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101Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Kate Armentrout, May 25, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It is with pleasure to me, that I am permitted to write you a fiew lines I recieved your much welcomed letter a fiew days since and have taken this highly favored opportunity of writing. My health is very good as well as your Brothers and I hope when theese fiew lines comes to hand that you may be enjoying the same blessing with all other earthly enjoyments. Thare are from fifteen to twenty thousand Soldiers hear at present thare was some rumers hear last night that the federal troops had taken posession of Alexandria thare was a secession flag thare & one secessionist stood by it & said the first man that attempted to take it down he would kill & one of the officers of the federal troops walked up to it and took hold of it and was shot down in his tracks put the secessionist suffered the same fate he was shot down & cut to pieases he well knew what would be his fate, put his love to the new confederacy was sweeter than death.
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102Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William F. Brand to Kate Armentrout, June 23, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your kind and much welcomed letter a fiew days since and was glad to hear from you. I should have answered it sooner put we have been mooving from plase to plase for the last two weeks & hardly ever neer a Post office & to day I am Twenty five miles from one put I have concluded to write at any rate hoping that I might have a chance of sending it before long. My health is very good and I hope theese uninteresting lines may find you enjoying the same blessing. Cous. Jas. V. is well and harty. Your friend J.P. Lightner was hear yesterday eavning he belongs to the Rockbridge Collige boys it is a fine company he said when he got to Strawsburg it was reported that we ware fighting in Winchester & when he got thare he hurd that we ware fighting in Martinsburg & he pushed on and when he got thare he was told we ware fighting at our encampment it seemes that it does some persons good to lie just to keep up the excitement put it will not be long I hope untill we shall soundly whip the deamons of the North for the bloodthirsty villions has invaded our soil at different points & taken property & surched the houses for money. I cannot write any thing to day that will interrest you it being Sunday & to see no change in the soldiers if one did not keep the account of the days he would not know when Sunday comes. Some of the men are blaying cards, oh that men would fear the lord more & searve him better. Sam Fitch has to go on duty this morning for an our or two & he looks mad I reckon he thinks he is violating the Sabbath put it is not his fault. I have had good luck I have not had to go on duty on Sunday yet.
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103Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, August 10, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-ValleyOfTheShadow 
 Description: I recieved your kind and affectionate letter by Mr Britton I was happy indeed to hear from you and to hear you ware well with all the rest of your brothers and sisters. My health is very good and hope when theese uninterresting lines come to hand you may be enjoying the same with all the pleasure this poor world can afford. I have the blues this morning and you must not exspect as long a letter as usual. Brother John & Tom Graham got to disputing about a very trifling matter. John was left out of his mess to get breakfast, and it not being ready when we came of ove drill Graham commenced cursing John when he had been swearing as John thought long enought he told him to stop. Graham yanked up a stik and let him have it over the face, at that moment the Capt intofeared & sent Graham to the Guard house. Capt told John when ever he got a chance to give him a good whipping I am sorry the fus occured but it can not be helped know. The Staunton band has came down to blay for the regament. We ware marched ut yesterday morning to be reviewed by the prince Napolion. Thare was tow brigades making ten or twelve regaments all drawed up in line of Battle it was a magnifisent view. The Prince just passed along the road. I should have liked to have seen him; Cousin Joseph R Brand was over the other day. I think he wares the same old face he use to ware he seems to be a very kind & tender hearted young man he seems to be acquainted with young men all over the State his school mates at Colligge. We took dinner with one of his former Teachers he had a very nice diner such as Chicken pork and good light bread & blackbury gam wich we used instead of putter. I renewed Jo's acquaintance with J.P.L. Jo. said he did'nt know any in our Co. put your Brother, Charles & my self, he said he never would have none me if I had'ent laughted when I seen him. Jo. was at fairfax Court house when the Yankees came on them & they had to retreat back to Bulls run. Another of our old school mates was to see us, Wm. Weeb. You would not know him for he has such a large beard & mustache, he belongs to the Montosella Guards, has a very nice uniform. Weeb & Cousin Jo. both belong to brigadeer General Cox'es brigade. I have seen both my oncles since the Grate Battle of bulls run. I shall know give you a short account of the Battle.
