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201Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1863 April 7  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: Truly time has seen many days paſs & your letter remained unanswered, I have procrastinated untill I am aschamed to seat my self to write eaven to the kindest of friends. One request I will ask of you that is to forgive & forget, I intended writing before I left camp. But after I had a chance for a furlough I thought I would wait untill I got home & then I might come down, But alas it seems that I can never get away from home, I have had very bad health ever since I came home. Some days I suffer with chills & fevers with violent headeache & pains in my limbs. Father is very ill with the mumps, though I think he is getting better, It will be my time to have them next, as I never had them, I have had chances to have taken them before,Propberably I may miſs them this time, I wou,nt care if I ware so fortunate Well I reckon you think, “What have I been doing towards enjoying myself” since I came home, The blues have been my most constant companion I declair I never was as lonesome in my life Time seems to stand still on her wheels, Tom is busy blowing so if I wanted to go anywhare I have no horse to wride. I formed a slight acquaintance with your friend Fannie Seems to be a very nice girl, Kind I think would make a noble coquet, But you must not tell her that I ever thought such a thing, well you know that it is natural for self willed man to form an opinion of the fairer sext on first sight. Well I do not know what to write to interrest you I promist to answer the questions that I asked in my last letter in ref erence to your Cousin Lizzie, But I will wait hoping that I may see you before long. Then I can answer you verbaly, I know that I can sadisfy you in that way better than by writing I suppose you have already form some idea of my reason for asking you I hope that I may soon get my health & be able to help work some on the farm as we will be late with the spring crop I suppose you ware surprised to hear of me coming home as you wrote that I wou'nt come home for six months. Thare if I could get a furlough, Tharefore do'nt suppose you are very ancious to see me, But for my part I never was as ancious to see you in my life Though you may think my actions do not prove it, Well you must recolect my health & more I have no way of getting about, Dispair not I will be down ear long, And then my long absence will make it a hapier meet- ing, Often you are by my side in my nightly dreams them it seemes that I am happy, But I wake up & find it all delusion I must bring this uninterres ing letter to a close I hope this may find you enjoying your usual good health if I have written anything in this letter to mar your feeling your parden I crave
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202Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1863 April 30  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I have diped my pen in fluid for the purpose of dropping you a fiew lines. My health is remarcably good. I think work agrees with me for I am getting fatter evry day. Well I declair I do not no what to write to interrest you. I was out to see George Britten{1} last Sabbath. He is looking very badly. He sais he will not be able to return to camp before May cherries get ripe Miſs Lizzie Brown was thare. It was the first time I have been in her company for the last four year; She is a very nice lady. George & her are engaged I think I told george that I would be ashamed to come home & let the ladies see me looking as badly as he does All the girls told me to give you thare respects I told them I would in a day or two. Miſs Kate B. came just as I was get ting on my horse to leave. If I had known she was coming I would have stayed a fiew minutes longer I stoped at Burkes Kate as usual had the blues. I will be down friday eavning or early Saturday morning to take you to Staunton, if the weather will permit & providence agreeing, you must be sure to go for I think it will be a pleasent trip to me at any event It is now noon & Tom{2} is teling me it is time for to go to the corn field I am scoreing out corn ground I hope this may find you enjoying good health I will give you a verce or two of poetry & close
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203Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1863 May 23  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I have a good opportunity of sending you a few lines, I accept it with pleasure & hasten to inform you of my whearabouts & health, My health is very good but my greatgreat toe will I am afraid give me some trouble before it gets well I had to have part of mythe bone removed And I hope when it gets well this time that I may have no more trouble with it, I had inten ded comming down this eavin ng am not able on account of my presant lamneſs, I hope it may not be long before I get able to go about. for I get so lonesome Well very propberably I have the blues some times & you may well immagin thare cause” “I want to see my bonnie wee Kate”, “Well you must sympathise with me in my afflictios Well Kate you ought to have been in town on the 20th to have witneſst Dr. Hay opperrate on my toe. It seemed quite amu sing to Burk & Dr Hay. When I began to awake, one of the men waiting on me had on a yankee uniform I hollowed to him hault you yankee Burk told me to spit on him & I tried my best & some other childleſs things I was gilty of for a few minutes after I woke up I was very sorry I did not get to see Cous Lis but I would a great deal rather see my Kate for tis then I can enjoy my self, oh Kate I konow you would laughſ at me hop ping on crutches Well I must bring this uninterresting epstal to a close I would be most hap py to hear from you at any time I will come down as soon as I can bare to ride a horse I ask an interest in all your prayers
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204Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1863 June 3  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved you most welcome ed note this morning by Lizzie It found me something better than I was last Sabbath. My toe is little or no better yet. I suffer a grate deal with it & exspect for it to be pain full for a week or two. dear Kate you wish me to come down & more its my great desire to come soon as I posibly can, I will have to improove very fast if by I get down the last of the week for I am so weak at present that I cannot hop across the room without assistance I hope by the last of the week I may be able to find the way to my darlings side I had a grate notion to tell Lizzie that she might have let you come up today in her place. But she might have told me better I am a thousand times better obliged to toyou for the eatables you sent My appetite is something better that it was some days past well L has come & wants to go so I cannot write much more be in good spirits I am so sad I cannot w o rite any thing that will be of interreſs I will come down soon as I posibly can
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205Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 January 21  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I take the present opportunity of answering your letter of the tenth. I was truly glad to hear fromyou But alas it bore tidings that went like poisind misles to my heart I have set down before for the purpose of writing to you; but my heart failed me, And now with a sad heart, I attempt to drop you a few lines, My health is very good, this I sincerely hope may find you enjoying both health and hapineſs, I have no news of moment; worth your attneention so you must look for an uninterresting letter You may well imagine my heart is full to over flowing; you ask me if my K— would prove faithleſs towards me could I forgive her. Dear Kate you know that I have a forgiving heart If you should learn to love another man better than me; or that you could enjoy your future hapineſs better with your first lover than with boor W I would be heartleſs not to free you & forgive you; though I could never forget or seace to love you. To harber such thoughts as I have alluded to above make me feel miserable: To think that my first love should be rect. or thrown away on one fair to good for me, one that is good pure & virtueous who made vows unto me while her first love seemed to be dieing away, Then after a long time she again meets him: & her old love is rekindled for him, & she to good and kind to hide it from me has opened her hold heart to me And asks me what she ought to do under such circumstances Dear Kate what kind of an answer can I give but pray Almighty God to help you to prove true to who ever you love; best; I am resined to the will of providence Dear Kate if you should ever learn to forget me I pray thee to never boast of having fooled me; thareby ading pain to a true but wounded heart, if you should sease to love I would have nothing to live for in this world; I do'nt see that I should desire to live out this war But would be wiling to throw my self in danger of the misles of death that I might quit this frail world & be at reast I will change this; to me; “painfull subject. I hope that you are happy and are trying to interrest your kind & docile Brother that is now with you. I hope he may enjoy evry hour of his short stay at home, I was on picket when he started for home; Brother John is at home on furlough poor fellow was very sick when he left camp I went as far as Orange with him. I have had to haul him thare in a ambulance I have never hurd from him but hope he arrived safly at home, No doubt he will pay you all a visit before return ing to camp, oh yes you said that in fifteen days that Lizzie was going to leave home you left me to gueſs for what purpose I supposed that she is going to get mar ried if so I would like very much to be at home & see her name changed my kindest regards to L— & tell her that I wish her much hapineſs through all the changes of this life My repects to all enquiring friends if thare be any I had a very strange dream the other night I drempt that me & you had fallen out & Rachel Cro was intersee ding for me, I must close you must write soon & a long letter give me all the perticulars consurning L.nothing more
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206Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 April 10  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved yours of the 21st on the sixth; I failed in reciev ing your letter in time to write to you before you would leave home, Thought it best to wait a day or two then direct to Lexington; Thare never was a letter recieved with more pleasure, or perused with more interest; When Abe returned to camp we ware on picket & did'nt get to camp untill the 4th; I believe my letter was enclosed in one of packes he gave it to me on the 6th I hope you will not be low spirited when this reaches you for I do not feel as if I could interest you this eavening. I spent part of the four noon of this blessed day at our little chaple; Thare was a large congregation all seemed to pa strict attention to the word of life; oh how I do wish all our soldiers would become pious men I am sure then our armies would be invincible I sometimes think your brother is trying to be a better boy. I pray I may be right for I hope to see him a true christian I nead not ask you to make him a special object in your secreet communings for I am sure you do,; Thare is no news in camp worth your attention. Evrything is quiet as far as I know The wether has been very inclemment for the last two weeks;) first snow then rain my darling Kate you said your face could not ware a joyous smile, untill you could behold my face, Cheer up my ever faithfull one I hope the time will soon hasten round when we may meet, But I pray the not to put off smiling untill I come, but rather try & be cheerfull & hapy. darling I am sorry that my last letter brought with it sorrow to thy noble heart; God knows I would not purpos ly give the trouble. Would that I ware so situ ated that I could say to the idle of my heart lean upon my heartarm an I will support the through life with a willingneſs that would now no end.” That dream of yours oh that it was a reality I   my hapineſs would be compleat, Often in my nightly slumber you are by my side & I wake finding my arms around my friend Trot—oh i Dear Kate I fear you have some clue that will be injurious to your kind sisters hapineſs in the future I wou ld be sorry if anything should accur to cause her to be sorry for her change in life I have heard rumers but I hope thay are al false My wish is that she may be hapy throughout her days, You need not look for me this summer without sickneſs or the Yanks give me a fur lough. The detail I was at home on counted as a furlough I would be sadisfied if I was sure you ware hapy, Abe told me you desired me to direct your letter in the care of your friend Rachel I think we had better continue to direct as we have in the past for if your parents shuld ever find out you were corissponding with me in a secreet way thare anger would be increased against both of uns; while they do not positivly object we had best write openly dear Kate what can I do to alleviate your troubles, I love you yes passionately & if you think you have ever treated me rong I forgive thee, & will if you will permit love and cherish the more then I ever did, I believe my own coldneſs brought on our troubles about but I believe they will be a blesing to us both I am sure it has drawn thee nearer to me, I can only say speed on sweet day when I may meet thee. I must soon close My health is very good & I hope this may find you enjoying the same with ceerfull spirits. Give my love to you sister & writesoon It is getting so dark that I can hardly see how to write I have not hurd from Bro. Charles only by your letter Sister is well She desires to know your name I will give it to her in my next letter, Now may the blessing of a great & good God be with you
