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41Author:  Spillman, Robert B.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert B. Spillman to Amanda C. Armentrout, December 22, 1865  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your most dear, & ever welcome letter of the 3rd inst. reached me safely a few days ago which found me very well & truly glad to hear from & to hear that you together with your father's family were enjoying good health & prosperity, with the exception of the little bad feeling which prevented you from attending Church but I truly hope that ere this reaches you, you may be fully restored to perfect health again. Well Sis. Kate it is now drawing very near Christmas. Many in this place are in anticipation of a gay time, at balls & parties but I dont expect to be here during the Christmas. My calculation is to leave here Christams night for home if I am not disappointed. That is if the Steam Boat does not fail to make its usual trip from Baltimore. I cannot tell now whether I will return to this place soon or not, it depends altogether upon future arrangements. I reckon you had better not answer this, until you hear from me again as there is no regular line of communication to my County & as it is near mid winter the Steamers are about making there last trips. Consequently we are soon to be deprived of the only means of Public conveyence or Communications with this place Should I return to Fredericksburg again I will write to you immediately. I truly hope you may spend a pleasant time during the Christmas. I really wish it was in my power to visit you this Christams I am sure I could spend a pleasant time. it was two years the 14th of this month since we parted. Well do I remember that eventfull day. What strange things time has brought about. Two years ago we knew each other only as strangers tonight I address you my Dear Kate as Sister & must say as I have often said I love you as such I feel like I am writing to one who truly merits all my love, in whose heart I am proud to say I have a place, according to my unshaken confidence in your most noble & worthy self. Remember my dear Sister that though we be ever separated, you will ever be a bright star on the pages of my fond memory if life is spared & fortune smiles I am determined to see you. I assure you there is nothing that would be more gratifying to me than a visit to Rose Dale, the home of my much love Sister Kate. The night is growing old I must close for the present by wishing you a Merry Christmas & happy New Year my love to all, wish your dear self may God forever bless you.
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42Author:  GeorgeRequires cookie*
 Title:  George to Amanda C. Armentrout, January 11, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: According to promise, enclosed to you, the Catalogue pupils of C.C.S. at the time & others frequented that ever mem- spot, as the happy juvenile period lives. But such blissful scenes of are pleasant reminiscences, if they not intercepted by the mountains of troubles, which have painted sorrow on the brow, or sadness in the expression.
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43Author:  AngusRequires cookie*
 Title:  Angus to Amanda C. Armentrout, April 8, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your very welcome missive by the hand of Annie, could not have been otherwise perused than with some mental effect. I always feel sad, when I think of those who once were our brother associates; but they are gone, & their graves, we can not but think, are the monuments of living spirits, whose bodies have assumed originality. There is a time for sadness & a time for pleasure; & of the former, we ought to be submissive as possible, knowing that it proceeds from afflictions, bereavements, &c. inflicted for our benefit.
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44Author:  Spillman, RobertRequires cookie*
 Title:  Robert B. Spillman to Amanda C. Armentrout, May 18, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: You very kind and ever dear letter of the 5th of April was duly recieved which found me quite well & truly glad to hear from you. I reckon you think very strange of me for not replying sooner but when I tell you the reason I know you will forgive me. About 5 or 6 weeks ago my eyes became so very weak that I could not possibly see to read of wrote consequently I could not answer your letter, & even now, it is with the greatest difficulty imaginable that I can barely make out to write I am reduced to the painfull necessity of wearing glasses. it is truly a sad missfortune for ones eyesight to be so seriously impaired as is the case with me at this time, but I hope by the constant use of green glasses to have my sight restored. My Brother once suffered with the same missfortune but regained his sight by wearing glasses. I hope I may be equally fortunate.
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45Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, June 3, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I received your very dear letter of 24 last Wednesday never was a letter read with more interest than that; it found me enjoying the best of health one of our dear Saveirs best blessing (but how unworthy am I for it) I can say dear brother that I was truly glad to hear from you & do thank my heavenly Father that he put it in your dear good heart to write Willie dear boy I have wronged you will you forgive me I believe I have found forgiveness in the dear Lord but will you forgive for I have been the cause of all this trouble Oh dear brother it will kill me if you dont forgive; just to think that I am the cause of my dear bosom companions being lost, eternially lost. Oh my dear dear Savier pitty & forgive for I will give you my life for the salvation of that dear soul yes dear brother I will spend & be spent for you though the more abundantly I love you the less I be loved; I deserve nothing but your hatred & contempt can I ever be happy again not untill I see the dear one changed yes a Christian. Yes my dear brother if you allow me to call you thus last year you started out with prospects bright & allureing & these were your words Kate I am going to make or brake & for whome for what for an unworthy creture as I (me) that did not deserve the notice of a cat let alone the notice of one so pure so noble so good at heart as thou all went on well prospect bright & brighning grain came in on evry side I must surely be the happiest man living. Oh is this not flattering it is (like) an ideal lover or will be soon but hark I hear a noise & in come a fine looking old gent (Ah the serpent coils in eden bows) Well Mr B dont you want to go in pardnership with me you will make mony at it; at what why haveing your grain distilled I wont go I must make my money some other way my good heart & God sais I must not go Ah come dont listen at that you will make enough soon to get married Ah that is charming well I must wait a while & yes I must go & see K & see what she sais about it Pa & K both oppose dont care so much for Pa but K is the one he lays it all out in flattering terms she said do as you pleas & Mr B sais at last consented & his word goes as far as mine with with me & farther too; he goes back but concience & Pa sais dont go but I am doing it for K when he gets back serpent enters what say you well I dont know I believe I will; well lets draw the article but we must have a dram first no I dont indulge her come going in do such business & dont last & yourself besides you have a cough & it will help it; well K told me to take somthing for my cough & that is the very thing any thing for K all done for K. come Mr B there is a party a head tonight lets go no I dont care about it I just got a leter from K & she is very cold & indifferent she is always writing something about some nice fellow or her dear friend R that I dont blieve she thinks as much of me as she ought I will go & a way he goes come Mr B join in the dance I can't come ah well I will K is perhaps having her fun I will to drove away sorrow Mr B you are very lively to night but it is all put on what is the matter with you well I will tell you I fear my first love is blasted Oh my dear her then thou only knows the agony of that dear heart. Soon the serpent goes to K he has done his will with B he tell her that B has got to drinking she writes a hasty & insulting letter & it insults & wonds B sais I dont care I will go & see her & quit her at once I have done all this for her & this is the thanks I got he comes but love & pitty enters that good heart I will tell her all my bad deeds & she will turn me off but instead it bound her nearer to him & what next the serpent is at work he tell K much & she believes & what is the consecuence God knows she suffers for it but is she a lone no no Oh she ought to be she diserves it all & more but enough of this.
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46Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, July 6, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I received your very dear letter several weeks ago & can say some part of it made me very happy; I thake this leasure hour to respond but how must I respond not knowing whether my letters are welcome or not but hoping they are I will try & interest you. My health is very good & I must not murmer of my happiness for my dear Father only knows what I have borne; the chastning rod has been severe but I rejoise in Christ that he has been with me or this feble frame would have sunk beneath the rod. yes brother you no nothing when the last earthly friend forsakes you then & not till then will you know (what) what this sis of yours has borne I have felt that I was like Jobe forsaken by all but thank God he has never forsook me I hope you will never know what it is to be forsaken by all for there is one that I dont think will ever forsake you no neve I will still remember thee. I hope ere this letter reaches you that you may be enjoying the best blessing that God ever bestowed on man & that is religion for it is the cheaf unsorn of mortals here below & our only sure happiness what would I have done if it had not been for it. cast down forsaken by all but God I ask what would I have done I know not. brother are you happy I ask the question I hope to get an answer from you personaly soon if you are not let me as a sister tell you where I fear you are rong you said in you letter you had heard reponse from old Ang; that has cased you cheek to light up with anger dear bro do you think that is right for you to let that anger rise what does our bible teach us not to get angry at those that persecute us. let me here cast a verse or two. "Wherefore my beloved bro let evry man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man work Ah not the righteousness of God you must lay a side all such things & recd with meekness the engrafted word will change any dear dear Willie if he has not which is abe to save your soul". note brother I do not think you have heard any thing compared to what I have heard but thank God it did not make me angry it made me pray for those that talked about me & you & treat them kindly & I feel that God will help me to live right though my temptations are great do pray for me that I may be able to withstand all these trials.
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47Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, July 23, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have been waiting for a letter from you but have waited in vain have come to the conclusion that you have forgoten me or must perhaps changed again ha ha if so Willie let me know, you know I cant think you that ficle. Your brother C said he would carry this note or I reckon I would still wait for to hear from you why have you not ritten or been down do come down Saturday & & bring me some good news for I havent got any good news but I have bad news somthing that gave me the blues for three or 4 days but I am quite cheerful now was a little sick this eve was gathering cherries & almost fell off of the tree the jar maid me sick. I cannot tell you what gave me the blues but I am all right if you are one smile from thee will drive that gloom away Willie I have not got anything yet for my will untill I hear from you or see you & much rather see you the girls think best for us to have waters & then for you & I to take a trip to Rockingham Ronoak or Buckingham I think myself it would be very wise but of corse if it does not suit you I will not insist Charles has put me in the notion of visiting Buckingham but enough of this. Dear Willie I am very anxious to see you I hope you will not loos what Mr C owes you but if you do dont let it greave you we can make a liven of corse we will have to commence unable in life but we must trust in God he will help us if (I) we be energetick & have faith Willie dont promis yourself any thing but me I have got nothing but I mean to strive to have you value me more than you wou value any other earthly thing I know dear one you are not going to marry me for wealth for I cannot promis myself anything from any the things that are mine now but I dont think that will make any diference with you but I must close we are all well & I hope this will find you well & happy yes happy in Christ yes Oh dear one strive to be a good boy & let us be happy together there is hardly any hour of the day but what I think of those recent promises may God in his mercy help you to keep them this is my only prayer Oh is good let us trust in him & pray to him for more faith Willie do come down with C Saturday pleas excuse all imperfections.
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48Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, July 29, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: This is a beautiful Sabbeth morn & all nature seems to be sending up its praises to the great & good God yes I say good (good when he gives supremely good nor less when he dinies) & it is Him who deserves the prais for he does all things well. Willie I was not well this morning nor have not been for a week & could not go to church so I thought I would respond to your dear messive that I Recd last Thursday Oh you know not how I felt when I got it I feared to open it my hand trembled when I grasped it & saw it was from you; but you will say what caused the fear now do not centure me for my weakness, I feared it would be cold & indiferent & perhaps bid me neve to right again but when I saw dear Kate it cheared me up yes I filt strong again & thought perhaps ther were some hope & now I am replying with you last request (write soon) yes I will try & comply with evry request that you make though I have been denied of evry one I have made. I will try & return good for evel, I am resigned to my fate. but I must hasten to respond to your dear sweet letter. you say mine caused your sensitive nature to mourn over the past my dear friend I am sorry that I caused you to morn over the past for it is wicked for me to mourn over it let alone being the cause of another one to be sad forgive me for making you thus. God in his goodness has some wise devise for doing this so I am willing to bare though the chastning rod has been sever it has brought me nearer him & maid a better girl of me & I hope ere long dear brother that you will exclame God is good & does all things well. Willie you wish a relies you have loved me I do not doubt that but your affections have changed & you soon wish to be free again & can I hold thy pure & noble heart bind it to me that is so impure as mine for I have been the cause of you being unhappy & I know not but what I am the cause of you loosing your religion though I hope not so Willie I am not worthy of you. I love you & can not help it but Willie I will never harm you love works no ill to any one I never expect to love another nor do not wish to no could I trust another could I ask my dear Father to chang that which I asked him to do but with in my bosom no never, but can I claim you when you are chainged; Oh my Heavenly Father forbid no no Willie I care not what may be my fate I can not hold thee to me if you do not wish it nor can I spurn you no Willie I blame myself in part for it yes the letter that I wrote last winter just after Christmas I blame for it yes dear Willie I will take half of the blame or all of it if it will make you happy for I have bore the blame & centure of the people for it & swore then it yes Willie I have bore the burden in the heat of the day I caused & cast it all uppon thee now but will bare half of it with you. I will tell you some things that has (come) been said to me Kate you look sad you kicked Billie thinking you could do better & I dont pitty you one bit what could I say I dened the charge but it is generly believed that I did kick you yes I am blamed with your drinking which I neve did believe you did though you thought I did no Willie I could not believe it I would see you laying dead drunk in the mud I would (not) think it was not you there oh you said the next to the last time you were down her if I ever kicked you that you would get to drinking but Willie here is the hardest thing I had to endure that I had kicked you & you got to drinking on the account of it & that now I had lost my mind on the account of it Oh Willie is it not a wonder that I have not lost my mind as be blaimed with so much that I hope I am inosent of & yet I bilieve it is all for my own good "all work together for good to those that love God yes dear Willie God in all his ways is just & merciful & if we rely trust him though we pass through fire it will not harm us.
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49Author:  Amanda C. ArmentroutRequires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, August 17, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I expected to send my letter this morn to the offise but did not so I thought I would write (some) & tell you that I am quite well this evening & dear brother for what else can I term you now as you wish to be free & let me beg you to try & be happy I am very very happy this evening I feel that God has blessed me this day yes dear Willie I have wept for joy & I can say with a thankful heart thy will be done Oh my dear Father not mine though doest all things well but dear one are you happy yes you are free are you as happy as when you were bound to your fond K or has the first of this letter caused a sad thought to enter thy borow say dear one are you happy or would you ask her who is pening this to come to thy bosom again or what is the cause of thy unhappiness Oh my dear one true happiness is not found in this world now dont get angry with me & I will tell you what my belief is; I beleave that you love me as fondly as you ever did but you do not enjoy religion as you once did & you are not happy if you have tryed to study up what was the cause will I have desided I have changed I know you think so but not that true heart as it once was & what does it say if I would scorn you what would you do. Now Willie let me beg you once more to come to see me as a friend an enimy as a lover a brother or anything you wish I will be happy yes do anything that you ask me & it is in my power but I beg you to come as soon as you get this if you do not get it before Saturday come to show people that I am not to blame & that we are friends we are expecting a nice time at the mountain the 7 of next month come & lets join our party & lets be friends now dont my heart will not deny no pitty if nothing else will bring you I will receive you as my friend but I must close now may the rich blessings of our heavenly Father rest upon you try & be happy, we know not what blessings are in store for us but come dear one do come
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50Author:  Spillman, Robert B.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert B. Spillman to Amanda C. Armentrout, September 2, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Again I attempt to write you a few lines with the earnest hope that I may soon hear something from you it has now been nearly four months since I have heard one word from you so long & anxiously have looked for a letter from you that I have all most dispaired of ever hearing from you again. I often fear that something serious has happend or that it is possible that I am now writing to the dead. I truly hope & pray that the sad thought is in correct you know not my dear friend what anxiety of mind I have experienced since you have been so long silent. I have had all sort of imaginations but can come to no conclusion. I earnestly hope now to hear from you & have all fully explained or if I have lost my dear friend Kate & this letter is read by her dear parrents any surviving friend that they will speedily favour me with a letter that would bear to me sad sad news for not withstanding we are comparitively strangers you have always since our earliest correspondence felt to me like a sister the Christian like character of your correspondences is so characteristic of one of who is a true child of God. That it has drawn out my fondest attachments for you are such. I will not write much more. if you are yet alive (& God grant you may be) please answer at the earliest opportunity with a continuation of my imperfect prayers for your preservation I will impatiently await tidings from you
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51Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, October 7, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have not received a line from you yet but concluded I would not wait any longer this is a beautiful Sabbath morn & I wish you were here to go to church with me Annie Mollie Jake & George have gone & I thought I would stay at home & write to the dear one that is far a way. I expect to go to prayr meeting this evening Oh how I wish you were here to go with me for I feel some what lonly have not had time to have the blues much but am anxiously looking for-ward for Saturday to arive & to bring my dear one with it the time will not appear long for I will be so busy that I will harly have time to think but do not disappoint me for you know Willie I will be very uneasy if you dont come think it very strange that I have not got a letter yet have sent twice to the office but hope I will soon hear from you I expect you have forgotten Kate as she is so selfish I reckon I had better look for a sweetheart this eve perhaps I could find one that would thake your place Well Willie dear this is the first time I have had a pen in my hand sense you left me I am getting carlous would have written to cous Mollie C but have forgotten her address so I cannot write untill I see you will write to cous Joe this week & Dottie I have been too busy to write to them we are all very well I have had a slight cold but feel very well now hope this will find you well & happy & in fine spirits & above all striving to do the will of our dear Mother remember thy dear Kate at the throne of grace & pray that I may over come the selfish feeling that rise in my bosom for you & that we may both draw nearer to each other by the strong ties of holy love it makes me very sad some time when I think I have caused thy dear bosom to heave a sigh for my selfishness but it is my nature & hope you will love me dearer for it after while but you will say how can I love you dearer I do not know that you can but that it will make you happy to think that you have it in in your power to wound & to heal Willie you think me very childish I acknowledge I am but can not help it my love is so strong that it makes me thus do not let it greave you I hope by the grace of God to over come it & make you very happy it is my disire to make you happy & I believe I can but enough of this. I have no news to write the boys are not done cutting up there corn yet the rain prevented them yesterday we had a hail storm Friday evening it did no damage here, in the neighborhood of cousin John Crist it broke out most all of the window pains & cut the parlor so it will harley be worth saving it has made quite a change in the weather I expect it will get cold before we want to see cold weather I wish we could get maried before it gets cold I am anxious to be with you; I suppose you were teased enough about having me in Augusta but I think it was for the best but I cant stay much longer I hope it will save you the trip over the mountain I shant promis you that though I expect I will have you to come to old Augusta evry two or three weeks after something for ro ex what do you think of all that but I must close I would like very much to accompany this do not let any thing in this cause one sad thought but be cheerful & happy pleas excuse hast & all imperfections I will try & look my prettiest Saturday eve write very soon.
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52Author:  Spillman, Robert B.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert B. Spillman to Amanda C. Armentrout, October 13, 1866  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Yours of the 19 of Aug & 26 of Sept have been recieved. Oh I cannot find words to express my joy at the receipt of your letter of the 19 August twas after I had waited so long & anxiously for a letter from you that I had concluded that something had happened & then wrote that my letter might be opened by your Pa in order that I might get some information of you. meantime your dear letter came on in other words an Angel's visit. I seized the dear letters messenger & with anxious eyes & heart full of joy unspeakable I perused its contents with un parralelled interest & pleasure the relief of my anxiety was so forcibly impressive that I could but (umanly or childish as it was) press the dear sheet to my lips & cover your name with numerous kisses. I really was never more delighted at the receipt of a letter all my life. One would have supposed from emotions, that I was much in love with than that of friendship. Sweet dearest Kate you know I have long since defined my position fully, I have claimed to love you only as a friend & as a proof of the fact have openly told you of my fond relations with another a friend of early life whose constancy & devotion I can scarce doubt. our attachment was formed in early life. long separations during the protracted perils of war & blood Shed, my reduction (by the same) to comparitive poverty has made no change in the dearest objects of my undivided affection like you my dear Sister who has proven to be a devoted friend. She too has proven to be all that one could be, who holds the place she does, in my hearts dearest affections and nothing prevents the consumation of what has been vowed between us but my limited means & the depressed condition of the Country.
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53Author:  Armentrout, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Armentrout to William F. Brand, September 1, 1867  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have just returned from my friend Rachel's & thought I would write you a short note my health is very good better than usual I think & I am trying to be very cheerful though I get the blues very bad some times. Pa has at last consented for to have some waters & get married at home so I have chosen six girls though I expected to have 7 but I want the privlege of inviting one gent as water & will give you the same privlege you can invite a lady to wait as I have but (on) six chosen but wish to know immediately what lady you wish. I have my two sises R.C.E. Shuey, Kate Shields & cousin Josie of course I will expect you to have Mr. Linzy as a water to make the 6th I do not know how to spell the name; Oh how I wish you were here that we could make the arangement you are so slow a bout writing I think you are so careless a bout writing Willie dear will you always be so it has a bad tendency now you can not imagin my feelings when I think a bout it but then I think it will not be long that I will be from you & that you will strive to make me happy. Alas how long long did I await to hear these words the other night Kate I am striving to live a better life to become a good Christian my dear one are you trying to do this Oh I do hope you are you cannot imagine the joy those few words would create within in my bosom I think the tryals that I have dayly would be nothing if I but knew that all that you can do is being done; if I allow myself to think for one moment that you are not doing that I almost shrink from the situation or position I have taken but I feel that you are trying for I know you will not have me brake that no I know you want to make me happy & that will make us both happy dearest remember me in your dayly prayrs but enough.
