SEPTEMBER 19-20, 2013


Election of Executive Committee for Fiscal Year 2014 9182

Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meetings on May 20-21, 9183

2013, and August 2-3, 2013, and Correction to the Minutes of

The Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Board of Visitors of

February 20-21, 2013

Resolution to Approve Additional Agenda Items 9184

Approval of Revisions to the Manual of the Board of Visitors 9185

Of the University of Virginia to Add the Executive Vice President

For Health Affairs as a Non-Voting Advisory Member of the

Medical Center Operating Board, and to Change the Title of the

Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine

Extension of the Special Committee on Diversity 9185

Extension of the Special Committee on Governance and Engagement 9185

Extension of the Special Committee on Strategic Planning 9186

Setting of the Date of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Board 9186

Resolution for Exclusion of Certain Directors and Officers - 9186

September 2013

Approval of the Gifts and Grants Report 9190

Approval of Demolition of Facilities Management Landscape Shop 9193


Approval of Nitrogen Footprint Reduction Plan 9194

Approval of the Proposal to Establish the Thomas Jefferson 9194

Foundation Medal in Global Innovation

Approval of New Degree Program: Bachelor of Science in Education 9195

In Youth and Social Innovation

Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professorships in Commerce and Engineering 9195

Approval of State Operating Budget Amendments for the 2014-2016 9196

Biennium for the Academic Division, the Medical Center, and The

University of Virginia’s College at Wise

Approval of 2014-2020 State Required Six-Year Institutional Plan 9196


Approval of the Financial Plan for the Renovation of the Rugby 9197

Road Office Building

Authorization of and Intent to Issue Tax-Exempt Debt 9197

Approval of the State Required Six-Year Plan for FY14-16 9198

Approval of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise Committee 9198

Goals for 2013-2014

Approval of the Summary of Audit and Compliance Findings 9198

Approval of the Sale of Approximately 161 Acres of the Currie Farm 9198 Property Located in Prince William County, Virginia

Faculty Personnel Actions

Elections 9200

Actions Relating to Chairholders 9205

Election of Chairholders 9205

Special Salary Action of Chairholders 9207

Retirement of Chairholders 9208 Correction to the Retirement of a Chairholder 9208

Resignation of Chairholder 9209

Promotions 9209 Correction to the Promotion of Ms. Elizabeth E. Friberg 9210 Correction to the Promotion of Ms. Mary E. Gibson 9210 Correction to the Promotion of Ms. Rebecca B. Harmon 9210

Special Salary Actions 9210

Resignations 9212

Retirements 9214


Re-Appointments 9215

Appointment of Dr. Richard P. Shannon as Executive Vice 9215

President for Health Affairs

Re-Election of Ms. Susan A. Carkeek as Vice President and 9216

Chief Human Resource Officer

Re-Election of Ms. Patricia M. Lampkin as Vice President and 9216

Chief Student Affairs Officer

Election of Professor Emeriti 9216

Correction to the Election of Professor Emeritus – Greg Balian 9216

Election of Associate Professor Emeriti 9217

Deaths 9217

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise

Elections 9218 Special Salary Actions 9218

Resignations 9219


Resolutions Not Requiring Action by the Full Board:

Resolutions approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on September 19, 2013

and 8th Floor Improvements

Management Shop Support/Office Building

Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building

Resolutions approved by the Executive Committee on September

20, 2013

Mr. Pianta

to Ms. Lampkin and Mr. Cozart

Resolutions approved by the Medical Center Operating Board

and an Additional Voting Member:

Resolutions approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on

September 19, 2013:

September 19-20, 2013

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met in open session at 3:15 p.m., on Thursday, September 19, 2013, in the Board Room of the Rotunda; George Keith Martin, Rector, presided.

Present were Frank B. Atkinson, Hunter E. Craig, Allison Cryor DiNardo, Helen E. Dragas, Kevin J. Fay, Frank E. Genovese, Marvin W. Gilliam Jr., William H. Goodwin Jr., John A. Griffin, Victoria D. Harker, Bobbie G. Kilberg, Stephen P. Long, M.D., Edward D. Miller, M.D., John L. Nau III, Timothy B. Robertson, Linwood H. Rose, and Blake E. Blaze. Leonard W. Sandridge Jr., Senior Advisor to the Board, was present as well.

Susan G. Harris, Paul J. Forch, and Debra D. Rinker were also present.

Rector Martin began the meeting by welcoming the newest members of the Board: John Griffin, Kevin Fay, Frank Genovese, and Blake Blaze. He said he hoped everyone had enjoyed the new Board meeting format and the change to the concurrent meeting structure. This format will allow more dialogue between members of a committee.

The Rector said the Board was assembled for a short meeting to appoint the Executive Committee for a term of one year. The Rector serves as the chair of the committee, and he asked the Vice Rector, Bill Goodwin, to serve as the vice chair. The Rector proposed a slate of four additional members: Victoria Harker, Stephen P. Long, M.D., Timothy B. Robertson, and Linwood H. Rose. The Rector also proposed the addition of one non-voting member, Edward D. Miller, M.D. He reminded the Board that last year they considered amending the statute to allow a seventh member. Due to concerns at that time, it was decided to pull back that amendment, but now the Rector would like to propose amending the statute in the 2014 General Assembly session. With that in mind, the Rector opened the floor for nominations and questions. Ms. Dragas suggested the seventh member be designated as the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board because of its financial and operating risks for the University and the Rector stated he would not be opposed to this.

