or doubt.
Then Coyote spoke thus to them:
Nágo Ma'yeń 'ágoołndiná'a:
Bééso hiká dahyeesndilní łi' naaneesdaná'a.
Some of the money he had put upon it fell down.
Then they gave him all of that with which they had been travelling.
beeja'ashní Of 'that with which they had been traveling'. bee- 'with it, by means of it'; ja'ash, 3a person prog. of -'aash 'two move'; -n past tense; -í relative.
Then Coyote spoke thus to them:
Nágo Ma'yeń 'ágoołndiná'a:
1. si'áͅ'ííyéí 'that lies at that place yonder'. si'áͅ 'a round object lies' [3rd person si- perf. neut,intr.]; -'ííyé 'over yonder' [encl.].
2. 'i'nóóyoogo 'when I have driven them'. 3rd person perf, with indef. obj. of i-ni-...[hi- perf.]-yó 'to drive [animals] off, away' [act. tr.; 'i- 'away'; ni- thematic]. Cf. linguistic note to Chirichua text 11.3, §§1,2
3. náhałá 'you pick it up'. 2nd person dual imp. of ná-hi-...[si- perf.]-lá 'to pick up several scattered objects' [act. tr.]. The theme occurs only with these prefixes. The final -h of the 2nd person dual pronoun unvoices the stem initial.
And now he began to drive [the pack train] away from them.
He drove it across [the mountain] as he had said.
goch'áͅ'íńdeeyooná'a 'he began to drive them away from them, it is said'. goch'áͅ 'from them' plus 3rd person perf. of 'i-ni-di-...[si- perf.]-yó 'to begin to drive animals away'. 'i- 'away' plus ni- thematic apparently results in ''íń- but perhaps this is misheard for ''iń-. The verb seems to be intr.; cf. notes 11.10, §2 and 11.3, §§1, 2.
Then the white men got up.
Nágo 'indaanń nádiit'áázhná'a.
Ditsiͅí yighágo yaanaa'aashná'a.
Joojibááyégo, ditsiͅ'óó'áí bitłáhee naajiyee'aashná'a.
They shook the tree for a long time.
Nothing fell down.
In a pitiable state, they stood about under the tree that was standing there.
They became angry.
They started to go after [Coyote].
1. nádiit'áázhná'a 'they got up, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of ná-di-|...[ni- perf.]-d-'aash 'two arise, get up' [act. intr.]. ná-di-| 'upward'; -'aash 'two move'. Why has this verb the -d- class?
2. yighágo yaanaa'aashná'a 'they shook it for a long time, it is said'. yighá 'they shook it' [see note 11.7, §5]. yaa- 'about it' plus 3rd person imp. of naa-|...[si- perf.]-'aash 'two go about, here and there' [act. intr.]. Literally: 'they, shaking it, they went on about it'.
3. dooyáanoot'iͅiͅdaná'a 'nothing fell down, it is said'. yáa 'something' plus perf. of naa-|...[hi- perf.]-d-'iͅiͅ 'an unknown object falls down' [pass.; naa- 'down'].
4. joojibááyégo 'in a pitiable state'. 3a person of joo-ni-...-bááyé 'to be in a pitiable state' [imp. neut. intr.]. joo- is also used with -ndee 'to help, assist', see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.6; §2; ni- adj. The latter prefix disappears entirely in the 3rd and 3a persons.
5. naajiyee'aashná'a 'they stood about, it is said'. This is the 3a person of a verb found only in the imp. mode. The other persons are: naaheet'ash 'we stand about'; naahaah'aash 'you two stand about'. The stem is apparently -'aash 'two move' [act. intr.] but the prefixes are puzzling.
6. bike'shdiyeest'áázhná'a 'they started to go after him, it is said'. bike 'after him' plus 3rd person perf. of di-yi-...[si- perf.]-d-'aash 'two start off' [act. intr.]. Prefixes indefinable; cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 3.2, §2.
But he had long ago driven [the pack train] far away.
'Ákoo 'iłk'idáͅ ńza'yá 'i'nóóyooná'a.
Ma'yeí łáͅgo bigoota ná'ee 'inéńyooná'a.
Díík'eh gotaadaisndiiná'a.
He had driven it to a camp of many Coyotes.
He had distributed all of it among them.
1. bigoota 'their camp'.
2 ná'ee 'at that place'. ná- 'that place' plus -ee 'at, on'.
3. gotaadaisndiiná'a 'he had distributed them among them, it is said'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person distrib. obj. of 0-taa-|...[si- perf.]-ndii 'to distribute things among' [act. tr.; -taa 'among'].
Now those white men were coming to that place.
'Ákoo 'áń 'indaanń ghashíͅ ga'ashná'a.
'Áń Ma'yeí 'ágoł'íͅnń 'íłtsé godáhíłghoná'a.
That Coyote who had done so to them met them first.
