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21Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 October 28  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your truly wellcomed letter last Monday eav- My friend J brought it out to me I have not had a chance to talk with him yet. He is look ing quite well, he is fearfull the Provost gard will be troub ling him before long. I hope they will let him remain at home untill I get able to ride around with him, I wish Ano would get that provoking card about Staunton to let him alone, for I suppose She knows as well as I know that he is not able for duty yet. I saw Miſs Lottie the other day She looked as nice as the first roses of Spring. But alas I stand a poor chance since brother J. came home, He seems to be the beau idle of all the ladies, well my D— I suppose such as the above will not in terrest you as you will be ancious to hear how I am getting along, My health is ery good & my wound is doing very well. I hav'nt suffered by very little yet. It only hurst me when I attempt to hopp about. Know dou bt you will think me very unfor tunate or lucky in getting home so often with flesh wounds, The Battle of the ninteenth was hard & bloody. Up to the time that I was wounded victory was entirly in our favor. We had captured almost evry thing the enimy had, but I have understood late in the eavning thay ware reinforced by the 6 corps & our army suffered another stampe- de Our poor unfortunate Comp suffered heavily, went into the fight with twelve men, had two killed & four wounded one of the latter since died. I suppose you have hurd all the casualties Mr Heizer died at MtJackson before his Father got thare. You Uncle Burks would have me to come down & stay a few days with them so that I could be near the Docter if I should need any medical treatment with my wound, It is a worse wound than my other an disables me more in getting about, but I hope by nice treatment that I will be able for duty in forty or fifty days. I went to see your cousin L while I was in Stanton. She introduced me to Cenmer. He">Mr Cenmer he is a very nice young man. L tried to rig me about him but I think she failed in her attempt, de'st Kate I would like very much to see you I know I could talk much better than I can write I expect to go home tomorrow eavning if brother J comes after me.I have been watching the road for you & An but I suppose you ware just talking. I think I will be able to get about in a couple of weeks if I have luck. Then I am sure I will not delay in coming to see my little bird. I am so glad you are enjoying good health. hope the roses may continue to gather on your cheeks. br evry person said I looked like haI had been sick when I came home. hard marching had pulled me down a greateal. but I think know I will soon way a hundred & sixty. I am glad you have hurd from your brother Hope he may be kindly treated & soon return home. I must soon close write soon as I will be glad to hear from you.
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22Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 February 14  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I avail myself of the present opportunity to drop you a few lines I arived safly in camp the night of the 9th, Had some very roughſ weather to come down in, I thought that when I was in Staunton that if I was at home I would stay thare untill the weather would mod erate, But I had gone tofar to turn back, While in Staunton I visited your Cous,L.— She gave me a comple te scolding. I pretended at first that I had'nt been down to see you since she was out, & told her that the last time, I was down I was treated in a manner that lead me to believe that the next time that I went, that I would be dis carded. & that such feelings would keep my lover from the idle of thare heart, She told me that she did not believe me, Butthat I was getting geleous, wich you may know I desired I then told her all, The weath er has been very cold down since I came down We have no snow hear I am very cirtain that it is not leſs than fifteen inches deep in the valley I suppose you have hurd the glad tidings t,hat all our prisners are going to be exchanged, But our hopes for pease are all crushed thare is noghtin left us now but fight. untill our broud foes shall nuckle & acknowledge our independence If we should surrender now to our enimies we would I believe be one of the most downtrodden Nations in the world, So we had better con tinue our strugle untill we have all found a home in our mother earth The boys are all well & in muc betterspirits than I expected to find them Thay had a fight last monday week none of our Co, ware hurd, I expect a god many of the boys will go to Cavelry if we are consolidated & Capt Willson takes command of us I intend to go rather than surre nnder sutch a tyrant, I wish we could get men enoughf hear to save our old 8 for it has been a faithfull Co. & I hate to see its name die out. John Sane. is getting a transfur to Gen. Lees body gard. Grieer & Volentrare are getting transfurs to the 18th Cavelry & Tom Campbell to mounted artilery The boys are all ancious to have thare names of the rolls of Co 8 for fear of consolidation Thare was a letter in camp from Sister waiting for me I answered her letter several day ago she was quite well Dear K you must not scold me for not writing sooner for we are kept so busy hear building our breas work that one hardly has time to write our fortifications are about a mile ourfrom camp Thay are twelve feet thick & seven feet high with three rows of abbetters in frunt look like will be imposible for Mr Yank ever to get near us, I have no news worth your attention evry thing is quiet along our lines, How did you enjoy yourself the eavning that I left I suppose you thought it a very cold parting indeed it was to me, but we have always to be governed by sircumstan ces, Dear Kate believe me to be holy thine for I am sure evry pulsation of my heart beats love to thee & I hope it shall never nv nv change others have loved you & may love you again, but never as devotedly as I have no other I dou'nt think could ever have the influence over me you have I want to make it my future busineſs to live and act for your hapineſ I must close soon My health is very good hope this may find you enjoying the same write soon give me all the new & believe me to be your true & confiding lover,