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104Author:  Vines, James W.Requires cookie*
 Title:  James W. Vines to Kate Armentrout, September 12, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I received your kind & welcome letter some three or four weeks since and I take this opportunity to answer it. I was very glad to hear from you and to hear that you were all well, you said all the girls looked well except Snake you named one in perticular you called her my dear Maggie well if you say she is my dear, it must be so I guess you know, give her my love. Tell Snake I can very easily account for her looking badly she has parted with some one and she is grieving herself about him. I cant say who it is unless it is Mr Quarles tell her he is well and I hope it wont be long before she may have the happy privilege of seeing him. I long to see that happy time when we all may be permitted to return to our homes, you cant imagine how I would like to come home. I have tried to get a furlough but there was no earthly chance so I have come to the conclusion to wait patiently until next Aprile if I am spared to see it then I can come home, but I hope this fuss may be settled long before then. Kate I suppose you heard about Tom Supple loosing all the letters that was sent by him & never have been heard from since, we scolded him a greadeal about it but I suppose he did not loose them intentionally therefore we will have to forgive him. I recieved a letter from home yesterday the firse one for more than two weeks and was very sorry to hear of F Campbell's death poor fellow he suffered a greateal but I hope he is now at rest I would like to have come and see him before he died but that privilage was denied me. I think it very hard that no one are allowed to go home under any circumstance except on a sick furlough. I pittied James Trotter he tried several time to get a furlough to go home and see his Father before he died but there was no chance, well Kate as it is now about ten oclock, and the candle is about out I will have to bring these few lines to a close give my love to all the Family & all inquiring friend excuse all mistakes nothing more at this time.
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105Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, September 15, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I have not hurd from you for a long time, I have seated my self this beautifull Sabbath morning for the purpose of dropping you a fiew lines. I have been looking for a letter from you for some time past. Indeed, I have not recieved a from Augusta for the last three weeks. I begin to think that I am uttrably forsaken no one can tell the pleasure that it affords, a poor soldier on recieveing a letter from his friends & acquaintances. It enlivens his mind & makes him energetick in performing his duties thre is not news of interrest to write our advance pickets are in two miles of the Arlington highths night before last Stuards Cavelry seen thare advance guard across the river. Colonel Stuard said he was in two miles of Washington thay took fifteen or twenty Prisoners. John Plunket went down to fairfax Court house he said he had an interview with some of the Prisoners two Lieutenants & some privates thay said thay ware glad that they had been taken prisoners for thay did not care which way the victory went that thay had been forced to come on the soil of Va. thay said that old Abe promest to keep them in the city for to protect it and after he got them thare he made them go whare ever he pleased.
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106Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, October 4, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have taken the presant opportunity of writing time, to write you a fiew lines for the purpose of answering your last letter which I recieved a fiew days since. You wrote as if I was trifling with your good nature. I would rather fall in the cause of our country than to blindfold you in any way. You ware mistaken in seeing a letter of mine to Miss Hiss as you stated. I recolect well at the last of my letter to her I had.- from your devoted friend and if you do'nt believe me I only ask you to look at it again none but Sam Fitch new my motive in writing her that letter it was for his benifit she had lost confidence in him, on account of some lies that had been told on him about her. Shee wrote to me stating that I was in Sams presance when he talked about her. She said that if the things ware true she was done with Sam for ever. It was all a lie that some of his enimies had made on him, through Sams persuasion I tried to write a forcible letter for I new that Sam still loved her. & I am sertain that she once loved him. I suppose if she was my devoted lover I would have written to her since wich I have never done. Very proberably this will be hard to believe put it is eaven so; your advice is good but in no way. I do'nt think that I have tried to fool any one & God forbid that I should. I have had blues ever since I recieved letter. I used to think that nature was to strong to be subject unto grief but alas it is far from it.
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107Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, November 15, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter a fiew days since. and it was with pleasure to me to open it & peruse over its contents. It was with sorrow that I read of the death of Miss Kate Hall & Miss Sarah McCadden but our loss is thare eternal gain. Miss Kate was my most intimate friend while I lived in Greenville. I saw a piece in the Newspaper Composed about Miss Kate I Judged that Mr. Monroe was its auther, it was a very good piece. Your Brother John has been sick for three or four days & has gon to the hospital in Winchester. I hope he may soon recover his former health. I think he is taking the fever. Your Cousin Abe has been complaining for some time past, but looks harty at present. Brother John has returned from the hospital, he was sent to Richmond, I was very glad to see him as I could'nt hear from him he had the Typhoid fever & looks quite thin yet he has not reported for duty yet. I got a pass to go to Winchester the other day evry thing is very The town is not crowded like it was in the spring.
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108Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, December 29, 1861  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter on the 20th & it was a most welcome letter for our Reg. was on piket ware the banks of the Potomac & occation the enimy would throw a bombshell as if feeling for our situation but warsted aminition in vain but you may know that your letter being recieved in such a would make a lasting impression on my mind & thare I vowed before Almighty God that I would never play annother card it was very seldom that I every played; when I played it was for mear amusement but well I know thare was a better way to spend my time. This is quite a lonesome day hear, though a beautifull Sabbath morning evry thing looks quiate but dull it is quite a picture to look around on my mess some are Cooking some eating some writing & some sleeping. We had for breakfast you would laughf if you could see us cooking evry one must have something to say how such & such a thing ought to be done. H. Brownlee is hear to day tis the first time I have seen him since he went to Washington Co. he looks very well. Tom is Gen. Garnetts orderly.
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109Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, January 10, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It is with pleasure that I seat my self to drop you a fiew lines to let you hear from me. I recieved your note by Mr Vines. It was to late as I had written the day before no doubt you have recieved it before this time. My health is very good & hope theese fiew lines may find you enjoying the same. We have been on a very hard march ever since New years' day we first marched on Bath in Morgan County took 8 or 10 Prisoners two peases of canon it is the hardest trip we ever ware on. The snow was from 4 to 6 inches deep & very cold. The roads became a perfect cake of ice the horses ware continually falling down & the same with the men. The Malitia done some beautifull runing. Bath is a beautiful little town the citasons are mostly Unionists. Bath is better known as the Burkley springs it is situated between two mountains. We are now in 25 miles of Winchester & are campt on the Runney road. I do not know what the Gen. intentions are if we are kept in this mountainous Country long one fourth of the army will be in the hospital for thare are loads going evry day five of our Com has gon to the hospital & as many sick in Camp. I recieved the cheese you sent me (many thanks to the dona.) I told JV whare to direct his letters to you & will inform Mr Ligt. when I see him. Lieut Wilson leaves for home in the morning excuse this short letter as I am on gard to night also bad writing & misstakes. Write soon as I am always glad to hear from you.
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110Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, April 6, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It has been some time since I recieved your kind letter and would have answered it sooner if we had have been campt at any one plase long enoughf to write it.
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111Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, May 29, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your kind letter some time ago I suppose you think I have forgotten you entirely as I have been so long in answering your letter. Indeed we have hardly had time to wash our cloths for the past two months. You seemed to think when you wrote to me last that the Valley was almost gon but thanks to Almighty God we have been able to drive them out thare is some in Harpers ferry yet we attacked them on the 23rd & have been fighting less or more evry day since. We have entirely routed Banke Army. I think that we have taken about 3 thousand Prisoners all thare Bagage & governmint stores our Brigade was ordered to Charlestown yesterday. We left Winchester early in the morning & marched eighteen miles by the middle of the day the enimy ware drawn up in line of battle & opened fire on our skirmishers we run up four or five pieces of artilery & fired on them. Thay fired five times & commenced retreating throwing of thare blanketts canteens & hapersacks. We run them for four or five miles the boys say we run them into thare den in the ferry. We captured fifteen prisoners thay fired some large guns this morning. We could see the smoke thay seemed to be on the Virginia hights & the hills of Boliven. I exspect we will we will march on them this evening as two more brigads came down this morning.
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112Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, July 25, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I seat my self once more for the purpose of pening you a fiew lines. I arrived safely in camp on the 21 and have been improveing in health ever since. We have a very nice camp and the water is very good. Our Comp numbers sixty odd at presant; more than we have had presant for some time past. I hope providence may smile on our armies and bless us with health. I found Brother John looking badley again. I was fearful he was taking the fever but think he is somewhat better today. Charles has returned to the camp at last he was to see grand ma. he says he had a grate deal of pleasure. I tried to shame him for treating us all so badley by not writing. he wrote home to day for the first time for the last six months I believe; We have to drill twise a day. Mr. Robt Taylor recieved his discharge to day being over thirty five years of age. he has been a good soldier and I am glad to see him get of honerably.
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113Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, August 15, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-ValleyOfTheShadow 
 Description: I recieved your much wellcomed letter last week & was glad to hear from you. My health is very good at present & hope theese fiew lines may find you enjoying the same blessing. We have had annother very hard battle on the ninth of this month. I suppose you have hurd the perticulars before this. Brother John was slightly wounded in the early part of the engagement. Charles was hurt in the hand with his ramrod while loading his gun thay ware both sent to the hospital at Sharlottesvill our loss was estimated at six hundred killed & wounded. The enimies at three thousand. Our Brigade recieved a grate deal of praise for its bravry on the battle field. It sertainly did act nobly your Brother was not very well and was excused by the Sergeon & stayed back with the waggons, he did not have the good luck of being in the fight he has got right well again & I hope his health may continue to be good for we all miss him when he is sick or absent. We captured four or five hundred prisoners & two pieces of canon.
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114Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, August 29, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I seat my self this morning for the purpose of dropping you a fiew lines to let you know whare I am. I have the Dipthera. My throat is very soar but I am in hopes that I will be well in a week or two. I left camp on the 24th thare had been but very little Infantry fighting but some heavy cannonnading across the river the enimy seemed to have the advantage in position at evry ford. We have a very large Army in Culpepper for Pope to contend with. Your Brother John was well when I left the Com. thay ware all in good spirits when I left. I met Jacob, Abe, & Isack Vines on Monday. Jacob gave me a half Cheese. Abe told me he had something to tell me how he had fooled you out of some secrets. I be glad to se him & find out what thay are. I seen John Plunkett in Gordonsville he told me that Charles had a letter for me I am sorry I did not meet him as he is so careless he may loose it before I get back this is a very mean hospital. Very little accommodations, nothing but bread & meat to eat & my throat being soar it is very hard to swallow. I wish I could come home and let Churchman tend on me a while evry thing is very dear around hear & thare is but little change in the circulation. I have been trying to get a note Broke ever since I left the Regt. This is a very lonesome blase. Thare is nothing of importance to write I hope these fiew lines may find you enjoying both health & happiness. I pray the God of mercies may soon visit me with health.
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115Author:  Brand, William F.Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Brand to Kate Armentrout, September 4, 1862  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter yesterday, & as we are laying still this morning I will try and write a few lines in answer. I know not when this will reach you as it is reported that a large Cavalry force has gone up the Valley in our rear. The Enimy have a large Cavalry force in the Valley & our Cavalry being afraid of them buts us to a grate deal of trouble. We had to march last night untill twelve oclock through mud & rain to meet an antisapated raid on Winchester. We are camped this morning near Winchester & evry thing seems perfectly quiet. It will hardly remain so untill night.
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116Author:  Lightner, John P.Requires cookie*
 Title:  John P. Lightner[?] to unknown [fragment]  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: the people around here were very liberal sending Clothing Provision and what money they could get. Is Carter still with you. I havent forgoten what a time I use to have trying to boss him around. I supose he is a very handsome Chap, does he still catch fish? How is Mrs Watson and the girls. Does Mr Strickler still Preach at Tinkling. I remember how I did hate to go to that Church. I dont think the people are so hyminded and proud out here. I was at Waveland last Sabbath and I liked it so well I went back that night, to the Presbyterian Church the preacher reminded me a little of Mr. S. he spoke so much like him but I felt more at home than I ever did at Tinkling we have been tending meetings generaly there was a protracted meeting held at our nearest Church 2 weeks, & there was only one joiner, the Methodist preacher will hold his meeting in a few weeks. It is true my friend our dear Brother is no more it was so hard for us to give him up he was such a dear good brother and yet I can scarsely imagine he is no more, it was such a sudden trial for us. We were looking for them the next week, but they had set the day it just two weeks from the day he died, it was the 26 th of Oct. he atended the Fair two days, and was complaining there. he went out to Grandmas from there he went to Mr Bayleys & took sick Dr. said he had Billious Fever he did not complain only of weakness, he would tell Bechie he wasnt so bad. she was with him, that was one consolation. they tell us he died without a strugle.
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117Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Charles David BrandRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter to William Francis Brand from Charles David Brand, 1866 November 25  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I received your kind letter some months ago I answered it immediately but I suppose it never reached you as I have never gotten a reply up to this time. I have concluded to write you another hoping you may get Brother it I have enjoyed very good health since I saw you inyour letter you said some thing about being left an old bachelor I think if you are it will be your own falt you said you had played your last trump on the river If that be so I think you have treated Kate badleyI think in your remarks you were only said you could not marry her with out love I think you do love her & I know she loves you more than any one else, but if you dont love her I would not advise you to marry her for to marry without love it would be wrong you said something about there being a little more flush in old R I think times are getting better on this side of the Ridge wee have finished gathering corn we made 150 Barrelsof corn this year. wee made a fine crop of tobacco about 10000lbs & a fine crop of oats, but wee failed in wheat this I beleaveit was a general thing with the farmers. I received a letter from John the 9th of this month They were all well John received a letter from Sisterhesaid she was well she sent her likeneſs to him I would like to see it very much. Brother you must write me word where you are courting I will give you a short scetch of my courtship I was at a Tabblau on the first saturday friday in september there was a younglady came home with us I never knew her before that time I fell in love with her & addreſsed he I am getting along very well up to this week will tell the tale I will not tell you her name untill I see you. she is about 18 years old. she is one of BuckinghamBuckingham fair daughters Brother you must come over to uncles before Christmas & spend a few weeks with us & I will go back with you I know you can enjoy your self very muchyoumust be shure& come when you get my letter you must write to me weather you are comeing or not. I shal look for you I went to a big Railroad meetting at Buckingham CH a few days ago I went from there to uncle Coleman they were all well cousin Mollie is at home now she is coming down the first of next month Brother I will bring my short & badley written letter to a close as there is nothing to interest you all the famely join me in sending there love to you you must write soon I am glad to hear from you at any time
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118Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Charles David BrandRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from Jane Brand to William Francis Brand, 1866 August 12  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your welcome letter reached me not long since and not to delay any I will answer it immediately Excuses being always plentiful I will not let any definite one arise Be negligence no one for not writing sooner. Pray do not think I have forgotten you. If there is any such feeling lurking in heart, banish every such feeling for I know you cannot have such an evil spirit against one who has ever loved you. Truly I have not been at home much in three months I spent two monthin Marion I was pefectly enamored with that place I must acknowledg that I enjoyed my visit there splen- didly After the excitement of examinations subsided the town became comparatively dull for a season but all were willing to abide that monotony to enjoy a little rest. No doubt all appreciated repose. Some of the exibitions were very entertaining Griffin young Ladies bade adieu to the halls of learning to begin their careers in the worlds broad field of battle The thoughts of that place have recently had two tournaments and contemplate having still another. They are becoming so common I have lost all interest in them I wish you could have seen one of the nights representing Don Quixote accompanied by his page Pancho Panza and encased in complete armor Really he was one of the most hideous beingever was ever was seen During my visit I attended a large Sunday school Picnic. The place designated for the picnic was Poplar's spring about five miles from Marion. The roads being good we arrived at the springs about 8 oclock Four or five hours passed gayly by and about 1 or 2 oclock dinner was announced and such a display of luxuries were spred out before us as might satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure We paid our respects to these dainties pretty generally and after two or three hours of unallayed pleasure we took up our line of march for home. We expect to have a picnic in our neighborhood this week.DoNo doubt we will have a gay time I being necessitated to teach, at present is devoting my leisure hour hours exclusively to study, prepar- ing to enteringupon what avocation when I think proper.I am compelled to get married or teach andand between the two evils I prefer teaching yet a while. The man that I marry will have be something superior to the common herd of mankind. He will have to be such if he can ever win my affections for my heart is now dead to every emotion of love. I hope you will pay me visit this fall. I would be so glad to see you. The crops are very good in the lane brake, but not elsewhere I send you my photograph and hope you will send yours in return. Don't get frightened at it Excuse my paper and pencil
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119Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Charles David Brand and C.F. MoseleyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from Charles David Brand with addendum from C.F. Moseley, 1866 August 12  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Your letter came tohand some two months ago. I was truly glad to hear from you you must forggive me for not answering it sooner as I was very busy at that time. I am now pretty much through my busy. I will give you a sketch of our crop We have a fine crop of tobacco & corn but I think if Providence dont smile on us & give us a little rain, the corn crop will be cut short in this neighborhood. we have not had but one rain in the last two months but I still have some hopes yet Will, we made a fine crop of oats I think we will make about 1500 hundred bushels. Will you said something about being an old grayheaded bachelor if you will come over on this side of the Ridge where love & beauty reigns I think you could find some old widow that would sympathise with you in your troubles,—for I cannot after hearing how badly you treated Kate one that you loved so dearly but alaſs that love is forgotten. will if you cannot love her again I would not advise you to marry her for it would be unwise to marry any lady without true love—Will said something about the times being better in RockBridge & your substitute for greenbacks I would like to have about 10 gal. of your substitute for it is a very scarce thing in this neighborhood. you say that the wheat was very good in RockBridge I am glad to hear that there is a good crop made somewhare for we have failed in this county. Will you ought to have been with us on the first sadurdayy in Aug we had a grand memorial at the Buckingham female institute there there was about 500,hundred persons there & about two thirds of that number lovely fairsex there wore some of them butiful I could hadley keep from falling in love with some of them. we had some fine speaches uncle made one 12 pages long I enjoyed myself very much. I was over at Scottsville a few days ago I was at uncle Joes I found all well there They told me cousin sweety & Jocy Jane was sick Over the mountain they said that girls you had called on them. When I saw the old Blue Ridge it made me think of home & the happy hours that I have spent there. I would like to come to see you all do not know when I can get an opportunity to do so but I will come as soon asp I can. I think you might come & see us. It is not so far that you should dread the ride trip we could give you some watermellon to eat now.
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120Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1867 September 6  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved yours of the first on the 5was glad to hear from you. I wrote to you one day last week but it seems you had'nt recieved it when you wrote to me. I am glad your Pa has consented to let us have a few waters, I had almostcame to the conclu sion of writing to you, that we would go to Saunton & have our hands joined before some of our dedicated alters. Oh Kate you sencure me of being carleſs in my duty to you. have I not had trials to contend with. No one can imagine the feelings, when a parent treats with contumely the one that would always deisred to have loved., But let me change before I make you sad. Dear Kate you know my heart. I believe it to be tender. yes even to idolitry towards you. & I do not believe it has been my foolish infatuation for it has been tested by years of trials-& know I havnt but one regret in joining our hands in partnership for life. & that is that I have no home that I can call my own to take you two. This ought not to discurlb> age any one with health-for thousands have star ed in this world on the same footing & have raised up to the highest pinical fame. I intend to do my & trust in the God of our Fathers and I know he is no respecter of persons Dear Kate as you desire me to make a selection of one of the Lady attendants,I will nominate Miſs Mary Lizzie Wallace, & would forther desire that she should wait with Mr. Lindsay. Now for our bridal tour I propose going to Wearers Cave, with our attendants & then croſs the Mtn to Buckingham. and take some of our attend ants if they will go. J. Vines is very ancious to go with us if he can get company & a horse & buggie. I have written that I entended going over to uncles and am certain they would think hard of me if I did not come I am very ancious to go.And I am Sure you will be highly pleased. & I know o fno time that will suit us as well as the presant. It is not far to the Natural Bridge from hear & I can take you thare almost any thr time I am ancious to see it. & more to plese you in every thing. But hope you will think it our best policy at presant to visit my relationseast of the Ridge. Dear Kate I am trying to do that wich is write in the sight of my Maker. & I pray that he may give me grace from time to time so I may be a useful member in society. & in the world to come reap life everlasting I must close as MerChaplin has got out hishouse & is waiting on me.
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