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207Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 June 3  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter the first, Truly was glad to hear from you. But it did not my consience reprove me forneglec ting the idle of my heart. My dear Kate forgive me for I shall never forget thee or ever seace to love thee, It has been my constant wish to be with thee for the last two weeks I hardly know what has kept me from thy side so long. with out it is that you are at a stran ge plase to me & your sister being unwell Dear Kate I know thy gen erous heart has been severly tried of late & if I am spaired I will soon be by thy side to make thee happy if I can,; be cheerfull be happy If I am spared you shall never lack a friend or lover I will come up to see you next Monday if you think it advisable for me to come up    you have no lady friend on the plase & your Brothe in law is no doubt very busy this time of the year I will come up Monday & if you think it advisable I will stay a day or two, God nows I would like to stay longer but it might not look well. I would write more but I have a chance to send this to the office so it may reach you tomorrow. Your Brother was well the last time I hurd from him.Bro, J is still safe My health is very good My wound is nearly well. all that makes me sad is to think my darling Kate is so dispondent fear not God knows I love thee & I hope to be blest with thee
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208Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 May 16  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: In all probability you think that I am dead or forgot ten you as I have kept silent for so long. I recieved your letter on the eve before the battle of the fifth while we ware cooking rations I was truly glad to hear from you. I was wounded on last thirs day the 12tha flesh wound in the right arm near the sholder I have no doubt but you will expect me to give you a full account of the casualties of our company on that day but I am soray I can not I was wounded about nine oclock & went back to the field hospital & got my wound dreſsed & stayed thare untill twelve oclock; when all that was able to walk ware ordered back to some other hospital &thare was none nearer than Lucasa C.H. I beged them to let me stay untill the fight was but they said I could be of no use & would just be in the way Capt Dempster advise d me to go on to some hospital Sam A Lightner Mays & Hight, ware wounded & came home with me all slight wounds; Lightner wounded in the right hand Mays " in the left side & Hight on the right sholder Jake was safe when I left him he was with me after we fell back from our breastworks & I dount think our Brigde went in any more that day I have not the least doubt but many of our boys ware taken prisoners; The eni my maſsed thare troops in front of the second Brigade & at daylight charged the second & drove them from thare breastworks & following them closly captured many. by having that gap open thay soon attacked our Brigade in front flank & in the rear. the front line was deper esed & a grate many of our boys jum ped over the breastworks & took after the Yanks capturing on of thare coulars Colonel Funk then told us if we did not get out of thare we would be all captured. Then we commenced retreating to our second line of works. & while & was croſsing the field I was wounded I am very thankfull to the great & good God that I came out so well the air seemed filled with the laden mesan gers of death I do not know wheth ar Brother John came out safe or not he was on the skirmish line & when the enimy advanced he fell back on the left of the Regt. Abe came out safe I heard from him friday I hope to get the all pertic ulars of the battle tomorrow. Jim Vines, Kelley & Sayton was take pris aners last thursday week the 9th. I was very sorry for him but hope he may be well treated Cicero Bare was mortly wounded since died John Pilson has lost a leg amputated above the knee. Jim Trusler was killed dead Willie Gardner was killed a grate many wounded from diferent parts of Augusta The Yanks have fought with more desperration than they ever fought before Sometimes I can but cry. oh Lord, what demon has taken posession of the people that they are so thirs ty for blood. Lord ease thare apatites I suppose you have hurd who all ware wounded in our Comp the first days fight, all my meſs have been wounded but Crist, Rubush Abny was woun ded in the ear Shot a round hole thie size of a maug ball in the left ear he will always be nown as croſured Abny Trotter recieved a flesh wound in the left thigh & Grieaver was wounded in the foot I sup pose his wound is very painfull Since the commencement of the fighting our Comp has had fif teen wounded & one has died Tom Shannon Campell he was mortly wounded last teusday moroning & died that eavning poor fellow I went and talked to him & tryed to cheer him, He said oh Bill I can not be cheerfull my wound is to painfull he was soon moved of & I could nt get to say much to him. Our division has lost heavily in pris oners & wounded. When we com menced fighting we had four Brigadeer Generals & one Maj Gen. now we have none able to command. Johnson & Stuard captured; Stafford & Jones ware killed. Walker bad ly wounded in the arm. All our Regimental field officers came out safe Cousin William Koiner was badly wounded last thurs day. The night before we started from our old camp Capt Lam pster Jim Vines & George Bolunture came out to enquire the way of salvation oh how I wish our army would become an army of Christains then I am sure we would be invincible our God would smile upon us & we would seen be a free & happy people I saw your Father today. he was well & said all ware well at home Rachel C came up to see me to inquire after her brother he was well the day before the great Battle I was glad to hear you ware well pleased in Rockbridge & was happy try & make your older sister cheerfull & happy in her new home with a kind husband by her side to console her evry want dear Kate you asked me whether I had any objections to you send ing your friend your picture What objections could I have I am sure I am not your master or lawgiver I would advise you to do as you think best I hope you have not delayed sending it to him on account of my delaying writing so long Abney had all my paper & envellopes in his portfolio & took it with him when he was wounded & we ware almost constantly in the ditches waiting for the enimy to advance You asked me my reasons for tel ling your cousin about our enstr angment. She gueſsed as much by my not going down to see you She asked me wasn't she right & I could not deny it; She seemed sorry & hoped it would all be made up & for my saying you mistreated me I deny it. dear Kate I fell sad this eavning I often think I would be happier if I was taken out of this world & could be with a kind Mother in heaven My prospect for worldly hapineſs is dark forgive my wekneſs in thus writing. My heart seems filled to over flowing this eavning We recieved news this eavning from camp thare has been fiften wounded & twenty three missing Jake is still safe so is Brother John & all the Ruebushis if I had thare names hear I would send you a list but I know but part & I will not send any I hope this may find you well My health is very good I hav fallen of some ten or fifteen lbs since I was wounded my arm is getting tired I will stop Ever pelieve me to be your true friend & please write soon as I shall look for an answer in a few days
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209Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 June 3  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your letter the first, Truly was glad to hear from you. But it did not my consience reprove me forneglec ting the idle of my heart. My dear Kate forgive me for I shall never forget thee or ever seace to love thee, It has been my constant wish to be with thee for the last two weeks I hardly know what has kept me from thy side so long. with out it is that you are at a stran ge plase to me & your sister being unwell Dear Kate I know thy gen erous heart has been severly tried of late & if I am spaired I will soon be by thy side to make thee happy if I can,; be cheerfull be happy If I am spared you shall never lack a friend or lover I will come up to see you next Monday if you think it advisable for me to come up    you have no lady friend on the plase & your Brothe in law is no doubt very busy this time of the year I will come up Monday & if you think it advisable I will stay a day or two, God nows I would like to stay longer but it might not look well. I would write more but I have a chance to send this to the office so it may reach you tomorrow. Your Brother was well the last time I hurd from him.Bro, J is still safe My health is very good My wound is nearly well. all that makes me sad is to think my darling Kate is so dispondent fear not God knows I love thee & I hope to be blest with thee
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210Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 August 19  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I have a few mo ments after helping cook our rations I hasten to drop you a few lines knowing you will be ancious to hear from me. I arrived safly in camp the 15th. found all the boys well; They ware all camped in line of battle at Fishers hill above Strausburg. We had a fine commanding position & well fortified: The enimy thought it prudent to make a retrogade moovment & commenced retreating & had a slight engagement in the eavning near Winchester. Our Brigade never got close enou gh to fire at the Yanks; Some of thare laden messengers came unplesantly near us. The wing was reported to have a large army from 40 to 50 thousand We have been reinforced by /one division of Longstreets corps & two Brigade of F.H. Lee cavilry. The enimy dis stroyed nearly the entire wheat crop from Winchester to Straus burg. burned may barns. We are now lying in the woods near Bunkers hill. ten miles below Winchester have orders to be read y to moove at any moment none of us no wich way we will moove next some think in to Maryland I had a fine time coming down the valley; Ive come down the back way; ware treated kindly at mo plases by the duch of Rockin ham & Shanandoor; all the objections I had to the girls they ware all barefooted & as I thought awkward in thare manners; They would commence ta lking duch in our presance, often I thought they might be talking about me. None that I saw could I think half as much of as my — I am sure. Do not censure me for not writing sooner I fooly intended writing the day after I got to camp but was sent to the ordinance wagon & coming back to camp I stoped at a Batery & found my cousin R. Brand & stay ed nearly all day with him; he is a nice young man; I think you would know him he is still readheaded & freckles in his face. For a few day after leaving I think I was a little low spirited probably you can account for it I don'nt think it was leaving Lottie; though her company was very agreeable. Since I have got with the boys I have been in fine spir its & have been enjoying the best of health, I hope theese lines may find you enjoying the same blessing Jake is enjoying fine health. Abe & Hunter the same Abe is now by my side writing to his better half Be cheerfull & hapy & pray that I may be spared to return to thee once more Often I think I would not have nothing to live for if it was not for thee; It is an eavill thought but still it will arise in my wandering thoughts I must soon close as it is getting so dark I can hardly see how to write; My love to all Write soon, oh how glad I would be to get a letter fr om you tomorrow excuse bad writing & all mistakes I will write again before long from one that has wished the hapi neſs for years,
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211Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 September 13  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I seat my self this morning for the purpose ofdroping you a few lines. Yesterday the 12th we ware on Picket & the enimies cavelry attacked us. And I am sorry to inform you that your brother was taken prisaner, also Sargt Hays,{1} James Trotter,{2} Samuel A. Lightner{3} and James Hutcheson, we{4} were on picket at Waidsville on the Opecken river one & a half miles from Brucetown; only thirty men of the 5th Regtwas thare a very small force to contend with the two brigads of Cavelry, We held them in check for about three quarters of an hour. When about two Hundred charged acroſs the ford getting into our rear, we all clubed together & fell back about two Hundred yards, When the Wcavelry that had got in our rear charged us cauling loudly on sus to surrender, But the little band heeded them not but continued pooring volley after volley into thare midts, almost evry shot taking effect. one charged up within six or eight yards of me whirling his sword around one of company D who threw down his gun & surrendered, he then cauled on me to surrender, the boys kept hollowing to me to shoot him but unfortunatly I had just shot at the bulk when he road up I pre tended to have my gun loaded & ready to shoot him if he moved. Several of the boys fired at him & the balls coming so unplesantly near him he whirled his horse & made tracks we soon percieved we were getting them demorolised & we charged them, driving them from our front, we ha'nt got more than three Hundred yds when thay ware reinforced & charged us again in wich our boys ware taken. thay ware trying to lget to a smallbunch of timber; seeing they could not reach in time they whirled & fired into the advancing foe & kept loading firing untill thay ware all mixed up with the foe, Seeing thay ware overpowered & a further attempt to whip the enemy usleſs, thay surrendered several of our boys seen them going back under guard, all of us that made for a deep ravine got out safe, one overtook little George Hutchison just as he got to the ravine & ordered him to surrender George said he was almost scared to death at the old sword whizzing around his head but he jumped into the brush & shot the Yank dead of his horse, our loss in killed & wounded was very light One of Comp. H was mortally wounded & died in the eavning his name was Strausburg{5}, a brother to the Strausburg in our band. one of Camp K. recieved a flesh wound in the our loſs was the heavyest in prisaners. Some twelve or fifteen from the regt. The enimy mostly used thare sabers I am certain thay did'nt loose leſs than forty in killed & wounded Jake was enjoying very good health I hope he may meet with kind friends & mild treatment also the rest of our unfortunate friends, Again we are left without an office in our Comp. It is reported that Sam Hays is on his way down to the Comp. I think the rest of Comp. E will have to go to fort delaware to recruit, we have Eleven hear yet & I am sure we can whip twist that nuomber of Yanks, My health is very good & hope this may find you enjoying the same, Thare has been a great deal of wet weather down hear It has been raining all morning this is a very cold rain, It will not be very long until we will need our over coats, I heard from both of my Brothers C is at Camp Elmira New York & J at the hospital in Baltimore J can begin to use his arm & is enjoying good health, I must close write soon. May heavens richest blessings shower arou nd thee, My love to all,
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212Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 September 22  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your highly appreciated letter of the 13th; by Abe the 20th. You can not imagine with what angsity I berused ove its contents to find out how that absent one was getting along. I hope this may still find your health improving & enjoying many blessings My health is very good & hope it may contin so. On the 19th we had one of the hardest Battles that was ever fought around Win- chester or in the Valley of Va. And the wosrst of all I hov to acknowlegdge we ware badly whiped. Many brave Southerners bit the dust, thare in our noble cause. By the mercies of a great & good God I am still spared I cannot be to thankfull for the many speccial providences that has protected me thus far. His loving kindneſs has been very grate towards me & my prayer is that I may so walk as becometh one of his true followers. Our Comp came out very well I think. only one wounded. Wm Plunkett recieved a flesh wound in the thigh. & was loſt in Winchester He was wounded just as we ware fal ling back into Winchester. Our defeat was I think caused by our Army being scattered. Our Devision the day before went to Martingsburg. drving the Yankee cavelry from that plase. We fell back the same day to Bunkers Hill. twelve miles below Winchester & Roads{1} Division was camped some ten miles below Winchest.& before we could get to Winchester the other portion of the Army was nearly whipt & at the same time thay ware trying to cut us of from Winchester. But we arrived thare in time to meet the heaveist onset of the Battle, & succeeded in driving the enemy near a mile when evry thing lay quiet except skirmishing untill the middle of the eavning. When the enimies cavelry drove our Cav. back then making three or four desperate charges on the left flank of our lines driving them back in confusion which soon demorolised the hole army We have to morn the loſs of many brave men and officers. Maj. Gen. Roads was killed early in the engagment one among the best officers in our army Colonel Funk{2} was mortally woundedthro ugh the bowels & left at his home in Winchester I hope he may recover but it is doubtfull. Maj. Newton{3} was wounded in the ankle bone broken is on his way home. He acted very bravely in trying to rally the men. All say he convered him self with glory. Capt J Bumgarner{4} was killed also{5} Lieut J. B. McGuffin My Cous, R. Brand was badly wounded one thigh broken the other a flesh wound had to leave him on the field his comp told me he beged them to take him of the field, but the enimy was so close that they could not. all that tried to get off ware wounded & killed but one poor fellow I pittie him & hope he may be kindly cared for, Cous & Koiner came out safe. We are now lying in line of Battle at Fishers Hill. Both canon and musketry are loudly booming on our front The enimy are trying to drive in our skirmishers. We may be closely engaged before two hours. We are strongly fortified & have a commanding position I think by the blessing of God, we may be able to give them a sound thrashing I am fear ful they may advance up the Page Valley & cause us to fall back as we have only a small cavelry force commanding it I hope you will not take the capture of Jake to much to heart I cant help but think he is not in as much danger as if he was hear. I hear the roar of canon now in the Page Valley. I was sorry that your cous, had a relaps of the fever hope she may soon recover her former health uxcuse me if I failed to answer anything in your letter I have not taken time to look over it May the blessing of a great & good God be with you the news from yours as ever
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213Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 September 25  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I had no chance to send my letter since I wrote it I thought I would brake it oben & write a few more lines. The Enimy attacked us soon after I had finished it & I have had no chance to send it since My health is still good. but I am very tired The enemy maſsed thare troops in front of the left wing of one army & succeeded in diving it back & in very bad order some of the enimies cav. had got in our rear. nothing but night saved our army. We lost ten or twelve peaces of artilery & a good many prisaners J.H. Hight Tho, Smith & Wm Holbert have not come up yet. Im fearfull they are taken thay may have made thare escape to the Mt. Wm Hieger is still out but think will come in yet as he was on the mountain garding the signal corps Yesterday we had to retreat twelve miles in line of battle. Then when night came on we marched some twelve miles towards the Mountain on the Keezletown road starting early the morning fell back to Browns Gap. The alley seems alm ost to be at the mercy of the eni my I hope we may soon be reiforced & drive them down the Valley double quick. I hope this may reach you before the mail route gets blockaded I will soon have to quite writing soon as it is getting so darck I can not see & have three days rations to cook before I can lay down & rest
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214Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 October 2  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: In all probability my last letter never reached you. I will drop a few lines by some of the boys that are trying to get a pass for forty eight hours I wrote to you while we ware at Browns Gap. We stayed thare a few days had a skirmish with the Yankee Cavly & drove them back acroſs north river. next day marched to Waynsborow rm's">whare Begrams Div. of Inft. & u's Cavalry">Fitz H. Leus Cavely drove the Yanks from. I visited Uncle H. Koin ers while we camped at Wansboro. I was very much pleased with my new aunt. She is very kind & sociable. Cous, Martha thought I had entirly forgotten them, as I had never been thare since the War. I promised to do better in the future. but you know how frail my. promises are, often made to be broken. Yesterday we had a very severe march marched from Wansboro to with one mile of the willow pump We are camped 13 miles before Staunton on the right hand side of the Pike It is reported hear this morning that the enimy are fortifiing fortifying at Mt Crofford I thought yes terday evening we would be engaged with thare advance before this time the boys passes have My health is not very good Yesterday I was unwell all day feel much better this morning hope I maybe entirly well in a day ortwo, Abe & Brit. went to Sirus last night. The boys are all well, I think we will stay hear today I must close my love to all
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215Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 October 2  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved you long looked for letter yesterday. I eager- ly broke its seal, & berused ove its contents; you cannot imagine with what angsiety I had waited I had begun to think that prob ably you ware sick; It seemed an age since I had hurd from the one I respect above all others, you can well imagine my uneasineſs Sometime I thought I had been forgotten; then again some gay lad might have changed the current of thy affections & you feared to brake the news to me, I supposed you had not recieved my letter of the 21sst & 26th  I wrote 4 pages the 21st then wrote two on the 26th but the mails ware very unragular about that time, know doubt it has come to hand over this I would like very much to have got home while we ware camped in the lower edge of the county. I could have gone when bart of the boys went, but I was not very well & the time so short I did not feel able to make the trip, While at Wanesburro, I visited my Uncles Was very much pleased with his young wife, She is a very nice lady & seems very kind to the motherleſs children, Cous Mat give me a regu- lar scholding for visiting them so often & hoped that I would not be so distant in future, She said it took all my time to visit the Trouts while at home I tried to make her behive better but she would not listen to me, While camped at Bucks Mills I visited Mr, Browns was kindly treated She said that if I went back that he would write to you that I was carried away with the Misſs Trotters. Thay are very nice girls & I think would please most any man of moderate taste; We have orders to moove & it is late so I will have to close for the eavning, 16 th We are laying quiet this beautifull Sabbath morning I wish that I ware some plase that I might go to the house of God & try & spend the day in his servise The 13th we had a little brush with the enimy before Strausburg We drove them back in double quick capturing several hundred prisners I think thay ware surprised in meet our Infantry, the prisners said thay expected to find nothing but Inbotons Cavelry. The 14 we had a slight skirmish with some Cavelry I don't think thare was any loſs on eather side, We are camped now in rearfour old fortification at fishers hill I believe our army would make a very hard fight now. All want to wipe out the old stain of Fishers hill & Winchester I think the people are to hard on Early The army has not entirely lost confi dence in our old ,leader I fear he uses to much of the poisened water but do,nt think he is ever past tending to his duty. as he is our leader we ought to all have confidence in him, or he cannot gain no import tant victories, Cousin R Brand was badly wounded at Winchester & left on the field of Battle, John Wright got to camp last eavning, & Robert & Luke Taylor the eavning before, We have thirteen now for duty. I will keep up with the rest of the comp. in the regt, My health is very good at presant, and hope this may find you the same, We have orders to clean our guns for inspection. Invariably we have to violate the sabbath by having inspections on the holy day I must soon close My kindest regards to all enquiring friends; recieve my love as the best token of our frenship,
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216Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1864 October 28  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I recieved your truly wellcomed letter last Monday eav- My friend J brought it out to me I have not had a chance to talk with him yet. He is look ing quite well, he is fearfull the Provost gard will be troub ling him before long. I hope they will let him remain at home untill I get able to ride around with him, I wish Ano would get that provoking card about Staunton to let him alone, for I suppose She knows as well as I know that he is not able for duty yet. I saw Miſs Lottie the other day She looked as nice as the first roses of Spring. But alas I stand a poor chance since brother J. came home, He seems to be the beau idle of all the ladies, well my D— I suppose such as the above will not in terrest you as you will be ancious to hear how I am getting along, My health is ery good & my wound is doing very well. I hav'nt suffered by very little yet. It only hurst me when I attempt to hopp about. Know dou bt you will think me very unfor tunate or lucky in getting home so often with flesh wounds, The Battle of the ninteenth was hard & bloody. Up to the time that I was wounded victory was entirly in our favor. We had captured almost evry thing the enimy had, but I have understood late in the eavning thay ware reinforced by the 6 corps & our army suffered another stampe- de Our poor unfortunate Comp suffered heavily, went into the fight with twelve men, had two killed & four wounded one of the latter since died. I suppose you have hurd all the casualties Mr Heizer died at MtJackson before his Father got thare. You Uncle Burks would have me to come down & stay a few days with them so that I could be near the Docter if I should need any medical treatment with my wound, It is a worse wound than my other an disables me more in getting about, but I hope by nice treatment that I will be able for duty in forty or fifty days. I went to see your cousin L while I was in Stanton. She introduced me to Cenmer. He">Mr Cenmer he is a very nice young man. L tried to rig me about him but I think she failed in her attempt, de'st Kate I would like very much to see you I know I could talk much better than I can write I expect to go home tomorrow eavning if brother J comes after me.I have been watching the road for you & An but I suppose you ware just talking. I think I will be able to get about in a couple of weeks if I have luck. Then I am sure I will not delay in coming to see my little bird. I am so glad you are enjoying good health. hope the roses may continue to gather on your cheeks. br evry person said I looked like haI had been sick when I came home. hard marching had pulled me down a greateal. but I think know I will soon way a hundred & sixty. I am glad you have hurd from your brother Hope he may be kindly treated & soon return home. I must soon close write soon as I will be glad to hear from you.
