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321Author:  Tenney, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, October 24, 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: I commenced to say, involuntarily too, dearest Addie. Would it have been right? You would not have remonstrated would you? and then it is just the way I feel anyhow.
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322Author:  Tenney, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 3 December 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: I owe you more than a simple apology for neglecting to write the sweetest being God ever made (I am not flattering, my heart tells me so) but perhaps your throne of beauty "may be a throne of mercy and its occupant may perchaner be lenient toward an humble subjects and forgive me for this time. Shall I act the stately and say, "Forgive me, my Case, and hereafter I will be"?
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323Author:  Tenney, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, December 11, 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Here we are, right in sight of loyalOhio but refusinged the priviliege of entering within its borders, the authorities preferring that we should remain on the “sacred soil of Virginia.” But we are not long to have the privilege even of looking at the Ohio Shore, for at four P.M. we take the R. R. for Grafton. From thence I suppose we go to the end of the world,— Romney. Well, as I am denied the happiness of seeing my Addie. I will resort to the only feasible expedient, that of conversation on paper.
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324Author:  Tenney, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, December 14, 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Lest you toss all knowledge of our whereabouts, I again send you a few lines. We are well and in good spirits, but as yet uncertain as to where we shall be sent. We are now under Brig. Gen. Kelley's command and he was to come to us yester- day, but owing to illness he did not come, consequently we are now awaiting orders.
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325Author:  Tenney, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, December 18, 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: It has been a long time since I received a letter from you, so long that I can not wait till I receive one from before I write again. I am quite lonely today, so you will pardon me for thus again itruding myself upon your notice.
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326Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, n.d.  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Last evening, about eight oclock we were called out to battle The cause was this. Two Reg'ts I have not learned which ones, from the effects of whisky, raised an insurrection. An order came from head quarters to the Seventh to form in line of battle.
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327Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 January 01  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: How do you do, this beautiful day? Did you ever see such a beautiful new years day in your life? The day here is as pleasant as the most delightful day I ever saw in May. The main things wanted thought, to make me perfectly happy to-day, are, first a letter from my Addie. second Hal's recovery from his present indisposition. He has not been well for the past few days and last night he was some worse, but is, I trust, better this morning I hope he will soon be able to resume his duties. He is not so bad however, as to call in the Doctor yet, and I hope will not.
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328Author:  Tenney. Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 January 9  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Last night, I had the pleasure of recieving your kind and interesting letter of the 1st, and you may be sure I was highly entertain-[ed How very kind of you to remem ber me, and to take a sisterly interest in my wellbeing.
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329Author:  Tenney. Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 January 12  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Here we are after a retreat of about twenty four miles, at the place denoted above. I say retreat for I know not what else to term it for we have entirely withdrawn all troops, even picket from Romney & Springfield toward Cumberland. What the object is, I know not, unless it is like Gen. Rosecrans'1 movement fromSewell Mountain,2 oig to lure them back to those positions in order to whip them severely. If such is the case, it will prove a sorry advance for the Rebels. But I suppose you are "dying to know" the details of the march . Well I cannot do better than to make extracts from my diary. So you must excuse all the imperfections for it was written for myself.
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330Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 Jan 13  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: I must add a few lines more to you my own dear friend. Hal has told me all. Do you imagine that those things would deter me from having the same feelings which I other= wise would have? Far from it, dearest Addie; my mind is not so prejudiced by contact with the world, as to make me think that the misdemeanors of one member of a family should detract from the merit of an- other. My own experience teaches me better. On the contrary, I love you better than ever. Do not think me presumptious. Addie if I say I love you. Do not discard me from your thoughts. I will try to make myself worthy of your love. Do I speak too assured? Hallie assures me that he has not the least object= ion to our correspondence, and leaves me to act as I see proper. With you, now rests my happiness Shall I be happy or the reverse? Do you ask me to wait until you become better acquainted with me? I do not ask or expect that on so short acquaintance you shall decide forever.
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331Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 Jan 15  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: The "furlough boys" have just returned to-night and none were more welcome than John Chaffee, who met me with outstretched hand - but what did it contain but a letter in the wellknown writing of my sister " Miss. Case, Esq."
