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281Author:  Hawthorne Nathaniel 1804-1864Add
 Title:  Fanshawe  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: In an ancient, though not very populous settlement, in a retired corner of one of the New-England States, arise the walls of a seminary of learning, which, for the convenience of a name, shall be entitled `Harley College,' This institution, though the number of its years is inconsiderable, compared with the hoar antiquity of its European sisters, is not without some claims to reverence on the score of age; for an almost countless multitude of rivals, by many of which its reputation has been eclipsed, have sprung up since its foundation. At no time, indeed, during an existence of nearly a century, has it acquired a very extensive fame, and circumstances, which need not be particularized, have of late years involved it in a deeper obscurity. There are now few candidates for the degrees that the college is authorized to bestow. On two of its annual `Commencement days,' there has been a total deficiency of Baccalaureates; and the lawyers and divines, on whom Doctorates in their respective professions are gratuitously inflicted, are not accustomed to consider the distinction as an honor. Yet the sons of this seminary have always maintained their full share of reputation, in whatever paths of life they trod. Few of them, perhaps, have been deep and finished scholars; but the College has supplied—what the emergencies of the country demanded—a set of men more useful in its present state, and whose deficiency in theoretical knowledge has not been found to imply a want of practical ability.
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282Author:  Hawthorne Nathaniel 1804-1864Add
 Title:  Twice-told Tales  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: There was once a time when New England groaned under the actual pressure of heavier wrongs, than those threatened ones which brought on the Revolution. James II., the bigoted successor of Charles the Voluptuous, had annulled the charters of all the colonies, and sent a harsh and unprincipled soldier to take away our liberties and endanger our religion. The administration of Sir Edmund Andros lacked scarcely a single characteristic of tyranny: a Governor and Council, holding office from the King, and wholly independent of the country; laws made and taxes levied without concurrence of the people, immediate or by their representatives; the rights of private citizens violated, and the titles of all landed property declared void; the voice of complaint stifled by restrictions on the press; and finally, disaffection overawed by the first band of mercenary troops that ever marched on our free soil. For two years our ancestors were kept in sullen submission, by that filial love which had invariably secured their allegiance to the mother country, whether its head chanced to be a Parliament, Protector, or popish Monarch. Till these evil times, however, such allegiance had been merely nominal, and the colonists had ruled themselves, enjoying far more freedom, than is even yet the privilege of the native subjects of Great Britain. —I have received the First and Second Parts of your North American Arithmetic, and am highly pleased with the plan of the work, and the manner of its execution thus far. It unites simplicity with fulness. and will thus be sure to interest the beginner, whilst it furnishes, at the same time. an ample guide to the more advanced pupil. —I have examined the Third Part of Mr. Emerson's Arithmetic with great pleasure. The perspicuity of its arrangement, and the clearness and brevity of its explanations, combined with its happy adaptation to the purposes of practical business, are its great recommendations. I hope it will soon be introduced into all our schools, and take the place of ill-digested treatises, to which our instructors have hitherto been compelled to resort. [Conclusion of a letter to the Author.] I should think it hardly possible that a child could be faithfully conducted through these two works [First and Second Parts] without being vastly better acquainted with the subject than children formerly were. Being judiciously compelled in some measure to invent their own rules, they can scarcely fail of being able to assign a proper reason for the process, as well as to recollect it for future use. Indeed, I do not know any one particular in which, for the use of very young pupils, they could be improved. I have carefully examined the Third Part of the North American Arithmetic, by Mr. Emerson; and am so well satisfied that it is the best treatise on the subject with which I am acquainted, that I have determined to introduce it as a text-book into my school. Notwithstanding the obvious improvements of the study, both in a practical point of view and as an intellectual exercise, arithmetic is perhaps the science which is most negligently taught in common schools, and the true principles of which are left in the greatest obscurity in the minds of scholars. One reason of this is the imperfection of the common treatises used in our schools. The Arithmetic of Dr. Adams was a decided improvement upon its predecessors in the way of lucid explanations, and, as might be expected, others followed which went still farther in the track