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217Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 February 14  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: I avail myself of the present opportunity to drop you a few lines I arived safly in camp the night of the 9th, Had some very roughſ weather to come down in, I thought that when I was in Staunton that if I was at home I would stay thare untill the weather would mod erate, But I had gone tofar to turn back, While in Staunton I visited your Cous,L.— She gave me a comple te scolding. I pretended at first that I had'nt been down to see you since she was out, & told her that the last time, I was down I was treated in a manner that lead me to believe that the next time that I went, that I would be dis carded. & that such feelings would keep my lover from the idle of thare heart, She told me that she did not believe me, Butthat I was getting geleous, wich you may know I desired I then told her all, The weath er has been very cold down since I came down We have no snow hear I am very cirtain that it is not leſs than fifteen inches deep in the valley I suppose you have hurd the glad tidings t,hat all our prisners are going to be exchanged, But our hopes for pease are all crushed thare is noghtin left us now but fight. untill our broud foes shall nuckle & acknowledge our independence If we should surrender now to our enimies we would I believe be one of the most downtrodden Nations in the world, So we had better con tinue our strugle untill we have all found a home in our mother earth The boys are all well & in muc betterspirits than I expected to find them Thay had a fight last monday week none of our Co, ware hurd, I expect a god many of the boys will go to Cavelry if we are consolidated & Capt Willson takes command of us I intend to go rather than surre nnder sutch a tyrant, I wish we could get men enoughf hear to save our old 8 for it has been a faithfull Co. & I hate to see its name die out. John Sane. is getting a transfur to Gen. Lees body gard. Grieer & Volentrare are getting transfurs to the 18th Cavelry & Tom Campbell to mounted artilery The boys are all ancious to have thare names of the rolls of Co 8 for fear of consolidation Thare was a letter in camp from Sister waiting for me I answered her letter several day ago she was quite well Dear K you must not scold me for not writing sooner for we are kept so busy hear building our breas work that one hardly has time to write our fortifications are about a mile ourfrom camp Thay are twelve feet thick & seven feet high with three rows of abbetters in frunt look like will be imposible for Mr Yank ever to get near us, I have no news worth your attention evry thing is quiet along our lines, How did you enjoy yourself the eavning that I left I suppose you thought it a very cold parting indeed it was to me, but we have always to be governed by sircumstan ces, Dear Kate believe me to be holy thine for I am sure evry pulsation of my heart beats love to thee & I hope it shall never nv nv change others have loved you & may love you again, but never as devotedly as I have no other I dou'nt think could ever have the influence over me you have I want to make it my future busineſs to live and act for your hapineſ I must close soon My health is very good hope this may find you enjoying the same write soon give me all the new & believe me to be your true & confiding lover,
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218Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 March 22  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: As I have a good opportunity to send a few linesI hasten to make use of it. My health is very good indeed & hope this may find you the same, I have no news worth communicating, Thare are a thou sand diferent rumers afloat. Gen, Johnson{1} attacked the eni my at Bentonville North Carolina{2} & drove them back one mile captur ing three peices of Artilery & some few prisners when night came on & the conflict ceased, The enimy during the night was reinforced with fresh troops & fortified. thair position, I hope this is only the begining of favora- ble news from Johnsons Army It is reported hear that the enimy attacked Longstreets Corp in thair entrenchments on the north side of the James, the 20th charging him three succeſsive times & was each time hansome ly repulsed. I pray almighty God to give our men brave hearts & strong arms to withstand the shock of arms this spring so that we may be able to teach our foes that we can never be subjugated while we can raise an army,We are camped Near Pete rsburg. Our Corps relieved Ander sons We are camped in line of Battle. The Enimy are camped l in line of battle half mile in our frunt. Thair Pickets are about two Hundred yards in our frunt, & our pickets fifty yards in frunt of our breastworks I am on picket on third of my time, The duty is not very hard in daylight, but after dark you have to be very wachfull we are not allowed to sleep during the nights we are on picket The Yanks seem to be very sociable I believe if it ware not for our officers the men would all be laughf ing & talking together. in fac the Georgians on our right are constantly trading papers & topa cco for coffee They call us all Johnnies Thair is no firing in our frunt, But is kept up con stantly after dark in frunt of Roads{3} Div. I declair it looks like foolishneſs to see men thus opposed to each other to be fight ing. I am certain if this war was left in the hands of the privats peace would soon be adjusted. Thare was right smart mortor shelling hear the th. It is a magnificent sight to witneſs mortor shelling after dark, But is not very plesant to be exposed to the dangerous misles, Many are under the impres sion that thare will be no regular engagment fought hear I hope it may be so. This is any thing but a beautifull camp. Most of the men llike groundhogs live under the ground I do'nt think it will be very healthy hear in the summer season, Our foes have again been desecrating our once lovly valley. Thare raid was a very suc seſsfull one. They done a great deal of damage to our railroads & canal, But I will hope on & hope ever that thare is a better day comming, If you see brother John try &use you in finance in{4} getting him to return to his old comp. both brothers have a notion of joining some cavelry command I would rather stay would not do so at presant. I have written a long letter to J. advising him to return hear our cavalry papers came back disapproving Dear Kate believe me to bear thee the same strong & pure devotedneſs that I have hear always expressed I must close soon write as soon as convenient give me all the news generally Now may a great & good God be with thee & thine