On motion, the following resolution was approved:


RESOLVED, the Board approves the following members which constitute the Executive Committee until the Annual Meeting 2014: George Keith Martin, William H. Goodwin Jr., Victoria D. Harker, Stephen P. Long, M.D., Timothy B. Robertson, and Linwood H. Rose. In addition, Edward D. Miller, M.D. is elected as a nonvoting member of the committee; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board approves a legislative proposal to add a seventh member to the Executive Committee.

The full Board recessed at 3:25 p.m. and committee meetings continued throughout the afternoon.

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The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia convened in open session at 2:10 p.m. on Friday, September 20, 2013, in the Board Room of the Rotunda; George Keith Martin, Rector, presided.

Present were Frank B. Atkinson, Hunter E. Craig, Allison Cryor DiNardo, Helen E. Dragas, Kevin J. Fay, Frank E. Genovese, Marvin W. Gilliam Jr., William H. Goodwin Jr., John A. Griffin, Victoria D. Harker, Bobbie G. Kilberg, Stephen P. Long, M.D., Edward D. Miller, M.D., John L. Nau III, Timothy B. Robertson, Linwood H. Rose, and Blake E. Blaze. Leonard W. Sandridge Jr., Senior Advisor to the Board, was present as well.

Also present were Teresa A. Sullivan, Susan G. Harris, Paul J. Forch, Patrick D. Hogan, John D. Simon, Susan A. Carkeek, Donna Price Henry, R. Edward Howell, Patricia M. Lampkin, David W. Martel, Marcus L. Martin, M.D., Nancy A. Rivers, Richard P. Shannon, M.D., Colette Sheehy, Thomas C. Skalak, Robert D. Sweeney, Anthony P. de Bruyn, McGregor McCance, and Debra D. Rinker.

Also present were Chris Holstege, M.D., Eric Baumgartner, and Pace Lochte.

The Rector asked the former Rector, Helen Dragas, to join him to present a gift to her from the Board. He thanked her for her service and for the commitment, along with the sacrifices that she made to serve as Rector. He said he has a better appreciation for the commitment since taking over as rector six to eight weeks ago. He also thanked Ms. Dragas’ family for the time that she put in to being such a devoted rector. Ms. Dragas thanked the Board members and said it has been the greatest honor of her life.

The Rector made reference to each of the consulting members and faculty consulting members and asked them to stand if they were present. The only two present were Adelaide Wilcox King and George C. Cohen. He thanked each of them for their willingness to serve in this capacity.

The Rector called on Hunter E. Craig to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

On motion, the Minutes of the Board meetings held on May 20-21, 2013 and August 2-3, 2013 were approved, as well as the correction to the Minutes of February 20 and 21, 2013.


WHEREAS, background information on the former faculty for whom the residence halls are named was inaccurate and incomplete in the resolution adopted by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Board of Visitors on February 20 and 21, 2013;

RESOLVED, the resolution on naming the new Alderman Road Student Residence Halls Phase III and IVa, Buildings #3, #4, and #5, contained in the Minutes of the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Board of Visitors of February 20 and 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on February 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Housing Division and the University have embarked on a building project that is taking place in four phases, which includes the removal and replacement of the student residence halls in the Alderman Road Residence Area that were built in the 1960s, with construction of Phase III and IVa nearly completed; and

WHEREAS, residence halls Maupin, Lile, Tuttle were razed, and Dunnington, which is scheduled to be razed in summer 2013, were named for dedicated University faculty:

Socrates Maupin (1808-1871), Professor of Chemistry, served 1853-1871

William Minor Lile (1859-1935), alumnus (LL.B. 1882), a founder of Virginia Law Review and first Dean of Law School

Albert Henry Tuttle (1844-1927) lawn resident, Professor of Biology

Francis P. Dunnington (1851 -1944) alumnus (two degrees 1871 and 1872), Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, served 1873-1919; and

WHEREAS, the President’s Committee on Names recommends that the names of the razed buildings be combined to name two of the new student residence building as follows:

Lile-Maupin House (Building #3)

Tuttle-Dunnington House (Building #4); and

WHEREAS, the President’s Committee on Names recommends that the building #5 be named Shannon House in honor of Edgar F. Shannon Jr., the fourth president of the University; and

WHEREAS, Edgar Finley Shannon Jr., born June 4, 1918, in Lexington, Virginia, and died August 24, 1997 in Charlottesville, Virginia, was a former Rhodes Scholar and an internationally respected scholar and author in the field of Victorian literature and joined the U.Va. faculty in 1956 as an associate professor of English; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon was elected president of the University in 1959 at the age of 40 and returned to full-time teaching in 1974 as Commonwealth Professor of English and was elected president emeritus in 1988 by the Board of Visitors; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon served as president of the University from 1959 through 1974, during which time the Vietnam War raged abroad, campus unrest surged at home, the University opened its doors to women and minorities, and the student body tripled in size; and

WHEREAS, in honor of Mr. Shannon’s scholarship, leadership, and service to the University, it is recommended that building #5 be named Shannon House;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors names the new student residence buildings Lile-Maupin House, Tuttle-Dunnington House, and Shannon House.

