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21Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1829 June 25  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I wrote you on the 10th of June in reply to yours of the 8th in which I urged my reasons in further support of my request to be allowed to publish a poem — & I did intend, but forgot to say in conclusion, that as I had submitted the question of its being expedient to your decision — I should by no means publish it without your appro- -bation — I say this now, because I fear from your silence that I have offended you in pressing my request any farther.
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22Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1829 July 15  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I have written you twice lately & have received no answer- I would not trouble you so often with my letters, but I am afraid that being up at the Byrd you might probably not have received them— I am very anxious to return home thro' Washington when I have every hope of being appointed for Sep-r & besides by being detained at Baltimore I am incurring unecessary expense as Grandmother is not in a situation to give me any accomodation— I sometimes am afraid that you are angry & perhaps you have reason to be—but if you will but put a little more confidence in me—I will endeavor to deserve it— I am sure no one can be more an xious, or would do more towards helping myself than I would—if I had any means of doing it— without your assistance, I have none—I am anxious to abide by your directions, if I knew what they were.
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23Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1829 October 30  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I received your letter this evening and am grieved that I can give you no positive evidence of my industry & zeal as regards the appt. at W. Point: unless you will write to Mr. Eaton himself who well remembers me & the earnest tones of my afflication. But you are labouring under a mistake which I beg you to correct by reference to all my former letters — I stated that Mr. Eaton told me that an appt. could be obtained by Sepr : provided there were a sufficient number rejected at the June examination & regretted that I had not made an earlier application — that at all events with the strong recommendations I had brought that I should have an appt. at the next term which is in June next — So far from having any doubts of my appt. at that time, I am as certain of obtaining it as I am of being alive —
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24Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1829 November 12  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I wrote you about a fortnight ago and as I have not heard from you, I was fear'd you had forgotten me -
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25Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1829 November 18  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I duly received your letter enclosing a check for $80. for which I am truly thankful. This will be quite sufficient for all the expenditures you mention but I am afraid if I purchase a piece of linen which I am much in want I shall have none left for pocket money, -& if you could get me a piece or a 1/2 piece at Mr. Galts & send it to me by the boat, I could get it made up gratis by my Aunt Maria _
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26Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to Samuel Graves, 1830 May 3  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I have just received your letter which is the first I have ever got from you - I suppose the reason of my not not getting your other was that you directed to Washington -but I have not been there for some time -As to what you say about Downey Mr. A very evidently misunderstood me, and I wish you to understand that I never sent any money by Downey whatsoever-Mr. A is not very often sober -which accounts for it -I mentioned to him that I had seen Downey at Balto. as I did, & that I wished to send it on by him, but he did not intend going to the point.
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27Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1830 June 28  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I take the very first opportunity which I have had since arriving here of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 21st May inclosing a U. S. note for $20 I received it 3 days ago -it had been lying some time in the W.P. food office where it was forwarded from Balto by Henry[1]. As to what you say about the books &c I have taken nothing except what I considered my own property.
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28Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1830 November 6  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I would have written you long before but did not know my letters would reach you. I was greatly in hopes you would have come on to W. Point while you were in H. York and was very much discomfited when I heard you had gone on home without letting me hear from you. I have a very excellent standing in my class. in the first section in every thing and have great hopes of doing well. I have spent my time very pleasantly hitherto but the study requisite is incessant, and the discipline ex- ceedingly rigid. I have seen Genl Scott here since I came, and he was very polite and attentive. I am very much pleased with Colonel Thayer, and indeed with every thing at the institution. If you would be so kind as to send me on a Box of Mathematical Instruments, and a copy of the Cambridge Mathematics, you would confer a great favor upon me and render my situation much more comfortable, or forward to Col. Thayer the means of obtaining them; for as I have no deposit, my more necessary expenditures have run me into debt.
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29Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 January 3  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I suppose (altho' you desire no further communication with your- self, on my part,) that your restriction does not extend to my answering your final letter.