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54Author:  Brand, Amanda C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Amanda C. Brand to William F. Brand, November 17, 1867  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have not Read any letter from you yet but if you are like me you are anxious to hear from me yes dear one I am very anxious to hear from you but more anxious to see you I am very well was very sick one day last week my general health is very good Pa's family are all well with the exception of sis F. she is complaining very much of her limbs Sis Lizzie & her little ones were up today Ida stayed with us I went with sis L this evening in the careage to prayr meeting none of our family were at church today Oh dear Willie you know not how much I wished for you today I looked for you last evening untill late hopeing you would come I tell you I am home sick or sick to see you any how this has been a long day to me or my thoughts have been mostly about you wondering where my dear Willie was I am striveing to become more thoughtful than I have been I have had many serious thoughts about my inconsideratness but I hope that it all be forgotten by thee & when I do ere again that you will draw me close to thy bosom & reprove me kindly for it dear one you know not how much it greaves me to think that I am so thoughtless but I always was a wayward child & I do hope that you will pitty & forgive Oh dear Willie how I wish you were here tonight I will certainly expect you next Saturday evening.
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55Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, June 6, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I am not able to come down I thought I would write afiew lines. My toe is getting something better. Also my health is improving I hope in the course of another week I may be able to go about if so I will not fail to come down for I never wanted to see my Kate as bad in my life dear Kate you must not think hard of me for not comming to day for when ever I moove about my toe is very painfull I know it is not your desire that I suffer more than I can avoid by remaining quiet your cousin John is going to calvry to morrow & would take me if I were able to go. I am sorry to loose such a good opportunity I was very sorry to hear that your Brother was in Staunton sick with the fever. I hope he may get home whare he will have kind parrents & sisters to wait on him I have been looking for you nearly all week but I believe you are afraid to come to Greenville when I am hear. Your Bro Geo. was at the Mill this morning if I had have seen him I would have sent you a not by him. If the gent you spoke of takes you away next week you must write to me I hope he will lave you whare you are for I do want to see you the wirst in the world But you must go if you can enjoy your self for when ever I think you are happy then I am happy. Well I must colse write to me by the first opportunity Good bye dearest Kate good bye
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56Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, September 16, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Once more I have the privilege of dropping you a fiew lines. My health is very good & I hope theese fiew lines may find you enjoying the same blessing. For the last two or three days we have been exspecting a fight. The enamy advanced on our cavelry last Sunday at Culpeper C.H. & drove them back after a sleght engagement to the Rapidan River. We recieved orders Sunday night at one OClock to cook one days rations & be ready to march at day light early Monday morning we ware marched down below O.C.H. for to await further orders. The enamy crossed the Rapidan at Raccoon ford. Gen Early with his devision drove them back I suppose it was nothing more than a Yankee raid trying to reconoiter our strengthe & position. Thare is many rumers afloat I know we are not settled yet I would not be serprised if we dont go to Fredericksburg evry thing seems to indicate a change of base. The grater portion of Longstreets corps; if not all; has left us for some point not known to me now Capt G. arrived yesterday evning with eight men; a heavy reinforcment for our com. We have the largest company in the Regt some fifty odd reported for duty. The boys all seem cherfull; & willing to meet the enamies of our country on any field to dispute our rights with them I hope we may go back to our old camp & remain thare untill the weather gets colder & I fear to if we go on a long march that I could not stand it on account of my toe We had preaching evry night while we ware in camp The Rev. Mr Taylor of Staunton preached to us Monday evening I believe thare ware more than five thousand soldiers gathered under the sound of his voice eagerly listening to the