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Resolution for Additions to the Agenda

On motion, the Board adopted the following resolution approving the consideration of addenda to the published agenda of the meeting:


RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the consideration of addenda to the published Agenda.

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Revisions to the Manual of the Board of Visitors

The Executive Committee met prior to the full Board meeting to discuss proposed revisions to the Manual of the Board of Visitors. They recommended adding the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs as a non-voting advisory member of the Medical Center Operating Board. There was also a change in title for the Dean of the School of Medicine.

On motion, the following resolution was approved:


RESOLVED, Section 3.28 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia is amended to add the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs as a non-voting advisory member of the Medical Center Operating Board, and to change the title of the Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine to the Dean of the School of Medicine.

- - - - - - - - -

Extensions of Special Committees

Mr. Martin stated that the special committees have one year terms and must be extended annually by the Board. On motion, the following resolutions were approved:


WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that Special Committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;

RESOLVED, the Special Committee on Diversity is extended to the Annual Meeting of 2014.


WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that Special Committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;

RESOLVED, the Special Committee on Governance and Engagement is extended to the Annual Meeting of 2014.


WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that Special Committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;

RESOLVED, the Special Committee on Strategic Planning is extended to the Annual Meeting of 2014.

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RESOLVED, the first meeting of the Board of Visitors in the fall of 2014 will be designated the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Board.

- - - - - - - - -

Resolution for Exclusion of Certain Directors and Officers

The Rector asked for approval of a resolution excluding members of the Board of Visitors and other officers from access to classified information disclosed to the University by the Department of Defense or the Government regarding contracting activities of the National Industrial Security Program. On motion, the following resolution was approved:


WHEREAS, current Department of Defense Regulations contain a provision making it mandatory that the Chair of the Board, a Senior Management Official, and a Facility Security Officer meet the requirements for eligibility for access to classified information established for a contractor facility security clearance; and

WHEREAS, said Department of Defense Regulations permit the exclusion from the personnel of the requirements for access to classified information of certain members of the Board of Directors and other officers, provided that this action is recorded in the public Minutes;

RESOLVED, the Rector as Chair of the Board, Senior Management Official, and Facility Security Officer at the present time do possess, or will be processed for, the required eligibility for access to classified information; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, in the future, when any individual enters upon any duties as Rector of the Board, Senior Management Official, and Facility Security Officer, such individual shall immediately make application for the required eligibility for access to classified information; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the following members of the Board of Visitors and other officers shall not require, shall not have, and can be effectively and formally excluded from access to all CLASSIFIED information disclosed to the University and shall not affect adversely Board and University policies or practices in the performance of classified contracts for the Department of Defense or the Government contracting activities (User Agencies) of the National Industrial Security Program.

Frank B. Atkinson

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Hunter E. Craig

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Allison Cryor DiNardo

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Helen E. Dragas

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Kevin J. Fay

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Frank E. Genovese

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Marvin W. Gilliam Jr.

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

John A. Griffin

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

William H. Goodwin Jr.

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Victoria D. Harker

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Bobbie G. Kilberg

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Stephen P. Long, M.D.

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Edward D. Miller, M.D.

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

John L. Nau III

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Timothy B. Robertson

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Linwood H. Rose

Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Leonard W. Sandridge

Senior Advisor to the Board of Visitors

Blake E. Blaze

Student Member, University of Virginia Board of Visitors

Paul J. Forch

General Counsel to the University of Virginia

Susan G. Harris

Secretary to the Board of Visitors

Patrick D. Hogan

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

John D. Simon

Executive Vice President and Provost

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NCAA Orientation

Annually, the Board members must be oriented on NCAA compliance issues. Mr. Eric Baumgartner, the Associate Athletics Director of Compliance, provided the orientation. Mr. Baumgartner began by explaining institutional controls as the ability of each institution to control its intercollegiate athletics programs to ensure compliance with the NCAA rules and regulations. Ultimately, President Sullivan is responsible for the athletics program and she has assigned Craig Littlepage and Eric Baumgartner to oversee the compliance program from a rules and compliance stand point.

Mr. Baumgartner said boosters are representatives of athletic interests, and this includes Board members. Once you are a booster, you remain a booster for your life. Board members may not engage in recruiting. This means Board members should not meet with or speak with prospective student athletes or their parents or guardians either on Grounds or off Grounds. Recruiting is prohibited for high school students in grades 9 through 12. There are different levels of violations; sanctions include banning from post-season play, fines, and many other potential sanctions.

ACC Certification

The Atlantic Coast Conference requires the Rector to read a certification to the Board stating the President is responsible for the athletics program and has full authority from the Board to run the program. The Rector read the certification, and said he and President Sullivan would sign it later.

