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Translations and Poems
Written on Several Occasions [by Samuel Boyse]
Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)
Part of Psalm XLII.
Canticles Chap. V. v. 16, Paraphras'd.
John Chap. XXI. v. 17. Paraphras'd.
The Lamentation of David for Saul and Jonathan.
The Speech of Galgacus.
Responsio M. Catonis ad Labienum,
ODES of Horace.
Book I. Ode XI.
Book I. Ode XXII.
Book I. Ode XXVI.
Book I. Ode XXXI.
Book I. Ode XXXVIII.
Book III. Ode XXVI.
Book IV. Ode V.
Book IV. Ode II.
Claudian. (de Somniis.)
Catullus. (de Sepulchro suo.)
Propertius. (de Uxoribus Indis.)
Ex Corn. Galli Eleg. II. (Ad Uxorem.)
Sannazarii Epigramma in Venetiam.
In Mortem Jo. Bapt. Moliere, Histrionis Celeberrimi Epigramma.
In Fontes Lutetiæ. Epigramma Santeuil.
In Regiam Sagittariorum Cohortem, Anno MDCCXXXII.
Placet de M. Voiture.
Chanson de Moliere Dans les Plaisirs de l'Isle Enchantee.
ODE De Messire Jaques Chastelard, Savoyard qui fut decapite a Edinbourg, pour l'amour de Marie Reine d'Ecosse.
Epigrame de M. Boileau, Addresse a Perrault.
The Descent of Orpheus.
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Translations and Poems
Translations and Poems
Written on Several Occasions [by Samuel Boyse]
Samuel Boyse
Printed for the Author
Translations and Poems