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Collected Poems of Thomas Parnell
Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)
An Essay on the Different Stiles of Poetry
Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice.
The Horse and the Olive: Or, War and Peace
Poems from Steele's Poetical Miscellanies
From Pope's Works
POEMS ON Several Occasions.
Biblical Poems from British Library Add. MS 31114
Biblical Poems from Posthumous Works (1758)
The Affections of Divine Poetry
Poems from Works in Verse and Prose, 1755
Miscellaneous Poems From Posthumous Works (1758)
From Pope's Works, Volume 2, Part 2, 1738
Poems from Swift's Works, Volume 8, 1765
From A Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, 1721
Poems from Pancharis, Queen of Love, 1721
Poems from the “Schoedinger” Notebook
Poems from the “Satires” Notebook
Poems from the “Lyrics” Notebook
Scriblerian Epigrams
On Mr Pope drawing D: Swifts Picture.
After the French Manner
A Impromptu like Martial.
On a certain Poets Judgement between Mr Pope & Mr Philips don in an Italian air
To Mistress ------.
On Platina Prosperus Spiriteus
Jac: Faber Stapul: by J: Scaliger.
By Simon Vallambert. Erasmus
[Once Pope under Jevais resolvd to adventure]
out of Greek
An Epitaph desird on one Wheeler
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Collected Poems of Thomas Parnell
Collected Poems of Thomas Parnell
Thomas Parnell
University of Delaware Press Associated University Presses
Newark London Toronto
Collected Poems of Thomas Parnell