Report by the Student Board Member

Mr. Blaze highlighted four student groups on-Grounds that he felt exemplified student self-governance. He reported that the Honor Committee has created a newsletter to make the system more accessible and less intimidating; U.Va. Student Council has instituted sweeping organizational changes to increase efficiency and is currently overseeing 55 initiatives that range from promoting the arts to critically analyzing advising here at the University; Dialogue Across U.Va. is a relatively new group on-Grounds that is bringing faculty, staff, and students together to talk about issues at the University; and friends of Shelley Goldsmith in Alpha Phi sorority have formed a Contracted Independent Organization (CIO) that promotes awareness about the dangers of drug use, in memory of Ms. Goldsmith.

Mr. Blaze said that he stood by the Board of Visitors' decision made in August on AccessUVa, however, students are concerned that diversity will decrease. He suggested that there be close monitoring. He read a segment from the IAmNotaLoan campaign's letter to the Board as an example of how passionate the students are about this matter, and he quoted the Black Student Alliance (BSA) president Joy Omenyi, to further highlight what this means to the students.

Report by the President

The President said the visiting committee from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) concluded its visit to the University on Wednesday. She thanked the Board members and others who took the time to meet with the committee. She believes it was a very productive and positive visit.

The President said the SACS visiting committee will deliver its report to SACS, and in December, a decision will be made. She said she feels very hopeful and confident that the University will be taken off warning at that time.

President Sullivan introduced the newest members of the University’s executive leadership team, Dr. Richard Shannon and David Martel. Dr. Shannon will be the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and he will report directly to the President, while working closely with Provost John Simon and Chief Operating Officer Patrick Hogan to advance broad institutional goals.

President Sullivan introduced the new Chief Communications Officer, David Martel. She said he was a seasoned communications executive with more than 20 years of success in marketing, brand awareness, graphic identity, multimedia, and media relations. Mr. Martel will also report directly to the President. She said she has already been impressed by his creativity and strategic vision, and is excited about the energy and leadership he will bring to our Communications team.

Gifts and Grants Report

Before delivering the Gifts and Grants Report, President Sullivan shared a brief story with the Board members. This past spring, we celebrated the successful conclusion of the $3-billion capital campaign. She said many large gifts helped us surpass our campaign goal, but many small gifts made a difference also.

She spoke about one especially small gift and the donor who gave it. Last spring, the University received a donation form returned in an envelope containing a gift of six cents. When it appeared, the engagement staff suspected that this six-cent gift might be some kind of angry gesture from a disgruntled alumnus, so they decided to look into it by calling the donor. It turned out that the donor was a 1999 alumna who had fallen on hard times. She told the engagement officer that she had recently lost a job that she’d held for several years, but she loved the University, she said, and when she received the campaign mailing, she could not bear to throw it away without giving something. In her purse, all she could find was six cents, so she sent it. In other words, this woman gave 100% of her disposable income to the University.

The President said like the Bible story of the “widow’s mite,” the story of the gift from the six-cent donor should remind us to appreciate the small gifts — and the personal sacrifices they represent — even as we celebrate the big gifts that we mention in the Gifts and Grants Report.

Summary of Fiscal Year-To-Date through July 31, 2013

Philanthropic cash flow to the University of Virginia and its related foundations is $4,467,775.65 for the fiscal year through July 31, 2013, with an additional $2,111,847.85 pledged.

Significant Gifts Received Since The Last Meeting

The following are significant gifts received since the last Board meeting:

Altria Client Services Inc., private grant of $2,000,000 to the Curry School of Education in support of the Center for Positive Youth Development;

Estate of Marion R. Taylor bequest of $950,000 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the Ambassador Henry J. Taylor and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professorship in Media Studies and the Ambassador Henry J. Taylor and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professorships in Politics;

Mr. Roderick Hepburn Cushman and Mrs. Barbara V.F. Cushman gift of $750,000 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the Roderick H. Cushman Research and Travel Endowed Fellowship Fund;

Mr. David R. Goode pledge payment of $458,400 to the Miller Center of Public Affairs for the David R. Goode National Transportation Conference Endowment; and

Estate of Robert S. Pace, Jr., in-kind bequest of $354,860 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the benefit of the department of Environmental Sciences.

Significant Pledges Received Since The Last Meeting

The following are significant pledges received since the last Board meeting:

Mr. Bernard Lynn and Mrs. Maxine Platzer Lynn pledge of $3,000,000 in support of the Women’s Center;

The William Stamps Farish Fund pledge of $1,000,000 to the Jeffersonian Grounds Initiative to support the renovation of the Rotunda;

Mr. Radford W. Klotz and Ms. Shahnaz Batmanghelidj pledge of $1,000,000 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the Radford W. Klotz and Shahnaz Batmanghelidj Fund for Faculty Excellence in Economics.

The President recommended that the Board accept the gifts and grants report. The Rector asked for a motion to approve the report. The motion was made, seconded, and the report was approved.

Faculty Senate Report

Dr. Chris Holstege, current Faculty Senate Chair, thanked the Board for the opportunity to address them, and extended an invitation for them to sit in on any of his teaching sessions. He said, during his term as chair, it will be a priority to focus on how faculty leaders communicate and engage with others throughout the greater university community, including the Board. He thanked Rector Martin and the Board for the opportunity to attend the August retreat. He said it was a valuable opportunity to meet the new board members and talk with each of them. He said to have effective communication, it needs to come from both directions.