of inductive illustration. The North American Arithmetic, by Frederick Emerson, appears to me to exhibit the science in a manner more clear, simple and practical, better adapted to the use of schools and the benefit of teachers, who may not themselves be thoroughly conversant with arithmetic, than any book I have seen. The doctrine of Ratio and Proportion is treated in the way in which it can alone be rendered perfectly intelligible to the pupil, and far more satisfactory than in any English or American Arithmetic that has fallen under my notice. —Having examined your North American Arithmetic with much care, and made some use of it as a text-book in my classes, I do not hesitate to regard it as better adapted than any other, to the schools of the United States. It has long been objected to the books on this subject in common use, that they are deficient in explanation, and unscientific in arrangement; more apt to check than develop the powers of reasoning and calculation. To your work, certainly, these objections are inapplicable. No pupil, it seems to me, can go through Parts First, Second, and Third, with ordinary attention, without acquiring a facility of analysis, a readiness both of rule and reason, and a dexterity of practice, not easily to be derived from any other books yet published. —I have examined the First Class Reader, by B. D. Emerson; and, in my view, the selections are judiciously made, and characterized by great purity and elegance of style, and yet are not so elevated as to be unintelligible by those for whose use it is designed. The work is throughout, so far as I have discovered, unexceptionable in the sentiment with which it is fraught. It is introduced by some very useful “Suggestions to Teachers,” with regard to the examination of their pupils on the lessons read. On the whole, I know not of a reading book of higher merit, for the more advanced classes in our schools. —Allow me to express my cordial approbation of the selection of pieces introduced into the First Class Reader. In correctness of sentiment, manliness of style, and elegance of diction, this approaches more nearly than any of the previous compilations with which I am acquainted, to what a book should be, which is designed to be a reading manual for youth. I have carefully examined the Reading Books prepared by Mr. B. D. Emerson, and cordially bear testimony to the merits of the work. I am much pleased with the character of the selections, and highly approve of the system of instruction recommended by Mr. E. in his “Suggestions to Teachers.” I hope these books will gain the extensive circulation to which they are justly entitled. Having examined the series of School Reading Books, entitled the “First Class Reader,” the “Second Class Reader,” and the “Third Class Reader,” by B. D. Emerson, the undersigned regard them as having very high claims to the notice and approbation of the public. The books form a regular series, carefully graduated according to the advancement of classes in good English Schools. The selections are very judiciously made, both in matter and style. Each piece is adapted to the comprehension of the scholar, and conveys some useful truth, either moral or scientific. Specimens are presented of the best writers in the English language, and throughout the series is given a very great deal of historical and general information. Having examined the First and Second Class Readers, compiled by Mr. B. D. Emerson, I take great pleasure in recommending them to the public, as highly deserving their patronage. I consider these works a decided improvement upon those of a similar character now in use. The selections are made with much taste and judgment, and are peculiarly adapted to the capacities and wants of those for whose use they are intended. I shall introduce them into the series of reading books used by my pupils. —I have attentively examined your series of Readers. The lessons are selected with much taste, and are well calculated to produce a good moral influence. It is desirable that these works should be extensively used in our High Schools and Academies. Your Third Class Reader is used in all our District Schools and highly approved. Emerson's Class Readers. * * * * The selections are made with reference to purity of sentiment, and to moral impression; and are, on that account, worthy of all commendation. * * * * In short, we can say of these Readers, that we know of no books, which, for beauty of selection, purity of sentiment, and for variety of expression, will compare with them. The sooner they are introduced into our schools the better. The First Class Reader and The Second Class Reader.