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23Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 March 22  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I have a good opportunity to send a few linesI hasten to make use of it. My health is very good indeed & hope this may find you the same, I have no news worth communicating, Thare are a thou sand diferent rumers afloat. Gen, Johnson{1} attacked the eni my at Bentonville North Carolina{2} & drove them back one mile captur ing three peices of Artilery & some few prisners when night came on & the conflict ceased, The enimy during the night was reinforced with fresh troops & fortified. thair position, I hope this is only the begining of favora- ble news from Johnsons Army It is reported hear that the enimy attacked Longstreets Corp in thair entrenchments on the north side of the James, the 20th charging him three succeſsive times & was each time hansome ly repulsed. I pray almighty God to give our men brave hearts & strong arms to withstand the shock of arms this spring so that we may be able to teach our foes that we can never be subjugated while we can raise an army,We are camped Near Pete rsburg. Our Corps relieved Ander sons We are camped in line of Battle. The Enimy are camped l in line of battle half mile in our frunt. Thair Pickets are about two Hundred yards in our frunt, & our pickets fifty yards in frunt of our breastworks I am on picket on third of my time, The duty is not very hard in daylight, but after dark you have to be very wachfull we are not allowed to sleep during the nights we are on picket The Yanks seem to be very sociable I believe if it ware not for our officers the men would all be laughf ing & talking together. in fac the Georgians on our right are constantly trading papers & topa cco for coffee They call us all Johnnies Thair is no firing in our frunt, But is kept up con stantly after dark in frunt of Roads{3} Div. I declair it looks like foolishneſs to see men thus opposed to each other to be fight ing. I am certain if this war was left in the hands of the privats peace would soon be adjusted. Thare was right smart mortor shelling hear the th. It is a magnificent sight to witneſs mortor shelling after dark, But is not very plesant to be exposed to the dangerous misles, Many are under the impres sion that thare will be no regular engagment fought hear I hope it may be so. This is any thing but a beautifull camp. Most of the men llike groundhogs live under the ground I do'nt think it will be very healthy hear in the summer season, Our foes have again been desecrating our once lovly valley. Thare raid was a very suc seſsfull one. They done a great deal of damage to our railroads & canal, But I will hope on & hope ever that thare is a better day comming, If you see brother John try &use you in finance in{4} getting him to return to his old comp. both brothers have a notion of joining some cavelry command I would rather stay would not do so at presant. I have written a long letter to J. advising him to return hear our cavalry papers came back disapproving Dear Kate believe me to bear thee the same strong & pure devotedneſs that I have hear always expressed I must close soon write as soon as convenient give me all the news generally Now may a great & good God be with thee & thine
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24Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 August 11  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It is with pleasure I once more grasp my pen, to write a few hours away in converse with thee, I recieved our highly appreciated & unexpected letter a few days past, Believe me it was more than wellcome. I can not help saying this is at presant an out of the way plase for me, as I can not hold a regular as I would wish to do; with my fading lilley; Thare is no mail runing out hear yet, & in all prob ability will not for sometime to come, I am once more writing by candle light. But hapily not listnig to the lone tread of the Sentinal on his nightly watch. But to my Bus that seems to be hurrying wheat into a State of readineſ for the cook; Grain is coming in dayly, & I am kept busy the largest portion of my time, I am willing to be kept busy night & day for the long four years you spoke of in your letter I look forward & sigh but if it may be Gods will thare is pleasure in store for me I hope,- I am like Abraham of (old) not only willing to searve four,- but fourteen to accomplish my desire; Alas I ought not to write so childleſs no one knows the deferent changes that may occur in the next four, or or seemingly, with us, a century; At presant health is a blooming & future antise pations are Spread out before us as a beautifull picture But alas in the next four years one of us, may be called to give an account of our Stuardship hear on earth,-if so let it be S earth has no charmes that heav en cannot surpaſs, The night is growing old, I imagine you are now lying upon you coutch your spirits wandering in some fuiry dreamland— profbably with Willie by your side smoothing your pathway, This is a beautifull night all nature seem clothed in brid al-Splender, The majestick queen is midway in the heavens, & seems looking down upon this troubled world of ours, with a smiling face, & the thickly doted little twinklers seem to say to one, admire, & reverance, the omnipotent creator of all things, ah the weekneſs of man is so easily seen when we take a view of creation we are continually working & striving for some great end, but Sudden ly fall,& are soon forgotten in this world & others follow our landmarks. I have had quite a plesant time since I came up home, “Did I say home” “Yes“ for whar was I ever better treated unleſs by the side of “Midie” thare was a bicknick given to the Soldiers of this neighborhood We had a magnificent dinner evry thing good that could be scraped up theese hard times, I acted the cavalier with Miſs Lindsay a very interresting lady. After dinner all came down to the Mill, I had several interresting te,detetes with the fair ladies The Ladies & Gent—men of Cars Creeſk honered us with a Stor m several nights bast I made my self as agreeable as I could among Strangers I do not know when I will come down in a month or so at fartherest believe me to be your ever devoted lover Excuse me if I have failed to answer anything in your letter I will answer them in full when we meet When you write Direct your letter, to Alone Rockbridge Co Va