Dr. Holstege cited two examples of effective communication. He said we are in the midst of the development of the strategic plan led by the diligent work of Milton Adams. He said it will be a challenging process that will require effective communication from all parties. Up to this time, there were multiple Town Hall meetings with each of the working groups to encourage engagement with all University faculty. Those discussions and many others led to the development of the five strategic pillars. Dr. Holstege said the Faculty Senate has dedicated its meetings this year to Town Hall sessions to discuss the Strategic Plan and provide feedback to the administration as the process is further honed. He said this was a tremendous challenge representing all 4,000 faculty. He gave several examples of the challenge they face. In order to make wise decisions on the Strategic Plan that may appear intuitive, the ramifications of each of the strategies must be clearly vetted with all constituents (faculty, students, staff, alumni, administration, and the Board) to assure the success of a final plan - one that we may not all fully agree on, but a process that we can clearly show was openly communicated and engaged all.

Dr. Holstege spoke briefly about internal communications and how important they are. He gave an example of the changes in health care benefits. Spouses who are eligible for health care benefits at their place of employment will no longer be eligible for benefits at the University,. He said this may affect 1,500 - 2,000 employees and is the talk of the town. He expressed thanks to Susan Carkeek and the work that she has done for the University but said that as the Faculty Senate chair, this was a wake-up call for him on internal communications. He said there is an advisory council to the benefits office which includes five faculty members who could have assisted with communication before and after such decisions were enacted – had they been engaged.

Dr. Holstege said they are working with the General Faculty Council and other various councils representing university staff in a group now called “OneUVA” that is identifying those councils and committees on Grounds that have faculty and staff members to assure that those representatives are indeed representing their constituents. He said the Faculty Senate should provide an easy conduit for such representation, including those faculty consulting members on the Board committees to truly represent the faculty accurately. He said faculty leaders need to ensure that their communications are representing the greater faculty and not simply an individual’s personal thoughts on a topic.

Dr. Holstege explained how they are moving forward on improving communications. He said communication and engagement must first begin with the institution’s leadership. He reported that they were communicating effectively with the administration leadership. The Faculty Senate has a specific committee dedicated to collaboration, communication, and engagement. They are working to further improve communications with others throughout the institution. Dr. Hostege said the Faculty Senate leadership has been meeting with the rector, George Martin and others on the Board. He said at this time we need to ensure that we all communicate effectively, striving for the betterment of this university as a whole to provide the best education possible for the gifted students we all serve. He concluded by saying that he looked forward to this year’s activities and working with each of the Board members as the chair of the Faculty Senate representing the University’s outstanding faculty.

- - - - - - - - -

Crockett Award

Ms. Donna Henry made the presentation of this year’s Crockett Award to Pace Lochte. Ms. Henry said Ms. Lochte is a person who believes in the power of authentic partnership to improve lives and create innovative change, and she lives this belief through her abiding partnerships in Southwest Virginia. Every day, she honors the spirit of the people of the region, a spirit that values trust, self-determination and perseverance, and she models those values in everything she does. Through her extraordinary leadership, a few tentative projects to meet a state mandate six years ago have been transformed into growing, meaningful, and impactful partnerships that are improving lives and communities in Southwest Virginia. Ms. Lochte was present to accept the award.

- - - - - - - - -

Committee Reports

The chairs of each of the committees gave reports on the actions and discussions in their committee meetings. These committee reports can be heard on the audio feed that is linked to the September 2013 materials under past meetings. It can be found at: Committee Minutes reflect the discussion and actions taken in the committee meetings.

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Executive Session, Friday, September 20, 2013

After adopting the following motions, the voting members present plus Mr. Blaze, Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Carkeek, Mr. Hogan, Ms. Rivers, Mr. Simon, Mr. Forch, and Ms. Harris, participated in Executive Session at 4:30 p.m.:

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, re-appointment, assignment, performance, and compensation of certain officers and employees of the University, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia; furthermore, I move that the Board of Visitors go into closed session to discuss and consult legal counsel on his privileged litigation report, and discuss and consult legal counsel and the President on discipline of students as required by state law and university policy, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A)(2) and (7) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session to discuss a fundraising strategy and potential gifts from individual donors for a new academic program and potential building project, as provided for by Virginia Code §2.2-3711 A.(8).

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session to discuss the status of negotiations and sale of gifted real property in Prince William County and, as may be necessary, consult with legal counsel and the administration where disclosure at this time would adversely affect negotiations and bargaining position, as provided for by Virginia Code §2.2-3711 A(3),(4),(7) and (8).

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At 5:30 p.m. the Board left closed session and, on motion, adopted the following resolution certifying that the deliberations in closed session had been conducted in accordance with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.

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Final Session

The Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. for the Final Session. All Board members, save Dr. Miller, were present.


The following resolutions were unanimously adopted except where noted:


(approved by the Buildings & Grounds Committee on September 19, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Facilities Management Landscape Shop, #207-0243, is a structure in poor condition, and occupies valuable real estate which can be used for additional parking and the staging of equipment and materials; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Management Agreement, dated November 15, 2005, by and between the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, as amended, subject to review by the Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable, the Board of Visitors is authorized to approve the demolition of University buildings;

RESOLVED, the demolition of the Landscape Shop #207-0243 is approved by the Board of Visitors, pending approval by the Commonwealth’s Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources, and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to approve and execute such documents and to take such other actions necessary and appropriate in connection with seeking required state approvals and contracting in compliance with general laws for the demolition of the Landscape Shop #207-0243.