They asked him:
1. godáhíłghoná'a 'he met them, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of 0-dá-ni-...[ni- perf.]-l-ghee 'to meet, encounter someone' [act. intr.]. -da 'before, in front of'; ni- completive. Literally 'to come before someone'.
2. doohaaóó'íͅda 'you haven't seen anyone'. haa- 'anyone, someone' plus 2nd person of -'íͅ 'to see' [prog. neut. tr.].
Coyote spoke thus to them:
Ma'yeń 'ágoołndiná'a:
'ándeedego 'a while ago'. Possibly 'á ndeede is an older form of 'á ndee 'it is new, recent' [see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 1.18, §3]. Cf. also 'á ndeeda 'then, now' [part.].
Linguistic Notes by Harry Hoijer
1. Mai 'íńtin hołghołná'a 'Coyote was walkinging along a road, it is said'. mai 'coyote'; 'íńtin 'road'; hołghoł, 3rd person prog. of -l-ghee 'to move' [act, intr.]. Note that the noun 'íńtin has no postposition indicating its relationship to the verb. This is unusual.
2. ditsiͅ'óó'áí 'a tree that was standing'. ditsiͅ 'tree' plus 'óó'á, 3rd person indef. of -'á, rigid object extends [upward]' [hi- perf. neut. intr.], and the relative -í.
1. bééso 'money, dollars' > Spanish peso. We know the reference here to be to several pieces of money because the verb that follows is used only to refer to several discrete objects.
2. yaadahyeesndiłná'a 'he put them upon it, it is said'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person obj. of 0aa-dah-hi-...[si- perf.]-n dííł 'to put several object on to something' [act. tr.; aa- 'to'; dah- 'on'; hi- ?].
1. hééł yił'inayołná'a 'they came driving a pack [train], it is said'. hééł 'pack, burden'. 'inayoł is the 3rd person prog. with indef, obj. of the verb theme ni-...yó 'to drive, herd [animals]' [act. tr.]. The prefix ni- is thematic but only in the progressive mode does it occur with no other derivational prefixes.
The text form means literally: 'they were driving (animals)
with burdens, it is
2. hééł baabił'inéńyooná'a 'they drove the pack [train] to him, it is said'. baa- 'to him'; bił- 'with them'; 'i- indefinite obj.; néń- > ni- thematic plus the ni- perfective, 3rd person; -yoo perfective stem. See §1, above.
3. dá'kodéshíͅ [appears as dá'kodeshíͅ in the text--MEC] 'in this lonely place'. 'lonely, wild'. Cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 6.8, §4.
1. dooda means literally 'no, not, none'; see passage 6 of the text.
2. baasídá 'I sit guarding it'. baa- 'to it' plus 1st person of -dá 'one sits' [si- perf. neut. intr.].
3. 'baanánt'íͅ 'it grows on it'. baa- 'from it' plus 3rd person iter. of ni-...[si- perf.]-táͅ 'to grow' [act. intr.].
4. shiłnzhóͅ 'it is valuable to me'. shił- 'to me, with me' plus 3rd person of ni-...-zhóͅ 'to be good, beautiful, of value' [imp. neut. intr.].
naanaahiiłndii 'we will buy it from you'. naa- 'from you' plus 1st person dual of naa-hi- |...[si- perf.]-ł-ndii 'to buy' [act. tr.]. naahi- ? but cf. naa-|...[si- perf.]-ndii 'to give away, to distribute here and there' [act. tr.]. The verb 'to buy' is probably the causative with an extra prefix hi- of 'to give away'.
dáͅ'ayáłáͅí 'ílíͅ 'it is worth a great deal'. dáͅ'ayá 'very much'; łáͅí 'much'. 'ílíͅ, 3rd person of 'i- ni-...-líͅ; 'to be worth, to be valued at' [imp. newt. intr.]. 'i- ?; ni- adj.
ádíídíí łíͅí dá'łk'eh daadahondééłgo 'both these horses with their burdens'. ádíídíí 'these'; łíͅí 'horses'; dá'łk'eh 'both' [see note1.l, §4]. daadahondééł, 3rd person distrib. prog. of dah-|...[si- perf.]-n dé 'to move carrying a load' [act. intr.], dah- 'on'; theme alone 'to move'. This is an idiomatic way of describing fully saddled and bridled horses.
2. hééłí biłnoodzołí 'the pack animals that we are driving'. hééłí 'packs'; biłnoodzoł, 1st person dual prog. of the verb analyzed in note 11.3, §1, and -í relative. The -d of the lst person dual combines with the initial stem consonant to form dz-. This is an irregular resultant sound, however [see Grammatical Sketch, part 12], and indicates that this stem initial is historically z- rather than y-.
3. nanndííłgo 'we, giving them to you'. 1st person dual of 0aa-ni-...[ni- perf.]-n dííł 'to give someone several objects' [act. tr.]. nan- > ni- plus aa- plus the 1st person dual pronoun [see Grammatical Sketch, part 12].