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25Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 December 12  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It has been so long since I have tried to put up a letter that I am at a loſs to know how to commence. When I cast my eye up at the top of the page & see the heading Alone, It calls forth a short sigh, & I imagine shall it always be so, I am alone at heart, while company are around me inviting me to be cheerfull I noticed in the last Specta tor the Marrige of Mr Peck & your Cous, Lizzie, Does this not create a sigh in my breast If I had been a child of for tune I might have been blest with a smiling bride, and alas I wait on the uncertain future, when thy noble heart may change towards me, & eaven score eaven the omble path I pursue why is it that fears torment me, on thy account Well I know you have never giv en me of late room to doubt you consistency, Sometimes I imagine I see you looking at me; and saying; I once loved you, but now I pity you. Weell I know thare is know tender cord in thy posom but wich I can cause to vibrate with feelings of pity, The last time I was in your presance you desired to be united in the holy bans of marriage in Nov. The month is past & you have never hurd from Mr. Dear Lady can I account for my inconsistancy It must be my carleſsneſs & fate, If I could have willed it to my sadisfaction you would now be with me, But well do I recolect that I have hurd you say time and again that you never would be willing to marry me, untill I had some little home of my own to take you too. at that time I coinsided with you But know I fear many moons will grow old before I can claim a home of my own.own or such as I would have a little lot I would not have if I it was made a presant to me I believe I could keep a mate at my presant acupation with ease. & would be willing to risk it next fall. & at presant but we have not house room. as Mr C, has a young couple living with him this winter. His wifes bro, Why am I writing thus, what makes my heart throp & say oh Kate what must I do to make thee happy. While I am writing I am sad. I know not what recep tion this may meet with. “Maybe” cold & formal, Once I believed the sight of my scribling created a pleasent sensation. But that time has propably past. & may be left to morn because I was the dupe of time. Time waits for no one & I have been wait ing for time. I may wait on & in a few short years I may sleep with my mother earth. Dear Kate I intended comming down in four weeks from the time I was down, But my ocupation is so confining that I cannot always go when I desire. & I have neglect ed writing untill I am ashamed to write, Busineſs & love are two conflicting eliments, Belive me I remain yours with unchan ed devotion. & if you will wait untill another Summers Sun shall paſs I will give the my hand with my heart. if not your will shall be my desire I do not know when I will get down during hollodeys I hope I will bring this to a close hoping you will excuse all my past errors & love me as your Willie boy
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26Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1866 May 24  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your letter of the 30th of Apr. came to hand last week & I have been reflecting in whatmaner to answer ever since I will use candor; & be brief. I cannot do you; & my self,- justice unleſs I write in the same style my last was composed. I have been laughſed at & ridiculed on my sad & indifference to pleasure of late, & what caused it; yes the cause was your hapineſs, but how I am ever to accomplish that, is beyond my scope of comprehension. I fear theconse quenses of marrying when my af fections are not satisfied would probably endanger both your futurehapineſ & mine. From the tone of your letter you seemed to be under the impres sion that I had formed an attachment to some lady of wealth. I canpositivly affirm that I never have addresſsed no lady, with your exception, Your letters & andring, you requested to be brought back. I am sorry it is not in my power to bring the letters into existance I have had no private place to deposit them, tharefore in yoursummonys they ware all committed to theflames Your ring I will bring or send to you the first oppor tunity. My letters I hope you will burn or destroy in some way. most convenient with your feelings. I thank you for your kind & holsome advice I sin cerely wish this day; that I was at peace with God; I know I am a sinner, & will be lost unleſs I change & seek forgiveneſs of him who gave us our being. how I pray thee not to let mallice eradicate evry feeling ofrespect in your person for me, God knows thare may be a change & I may race the day of my blindneſs,-But do not wait on me; I will not attempt to allure you with any rash promises. The long long past was all brightneſs & sunshine but alas now all is dark yes dreary in fact I have not a charm to bind me to earth I will not commit to you the many evil thoughts that has filled my mind Probaly our corispondance had best seace I will leave it to your discretion, My health is just tolerable. I hope this may find you in the best of heath & your cheek blooming with the freshneſs of spring- Please do not let any one read this letter as I do not wish to have anyweeknesſs exposed; I will close hoping you will still remember me in your prayers
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27Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Jane BrandRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from Jane Brand to William Francis Brand, August 13, 1866  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your welcome letter reached me not long since and not to delay any I will answer it immediately Excuses being always plentiful I will not let any definite one arise Be negligence no one for not writing sooner. Pray do not think I have forgotten you. If there is any such feeling lurking in heart, banish every such feeling for I know you cannot have such an evil spirit against one who has ever loved you. Truly I have not been at home much in three months I spent two monthin Marion I was pefectly enamored with that place I must acknowledg that I enjoyed my visit there splen- didly After the excitement of examinations subsided the town became comparatively dull for a season but all were willing to abide that monotony to enjoy a little rest. No doubt all appreciated repose. Some of the exibitions were very entertaining Griffin young Ladies bade adieu to the halls of learning to begin their careers in the worlds broad field of battle The thoughts of that place have recently had two tournaments and contemplate having still another. They are becoming so common I have lost all interest in them I wish you could have seen one of the nights representing Don Quixote accompanied by his page Pancho Panza and encased in complete armor Really he was one of the most hideous being ever was ever was seen During my visit I attended a large Sunday school Picnic. The place designated for the picnic was Poplar's spring about five miles from Marion. The roads being good we arrived at the springs about 8 oclock Four or five hours passed gayly by and about 1 or 2 oclock dinner was announced and such a display of luxuries were spread out before us as might satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure We paid our respects to these dainties pretty generally and after two or three hours of unallayed pleasure we took up our line of march for home. We expect to have a picnic in our neighborhood this week.DoNo doubt we will have a gay time I being necessitated to teach, at present is devoting my leisure hour hours exclusively to study, prepar- ing to enteringupon what avocation when I think proper.I am compelled to get married or teach andand between the two evils I prefer teaching yet a while. The man that I marry will have be something superior to the common herd of mankind. He will have to be such if he can ever win my affections for my heart is now dead to every emotion of love. I hope you will pay me visit this fall. I would be so glad to see you. The crops are very good in the lane brake, but not elsewhere I send you my photograph and hope you will send yours in return. Don't get frightened at it Excuse my paper and pencil
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28Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father et. al., 1864 February 21  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: Thinking that you might like to hear from me I concluded to write a few lines We started last Wednesday arrived at Charles city on the same day. Next day we took the stage and got to Cedar Falls. Took the cars at Cedar Falls next morning and arrived at Dubuque in the afternoon on Friday. We have been staying here since then but expect to leave for Davenport tomorrow. We have got our uniforms excepting overcoat & dresscoat our knapsack haversack blanket & canteen we have got. the rest of our uniform our arms & our first installment of bounty we shall re- ceive at Davenport. We board at one of the hotels here & report to roll call 9 & 2. You will understand the nature of the enclosed certificate. weare all in good health & excellent spirits. Yesterday Wahington's birthday was celebrated here the home guards marched through the street behind the fife & drum. There was target shooting in the afternoon in the evening there was a grand supper free for all soldiers in the Union League Hall after supper speaking, then dancing by the young folks, 2 violins 1 clarinet -& one double bass, were the instruments — the performers were all germans but they were verry excellent players I am in haste & have not any more time to write at present. I shall write again from Davenport to write to me
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29Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 March 6  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I am standing by a window here in the soldiers' home and the boys are just singing the Star-Spangled Banner. Long may it wave' You may be somewhat surprised at my delay in writing to you. me reason was that I couldn't give you the directions to write to me until now. So far I have enjoyed the very best of health. The boys are, I believe, all well, at least in Co. B. The weather here is quite warm. This southern sun shines in at this window this morning with the warmth of a mid-summers sun at the north, it looks to be at about the same altitude. The water we have here is not of the best quality, it is the water of the Cumberland River and is very nearly the color of clay. The Cumberland river is quite a stream, being navigable for the largest steamboats. The railroad bridges are on a swing, that is the boats come to it, it is made to separate in the middle and one-half swings to the side. We had the opportunity of seeing this on the evening of our arrival here from Louisville, Ky. A number of us boys went to a theatre, last night, in this place, it was the first that I have ever seen. I thought that I was well paid for my quarter. The principle play was Shakespeare's "Macbeth." I am of course no judge of theatres but I was well satisfied with what I saw and heard. The instrumental music was good 3 violins, harp, one clarinet, one brass instrument, I think a bugle & Double Bass. You talk about singing and such like, but there was a girl here last night that I think would beat your Mrs. Sunderland decidedly. I expect that you have received by this time some money that I sent American Express Co. ($60) You may send me word that you received it, for if not, I have a certificate that insures its loss. I expect that we shall leave here tomorrow, probably for the front, Pulaski. We expected to go today, but some accident or another that happened yesterday between here and Chattanooga pre vented us. I am tired of stand ing and writing, so write to me as soon as possible & direct to me Co. B 7 Reg. Iowa Vol. Pulaski Ten, care of Cap. Reiniger.