(approved by the Buildings & Grounds Committee on September 19, 2013)

WHEREAS, The Board of Visitors approved the Sustainability Commitment on June 10, 2011 which reiterated the University’s leadership role to promote sustainability; and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia has taken a leadership role in research and education on the impacts of reactive nitrogen on the environment;

RESOLVED, Points 1 and 2 of the June 10, 2011 Sustainability Commitment are amended to read:

1. The University of Virginia will undertake to reduce both annual greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of reactive nitrogen lost to the environment to levels 25% below year 2009 amounts by the year 2025.

2. The University will utilize the highest standards of environmental stewardship and resource conservation and will address other areas of concern beyond greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen, such as waste, water, stream and river protection, noise and light pollution, open space protection, and conservation of the historical and cultural legacy of the community.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on September 19, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation and the University of Virginia established the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture in 1966, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Law in 1977, and the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Citizen Leadership in 2006; and

WHEREAS, the Medals commemorate Thomas Jefferson’s passions and ideals by recognizing distinguished individuals in these areas; and

WHEREAS, The Darden School of Business proposes a fourth award, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global Innovation, to recognize a distinguished individual who has exemplified, in his or her work and life, Jefferson’s principle that the creation of new ideas and their wide dissemination should be used to improve the lives of many around the globe; and

WHEREAS, the establishment of this Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global Innovation will broaden the global impact of the University of Virginia and the Thomas Jefferson Foundation; and

WHEREAS, the Darden Foundation will establish an endowment pursuant to an agreement with the Thomas Jefferson Foundation to support the medal; and

WHEREAS, the medalist would be chosen by a committee of five voting members, chaired by the Dean of the Darden School, including two representatives of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, two University faculty members, both to be chosen by the Dean of the Darden School, with the president of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation serving as a non-voting advisor;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the proposal to establish the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global Innovation.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on September 19, 2013)

RESOLVED, subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Bachelor of Science in Education in Youth and Social Innovation is established in the Curry School of Education.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on September 19, 2013)

WHEREAS, Rolls-Royce plc has major businesses in civil aerospace, marine propulsion, and energy, with 40,000 employees worldwide, and opened a jet engine manufacturing plant in Virginia; and

WHEREAS, as part of a strategic education and research partnership among Rolls-Royce, the Commonwealth, the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, and the Virginia Community College System, the Commonwealth created nine endowed professorships distributed equally among the University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and McIntire School of Commerce, and Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering; and

WHEREAS, the professorships in the McIntire School of Commerce and the School of Engineering serve to enhance the curriculum in areas of interest to Rolls-Royce and the Commonwealth;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors changes the name of the three Commerce Commonwealth Professorships to Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professorships in Commerce and the three Rolls-Royce Professorships in Engineering to Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professorships in Engineering; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks Rolls-Royce and the Commonwealth of Virginia for making these professorships possible.


(approved by the Finance Committee on September 20, 2013 and the Committee on The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on September 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the proposed biennial budget requests represent the highest priority initiatives and are aligned with the six-year plan submitted to the Commonwealth on July 1, 2013;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia approves the 2014-2016 biennial budget requests accompanying this resolution; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board of Visitors understands that to the extent these initiatives are not included in the Governor’s 2014-2016 biennial budget, the University may want to pursue similar requests to the Legislature; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the President or her designee is authorized to transmit to the General Assembly any request not funded by the Governor as long as there are no material differences from the items already endorsed by the Board of Visitors.


(approved by the Finance Committee on September 20, 2013. Ms. Dragas voted “no” in the Final Session)

WHEREAS, §23-38.87:17 of the Virginia Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2011 requires the governing boards of all public institutions of higher education to develop and adopt biennially an institutional six-year plan and submit that plan to the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV), the Governor, and the Chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance; and

WHEREAS, the University submitted its preliminary plan for the Academic Division as required on July 1, outlining general strategies to advance the objectives of the Act and to enhance teaching, research, and service; and

WHEREAS, final institutional plans must be approved by the Board of Visitors and submitted to SCHEV, the Governor, and the Chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance no later than October 1;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the 2014-20 six-year institutional plan for the Academic Division; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the President is authorized to transmit the six-year plan to SCHEV, the Governor, and the chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance.


(approved by the Finance Committee on September 20, 2013. Ms. Dragas voted “no” in the Final Session)

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors endorses the financial plan for the renovation of the Rugby Road Office Building with an expected budget of $8.1 million to $10.0 million to be financed with $1-2 million in deferred maintenance funds and $7.1-8.0 million in University bonds.


