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221Author:  Smythe, A. M.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from Mrs. A. M. Smythe to her cousin, Feb 17, 1837 concerning the sale of a family of slaves. [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1995 
 Description: I must beg a favor of you which I trust you will grant. at March court our little all will be sold for debt. You know how much I am attached to Sally and her children. attached to them because they are the best of slaves. I never knew so faithful and valu able a family of negroes. you have it in your power to pur chase them. if you do so I can leave the country with peace of mind. the first of April we will set out for the North Western territory, a howling Wilderneſs.
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222Author:  Tennyson, Alfred LordRequires cookie*
 Title:  Charge of the Light Brigade [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1994 
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223Author:  Thornton, W. M.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from W. M. Thornton to Carter Thornton, April 14, 1896; [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1995 
 Description: I sent off a long letter to mamma on yesterday. Tonight I hear that her second draft has come and so I shall scratch this note off for you and begin to think that you are really coming home again, when the money for your steamer tickets has to be sent on. I shall surely be glad to see you. The two troubled, sorrow- ful years seem very long and very lone- ly and I wonder now that I could brave a second and a worse one after the unhappy first. Today real dig- ging began for our new buildings. The other contracts are not yet let out and will not be until May. But it makes us all feel more cheerful to have any actual work going on. Jack had a card from Mrs. Stapleton this even- ing announcing her safe arrival at Hamburg. She is with you long since, of course, and you have extracted all her news. I trust she is more cheerful under the German skies and that the climate and life will be good for her. She is fond of music and will enjoy that, I know; and I think she will be glad to be with your mamma and Janet once more. Is it not queer how your mamma's little canary has perked up since he got home? He never sang a note from the day he left the UVa on his journey to Montana. A few days after I got him back I heard him apparently trying his throat, and now he wakes me almost every morning, warbling away as soon as the skies brighten— not so sweetly as of old, but still real singing again. He would be a little buzzard, however, if he did not sing now. The Spring is fairly opening, the air is soft and mild, and the mocking birds are fluting away for dear life. This little fellow is ashamed to be left out of the concert. I shall send your mamma two announcements which will inter- est and amuse her — one of Becnel's graduation as Doc- tor of Medicine at the Tulane (I told her of meeting him there) — the other of Mayberry's marriage to Miss Rhett of Charleston. I think that is doing pretty well for both of our old friends. The Dramatic Club had to postpone their Easter entertainment because of Jennie Randolph's illness. They telegraphed for Lizzie Harrison to take her place and Lizzie is to come; but she will need some time to learn the part and rehearse thoroughly and so the play was put off for two or three weeks. Mary Stuart went off yesterday to Roanoke on a visit and to be for a time under her Uncle Willie's professional care. The poor little child looks badly and I am afraid no doctor can do a great deal for her. Her cheerfulness and high spirit are undaunted however; she is always bright and gay and full of interest in life. Dearest love to all of you from the Doc up to mamma. Write me a line when you can. We are all well, and the various invalids of our community are all doing nicely.
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224Author:  Thornton, John T.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter from John T. Thornton to Mrs. E. Rosalie Thornton, Oct. 27, 1895 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1995 
 Description: I write to let you know of a most fearful calamity which has befallen the dear old University. This morning I heard cries of fire and found that the Annex was in flames. Everyone was running to the Rotunda and soon a large crowd was assembled. No water could be gotten as high as the flames, only a miserable little stream of water about six feet in length came from the hose when at the level of the ground. In response to telegrams, Lynchburg and Richmond sent their engines by special trains, but the Lynchburg engine was delayed in the road and did not arrive within an hour of the expected time. I received a telegram from Richmond when the fire had been almost put out & wired back not to send the engine. Their was nothing to do but to try to keep the fire from Buckmaster's and Tuttle's houses and to save all that was within the Rotunda and annex. They tried to blow up the portico between the Annex and the rotunda in the hope that, if the engine should arrive in time, the lib Rotunda might be saved But all to no purpose. Soon the flames had gained possession of the Rotunda and nothing is now left standing but the bare and ruined walls. The boys worked like fiends to save all that was possible. Kent estimates that only 1/10 of the books was saved but he is wrong—In my opinion at least 1/3 or over were saved. The Austin Collection was lost entirely. The statue of Jefferson, Minor's bust, the pictures were saved in fairly good condition. The School of Athens was lost. Uncle Frank's valuable physical apparatus was carried out but the greater part so broken as to be practically useless. Only 25000 insurance wh. no where near covers the loss. Is estimated that 75000 will scarcely rebuild the rotunda and annex to say nothing of loss in books and instruments. No change in lectures which will continue as usual, the classes meeting in Wash Hall, Temperance Hall, Museum and Professor's offices. Papa is back in his old room — 5 W.L. where the chairman's office will be. Papa is so busy that he cannot write to you to night and told me to let you know of the loss. Am so exhausted myself that I cannot write much. The Professors are taking it bravely — not lamenting the past but making plans for the future. You can imagine how distressed everyone is. I myself, now that the excitement has worn off, am getting more and more miserable every minute and I can't expressed to you my sorrow. I love this old University with all my heart and if I who am comparatively young am so grieved what