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30Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 April 13  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I Take my pen & paper to write to you again. I am still in the enjoyment of good health & hope that this may find you all the same. We are still here but it is probable that we shall move in some direction before long appearances at least indicate as much. One thing our veteran soldiers have been called out to drill the orders are that we shall drill 6 hours a day so as to perfect us in the drill immediately & target shooting one hour each day for the recruits. Another thing they are making fortifications here One large block house here is nearly finished & I understand that they are going to build another one a short distance from here across the river. So that one hundred men with the aid of these fortifications can withstand as much as one thousand without them It is the prevailing opinion that when they are completed that we shall leave here for more active service. There is also great activity commenced on the railroad that runs through here. a short time since there was not more than one train each day Now there is as many as six each way to carry provisions & stores ammunition etc. to the army south it is likely that the spring campaign will soon be opened vigorously very soon. It is about time to do something or the heat of the season will be stronger than either of the contending parties & compel them to lay inactive till another fall. There are some days now that were it as warm north you would say this will make the corn grow. We dont know as much here about the operations of the army as you do where you get the regular papers at the north, but we know more about a soldiers life I am not disappointed I have not had to suffer half the inconvenience yet that I expected to or may even have to do in future but our worst enemy or the one that I fear most is sickness & as long as I can avoid that why all right. There has been a noted rebel guerilla caught not far from here called Moore he has played about these parts considerable robbing army wagons plundering killing etc. since we came here he gobbled up two of our boys who had got outside the picket line in search of a cow that belonged to the regimental hospital but they gave him the slip & got back to camp here again There has been some deserters come to our camp from the rebel army they give a deplo rable account of the condition of the rebel army say that they were pressed into it etc. but no reliance can be put upon them I think that the government are too easy upon those rebels that are not in arms against them. I don't believe that there is one good rebel or union citizen in Giles Co Ten but they are allowed to come within the lines with with passes which the got from the regimental officers signed by the Colonel we have quiet a chance to find out their principal when we go on picket truly many of them have lost their last cow & pig & would just as soon shoot a picket as not but they ought to swing too it makes some of the boys curse & swear to see them round with their butternut-colored clothes & brass buttons as near rebel uniform as they dare come & durst not pull a trigger on them. I have had but one letter from you & I dont know why I dont get more I want to hear at least once a week or oftener & another thing I want some postage stamps I have to borrow & it will soon run out on that score. I must say that H. J. Smith is promoted to first Lieutenant -I conclude Direct the same as before
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31Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 April 14  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I received your letter last night which is the second one that I have had from you since I left. If I had one each day I should not get tired of opening them & reading them if they are from Iowa they are very welcome visitors but like angels visits few & far between I wrote a letter to you yesterday but after I received this I thought that I must write again I have wrote quiet a number to different persons in the country but have received no answers We get mail here every day It is then taken to headquarters & each company's mail given to that company's orderly & then distributed by him. You Perhaps remember Stewart the man that went with Vanness when he thrashed our grain some years ago he stays in our shanty & is very sick it is probably the measles that is coming upon him if that proves to be the case he will of course removed to the hospital until he recovers James Campbell & Uriah A Wilson have both had them but they have got about well again I received the postage stamps that you sent me but they were so stuck together that I had to steam them to get them separated they should be doubled face to face to prevent them sticking. You said something about Leonard Parker having sold out did he ever say anything to you about some money that he owed to me for rail making I made him 1880 rails & he only paid me for 1500 when he counted them There was a deep snow & he did not find them all & he promised if he found the rest he would hand the balance of the money to you I know that the rails are there & he should have paid to you 3 dollars & 80 cents perhaps he has but the next time you write let me know I have got with a good mess of boys 8 of us they are not a swearing blackguarding set at all with Stewart excepted They are quiet thereverse more inclined to study & improve their mental faculties we have had several debating schools in our shanty since we came here. & we study grammar some & arithmetic one of our mess sent to Fowler & Wells & got a couple of Phonographic Books & we are just beginning to see a dawn of sense in that branch We have had them only 4 or 5 days & were entirely ignorant of it all of us so we are not advanced in reading or writing it yet Altogether we have received the name of the literary squad which sounds blackguarding shanty just below us which is known by the name of Gambling Saloon I have just been down to the guard house & saw one from the aforesaid place with his arms tied & fastened in a standing position & I thought that I would sooner be studying grammar or Frognography by which they try to ridicule us than to be in his place for running the picket lines or some other misdemeanor. I am perfectly well & hope that this may find you all the same