(approved by the Finance Committee on September 20, 2013. Ms. Dragas voted “no” in the Final Session, and Mr. Martin and Mr. Atkinson abstained)

WHEREAS, the University intends to undertake certain capital projects identified below (theProject”), and to finance the Project through the issuance of tax-exempt debt, in the maximum principal amount stated below for the Project:


North Grounds Mechanical Plant - $334,000

Alderman Road Residence Area Replacement Housing, Phase 4, Building 6 - $6,200,000

Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building - $5,000,000

Rugby Road Office Building - $10,000,000


Ambulatory Practice Space - $6,910,000

Education Resource Center - $25,400,000; and

WHEREAS, the University further intends to expend funds on the Project and to reimburse such expenditures from the proceeds of the tax-exempt debt; and

WHEREAS, to comply with the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Section l.l50-2 of the Income Tax Regulations (the “Regulations”), it is necessary, in order to reimburse such expenditures incurred prior to the issuance of the tax-exempt debt with the proceeds of such debt, that the University declare its official intent to make such a reimbursement of expenditures; and

WHEREAS, prior to the issuance of long-term debt, the Board of Visitors will be asked to consider a separate issuance resolution;

RESOLVED, short-term debt may be issued for the Project, but only if the following conditions are met:

1. A comprehensive and detailed financial plan for the Project is submitted to and approved by the Capital Outlay Executive Review Committee; and

2. A school or unit shall remain responsible for repaying any debt obligation incurred regardless of the status of such school’s or unit’s Project; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia declares its intent to expend funds on the Project and to reimburse such expenditures from the proceeds of tax-exempt debt, in accordance with the following:

1. This resolution is a declaration of official intent for purposes of Section 1.150-2 of the Regulations; and

2. The University reasonably expects to issue tax-exempt debt for the Project in the maximum principal amount stated in the recitals above.


(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on September 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Six-Year Plan for FY14-16 for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is approved as presented.


(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on September 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Committee goals for 2013-2014 are approved as presented.


(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on September 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Summary of Audit Findings for the period February 1, 2013 through August 15, 2013, as presented by the Chief Audit Executive, and Compliance Projects for the period of January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, as presented by the Corporate Compliance Officer, are approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.


(discussed in Executive Session on September 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, in 1968, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia received a donation of approximately 205 acres of farm property (Currie Farm) in Prince William County, Virginia; and

WHEREAS, in 1997, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia transferred the Currie Farm to the University of Virginia Foundation for stewardship of the property, subject to its approval for any rezoning, encumbrances and further sale; and

WHEREAS, in 2009, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia authorized the University of Virginia Foundation to rezone the property and enter into necessary proffers with Prince William County necessary to secure such rezoning; and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia Foundation has substantially completed the engineering and design of a 150-lot, single-family residential development and believes it is in the best interest of the University of Virginia to market and sell the Currie Farm property; and

WHEREAS, the net proceeds of sale of the Currie Farm property will be transferred to the University of Virginia’s endowment as unrestricted funds;

RESOLVED, that the Board of Visitors approves the sale of the rezoned area of the Currie Farm property by the University of Virginia Foundation on terms and conditions as authorized by the Chair of the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors and the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University of Virginia.

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RESOLVED the following persons are elected to the faculty:

Dr. Michelle A. Adu-Darko, as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for one year, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Ashok R. Asthagiri, as Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Heather L. Asthagiri, as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for two years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Steven D. Baker, as Assistant Professor of Commerce, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $200,000.

Mr. Connelly S. Barnes, as Assistant Professor of Computer Science, from August 25, 2013 until May 24, 2016, at an annual salary of $136,000.

Mr. Andreas Beling, as Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $120,000.

Ms. Laura R. Biron, as Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $62,000.

Mr. Stephen L. Braga, as Professor of Law, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $140,000.

Mr. Eli L. Carter, as Assistant Professor of Spanish, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $62,000.

Mr. Benjamin L. Castleman, as Acting Assistant Professor of Education, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $70,000.

Ms. Vivien M. Chabalengula, as Associate Professor of Education, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $65,000.

Ms. Sarah R. Cole, as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective July 15, 2013, at an annual salary of $72,000.

Dr. Christine S. Connelly, as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $67,000.

Dr. R. Webster Crowley, as Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 15, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Caroline D'Souza, as Assistant Professor of Clinical Rheumatology, for one year, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Nomita Dave, as Assistant Professor in Music, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $60,000.

Ms. Shilpa S. Dave, as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $74,000.

Dr. Shandra Day, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for one year, effective July 15, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Linda A. Eastham, as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic salary of $69,600.

Ms. Kathleen Flake, as Professor of Religious Studies, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $120,000.

Dr. Tabor E. Flickinger, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 22, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Blake R. Garmon, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 22, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Jonathan L. Goodall, as Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Mr. Ali D. Guler, as Assistant Professor of Biology, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $77,000.

Dr. Kelly Gwathmey, as Assistant Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Tajie H. Harris, as Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, for three years, effective April 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $82,000.

Mr. Andrew T. Hayashi, as Associate Professor of Law, for five academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $168,000.

Dr. Christina Hayhurst, as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, for one year, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Gregory K. Hong, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. R. Edward Howell, as Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective February 25, 2014, at an annual salary of $125,000.

Mr. Song Hu, as Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, for three years, effective May 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Dr. Valentina Intagliata, as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. James M. Isbell, as Assistant Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Michael S. Jaffee, as Associate Professor of Neurology, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Nitya J. Kallivayalil, as Assistant Professor of Astronomy, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $75,000.

