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The Poems of Thomas Pestell
Edited with an account of his life and work by Hannah Buchan
Pestell, Thomas (1584?-1659?)
[Bodl. MS. Mal. 14:]
On ascension Day.
Verses on a bible presented to the Lady K C.
On that noble gentleman Mr H. Hast: losing his eye
Prayr & Praise.
On the Sacrament.
ELEGIES Epistles Epigramms, etc.
1. Elegie on the noble Eliz: Countesse of Hunt
A second Elegie on the same. [Eliz: Countesse of Hunt]
Epitaph on Mr Hildersam 1632.
Elegie on the truly noble Katherine Countesse of Chesterfeild. 1636
On the Lady Dorothy Arden sister to the Earle of Denbigh.
On the Lady Berklay: 1620
To the lady Stanhope at Twicknam. 1615
To Mr Clifton.
To Mr Clifton with Mr Fr: Beaumounts Verses on the Count: of Rutland
To the Lady Visc: Beaumount: at Burton
To a yong lord at Court 1623.
To my neighbour R B. Archd: of Nott: now D of Sarum
To Mr T N: Physitian at Leicest
To My Lord Cromwell Viscount Le Cale.
To Mr C: Cotton at Nott
To k. Locarus & qu: Amira
To the Same.
On the Interlinearie poëme begott twixt Sr H. Goo: & Dr Donne.
The poore petitioners.
On the Same: Ex nihilo nihil—
To Fr. Noo
To the Earles of Essex & Warwick going by the Lo: Say, & Earle of Hartford, to the Parliament. 1625.
Anagram. on the Earle of Holland.
To the Reader of Mr Banc: poëme on the king of Sweden.
Vpon the Battaile, by the same author.
Replie to Mr Randolls verses on the losse of his finger.
On Tobacco. 1618.
To. Ed: Ca
Martial's epigram. englished.
To king Locarus: & queene Amira
A Countrie Iustice.
Receipt against Death.
To the Spirituall theife; or my brother Sermon snapper. 1624.
To Courtlie Neophyte, or the new Diuinitie reader.
To the Same.
On: Mrs Cary. or a Mayd of Honour
On Dr. T. Goad & Dr H. King two rare Diuines & poëts.
A Village Villane, Baylife describd in riding positure.
On Man
To the E. of Dors.
Rapture on King Locarus.
To Poët wou'dbee.
On the willful man.
Song of Amira Queene
Song old as. 1618.
Song of King Locarus. 1636.
Epigr: on the Rt Rev: Father in God: Lo. BB of Winchester (deceasd) & the Rt honble The Earle of Manchester (Liuing) a payre of most noble & virtuous Lights in Church and Commonwealth
To the truly noble & gracious Lord: in whom the above named Liue Vnited in their Virtues: The Lo: Visc: Mandevile
To the truly noble. S. Jo. Monson. 1637 7ber 7°
[Harvard MS. Eng. 228:]
To the honourd memorie of his deare mother. Mrs. Kath: Carr.
To [Henry Holland]
On the Packington Shepperdesse: 1624.
Epithalamion. 1622.
Liuerie puddings sent to Mrs LaField, lately Mrs Cage. Dr Montforts daughter.
On Curtains at Dr Tower's house. 1619.
To BBpp Guilty. of Keeping Promise.
Ad Eundem
To the D. of Sar: Stilo novo.
A Song of & to the D. of Sarum
The Virtuous Louer.
To Mr Hen: Robynson. a Receipt
Epitaph on Mr Sacheverill of Leic.
1638. A Tryumphall (in stead of Elegie) on the victorious & safe passage of the noble gent'man Mr Gabr: Armstrong from Earth to heaven.
On Convalescence of the Lady Visc: Beaumont, a Soliloquie
Letters & Epigramms
To my right & true freind Mr Ed: Lafeild. archd. of Essex.
On Corne
On Madame Fine.
Sensuall Loue: Will Senseles proue.
Valedict: to Mr W: & Mr Thr. 1637.
The Patchd Song. 1636.
The true Mercurialist. That's th'Epigrammatist Martiall, or Martialist.
To his Detractour. for Versefying.
On Ascension Day
To Mr Iohn Beamont
Divine Poems: Vpon the text of sacred scripture
[Sermons and Devotions, Old and New, 1659:]
The Relief on Easter Eve.
On New-years Day, a New-years Gift;
First, God sent his Son.
Made under the Law.
Made of a Woman
A Psalm for Christmass day morning.
A Psalm for Sunday Nights.
The Christians Reply to Christs Venite
Pride will fall,—but Grace to the Humble.
His conjugal Prayer Domestick.
[Nichols's History of Leicestershire.]
On Mr. Bancroft his Glutton's Fever.
An Elegie I made on Mr. Francis Beaumont, dying 1615–16 at Westminster.
[Lachrymae Musarum:]
For the Right Honourable, LUCIE, Countess of Huntingdon. 1649. From her Honours humblest Servant, T. P.
Her Soliloquie, or her Meditation.
The Rational Reply.
On the untimely death of HENRY Lord HASTINGS, Onely Son to Ferdinand and Lucy, Earl and Countess of Huntingdon.
[Bodl. MS. Ash. 788:]
Generall Hastings his Bowre.
Mæcenas birthday from Mr Pestell. For his much loueing, more beloued most learned frend, Mr. P. Kynder.
[Edward Benlowes: Theophila:]
For the Author, Truly Heroick, by Bloud, Virtue, Learning
[B. M. Add. MS. 25707:]
Verses of ye Countess of Huntington
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The Poems of Thomas Pestell
The Poems of Thomas Pestell
Edited with an account of his life and work by Hannah Buchan
Thomas Pestell
Basil Blackwell
The Poems of Thomas Pestell