words of light & life that seamed to flow from his lips at the same time we could hear the booming of the distant canon while he preached I prayed that the holy spirit might fall on us, as it did on the children of iseral on the day of pentecost & that thousands might thare make thare peace with God. Dear Kate when you recieve this no doubt you will say cold; so cold; but I would not have you think thus for thare is not a beat of my pulce but beats true to thee. O how often I think of the past when you ware by my side; my arms encircling you waist & you sweet lips gently prest to mine than I was happy; yes happy; as the gay warbler whilst they are singing thare notes of praise to thare maker I must soon close your Br is well I had a notion to close him up in his box & send him home awhile to his fond & loving sisters my love to all good by my best & dearest Kate
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57Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, October 11, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your kind & interesting letter this morning and being on a resurved post I hasten to reply My health is very good & hope this may find you enjoying the same. Evry thing is quiet along the lines our foes are quietly watching us from the north side of the Rapidan evry thing would betoken a friendly appearance if our Officers would allow us to trafick with the Yankees, a great many of our boys bought topacco for the purpose of trading for coffee; with all the yankee notions that might be brought forward for the exchange of the great southern weed your cousin Jimmie V has been complaining for some time he looks badly I came across him the other day in the woods lying down when I first came upon him I felt like kneeling down beside him & raising him in my arms I stoped for about a minute & looked at him & then called him by name I asked him how he felt. he said about as usual was just suning him self a little you need not be in the least uneasy abut Jake no doubt he will write to say as he is left in camp well Kate Jake made me blush the other day by asking whare I was he was looking at me at the same time. Abe answering told him I was writing to his sis. Jake then said he suspicioned that then all the boys commenced laughing you may well now it was very hard to keep from blushing all the boys tease me a grate deal more since I come back than thay ever did before but I never mind them. I often tell them you said you had a grate deal of company since my return I am glad for I know you can always enjoy your self when in gay company I suppose you have been wandering whare I got my red ink. Our post is near a patch of Poakroads perries of which Brother John made the ink that I am now using I hope it may last longer than the marks of a lead pencil. I told John that Hettie sent her love to him he blushed and replied that he would hafto return the compliment Thare is none but & myself in this post. we have a gay time John says he will not believe that H sent her respects to him unless I will let him read the letter he says he nows that Hettie is to backward to send her love to any one and says the blame must rest on you I obliged him a great deal about the blush on his cheek telling him that it was a hidden disease. I was in hopes that Charles was at home by this time I hope while he is an exile that he may be tamed I have never heard from sister since I returned to camp I am very ancious to hear from her I will write again to be sure that she may hear from me. oh Kate I have no news & how am I to interrest you you said you had paid Kate a visit & that you ware rather fearfull that Tom will not come; I hope he will for if he disapoints her She wil take it very hard if she should be so fortunate as to get married I hope you may be thare & enjoy yourselves to the gratest advantage I think Mr Lee wil hardly let me of this time as I had such a long stay this summer. My toe is getting so that I can stand the truss very well The boys are mostly in fine spirits Jake is not very wil this morning but I think its nothing more than a slight bilious attack & will be well in a day or two they just remind me of my duty to write to your cous; John B to get that ring finished & return it to you Miss Kate Shields wil probably think that her ring is gone We have prayer meeting one night and preaching the next I believe the boy generally like our new chaplain the Rev. Mr. See. I think he is a good man & a noble Preacher hope his efforts may be crowned with success your cous, He sends his respects to you oh yes Jim Campbell told me to tell you that he was going to strut in that confederate unaform that he is going to get of him I must bring this to a close by asking an interest in your prayers write soon as I am always ancious to hear from you I remain yours truly as ever.