must be the distress of those old professor's who have worked for the University so long and lectured so often within those now ruined walls! What a number of blows have struck this University within the year you have been away! Misfortune after misfortune has crippled its usefulness and now that this crowning glory of the University, this building planned and built by Jefferson, this splendid library, our so famous copy of the School of Athens, the dear old clock that never kept time, should be destroyed seems the seems to be the crowning evil and the worst that this Nemesis who pursues us could let fall on our heads. Horrible! horrible! horrible! The things gets worse the more I think about it. However lamentations do no good. We can only depend on state aid and the generosity of our alumni. Have just opened a telegram from Geo. Anderson of Richmond saying that he wanted to start a subscription immediately. Telegrams of sympathy come from all sides. O'Ferral seems especially interested. That is a good sign that the state will help us. Some taking a cheerful view of the situation say that in the end it will benefit the U Va. by bringing her more before the people. Cannot offer any opinion on that subject. Thank you very much for the beautiful pair of gloves and more especially for thinking of me and of my 20th anniversary. Had intended to write you a special letter of thanks to-day but am too tired and miserable. Love to the children and yourself. Excuse hasty scribble, & believe me
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225Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Hartford, CT, to Fred J. Hall, 1890 Dec 27 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I don't believe Whitford. Webster was too big a coward to bring a suit when advised against it. The real mistake was in trusting law business to an ignorant, blethering gas-pipe like Whitford. I am not saying this in hatred, for I do not dislike Whitford. He is simply a damned fool — in Court — & will infallibly lose every suit you put into his hands. If you are going to have any [illeg.]lawsuits with Gill, I beg that you will either compromise or have some other law conduct the thing.
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226Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Regular Toast. Woman—God Bless Her [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: The toast includes the sex, universally: it is to Woman, comprehensively, wheresoever she may be found. Let us con- sider her ways. First, comes the matter of dress. This is a most important consideration, in a subject of this nature, & must be disposed of before we can intelligently proceed to examine the profounder depths of the theme. For text, let us take the dress of two antipodal types — the savage woman of Central Africa, & the cultivated daughter of our high modern civilization. Among the Fans, a great negro tribe, a woman, when dressed for breakfast, or home, or to go to market, or go out a pick-up dinner, or to sit at home, or to go out calling, or to a simple or to take a simple tea with friends & neighbors, or to go out calling, does not wear anything at all but just her complexion. That is all; that is her entire outfit. It is the lightest cos- tume in the world, but is made of the darkest material. It has often been mistaken for mourning. It is the trimmest, & neatest, & grace- fulest costume that is now in fashion; it wears well, is fast colors, doesn't show dirt; you don't have to send it down town to wash, & have some of it come back scorched with the flat-iron, & some of it with the buttons ironed off, & some of it petrified with starch, & some of it chewed by the calf, & some of it rotted with acids, & some of it exchanged for other customers' things that haven't any virtue but holiness, & don't fit you anyhow, & ten-twelfths of the pieces over- charged for, & the rest of the dozen stolen"mislaid." And it always fits; it is the perfection of a fit. And it is the handiest dress in the whole realm of fashion. It is always ready, always "done up." When you call on a Fan lady & send up your card, the hired girl never says, "Please take a seat, madam is dressing — she will be down in three-quarters of an hour." No, madam is always dressed, always ready to receive; & before you can get the door-mat before your eyes, she is in your midst. And the hired girl never has to say to a lady visitor, "Please excuse madam, she is undressing;" & even if she ever had to bring such an excuse at all, she wouldn't say it in that way: she would say, "Please excuse madam, she's skins, not herself!" Then again, the Fan ladies don't go to church to see what each other has got on; & they don't go back home & describe it & slander it. The farthest they ever go is to say some little biting thing about the ultra fashionables
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227Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to (Elisha) Bliss, 1871 May 15 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: Yrs rec'd enclosing check for $703.35. The old "Innocents" holds out handsomely.
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228Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to Captain (John E.) Mouland, (1872) Dec 3 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: You must [illeg.]run down next voyage & see us, if you can. Telegraph me what hour you will arrive & I'll go to the station & fetch you home. Mr. Wood stayed all night with us & then joined the Gen- eral in New York & they went West together. I wanted the General to stop with us, too, but his business made it im- possible.
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229Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Hartford, CT., to Horace Russell, 1882 Dec 12 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: Woodford [illeg.] wrote me, & I answered; result, this arrangement:
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230Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Langham Hotel, London, to (Elisha) Bliss, (1873) Jul 7 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: Finally concluded not to go to Paris. So you can take the Herald letters & put them in a pam- phlet along with the Enclosed article about the Jumping Frog in French, (which is entirely new) & then add enough [Written in margin: I enclose Prefatory remarks, "To the Reader." You can mention, if you choose, that the Frog article has not been printed before. of my old sketches to make a good fat 25 cent pamphlet & let it slide — but don't charge more than 25c nor less. If you haven't a Routledge edition of my sketches to select from you will find one at my house or Warner's.
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231Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to Augustin Daly, 1884 Feb 17 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I have been dra- matizing a book of mine ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer") & I wonder if you would like to take a look at the result, with an eye to business? If so, I will bring the play down when I return to New York Wednesday Thursday.
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232Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Hartford, CT, to "Miss Harriet," 1876 Jun 14 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I am a long time answering your letter, my dear Miss Harriet, but then you must remember that it is an equally long time since I received it — so that makes us even, & nobody to blame on either side.
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233Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to Edward Howard House, 1886 Jul 26 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I have come up to the study to answer you. Mrs. C. & I had just read your (no, Koto's) letter. As I left, I said "What shall I say for you?"
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234Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, New York, to "Dear Folks" (Jane Clemens et al), 1867 Apr 15 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I need not have hurried here so fast, but I didn't know that. All passages had to be se- cured & the Twelve hundred & fifty dollars fare paid in to-day the 15th, for the Holy Land Excursion, & so I had to be here I thought — but the first man I met this morning was the chief of the Alta bureau with a check for $1,250 in his hand & a tele- graphic dispatch from the proprietors of the Alta say- ing "Ship Mark Twain in the Holy Land Pleasure Excursion & pay his passage." So we just went down & attended to the matter. We had to wait awhile, because the chief manager was not in & we did not make our- selves known. A newspaper man came in to get & asked how many names were booked & what notabilities were going, & a fellow (I don't know who he was, but he seemed to be connected with the concern,) said "Lt. Gen. Sher- man, Henry Ward Beecher & Mark Twain are going, & probably Gen. Banks!" I thought that was very good — an exceedingly good joke for a poor ignorant clerk.
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235Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Hartford, CT, to (George) Bentley, 1877 Sep 15 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: I sent you No. 1 of a series of 4 articles which I have been writing for the Atlantic Monthly, & with this I enclose No. 2. I saw Mr. Chatto in New York lately, & told him he could have these ad- vance sheets for one of his magazines in case you did not wish to use them. I have just writ- ten Mr. Chatto that I have not heard from you & therefore cannot inform him whether you want the advance sheets or not. I have suggested that he inquire of you.
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236Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to Unknown; on verso Mark Twain to Charles Erskine Scott Wood with AN by Charles Erskine Scott Wood, 1882 Aug [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: In reply I am obliged to say that I have quitted the platform permanently. With thanks for the complement of your invitation I am
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237Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Mark Twain, New York, to Joseph H. Twichell, 1868 Nov 28 [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Description: Sound the loud timbrel! — & let yourself out to your to your most prodigious capacity — for I have fought the good fight & lo! I have won! Re- fused three times — warned to quit, once — accepted at last! — & beloved! — Great Caesar's ghost, if there were a church in town with a steeple high enough to make it an object, I would would go out & jump over it! And I persecuted her parents for 48 hours & at last they couldn't stand the siege any longer & so they made a conditional surrender: — which is to say, if she [illeg.] makes up her mind thoroughly & eternally, & I prove that I have done nothing criminal or particularly shameful in the past, & establish a good character in the future & settle down, I may take the sun out of their domestic firmament, the angel out of their fireside heaven. [Thunders of applause.] She felt the first symp- toms last Sunday — my lecture, Mon- day night, brought the disease to the surface — Tuesday & Tuesday night she avoided me & would not do more than be simply polite to me because her parents said NO absolutely (al- most,) — Wednesday they capitulated & marched out with their side-arms — Wednesday night — she said over & over & over again that she loved me but was sorry she did & hoped it would yet pass away — Thursday I was telling her what a splendid magnificent fellows you & your wife were, & when my enthusiasm got the best of me & the tears sprang to my eyes, she just jumped up & said she was glad & proud [illeg.] she loved me! — & Friday night I left (to save her sacred name from the tongues of the gossips — & the last thing she said was: "Write im- mediately & just as often as you can!" Hurra! [Hurricanes of applause.] There's the history of it.
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238Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter to Elisha Bliss  
 Published:  2001 
 Description: Finally concluded not to go to Paris. So you can take the Herald letters & put them in a pamphlet along with the enclosed article about the Jumping Frog in French, (which is entirely new) & then add enough [along side of paper: I enclose prefatory remarks, "To the Reader." You can mention, if you choose, that the Frog article has not been printed before] of my old sketches to make a good fat 25 cent pamphlet & let it slide — but don't charge more than 25 c[ents] nor less. If you haven't a Routledge edition of my sketches to select from you will find one at my house or Warner's.
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239Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain to Unknown, n.y. Wednesday [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Description: P.S. I have ordered the 2 seats for 6 lec- tures, but you speak as if you meant to come 6 times! Bless your heart — it is the same lecture repeated word for word 6 times. I thought I ought in sim- ple kindness to tell you.
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240Author:  Twain, Mark, 1835-1910Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, Mark Twain, Riverdale, NY, to Unknown, (1901-1903) [a machine-readable transcription]  
 Published:  1997 
 Description: The bearer is my daughter's maid, & I beg as a favor that you will allow her to have access to my daughter's room, so that she can unpack the trunk.
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