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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
Set foorth by Sir William Leighton
Leighton, William (ca. 1565-1622)
LECTORIE IN LIBRUM egregij Militis Gulielim Leighton. Thomas Burt. Verbi sacri Concionator.
A Farewell to the world.
To the true deuoted Reader.
Idillion in eximii Millitis, Leightonis laudem.
In laudem authoris & presentes operis sui, Antonii dyat Arm.
Vnto the troubles and sorrowes of the worthy Knight Sir William Leighton.
To the Right Worshipfull Sir William Leighton Knight his endeared friend and kinsman, concerning his diuine Lamentations.
[Mvsicke is then Diuine, and not but then]
In laudem Authoris.
A prayer vnto Almightie God, to preuent, prepare, and dispose our hearts rightly, vnto prayer.
A generall confession of sinnes.
A Morning meditation.
An Euening Meditation.
A Nosegay gathered in the holy Paradice.
A particuler confession of a sorrowfull sinner.
A heauenly hymne touching the Natiuitie of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
A prayer in extreame sicknes
Precepts of duties.
An invocation to God, humbly praying for remission of sinne.
A Godly meditation,
A prayer wherein the distressed, humbly confesseth his sinnes, and the vanities of his former times lewdely mispent, desiring others to take example by him, and to returne to God by repentance before it be to late. And at the last preparing to die, commendeth his soule to God: with whom after death, he hopeth to liue for euer.
The repentant complaineth of his horrid and grieuous sinnes, and in the end giueth thankes vnto Iehouah on high, who is distinguised into one God and three persons.
The repentant wholy flyeth vnto the mercies of God in Christ, and describeth the loathsomnes & vglines of his sinnes, aggrauating the greatnes thereof, aboue all other mens.
The poore Suppliant being visited with a grieuous sicknes, sheweth how he languisheth in all the corporall parts & members of his body, but especially with the torture of his conscience for sinne, and at the last prayeth that God would take from him this heauie yoake of miseries.
A feruent prayer vnto God, that the repentant may find fauour in Christ, whose merits and satisfaction he offereth vnto thee O Lord, as a pleasing ransome for his sinnes.
The first Lamentation in distresse cōteineth a confession of sinnes, and a petition to be released of the punishments due for the same.
The first part.
The second part.
The third part.
The fourth part.
The second Lamentation containeth Godly and deuout prayers for constancie in afflictions, and to beare malicious slaunders patiently.
A thankesgiuing to God, with magnifing of his holy name vpon all instruments.
The third Lamentation in distresse.
The fourth Lamentation in distresse.
The fift Lamentation in distresse.
The sixt Lamentation in distresse.
The seauenth Lamentation in distresse.
The eight Lamentation in distresse.
[The ninth Lamentation.]
To God the Father.
To God the Sonne.
To God the holy Ghost.
Diuers consolations that the life and time of affliction is short.
Of Death.
An exhortation to forgiue one another, before we depart out of this, world.
Diuers consolations that the life and time of affliction is short.
A consolation for them which suffer for their offences.
A disputation betweene the Diuell and vs.
The poore and distressed soule being loaden with the burthen of his sinnes, feruently prayeth to God for his remission thereof.
Seauen Psalmes of Dauids repentance commonly called Penitentiall Psalmes.
A Mistery to be noted and followed of those that are parting out of this life.
Short Meditations or Iaculatorie prayers, to be had in memorie vppon seuerall occasions.
The penitent prayeth for the Testimonie of a good Conscience.
A heauenly Himme of the ioyes Celestiall.
A prayer for a good Conscience.
The penitent proueth that sinne is not of God, but of the diuell and our selues.
A comfortable Himne for the Children of God.
A prayer against temptations especially fit for a man that findeth in himselfe a continuall Inclination to any particular sinne.
An exhortation to praise God, and to acknowledge our thankesgiuing to him without ceasing.
Adams fall.
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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule
Set foorth by Sir William Leighton
William Leighton
ca. 1565-1622
Printed by Ralph Blower
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule