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[Poems by Tompson in] Benjamin Tompson : Colonial Bard
A Critical Edition
Tompson, Benjamin (1642-1714)
Remarks on the Bright, and dark side of that American Pillar Mr. William Tompson.
Gulielmi Tompsoni Braintreensis.
The Grammarians Funeral,
New Englands Crisis
Poetically Described.
New-Englands Tears FOR HER Present Miseries:
With an Account of the Battel between the English and Indians upon Seaconk Plain:
A FUNERAL TRIBUTE To the Honourable Dust of that most Charitable Christian, Unbiassed Politician, And unimitable Pyrotechnist John Winthrope esq:
UPON The elaborate Survey of New-Englands Passions from the NATIVES
The Reverend man of God Mr. Peter Hubbard Pastor of Hingam church his translation or Αποθεωσις 23: 11: 1678.
New-Englands grand Eclips by the withdrawing of that vast body, or Trium-virate of Politick, Ecclesiastick, Military Light John Leverett
Upon the very Reverend SAMUEL WHITING.
A short memoriall and Revew of sum Vertues in that examplary Christian, Mary Tompson,
A Short but Sorrowfull memoriall of my dear Sister Sarah Tompson
To my Honoured Patron HUMPHERY Davie
[Reverend Mr. Mather:]
A Character of the most Exemplary Christian, Mr. Samuel Tompson.
To Lord Bellamont when entering Governour of the Massachusetts.
Celeberrimi COTTONI MATHERI, Celebratio;
The Illustrious Fitz-John Winthrop Esquire—
A Neighbours Tears dropt on the grave of an Amiable Virgin a pleasant plant cut downe in the blooming of her Spring Viz Mrs. Rebecka Sewal.
A Clowde of Tears, sprinkled on the Dust of the Amiable Virgin Mrs. Rebecka Sewel who Suddenly died August. 3 1710. AEtatis suae 6.
A Neighbour's TEARS Sprinkled on the Dust of the Amiable Virgin, Mrs. Rebekah Sewall,
The Translation by death, of that Holy Man of God, Reverend Mr. JAMES ALLEN, a very Learned, Faithful, Painful Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston. Who Expired, September 22d, 1710. Aged 78.
The Amiable virgin memorized Elizabeth Tompson who deceased in Boston at Mr. Leggs august 22 1712
The following Verses were made by Mr. Benjamin Tompson Roxbury June 20th. 1713. being some of his last lines.
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[Poems by Tompson in] Benjamin Tompson : Colonial Bard
[Poems by Tompson in] Benjamin Tompson : Colonial Bard
A Critical Edition
Benjamin Tompson
The Pennsylvania State University Press
University Park, London
[Poems by Tompson in] Benjamin Tompson : Colonial Bard