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32Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 May 17  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I take another opportunity of writing to you the chances that we have of sending letters is very limited. The mails leave here now just when it happens I am still in the enjoyment of good health & strength & hope that all of you at home can say the same Perhaps you have received the last letter I wrote if so you will see that we were then expecting some hard fighting. Some of it we have had I have not seen a part of what is called the horrors of war luckily I have not been called upon to suffer myself but alas how many of our brave boys have. I still have but very narrowly escaped almost miraculously been spared my life I have heard the hissing of bullets the shrieking of shells & the loud bellowing of artillery I think that the fighting has for some time subsided The rebels as far as we know have retreated all except a rear guard of them which they have left to harass us & prevent us from rapidly pursuing them I heard our Lieutenant say that it was believed that their main army has left for Richmond but it is not surely known for 8 days there has been more or less fighting Our regiment has been principally here at Calhoun Ferry the heavist fighting has been at Resaca Last Saturday our regiment was put to support a battery that was planted to shell the rebels out of their fort down here & we were very much exposed to the replies of rebel shell five of our regiment suffered & killed & 3 wounded with a shell one of the killed had both of his legs ripped from his body We were ordered to lay flat down face to the ground & while we were in that position a whole or large piece of shell struck the ground about four 8 feet from my head in a direct line plowed a ditch in the ground on the top for 6 feet Then only four feet from us it richocheted & just marvelously glanced over our heads all done of course with the quickness of lightning the only harm that it did it almost drove the dirt into the pores of our skin making a sharp burning sensetion if it had not glanced it must unavoidably have struck my head or shoulder on sunday morning we crossed the river on pontoon bridges & found the rebels close on the other side our Company was sent out skirmishing & only one man wounded while we were out The rest of the regiment were engaged & lost 54 killed & wounded They drove the rebels however & killed & wounded full as many of them we were skirmishing by the flank & when the battle was going on we were nearly in rear of the rebels the brush was so thick where we was that we could not see far ahead & we got too far round to the right It is a wonder that when The rebels retreated they did not happen to come upon us & take us all prisoners there was nothing in the world to prevent them If they had known where we were only one company of us we could have offered but very little resistance we were so much in the rear of them that the bullets of our men came over the rebels & whistled around us we came out of the wood to an opening & the rebels had retreated Then came the scene of the killed & wounded I can not describe it so I will not attempt but if it may be called satisfaction I saw many of the rebels in their death agonies one poor fellow begged of us to kill him he said he would rather be dead than laying there Though they had been fighting against us I thought it was enough to soften the heart of the hardest man to see even a rebel in such a condition. Paper is very scarce I must stop I could fill one volume nearly I shall not be able to write home regular but you have the chance of writing regular to me & I wish you to do it
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33Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 July 31  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I take the opportunity of writing to you again We are here in sight of Atlanta's spires but do not yet occupy the city it appears that the rebs are going to stand a siege I am well I think that all their railroad are cut all except the Macon road is at least & that is reported to be. So I think that a successful campaign is commencing on Atlanta We have got very good breastworks & so have the enemy. I think there will be a short delay here until the completion of the railroad bridge across the Chattahoochie & the arrival of heavy ordnance which is on the way Our Corps has changed position since I wrote last we evacuated our works on the left & came here on the right & on the west side of Atlanta You asked me whose command I was under I am in the 1st Brigade 2nd Div 16 Arm Corps Gen Dodge Corps Commander Div Gen Coarse Brigade Gen Rice. The rebels have amused themselves by trying to shell us with their siege guns but I have not heard of their hurting anything much with their 84 pound shell which is occasionally thrown over us I think it will not be long before they get some pills of their own bigness & more than they want. Gov Stone was here the other day making stump speeches to the boys I would have liked to have heard him but we were on the skirmish line We heard a good deal of cheering & thought there must be some good news so when we were relieved at night we found out the cause. I have seen the call for 500000 more men & if they can be raised it is just what we want to knock down the staggering Confederacy It is time for this thing to come to an end & now is the time The soldiers are getting exceeding anxious if we have not men enough let the country do its utmost to furnish them & and help put on the finishing touch to the rebellion Write soon I can write no more at present
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34Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 September 9  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: It is some time since I wrote but I have not yet received any answer to my last letter I should have wrote before but we couldnt send away any mail & I was waiting for the taking of Atlanta I still continue to have the best of health & hope that you may be all well I have passed safely through this campaign for I suppose it is through now as we have been down 10 miles below Janesboro & have come back & taken our camp hero 6 miles from Atlanta You will see from the papers the splendid movement of Gen Sherman by which he so completely bamboosled the rebs out of their stronghold cut their communica tion> & compelled them instead of their burying the yankee army here as they boasted as they intende to do to evacuate the town & make the best of their way southward The whole 16th corps worked on the Montgomery road for one day quiet faithful the 7th Iowa had a fine time destroying that road out to Fairburn, 18 miles fron Atlanta. It was the first days work that I ever did on the railway & I liked it first rate. In the morning we went out without knapsacks almost on the doublequick for 8 or 9 miles to the town where we went to work, and then went back at night. Next day, the 2nd, 7th Iowa was ordered to report to Kilpatrick to go with the cavalry as a support We did, and started out with them when about noon we run into some of the Johnnys. We captured a negro that escaped from them & he said there were 1600 of them. They had a rail bar ricade in a large cornfield We fired a few shots with the 10 lb. Rodmans belonging to the cavalry, when the 2nd Iowa which was in advance, immediately formed & charged with a yell up to the barricade & took it, the rebs flying like the wind, the 7th about 40 rods behind as a support. The 2nd lost a number of men but I never knew how many.
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35Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1864 October 22  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I have not received a letter from you since we left East Point but suppose it must be from the stoppage of the mails. Last We have got good quarters erected, we have a good house, good roof, logs, floor and fireplace and all fixed for winter but it is very doubt ful whether we shall remain here or not. We have been running round nearly all the time since we have been here and out into the country about every other day scouting round. You will see in the papers about the Allatoona fight we should have been in it but for a smash-up on the railroad between Rome and Kingston A train of cars that was coming up to get our Brigade smashed all to pieces and thrown in every direction by the spreading of the track about 9 miles from Rome. We arrived there about 2 hours too late. The contest was over, ending in a most bloody repulse of a hole division of rebels by a force not exceeding 2500 of our men; the Third Brigade of our division which left Rome the evening before us was in the battle and suffer ed severely. It was well for the rebels that our brigade that the accident happened, or we would have come up in their rear which to them would have been somewhat unpleasant. The sight of the battleground was shocking, worse than anything I ever saw before. It was not a great battle but for the number of men engaged it was as sharp as anything the present war has seen. The ground was literally thick with killed and wounded in many places, so that a man could step from one to another. We got there at dark. It rained awfully & the groaning of the wounded could be heard all around us. I went to a spring for water to make coffee and nearly tumbled many times over the bodies of men in the dark. I took a stroll next morning as soon as day and the sight was horrid. But enough of this. I would like to get letters from home if possible. We have had no pay yet and I am out of paper and stamps, If you could send me a little I would like it. There is some reason for our not getting paid but I do not know it. Probably the unsettled state of things makes it dangerous for paymasters to travel. You said you could send me the Tribune if I wanted it. Well, I would like to have it first rate. All the news we get about Grant is from the papers, & nearly all other news, and it would be a good thing to while away the hours of camp life if we are going to have any. Many of the boys get papers sent. Reading matter of any kind nearly is a comfort in the army.
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36Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1865 March 29  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I received your letters of the 15 Jan. and 21st Feb. on our arrival here 2 days ago. I am very well and have been on our march and hope that you may all be the same. After having been cut off from the civilized world for nearly 2 months we have again a chance to communicate with our friends at home. Another terrible blow has been struck at the reeling con federacy and I suppose that Sherman has halted only to gather new strength to strike another and more destructive one than the last. It is understood that Sherman has gone to Fortress Monroe. I could not vouch for the truth of it. I cannot tell how long we will remain here, but I don't expect to stay long. Schofield first occupied Goldsboro. We were fighting the rebels at the time about 28 miles northwest of the town which were concentrated there. It was the only fight of any magnitude that we had. Johnston is said to have had about 40,000 men. The rebels the first day of the fight rather whipped the 14 and 28th Corps from all reports. I don't know as it was any victory to the rebels but the 2 Corps were brought to a halt and that is so unusual that we termed it a whip. I can show the position occupied at the first day's fight.[1] The rebels decidely outnumbered the 2 Corps. Reports say that they charged the 14 Corps 4 times, they were all impregnated with a solution of gunpowder and whisky. The 14 Corps had rail barricades and killed a great many of the rebels. They shot deliberate, nearly all the rebels were hit in the breast or head, but you will learn all this from your papers. I wish we had the same privilege of reading the news that you have, a paper is a rarity. I think that there is a good prospect of having peace before long. I think that the rebellion is played out, as the term is in the army. I guess that Davis, Lee and crew begin to see that it is a failure and I am satisfied that the southern people and the privates in their army almost exclusively desire peace. As they fail we gain strength. There never was an army more confident than Sherman's. I believe that when he leaves here he will have an army sufficient to cope with the whole confederate army of Lee, Johnston combined.
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37Author:  Senior, Charles BerryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Charles Berry Senior to his Father, 1865 June 27  
 Published:  2000 
 Description: I will write a few lines to let you know I am well, and I hope you may all be in the enjoyment of good health. We are still at the same camp ground about 6 miles east of Louisville. I don't know how long we shall remain here but I hope we shall soon be permitted to go home. Six men of our company are gone home on furlough. The orders are to furlough 12 per cent of the army. I see that some of this army are to be mustered out. I don't venture to say who it may be, nor dont make any calculations. disappointment has already been deep enough but still I hope that we might be once lucky I hope that I shall get home sometime this summer. It is the general impression that our regiment stands a good chance as they are one of the oldest veteran organ izations, only one regiment from Iowa being older, the 2nd I had made calculations of spending the 4th of July some where in Iowa but that cannot be. They are making quiet extensive preparations at the Louisville fair grounds for celebrating the 4th I presume we will be nearer Louisville than Iowa I remember how we spent the last 4th down on the Chatta hoochie, exposed to shell and bullets while we were throwing up breastworks we made remarks, and wondered where we would be next 4th. Well things are much changed for the better since then and I can spend this 4th more pleas antly probably than the last yet I think the next 4th will be better yet The weather is very warm here but here we have a good camp with splendid beech shade trees to lounge under on the grass, I have not heard from you since leaving Washington I have wrote a number of letters I suppose you were expecting me home, but never stop writing till I get there. There has happened quiet a slip between the cup and the lip.[1] We are camped near the Woodlawn race courses, where trotting matches are going on I have not been since the running races closed which was 2 weeks ago, trotting only commenced yesterday. I had the luck of seeing the fastest horses in America run, one Asteroid that has never been beat, but I must close, as I know of nothing more at present
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38Author:  Carmichael, James, 1771-1831Requires cookie*
 Title:  Selected Papers of Dr. James Carmichael of Fredericksburg, Va., 1820  
 Published:  2000 
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39Author:  Case, Adelaide E.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Adelaide E. Case to Charles N. Tenney, 1861 August 10  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: You will see by this, that I am at Laurie's school, and feeling rather idle & thought I would endeavor to find the where abouts of an almost neglected friend. I say neglected, for the reasons that I have written but once and then directed Camp Dennison. I afterward learned that you left about the time I wrote. If you did not receive that letter you undoubtedly think, Addie does not keep her promise very well. But I will hie away to other and more interesting subjects
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40Author:  Case, Adelaide E.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Adelaide E. Case to Charles N. Tenney, 3 October 1861  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  The Corinne Carr Nettleton Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-Text | UVA-LIB-Nettletoncivilwarletters 
 Description: I have heard gentlemen make the remark that when ladies began to write with a lead pencil to them, they guessed she wished to discontinue their correspondence But when you receive this, written with a pencil and on such paper I imagine that you will think worse than that, but do not harbor the thought for one instan dear Charlie that my feelings are such for indeed they are not I have no other paper, and my pens have all “got poor” therefore you will excuse this will you not? for I thought it necessary to write immediately as Capt. Aspen is in Warren and I do not know as I will get a chance to send again, nor do I know when he returns to war. Where are you to day are you engaged in some bloody battle or are you reposing in security in your tent or on some bed of sickness. How often my thoughts thoughts been with you to day There seems to be a presentiment of evil hovering round me, and my thoughts are with Hal and yourself, Can it be that you are in danger and some rebel strike—God forbid. I must dispel such thoughts. But would that I were near you. then I could feel that let come what might I would know all. I have a sad and gloomy spirit to day not much like the gay and joyous Addie that Hal used to tell about but lasteveI was to a sewing bee for the soldiers. and I caused a strange feeling to thrill through me which is hard to dispel
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