4. nahaadéń'aa 'you will give it to us'. 2nd person imp. of 0aa-di-ni-...[ni- perf.]-'aa 'to give someone a round object' [act. tr.]. Cf. 0aa-ni-...[ni- perf.]-'aa 'to give someone around object' [act. tr.]. The former differs in that it refers to giving under compulsion or to giving in expectation of a return.
5. nghá 'shake it'. 2nd person imp, of ...[hi- perf.]-ghá 'to,shake' [act. tr.].
6. naaniidá hálí 'let's see if it will fall'. 3rd person imp, of naa-ni-|...[si- perf.]-dá 'several fall off' [act. intr.]. naa- 'off, down'; ni-| ?; -dá 'several objects move through space'. hálí, a modal particle denoting uncertainty or doubt.
beeja'ashní Of 'that with which they had been traveling'. bee- 'with it, by means of it'; ja'ash, 3a person prog. of -'aash 'two move'; -n past tense; -í relative.
1. si'áͅ'ííyéí 'that lies at that place yonder'. si'áͅ 'a round object lies' [3rd person si- perf. neut,intr.]; -'ííyé 'over yonder' [encl.].
2. 'i'nóóyoogo 'when I have driven them'. 3rd person perf, with indef. obj. of i-ni-...[hi- perf.]-yó 'to drive [animals] off, away' [act. tr.; 'i- 'away'; ni- thematic]. Cf. linguistic note to Chirichua text 11.3, §§1,2
3. náhałá 'you pick it up'. 2nd person dual imp. of ná-hi-...[si- perf.]-lá 'to pick up several scattered objects' [act. tr.]. The theme occurs only with these prefixes. The final -h of the 2nd person dual pronoun unvoices the stem initial.
goch'áͅ'íńdeeyooná'a 'he began to drive them away from them, it is said'. goch'áͅ 'from them' plus 3rd person perf. of 'i-ni-di-...[si- perf.]-yó 'to begin to drive animals away'. 'i- 'away' plus ni- thematic apparently results in ''íń- but perhaps this is misheard for ''iń-. The verb seems to be intr.; cf. notes 11.10, §2 and 11.3, §§1, 2.
1. nádiit'áázhná'a 'they got up, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of ná-di-|...[ni- perf.]-d-'aash 'two arise, get up' [act. intr.]. ná-di-| 'upward'; -'aash 'two move'. Why has this verb the -d- class?
2. yighágo yaanaa'aashná'a 'they shook it for a long time, it is said'. yighá 'they shook it' [see note 11.7, §5]. yaa- 'about it' plus 3rd person imp. of naa-|...[si- perf.]-'aash 'two go about, here and there' [act. intr.]. Literally: 'they, shaking it, they went on about it'.
3. dooyáanoot'iͅiͅdaná'a 'nothing fell down, it is said'. yáa 'something' plus perf. of naa-|...[hi- perf.]-d-'iͅiͅ 'an unknown object falls down' [pass.; naa- 'down'].
4. joojibááyégo 'in a pitiable state'. 3a person of joo-ni-...-bááyé 'to be in a pitiable state' [imp. neut. intr.]. joo- is also used with -ndee 'to help, assist', see linguistic note to Chiricahua text 5.6; §2; ni- adj. The latter prefix disappears entirely in the 3rd and 3a persons.
5. naajiyee'aashná'a 'they stood about, it is said'. This is the 3a person of a verb found only in the imp. mode. The other persons are: naaheet'ash 'we stand about'; naahaah'aash 'you two stand about'. The stem is apparently -'aash 'two move' [act. intr.] but the prefixes are puzzling.
6. bike'shdiyeest'áázhná'a 'they started to go after him, it is said'. bike 'after him' plus 3rd person perf. of di-yi-...[si- perf.]-d-'aash 'two start off' [act. intr.]. Prefixes indefinable; cf. linguistic note to Chiricahua text 3.2, §2.
1. bigoota 'their camp'.
2 ná'ee 'at that place'. ná- 'that place' plus -ee 'at, on'.
3. gotaadaisndiiná'a 'he had distributed them among them, it is said'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person distrib. obj. of 0-taa-|...[si- perf.]-ndii 'to distribute things among' [act. tr.; -taa 'among'].
1. godáhíłghoná'a 'he met them, it is said'. 3rd person perf. of 0-dá-ni-...[ni- perf.]-l-ghee 'to meet, encounter someone' [act. intr.]. -da 'before, in front of'; ni- completive. Literally 'to come before someone'.
2. doohaaóó'íͅda 'you haven't seen anyone'. haa- 'anyone, someone' plus 2nd person of -'íͅ 'to see' [prog. neut. tr.].
![]() | Coyote and the Money Tree, Chiricahua Apache Text | ![]() |