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Horace His arte of Poetrie, Epistles, and Satyrs Englished
and to the Earle of Ormounte By Tho. Drant addressed
Drant, Thomas
Of the Arte of Poetrye.
[The first book of Epistles]
Horace his Epistles to Mæcenas
To Lollius.
To Iulius Florus.
To Albius, Tybullus a deuysor
To torquatus
To Numitius
To Mecenas.
To Celsus albinouanus
To Septimius
To Fuscus Aretius
To Bullatius
To Iccius.
To Vinnius Asella
To his Balie in the Countrie.
To Valla.
To Quintius.
To Saeua
To Lollius
To Mecænas.
The seconde Booke of Q. H. Flaccus his Epistles.
[The first book of Satires]
Q. HORA. FLACCVS HIS seconde Booke of Satyres.
Horace to his booke
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Horace His arte of Poetrie, Epistles, and Satyrs Englished
Horace His arte of Poetrie, Epistles, and Satyrs Englished
and to the Earle of Ormounte By Tho. Drant addressed
Thomas Drant
Imprinted ... by Thomas Marshe
Horace His arte of Poetrie, Epistles, and Satyrs Englished