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219Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 August 11  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It is with pleasure I once more grasp my pen, to write a few hours away in converse with thee, I recieved our highly appreciated & unexpected letter a few days past, Believe me it was more than wellcome. I can not help saying this is at presant an out of the way plase for me, as I can not hold a regular as I would wish to do; with my fading lilley; Thare is no mail runing out hear yet, & in all prob ability will not for sometime to come, I am once more writing by candle light. But hapily not listnig to the lone tread of the Sentinal on his nightly watch. But to my Bus that seems to be hurrying wheat into a State of readineſ for the cook; Grain is coming in dayly, & I am kept busy the largest portion of my time, I am willing to be kept busy night & day for the long four years you spoke of in your letter I look forward & sigh but if it may be Gods will thare is pleasure in store for me I hope,- I am like Abraham of (old) not only willing to searve four,- but fourteen to accomplish my desire; Alas I ought not to write so childleſs no one knows the deferent changes that may occur in the next four, or or seemingly, with us, a century; At presant health is a blooming & future antise pations are Spread out before us as a beautifull picture But alas in the next four years one of us, may be called to give an account of our Stuardship hear on earth,-if so let it be S earth has no charmes that heav en cannot surpaſs, The night is growing old, I imagine you are now lying upon you coutch your spirits wandering in some fuiry dreamland— profbably with Willie by your side smoothing your pathway, This is a beautifull night all nature seem clothed in brid al-Splender, The majestick queen is midway in the heavens, & seems looking down upon this troubled world of ours, with a smiling face, & the thickly doted little twinklers seem to say to one, admire, & reverance, the omnipotent creator of all things, ah the weekneſs of man is so easily seen when we take a view of creation we are continually working & striving for some great end, but Sudden ly fall,& are soon forgotten in this world & others follow our landmarks. I have had quite a plesant time since I came up home, “Did I say home” “Yes“ for whar was I ever better treated unleſs by the side of “Midie” thare was a bicknick given to the Soldiers of this neighborhood We had a magnificent dinner evry thing good that could be scraped up theese hard times, I acted the cavalier with Miſs Lindsay a very interresting lady. After dinner all came down to the Mill, I had several interresting te,detetes with the fair ladies The Ladies & Gent—men of Cars Creeſk honered us with a Stor m several nights bast I made my self as agreeable as I could among Strangers I do not know when I will come down in a month or so at fartherest believe me to be your ever devoted lover Excuse me if I have failed to answer anything in your letter I will answer them in full when we meet When you write Direct your letter, to Alone Rockbridge Co Va
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220Author:  Brand Civil War Collection: Brand, William FrancisAdd
 Title:  Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865 December 12  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  University of Virginia Civil War Collection | UVA-LIB-BrandLetterscivilwar 
 Description: It has been so long since I have tried to put up a letter that I am at a loſs to know how to commence. When I cast my eye up at the top of the page & see the heading Alone, It calls forth a short sigh, & I imagine shall it always be so, I am alone at heart, while company are around me inviting me to be cheerfull I noticed in the last Specta tor the Marrige of Mr Peck & your Cous, Lizzie, Does this not create a sigh in my breast If I had been a child of for tune I might have been blest with a smiling bride, and alas I wait on the uncertain future, when thy noble heart may change towards me, & eaven score eaven the omble path I pursue why is it that fears torment me, on thy account Well I know you have never giv en me of late room to doubt you consistency, Sometimes I imagine I see you looking at me; and saying; I once loved you, but now I pity you. Weell I know thare is know tender cord in thy posom but wich I can cause to vibrate with feelings of pity, The last time I was in your presance you desired to be united in the holy bans of marriage in Nov. The month is past & you have never hurd from Mr. Dear Lady can I account for my inconsistancy It must be my carleſsneſs & fate, If I could have willed it to my sadisfaction you would now be with me, But well do I recolect that I have hurd you say time and again that you never would be willing to marry me, untill I had some little home of my own to take you too. at that time I coinsided with you But know I fear many moons will grow old before I can claim a home of my own.own or such as I would have a little lot I would not have if I it was made a presant to me I believe I could keep a mate at my presant acupation with ease. & would be willing to risk it next fall. & at presant but we have not house room. as Mr C, has a young couple living with him this winter. His wifes bro, Why am I writing thus, what makes my heart throp & say oh Kate what must I do to make thee happy. While I am writing I am sad. I know not what recep tion this may meet with. “Maybe” cold & formal, Once I believed the sight of my scribling created a pleasent sensation. But that time has propably past. & may be left to morn because I was the dupe of time. Time waits for no one & I have been wait ing for time. I may wait on & in a few short years I may sleep with my mother earth. Dear Kate I intended comming down in four weeks from the time I was down, But my ocupation is so confining that I cannot always go when I desire. & I have neglect ed writing untill I am ashamed to write, Busineſs & love are two conflicting eliments, Belive me I remain yours with unchan ed devotion. & if you will wait untill another Summers Sun shall paſs I will give the my hand with my heart. if not your will shall be my desire I do not know when I will get down during hollodeys I hope I will bring this to a close hoping you will excuse all my past errors & love me as your Willie boy
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