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Elizabetha triumphans

Conteyning the damned practizes, that the diuelish Popes have used euer sithence her Highnesse first comming to the Crowne, by mouing her wicked and traiterous subiects to rebellion and conspiracies ... With a declaration of the manner how her Excellency was entertained at Tilbery in Essex: and of the ouerthrow had against the Spanish fleete: briefly, truly, and effectually set foorth, declared, and handled by I. A. [i.e. James Aske]

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Elizabetha triumphans

Conteyning the damned practizes, that the diuelish Popes have used euer sithence her Highnesse first comming to the Crowne, by mouing her wicked and traiterous subiects to rebellion and conspiracies ... With a declaration of the manner how her Excellency was entertained at Tilbery in Essex: and of the ouerthrow had against the Spanish fleete: briefly, truly, and effectually set foorth, declared, and handled by I. A. [i.e. James Aske]

James Aske

Printed by Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Gubbin and Thomas Newman