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58Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, October 21, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: After so long an absence I again seat myself for the purpose of droping you a fiew lines My health is very good and I hope this may find you enjoying the same Thare is no news of importance transpiering at presant along the lines I hope our fall campaign is over & that we may soon go in to winter quarters We have had a rite severe campaign for the last two weeks I think we will moove to some camp today we had orders last night to moove this morning at nine oclock you must parden me for not writing soon while on the march thare was little or no chance to send letters back and I was always so tired after the days march that I felt more like lying down than writing I recieved yours of the 6 on the 8th was truly glad to hear from you oh how I wished that I could come home for a fiew days to see your Cousin and my friend united in holy wedlock but alas I had to serve my country first; then wait on my friends; since writing the above we have mooved our camp near five miles. The boys are generally busy now policing & putting up bunks we are campt two miles south of Brandy Station I think we will stay hear for some time we have a very nice camp; but the water is not very good. You asked me questions in you first letter I neglected answering, hope it is not to late now. I mess with my old messmates Trotter, Abny, Grever, Hatten Britton & two Ruebushes, they all say it will not do to brake up our mess while the war lasts hope that may not be long. Tom is well he was unwell for a week or two. This march has improved is health greatly John has been unwell for a day or two but is getting something better Hunter is very unwell I think he is theatend with the fever. Capt is right unwell I think he was sent to some private house today Jake is getting quite well again he got along better through the campaign better than I expected he would The boys will all recruit up now I hope. I suppose your cous Kate is married before this Oh how much I would like to have been thare I know I could have had my own fun I wish them much hapiness through this changing wourld of ours. I recieved a letter from John B dated the 8th he did not now what day it would come off I hurd that John was to be a waiter. I was surprised to hear of your cous Fannie getting married. Mr Baker is from Winchester is he not; I had thought that Capt Burke was waiting on her if so I suppose she gave him the slide. I will not have room or time to give you any of the perticulars of the campaign as I have to do my part in policing our quarters; oh I wish I could be with you for a while to tell you of the many pleasant dreams I have had about you last nights in perticular Oh I hope the time may soon come when I may have the pleasure of steeling a sweet kiss from your pure lips oh dear Kate I can never forget you & would wish to never be forgotten by the ones that I think as much of as my life I received your note enclosed in Jakes letter was truly glad to hear from you. if I have omited any thing in this please forgive write soon. I will write again as soon as we get fixed up in our new camp
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59Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, November 2, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letters by your Pa last Friday night was truly glad to hear from you. My health is not very good I have been suffering for some time with a bad cold & coughf & headache through the day time I think I am getting somwhat better & hope ear long to be myself again. hope this may find you enjoying health with all other worldly blessings.
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60Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Amanda C. Armentrout, November 24, 1863  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter a few days past. Was truly glad to hear from you. This is a cold wet dreary morning. We mooved our camp yesterday eavning about three hundred yards we just got our bunks up in time for the chance of weather. The President was going to review will be put off on account of the inclemency of the weather. I had intended writing soon but squire Newton came down a few days ago & I concluded to send a letter or two by him. He starts for home tomorrow. We have been mooving about almost continually since I last wrote to you. We mooved to within six or seven miles of Orange C.H. & erected our selves rough cabins thinking we would stay in them for the winter but only had the pleasure of staying in them two or three nights then mooved to the front & commenced throwing up breastworks which we have nearly completed now. It is reported hear that Gen. Ewell our corps commander is dead. If it be so I am sorry for he was a good Gen also a pious man. I was very sorry to hear of the death of Uncle James. Oh I cannot but reflect about him, for two well I know if he died as he lived he could have no hope in eternity. I hope he changed his ways & found peace in our Saviours love; before the brickle thread of live was broken. You may well imagine how sadly we miss our beloved capt. When I look and see, we have none capable of filling his blace in the camp. I can hardly help from complaining. And say Lord why hast thou taken our leader from us; "but the Lords will be done" we will let our dear brothers ashes reast in peace; hoping he is now joining the choir of saints and angels around the throne in heaven. You tried in your last to shame me for a thing I was not gilty of. I can prove I gave my letter to you, to your Pa, in the presance of a crowd around a fire whether he recolects it or not I do for several remarked it would go home free of charge. I have hurd that you have a large meeting going on in Greenville & that your sister Mollie Rachel Crobarger & John Rubushs wife have professed religion. I hope they only proove true & virtuous Christians This is the last page well Kate I have no news to write George Brite is in the bunk with me writing to his sister and I am trying to write to my more than sister. George & I had a big laughf just now about your Cous, K widding cake Lina wrote to him that she was saving it & it was all molding. A young gent wrote that she was making pickles suffer I hope she is well supplied if they will help to kill trouble I have learned all about the troubles in the precinct of Greenville Is she not to be pitied; & the one that has left to be shuned You spoke of my coldness. dear Kate it is not my desire to be cold, it must be my nature I hope the day may soon come when I may prove a warm hearted companion live in hopes thare is still a sunny day for us. I hope you must write soon.
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