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The Poems of Edward Taylor
Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz
Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Preparatory Meditations before my Approach to the Lords Supper. Chiefly upon the Doctrin preached upon the Day of administration
Preparatory Meditations
Gods Determinations touching his Elect: and The Elects Combat in their Conversion, and Coming up to God in Christ together with the Comfortable Effects thereof.
Miscellaneous Poems
[1.] [When] Let by rain.
2. Upon a Spider Catching a Fly.
3. Upon a Wasp Child with Cold.
4. Huswifery.
5. Another upon the Same.
6. Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children.
7. The Ebb and Flow.
8. Upon the Sweeping Flood Aug: 13. 14. 1683.
A Funerall Poem Upon the Death of my ever Endeared, and Tender Wife Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Who fell asleep in Christ the 7th day of July at night about two hours after Sun setting 1689 and in the 39 yeare of her Life.
An Elegy upon the Death of that Holy and Reverend Man of God, Mr. Samuel Hooker, .
A Fig for thee Oh! Death.
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The Poems of Edward Taylor
The Poems of Edward Taylor
Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz
Edward Taylor
Yale University Press
New Haven
The Poems of Edward Taylor