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332Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 Jan 18  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Your favor of the 12th inst. is at hand, and I have made it a rule to answer promptly all letters from my Addie consequently I now apply myself to the very pleasant task of addressing a few lines to you.
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333Author:  Tenney, Charles E.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 January 23  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: After patiently waiting for several days, I have been rewarded by the reception of a kind letter from my only correspondent, and as a matter of pleasure, rather than duty, I devote this stormy evening to answer it Capt. Wood came back yesterday, and the letter you sent by him, Hallie gave me to-day. Have I not sufficiently answered it? Dear Addie, may I not consider part thereof as though it never had been written? Now as Hallie has told me all, do not for a moment think that any such thing could make me "curse" you, or even make me think otherwise of you, dear Addie, than I always have. Only allowmeto love you, dearest. Will you not? You have doubtless recieved one or two letters since you wrote the letter now before me. I shall have little rest until I recieve a reply.
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334Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 Jan 30  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Conflicting emotions have tossed me about, all unmindful of my poor heart, fairly disturbing my rest at night, until to day. To add to my trials, my best friend, and brother, Hal. yesterday started for home. How sad I felt! But I could not bear to pain his noble heart, so I strove to appear cheerful. I did not send even a line to you, by him , something restrained me--told me I should soon recieve a letter from you--. and I could not-- dare not write in my. (then) unhappy state of mind. True enough, when the mail arrived this morning, a letter came for Hal. My heart told me, that in that envelope was a letter for me. Lieut. Boisbine, for me, opened it and my heart was gladdened. Your letter found me well, and made me happy. I say "happy." Hope was infused into my heart, and with Hope comes Happiness.
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335Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 February 15  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Your darling letter was received today, and I improve the first opportunity to try to answer it. I say try, for I am inad- equate to the task of making my letters as interesting as yours, but if they are as productive of happenings as you persist in saying they are, why, I will give you any quantity of them. Yours, well, I can compare them to nothing but angels visits, and like them, I could wish they were more frequently received. You may imagine my joy at receiving yours today it made me happy, for it reassurred me that you love me, and you know, how that is. Do you not
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336Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 February 23  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Now that you are here before me, can we not have a few moments quiet "tete a tete," all by our selves? How does my darling Addie manage to pass away the weary monotonous hours which seem to lag merely to annoy us? In singing, sleighing, and having "good times" I suppose. I think I never saw time pass as wearily, as it does here. It is a joyous time when the mail comes in, and plenty of letters come for us. but then my day does not come more than once a week. & sometimes it passes over without my getting any. How glad I was, when Cap Asper gave me your letter yesterday, I can not tell you. You may imagine my surprise, and gratification on percieving that it contained your miniature. I can only thank you now, and hope that I may come home soon and repay you better. But it is not one quarter as pretty as the original, but it serves to assure me that you love me, and I ought to be very grateful.
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337Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 February 26  
 Published:  2003 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Few, very very few, have as kind or as good a friend as I find in my darling Addie. Again I was made happy by the reception of a letter from her whom my heart holds very dear & near. There being no more pleasant duty before me this evening, I devote it to communicating my scattered thoughts, per paper to you. Now do not imagine that there is any duty, which, in pleasure, comes between us, for such is not the case,
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338Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to "Messrs Editors", 1862 February 27  
 Published:  2003 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Am I presuming too much if I request the insertion of a few lines, from a soldier in your valuable paper? I would like to propose a few questions, hoping some one will consider them of sufficient importance to answer.
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339Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 1862 February 28  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: Your longed for letter came to hand tonight, and now I can resort to my favorite pasttime - There! Dont that look fine with 2 ts? this evening, that of writing, also my duty in answering your kind letter. Perhaps you would like to know what part of your letter interested me most. I will tell you. I was gratified to know that my rehearsal of my past life, strengthened you confidence in me, which I never doubted. before.
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340Author:  Tenney, Charles N.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, 2 March 1862  
 Published:  2001 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: I am going to write you a funny letter, in the form of a Diary. hoping it will interest you, and to give you a slight notion, as to how we live while on an expidition of this kind
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