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30Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 February 21  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: In spite of all my resolution to the con- -trary I am obliged once more to recur to you for assistance—It will however be the last time that I ever trouble any human being—I feel that I am on sick bed from which I never shall get up. I now make an appeal not to your affection because I have lost that but to your sense of justice—I wrote to you for permission to resign—because it was impossible that I could stay—my ear has been too shocking for any description—I am wearing away every day—even if my last sickness had not com- pleted it. I wrote to you as I say for per- mission to resign because without your permission no resignation can be received. My reason for doing so was that I should obtain my mileage am- ounting to $30.35— according to the rules of the in- stitution. in my present circumstance a single dollar is of more importance to me than 10,000 are to you and you deliberately refused to answer my letter —I, as I told you, neglected my duty when I found it impossible to attend to it, and the consequences were inevitable—dismissal. I have been dismissed—when a single line from you would have saved it—The whole aca- demy have interested themselves in my behalf because my only crime was being sick. but it was of no use—I refer you to Col Thayer to the public records, for my standing and repu- tation for talent—but it was all in vain if you had granted me permission to resign—all might have been avoided—I have not strength nor energy left to write half what I feel—you one day or other will feel how you have treated me. I left West Point two days ago and travelling to N. York without a cloak or any other clothing of importance. I have caught a most violent cold and am confined to my bed. I have no money—no friends—I have written to my brother—but he cannot help me—I shall never rise from my bed—besides a most violent cold on my lungs my ear discharges blood and matter continually and my headache is distracting—I hardly know what I am writing—I will write no more—Please send me a little money—quickly—and forget what I said about you—
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31Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 October 16  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: It is a long time since I have written to you unless with an application for money or assistance. I am sorry that it is so seldom that I hear from you or even of you — for all communication seems to be at an end, and when I think of the long twenty one years that I have called you father, and you have called me son, I could cry like a child to think that it should all end in this.
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32Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 November 18  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I am in the greatest distress and have no other friend on earth to apply to except yourself if you refuse to help me I know not what I shall do. I was arrested eleven days ago for a debt which I never expected to have to pay, and which was incurred as much on Hy's. account as on my own about two years ago.
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33Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 December 15  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I am sure you could not refuse to assist me if you were well aware of the distress I am in. How often have you relieved the distresses of a perfect stranger in circumstances less urgent than mine. and yet when I beg and intreat you in the name of God to send me succour you will still refuse to aid me. I know that I have offended you past all forgiveness, and I know that I have no longer any hopes of being again received into your favour, but for the sake of Christ do not let me perish for a sum of money which you would never miss, and which would relieve me from the greatest earthly misery — especially as I promise by all that is sacred that I will never under my circumstances apply to you again. Oh! if you knew at this moment how wretched I am you would never forgive yourself for having refused me. You are enjoying yourself in all the blessings that wealth & happiness can bestow, and I am suffering every extremity of want and misery without ever a chance of escape, or a friend to whom I can look up to for assistance.
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34Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1831 December 29  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: Nothing but extreme misery and distress would make me venture to intrude myself again upon your notice— If you knew how wretched I am sure that you would believe me. No person in the world I am sure, could have undergone more wretchedness that I have done for some time past — and I have indeed no friend to look to but yourself — and no chance of extricating myself without your assis--stance. I know that I have no claim upon your generosity — and that what little share I had of your affection is long since forfeited, but, for the sake of what once was dear to you, for the sake of the love you bore me when I sat upon your knee and called you father do not forsake me this only time — and god will remember you accordingly—
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35Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 1833 April 12  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: It has now been more than two years[1] since you have assisted me and more than three years since you have spoken to me. I feel little hope that you will pay any regard to this letter, but still I cannot refrain from making one more attempt to interest you in my behalf. If you will only consider in what a situation I am placed you will surely pity me - without friends, without any means, consequently of obtaining employment, I am perishing -absolutely perishing for want of aid. And yet I am not idle -nor addicted to any vice -nor have I committed any offence against society which would render me deserving of so hard a fate. For God's sake pity me, and save me from destruction.
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36Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, Esquire, 19 March 1827  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: After my treatment on yesterday and what passed between us this morning, I can hardly think you will be surprised at the contents of this letter. My determi- nation is at length taken to leave your house and endeavor to find some place in this wide world, where I will be treated—not as you have treated me— This is not a hurried determination, but one on which I have long considered—and having so considered my resolution is unalterable— You may perhaps think that I have flown off in a fashion, & that I am already wishing to return; But not so—I will give you the reasons which have actuated me, and then judge—
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37Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, 20 March, 1827  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: Be so good as to send me my trunk with my clothes—I wrote to you on yesterday explain -ing my reasons for leaving—I suppose by my not receiving either my trunk, or an answer to my letter, that you did not receive it—I am in the greatest necessity, not having tasted food since yesterday morning. I have no where to sleep at night, but roam about the streets— I am nearly exhausted—I beseech you as you wish not your prediction concerning me to be fulfilled—to send me without delay my trunk containing my clothes, and to lend if you will not give me as much money as will defray the expence of my passage to Boston. ($12) and a little to support me there untill I shall be enabled to engage in some business. I sail on Saturday—A letter will be received by me at the Court House Tavern, where be so good as to send my trunk
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38Author:  Allan, JohnRequires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, from John Allan to Edgar Allan Poe, 1827 March 20  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: your letter of Monday was received this morning, I am not at all surprized at any step you may take, at any thing you can say, or any thing you may do, you are a much better judge of the propriety of your own conduct and general treatment of those who have had the charge of your infancy I have watched with parental solicitude & affection over your tender years affording you such means of instruction as was in their power & which was performed with pleasure until you became a much better judge of your own conduct, rights & priviledges, than they, it is true: I taught you to aspire, even to eminence in Public Life, but I never expected that Don Quixotte. Gil Blas: Jo; Miller & such works were calculated to promote the end
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39Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849Requires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to John Allan, May [25], 1826  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I this morning recieved the clothes you sent me, viz an uniform coat, six yards of striped cloth for pantaloons & four pairs of socks — The coat is a beautiful one & fits me exactly — I thought it best not to write 'till I recieved the clothes — or I should have written before this. You have heard no doubt of the disturbances in College Soon after you left here the Grand Jury met and put the students in a terrible fright — so much so that the lectures were unattended — and those whose names were up on the Sheriff's list —travelled off into the woods & mountains — taking their beds and provisions along with them —there were about 50 on the list — so you may suppose the College was very well thinned — this was the first day of the fright the second day, "A proclamation was issued by the faculty forbidding "any students under pain of a major punishment to leave his dormitory between the hours of 8 & 10 A M — (at which time the Sheriffs would be about) or in any way to resist the lawful authority of the Sheriffs"— This order however was very little attended to — as the fear of the Faculty could not counterbalance that of the Grand Jury — most of the "indicted" ran off a second time into the woods and upon an examination the next morning by the Fa- culty — Some were reprimanded —some suspended and one expelled— James Albert Clark from Manchester. (I went to school with him at Barke's) was suspended for two months. Armstead Carter from this neighbourhood, for the remainder of the session — And Thomas Barclay for ever— There have been several fights since you were here— One between Turner Dixon and Blow from Nor- folk excited more interest than any I have seen, for a common fight is so trifling an occurrence that no notice is taken of it — Blow got much the advantage in the scuffle — but Dixon posted him in very indecent terms— upon which the whole Norfolk party rose in arms — & nothing was talked off for a week, but Dixon's charge & Blow's explanation — every pillar in the University was white with scratched paper — Dixon made an a physical attack upon Arthur Smith one of Blow's Norfolk friends — and a "very fine fellow". he struck him with a large stone on one side of his head — whereupon Smith drew a pistol (which are all the fashion here) and had it not miss- fire— would have put an end to the controversy. but so it was— it did miss fire — and the matter has since been more peaceably setled — as the Proctor engaged a Magistrate to bind the whole forces on both sides — over to the peace — Give my love to Ma & Miss Nancy -& all my friends —
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40Author:  Allan, JohnRequires cookie*
 Title:  Poe Collection: Letter from John Allan to Edgar Allan Poe, 1829 May 18  
 Published:  1999 
 Description: I duly recd your letter from Baltimore on Saturday but seeing Col Preston I gave it to him to read. I have not yet recovered possession. The contents however, are on my mind. I was agreeably pleased to hear that the Honourable Jms J Barber did interest himself so much in your favour He perhaps remembered you when you were at the Springs in 1812. from the interest exhibited by the Secratary of War you stand a fair chance I think of being one of those selected for Sept. Col. Preston wrote a warm letter in your favour to Major Eaton since your departure. Major Campbell left this for Washington on yesterday. While you are in Maryland, assertain & get Certificate of the fact whether your Grandfather was in the Service during the revoly war. where he served.[1] Rank & &. it may be of service & cannot do you any harm. I cover a Bank check of Virga on the union Bank of Maryland (this date) of Baltimore for one Hundred Dollars payable to your order be prudent and careful
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