— * * We are pleased with these selections, for we think they are executed on the plan proposed; that “each extract should contain some useful truth— something of more importance than the mere amusement of a passing hour.” —Having given Mr. Emerson's Reading Books a careful examination, I feel confident that they possess merits equal to those of any other Readers now in use. The experience of many years in school-keeping has convinced me that a change of books is of primary importance in acquiring an art so much neglected, yet so ornamental and useful as good reading. It is not to be supposed that children can profit much by reading again and again what has, from their earliest recollections, been sounded over and over in their ears, till every section and almost every word are as familiar to them as the walls of their school-room. To make ready readers there is need of some novelty. We not unfrequently meet with those who can read fluently and well the worn pages of a school book, but yet who hesitate and blunder over the columns of a newspaper, or the pages of a strange book. I am, therefore, glad to see your Readers, and it will give me pleasure to encourage their introduction into our schools. —Having received and examined, with some attention, a copy of your “American Universal Geography.” I have no hesitation in giving it the preference to other works intended for School Geographies, and for the following reason, viz.: Your Geography contains the copperplate Maps in the same volume with the text; it embraces matter far greater in quantity, and in my opinion superior in quality; it unites History with Geography as History and Geography should be united; and, finally, its value is much enhanced by the stereotype Maps. From a cursory examination, we feel no hesitation in expressing our decided approbation of Blake's New American School Geography. The form of the volume being such as to admit the insertion of the Maps, together with the minuteness of detail presented by the author, we think, gives the work a decided superiority over those of the kind now in use. We have used “Bailey's First Lessons in Algebra,” in the Public Writing Schools of Boston, respectively committed to our instruction, and can testify with confidence to its high value. The peculiar excellence of the work consists in its serving not only as a text-book, but in a great measure as a teacher. The plainness, simplicity, and fulness with which the subject is treated, enable the scholar to proceed in the exercises understandingly, with little or no aid, other than that which is to be found on the pages of the book. I have, with much attention and satisfaction, examined “Bailey's First Lessons in Algebra.” As a first course of lessons in this very interesting science, this book, I do not hesitate to say, far exceeds any other that I have seen. No scholar will consider Algebra a dry study while attending to this system. I am very glad to find that Algebra has been introduced into many of our town schools; and am positive that there is no better way to make scholars understand Arithmetic well, than that they should devote part of their time to the study of Algebra. I most cordially recommend the work to the attention of School Committees and Teachers.
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283Author:  Hawthorne Nathaniel 1804-1864Add
 Title:  The Gentle Boy :  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: In the course of the year 1656, several of the people called Quakers, led, as they professed, by the inward movement of the spirit, made their appearance in New England. Their reputation, as holders of mystic and pernicious principles, having spread before them, the Puritans early endeavored to banish, and to prevent the further intrusion of the rising sect. But the measures by which it was intended to purge the land of heresy, though more than sufficiently vigorous, were entirely unsuccessful. The Quakers, esteeming persecution as a divine call to the post of danger, laid claim to a holy courage, unknown to the Puritans themselves, who had shunned the cross, by providing for the peaceable exercise of their religion in a distant wilderness. Though it was the singular fact, that every nation of the earth rejected the wandering enthusiasts who practised peace towards all men, the place of greatest uneasiness and peril, and therefore in their eyes the most eligible, was the province of Massachusetts Bay.
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284Author:  Hawthorne Nathaniel 1804-1864Add
 Title:  The Celestial Rail-road  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Not a great while ago, passing through the gate of dreams, I visited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city of Destruction. It interested me much to learn, that, by the public spirit of some of the inhabitants, a railroad had recently been established between this populous and flourishing town, and the Celestial City. Having a little time upon my hands, I resolved to gratify a liberal curiosity, by making a trip thither. Accordingly, one fine morning, after paying my bill at the hotel, and directing the porter to stow my luggage behind a coach, I took my seat in the vehicle, and set out for the Station-house. It was my good fortune to enjoy the company of a gentleman—one Mr. Smooth-it-away—who, though he had never actually visited the Celestial City, yet seemed as well acquainted with its laws, customs, policy, and statistics, as with those of the city of Destruction, of which he was a native townsman. Being, moreover, a director of the railroad corporation, and one of its largest stockholders, he had it in his power to give me all desirable information respecting that praiseworthy enterprise.
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285Author:  Hawthorne Nathaniel 1804-1864Add
 Title:  The Scarlet Letter  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and gray, steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.
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286Author:  Irving Washington 1783-1859Add
 Title:  A History of New York  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
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287Author:  Irving Washington 1783-1859Add
 Title:  A History of New York  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: “Mr. Will Cottington and captain Partridg of Rhoode Hand presented this insewing request to the commissioners in wrighting— “As touching the threats in your conclusion, “we have nothing to answer, only that we fear “nothing but what God, (who is as just as merci “ful) shall lay upon us; all things being in his “gracious disposal, and we may as well be pre “served by him with small forces, as by a great “army; which makes us to wish you all happiness “and prosperity, and recommend you to his pro “tection—My lords your thrice humble and affec “tionate servant and friend
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288Author:  Irving Washington 1783-1859Add
 Title:  Tales of a Traveller  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: I was once at a hunting dinner, given by a worthy fox-hunting old Baronet, who kept Bachelor's Hall in jovial style, in an ancient rook-haunted family mansion, in one of the middle counties. He had been a devoted admirer of the fair sex in his young days; but having travelled much, studied the sex in various countries with distinguished success, and returned home profoundly instructed, as he supposed, in the ways of woman, and a perfect master of the art of pleasing, he had the mortification of being jilted by a little boarding school girl, who was scarcely versed in the accidence of love.
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289Author:  Kirkland Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda) 1801-1864Add
 Title:  A New Home - Who'll Follow?  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Our friends in the “settlements” have expressed so much interest in such of our letters to them, as happened to convey any account of the peculiar features of western life, and have asked so many questions, touching particulars which we had not thought, worthy of mention, that I have been for some time past contemplating the possibility of something like a detailed account of our experiences. And I have determined to give them to the world, in a form not very different from that in which they were originally recorded for our private delectation; nothing doubting, that a veracious history of actual occurrences, an unvarnished transcript of real characters, and an impartial record of every-day forms of speech (taken down in many cases from the lips of the speaker) will be pronounced “graphic,” by at least a fair proportion of the journalists of the day.
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290Author:  Longfellow Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882Add
 Title:  Outre-mer  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: `Lystenyth ye godely gentylmen, and all that ben hereyn!' I am a pilgrim benighted on my way, and crave a shelter till the storm is over, and a seat by the fireside in this honorable company. As a stranger I claim this courtesy at your hands; and will repay your hospitable welcome with tales of the countries I have passed through in my pilgrimage.
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291Author:  Longfellow Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882Add
 Title:  Outre-mer  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: In the melancholy month of October I made a foot-excursion along the banks of the Loire, from Orleans to Tours. This luxuriant region is justly called the Garden of France. From Orleans to Blois the whole valley of the Loire is one continued vineyard. The bright green foliage of the vine spreads, like the undulations of the sea, over all the landscape; with here and there a silver flash of the river,— a sequestered hamlet,—or the towers of an old chateau, to enliven and variegate the scene.
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292Author:  Longfellow Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882Add
 Title:  Kavanagh  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Great men stand like solitary towers in the city of God, and secret passages running deep beneath external nature give their thoughts intercourse with higher intelligences, which strengthens and consoles them, and of which the laborers on the surface do not even dream!
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293Author:  Poe Edgar Allan 1809-1849Add
 Title:  Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: With a feeling of deep yet most singular affection I regarded my friend Morella. Thrown by accident into her society many years ago, my soul, from our first meeting, burned with fires it had never before known; but the fires were not of Eros; and bitter and tormenting to my spirit was the gradual conviction that I could in no manner define their unusual meaning, or regulate their vague intensity. Yet we met; and fate bound us together at the altar; and I never spoke of passion, nor thought of love. She, however, shunned society, and, attaching herself to me alone, rendered me happy. It is a happiness to wonder;—it is a happiness to dream.
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294Author:  Sargent Epes 1813-1880Add
 Title:  Fleetwood, Or, the Stain of Birth  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Midnight brought with it no abatement of the violence of the gale. During the day it had swept in eddying gusts through the broad avenues and narrow cross-streets of the city, carrying desolation and dismay—prostrating chimneys—scattering the slates from the roofs—and making sad havoc with the wooden signs, which adorned the districts devoted to traffic. One man, as he was passing up Broadway, had been knocked on the head by the shaft of a canvass awning, and instantly killed. Others had been severely bruised by the flying fragments, strewn at random by the blast. “You were decidedly right in resisting your mother's importunities to leave Soundside until you had heard from me. I shall not forget such a proof of your attachment and fidelity. My business here is of that importance that I cannot possibly quit the city till Friday afternoon. Otherwise I would most gladly fly to you at once. Under these circumstances, and since your mother is so exceedingly anxious to have you accompany her, I do not see but that we had better yield to her wishes. Our marriage can as well take place here as at Soundside; and I see no good reason why it should be deferred beyond the period we originally fixed. Present my respects to your mother, and tell her that for her daughter's sake she shall be dear. Should you see Glenham, remember me to him kindly. I owe him much. Poor fellow! he has cause to envy me your affection; but I know that he is incapable of any such passion. Apply to him unreservedly, should you have occasion for friendly and discreet advice. Let me know you mother's address, that I may call as soon as you reach the city. I am compelled to write in haste, as I only received your letter a few minutes since, and mine will miss the mail if I delay even to tell you with how much sincerity and love,
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295Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  Mary Hollis  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Many persons, in the village of ———, in Massachusetts, remember Mary Lowe, a diligent, ingenious little girl of a respectable family, who was left an orphan when quite young, with a very slender provision, which her guardians wisely expended, in obtaining for her a decent education and the tayloring trade. She went from house to house, eating her bread in singleness of heart. She was approved by the elderly and judicious, for her prudent, industrious, and quiet ways; and she made herself the delight of all the children, by her obliging disposition and good humour. The little boys said, “Mary would always put pockets in their clothes;” and the older boys, who longed to be emancipated from the indignity of having their clothes made by a woman-taylor, were still conciliated by Mary's gentle manners, and a little, too, by the smart look which she contrived to give to their apparel. I think I can see her now bending over her goose, and as it heavily trod the seams, singing some playful song to the little group around her; and smiling and blushing as she caught the approving glances of the elders of the family.
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296Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  Redwood  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: On the last day of June, in the year —, a small vessel, which traversed weekly the waters of Lake Champlain, was seen slowly entering one of the most beautiful bays of that most beautiful lake. A travelling carriage with handsome equipments, a coachman in livery and an outrider, were drawn up on the shore, awaiting the approach of the vessel. On the deck stood a group of travellers for whom the equipage was destined: a beautiful young woman, and her attendant, a female slave, were surveying it with pleased and equal eagerness, while the father of the young lady seemed quite absorbed in the contemplation of a scene which poetry and painting have marked for their own. Not a breeze stirred the waters; their mirror surface was quite unbroken, save where the little vessel traced its dimpled pathway. A cluster of islands lay in beautiful fraternity opposite the harbour, covered with a rich growth of wood, and looking young, and fresh, and bright, as if they had just sprung from the element on which they seemed to repose. The western shore presented every variety of form; wooded headlands jutting boldly into the lake, and richly cultivated grounds sloping gently to its margin. As the traveller's delighted eye explored still farther, it B 2 rested on the mountains that rise in four successive chains, one above the other, the last in the far distance dimly defining and bounding the horizon. A cloud at this moment veiled the face of the sun, and its rich beams streamed aslant upon the mountain tops, and poured showers of gold and purple light into the deep recesses of the valleys. Mr. Redwood, a true admirer of nature's lovely forms, turned his unsated gaze to the village they were approaching, which was indicated by a neat church spire that peered over the hill, on the height and declivities of which were planted several new and neat habitations. “Oh Caroline, my child,” exclaimed the father, “was there ever any thing more beautiful!” “Some months have elapsed, dear Alsop, since we parted, and parted with a truly juvenile promise to keep up an unremitting epistolary intercourse. And this I believe is the first essay made by either of us; a fair illustration of the common proportion which performance bears to such promises. You, no doubt, have been roving from pleasure to pleasure, with an untiring impulse, and your appetite, like the horse-leech, has still cried, `give, give.' If one of your vagrant thoughts has strayed after me, you have doubtless fancied me immured in my study, pursuing my free inquiries, abandoning the fallen systems of vulgar invention, and soaring far over the misty atmosphere of imposture and credulity. Or, perhaps, you deem that I have adopted your sapient advice, have returned to my home a dutiful child, gracefully worn the chains of filial obedience, made my best bow to papa, and with a, `just as you please, Sir,' fallen, secundum artem, desperately in love with my beautiful, and beautifully rich cousin; have rather taken than asked her willing hand, and thus opened for myself the path of ambition, or the golden gates that lead to the regions of pleasure, and which none but fortune's hand can open, But, alas! the most reasonable hopes are disappointed by our fantastic destiny. We are the sport of chance; and as we confess no other deity, you are bound not to deride any of the whimsical dilemmas into which his votaries are led. Alsop, you have often commended the boldness of my mind, while you laughed at a certain involuntary homage I paid to the beautiful pictures of goodness, which some dreaming enthusiasts have presented to us, or to the moral beauty which among all the varieties of accidental combination, is sometimes exhibited in real life. “I am grateful for your interest, and convinced by your arguments that I ought no longer to doze away my brief existence in this retirement. I have obtained my father's consent to the arrangement you propose; and what is still more indispensable, an ample supply in consideration of a promise I have given to him, that I will solicit the hand of my cousin immediately after my return.
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297Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  Redwood  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: Those only who have observed the magical effect produced upon a young lady by the presence of a candidate for her favour, whom she deems it worth her efforts to obtain or retain, can have an adequate notion of the change wrought on Caroline Redwood since the arrival of the Westalls. Instead of the listless, sullen girl, who yawned away her days in discontent or apathy, she became spirited, active, and good-humoured. Even her interest in the concerns of Ellen Bruce, and her suspicions of that artless girl's designs, were suspended in the ardour of her present pursuit, and she seemed to think of nothing and to care for nothing but how she should secure the triumph of her vanity. Every one noticed the change; (excepting Ellen, who had of late almost wholly withdrawn from the family circle) indeed, it was so manifest that Miss Deborah, who had taken a decided dislike to Caroline, and who was rather remarkable for the inveteracy of her opinions, was heard to say, that “since the girl's sweetheart had come, she was as bright as a September day after the fog was lifted; but for her part she liked to see people have sunshine within them like Ellen.” This declaration was made by Miss Debby in an imprudently loud tone of voice, as she stood at a window gazing on Mr. Redwood's carriage that had been ordered for an afternoon's drive. Mr. Redwood, Caroline, and Mrs. Westall were B 2 already in the carriage, and Charles Westall had returned to the parlour in quest of some article Mr. Redwood had forgotten; while he was looking for it, Deborah's comment fell on his ear, and probably gave a new direction to his thoughts, for during the ride Caroline rallied him on his extraordinary pensiveness; and finally perceiving that his gravity resisted all her efforts to dissipate it, she proposed that if he had not lost the use of his limbs as well as of his tongue, he should alight from the carriage with her and walk to a cottage, to which they perceived a direct path through a field, while the carriage approached by the high road which ran along the lake shore and was circuitous. Westall assented rather with politeness than eagerness; but when he was alone with Caroline, when she roused all her powers to charm him, he yielded to the influence of her beauty and her vivacity. Never had she appeared so engaging— never so beautiful—the afternoon was delicious—their path ran along the skirts of an enchanting wood—its soft shadows fell over them, the birds poured forth their melody; and, in short, all nature conspired to stimulate the lover's imagination and to quicken his sensibility. Charles forgot the sage resolutions he had made to withhold his declaration till he had satisfied certain doubts that had sometimes obtruded on him, that all in Caroline was not as fair and lovely as it seemed; he forgot Miss Deborah's hint —forgot every thing but the power and the presence of his beautiful companion, and only hesitated for language to express what his eyes had already told her. At this moment both his and Miss Redwood's attention was withdrawn from themselves to a little girl who appeared at the door of the cottage, from which they were now not many yards distant. On perceiving them she bounded over the door step, then stopped, put up her hand to shade her eyes from the sun, and gazed fixedly on them for a moment, then again sprang forward, again stopped, covered her eyes with both her hands, threw herself at full length on the grass, laid her ear to the ground and seemed for a moment to listen intently; she then rose, put her apron to her eyes and appeared to be weeping, while she retraced her way languidly to the cottage. Caroline and Westall, moved by the same impulse, quickened their pace, and in a few moments reached the cottage door, to which a woman had been attracted by the sobs of the child, and was expostulating with her in an earnest tone. “God help us, Peggy, you'll just ruin all if you go on in this way;” she paused on perceiving that the child had attracted the attention of the strangers; and in reply to Westall's asking what ailed the little girl, she said, “it's just her simplicity, Sir; but if you and the lady will condescend to walk into my poor place here, I will tell you all about it, or Peggy shall tell it herself, for when she gets upon it her tongue runs faster than mine: but bless me, here comes a grand coach—look up, Peggy, you never saw a real coach in your life.” Peggy now let fall the apron with which she had covered her face—a face if not beautiful, full of feeling and intelligence. She seemed instantly to forget her affliction, whatever it was, in the pleasure of gazing on the spectacle of the real coach. “Ah, aunt Betty,” she exclaimed, “it is the grand sick gentleman that is staying at Mr. Lenox's.” The carriage drew up to the door, and Mrs. Westall and Mr. Redwood, attracted by the uncommonly neat appearance of the cottage, alighted and followed Caroline and Charles, who had already entered it. The good woman, middle-aged and of a cheerful countenance, was delighted with the honour conferred on her, bustled around to furnish seats for her guests— shook up the cushion of a rocking chair for Mr. Redwood, and made a thousand apologies for the confusion and dirt of her house, which had the usual if not the intended effect of calling forth abundance of compliments on its perfect order and neatness. “And now, Peggy,” she said, as soon as they were all quietly seated, “take the pitcher and bring some cold water from the spring, that's what the poor have, thank God, as good as the rich, and it is all we have to offer.” The little girl obeyed, and as soon as she was out of hearing, the woman turned to Westall. “It was your wish, Sir, to know what ailed the child; the poor thing has just got the use of her eyesight, and she has been expecting some one that she loves better than all the world; and when she saw this young lady with you, she thought it was her friend—though to be sure she is shorter than this lady; but then Peggy, poor thing, does not see quite right yet, and then when she is puzzled she just lies down to the ground as you saw her, for that was her way to listen, and she knows Miss Ellen's step, for as light as it is, when my poor ear can't hear a sound.”
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298Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  Redwood  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: It was a fine afternoon in the month of August when our travellers passed the romantic road which traverses the mountain that forms the eastern boundary of the valley of Hancock. The varied pleasures they had enjoyed during the day, and the excitement of drawing near to the object of their long journey, animated them both with unusual spirits. Deborah's tongue was voluble in praise of the rich farms that spread out on the declivities of the hills, or embosomed in the protected vallies, called forth, as they deserved, the enthusiastic commendations of our experienced rustic. Ellen listened in silence while she gazed with the eye of an amateur upon this beautiful country, which possesses all the elements of the picturesque. Green hills crowned with flourishing villages—village spires rising just where they should rise; for the scene is nature's temple, and the altar should be there—lakes sparkling like gems in the distant vallies—Saddle mountain lifting his broad shoulders to the northern sky, and the Catskills defining with their blue and misty outline the western horizon. “I guess you will be surprised to see my pot-hooks and trammels, and puzzled enough you will be to read them; but I could not let so good an opportunity pass without letting you know that the Lord has spared our lives to this date, and that all your friends at Eton are well, except the minister, who enjoys a poor state of health.
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299Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  The Travellers  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: In the month of June, (the jubilee month of poets and travellers) in the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, Mr. Sackville, his wife, and their two children, Edward and Julia, made the grand tour of Niagara, the lakes, Montreal, Quebec, &c. Both parents and children kept journals, in which they recorded with fidelity whatever they observed which they deemed worthy of note. We have been favored with the perusal of them all, and have been permitted to make a few extracts from them, which we intend to combine into a brief narrative, that we are sure will amuse our young readers, provided their delicate essence does not escape our unskilful hands.
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300Author:  Sedgwick Catharine Maria 1789-1867Add
 Title:  Hope Leslie, Or, Early Times in the Massachusetts  
 Published:  1997 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Library, Modern English collection | UVA-LIB-Text | University of Virginia Library, Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 | UVA-LIB-EarlyAmFict1789-1875 
 Description: William Fletcher was the son of a respectable country gentleman of Suffolk, in England; and the destined heir of his uncle Sir William Fletcher, an eminent lawyer, who had employed his talents with such effective zeal and pliant principle, that he had won his way to courtly favour and secured a courtly fortune.
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