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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
Set foorth by Sir William Leighton
Leighton, William (ca. 1565-1622)
LECTORIE IN LIBRUM egregij Militis Gulielim Leighton. Thomas Burt. Verbi sacri Concionator.
A Farewell to the world.
To the true deuoted Reader.
Idillion in eximii Millitis, Leightonis laudem.
In laudem authoris & presentes operis sui, Antonii dyat Arm.
Vnto the troubles and sorrowes of the worthy Knight Sir William Leighton.
To the Right Worshipfull Sir William Leighton Knight his endeared friend and kinsman, concerning his diuine Lamentations.
[Mvsicke is then Diuine, and not but then]
In laudem Authoris.
Seauen Psalmes of Dauids repentance commonly called Penitentiall Psalmes.
Psalmes. 6.
Psalme. 32.
Psalme. 38.
Psalme. 51.
Psalmes. 102.
Psalme. 130.
Psalme. 144.
A Mistery to be noted and followed of those that are parting out of this life.
Short Meditations or Iaculatorie prayers, to be had in memorie vppon seuerall occasions.
The penitent prayeth for the Testimonie of a good Conscience.
A heauenly Himme of the ioyes Celestiall.
A prayer for a good Conscience.
The penitent proueth that sinne is not of God, but of the diuell and our selues.
A comfortable Himne for the Children of God.
A prayer against temptations especially fit for a man that findeth in himselfe a continuall Inclination to any particular sinne.
An exhortation to praise God, and to acknowledge our thankesgiuing to him without ceasing.
Adams fall.
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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
Set foorth by Sir William Leighton
William Leighton
ca. 1565-1622
Printed by Ralph Blower
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule