| Description: | THE Resolve of Congress, for prohibiting the importation of
Slaves, demonstrates the consistent zeal of our rulers in the cause of mankind.
They have endeavoured, as early and as extensively as it then was in their
power, to reform our morals, by checking the progress of the general
depravation, which, sooner or later, proves the ruin of the countries, where
domestic slavery is introduced. From the liberal spirit of that resolve, which,
soon after, was most cheerfully supported by their constituents, it is natural
to infer that, had not the necessity of repelling the hostilities of powerful
invaders so deeply engaged the attention of the several legislative bodies of
our Union, laws would, long since, have been made, with every precaution, which
our safety might have dictated, for facilitating emancipations. Many Slaves,
however, too many perhaps, are incautiously allowed to fight under our banners.
They share in the dangers and glory of the efforts made by US, the freeborn
members of the United States, to enjoy, undisturbed, the common rights of human
nature; and THEY remain SLAVES! |