Ms. Christine M. Kennedy, as Professor of Nursing, effective August 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $160,000.

Dr. Arun Krishnaraj, as Assistant Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Kyle J. Lampe, as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, from December 25, 2013 until May 24, 2017, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Ms. Amy E. LaViers, as Assistant Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, for three years, effective August 20, 2013, at an annual salary of $114,700

Dr. Monica G. Lawrence, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Xiaodong Li, as Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $180,000.

Mr. Michael A. Livermore, as Associate Professor of Law, for five academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $168,000.

Mr. Mohammad M. Ghidary, as Assistant Professor of Computer Science, from August 25, 2013 until May 24, 2016, at an annual salary of $129,300.

Dr. Hillary S. Maitland, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Howard C. Malpass III, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Jessica K. Malpass, as Assistant Professor of Nursing, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $70,000.

Ms. Ruth Mason, as Professor of Law, without term, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $197,000.

Ms. Eileen G. Merritt, as Assistant Professor of Education, General Faculty, for one year, effective July 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $72,000.

Dr. Jeremy P. Middleton, as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Andrew S. Mondschein, as Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $70,000.

Ms. Nicole V. Montgomery, as Assistant Professor of Commerce, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $145,000.

Dr. Glenn A. Moulder, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Frackson Mumba, as Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $90,000.

Dr. Nicholas C. Nacey, as Assistant Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Cynthia L. Nicoletti, as Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $140,000.

Mr. Toluwalogo B. Odumosu, as Assistant Professor of Engineering and Society, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $63,000.

Ms. Emily N. Ogden, as Assistant Professor of English, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $64,000.

Dr. Venkat Perumal, as Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for two years, effective April 10, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. William C. Petersen Jr., as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Jennifer L. Pierce, as Assistant Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging, for three years, effective July 18, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Potter, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 15, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Yanjun Qi, as Assistant Professor of Computer Science, for three years, from August 25, 2013 until May 24, 2016, at an annual salary of $136,000.

Dr. Erika E. Ramsdale, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Richard P. Shannon, as Professor of Medicine, effective November 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $700,000.

Mr. Jeffrey V. Siebers, as Professor of Radiation Oncology, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $325,000.

Dr. Ryan Smith, as Assistant Professor of Urology, for three years, effective July 22, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Arazdordi Toumadje, as Assistant Professor in Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, for one year, effective June 3, 2013, at an annual salary of $75,000.

Mr. David C. Touve, as Assistant Professor of Commerce, for three years, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $135,000.

Jeffrey E. Vergales, as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 15, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Richard J. Westphal, as Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $80,000.

Mr. Kenneth R. White, as Professor of Nursing, without term, and Professor of Commerce, for three years, effective August 16, 2013, at an annual salary of $166,000.

Dr. Luke R. Wilkins, as Assistant Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging, for three years, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Jennifer L. Winchel, as Assistant Professor of Commerce, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $185,000.


RESOLVED that the actions relating to the Chairholders are approved as shown below:

(a) Election of Chairholders

Dr. Mark F. Abel, as Charles J. Frankel Professor of Orthopedics, for five years, effective August 11, 2013. Dr. Abel will continue as Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, without term.

Ms. Silvia S. Blemker, as Commonwealth Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, for five academic years or until promoted to full professor, effective August 25, 2013. Ms. Blemker will continue as Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, without term.

Mr. James E. Burroughs, as Commerce Commonwealth Professor, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Burroughs will continue as Professor of Commerce, without term.

Mr. Benton H. Calhoun, as Commonwealth Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, for five academic years or until promotion to full professor, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Calhoun will continue as Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, without term.

Dr. Abhinav B. Chhabra, as Lillian T. Pratt Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for five years, effective August 11, 2013, at an annual salary of $189,900. Dr. Chhabra will continue as Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, without term.

Mr. Michael G. Collins, as Class of 1948 Professor of Scholarly Research in Law, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Collins will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Dr. William J. Elias, as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, for five years, effective March 25, 2013. Dr. Elias will continue as Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, without term.

Ms. Kathleen Flake, as Richard Lyman Bushman Professor of Mormon Studies, effective August 25, 2013. Ms. Flake will continue as Professor of Religious Studies, without term.

Mr. Kim A. Forde-Mazrui, as Daniel Caplin Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Forde-Mazrui will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. George S. Geis, as William S. Potter Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Geis will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Dr. Madaline B. Harrison, as Mary Anderson Harrison Professor of Neurology, for five years, effective April 25, 2013. Dr. Harrison will continue as Professor of Neurology, without term.

Ms. Deborah Hellman, as F. D. G. Ribble Professor of Law, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Ms. Hellman will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Richard M. Hynes, as Nicholas E. Chimicles Research Professor of Business Law and Regulation, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Hynes will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Alex M. Johnson, as James C. Slaughter Distinguished Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Johnson will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Robert G. Kelly, as American Telephone and Telegraph Company Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, effective May 25, 2013. Mr. Kelly will continue as Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, without term.

Ms. Christine M. Kennedy, as Madeline Higginbotham Sly Professor of Nursing, for five years, effective August 1, 2013. Ms. Kennedy will continue as Professor of Nursing, without term.

Mr. Xiaodong Li, as Rolls-Royce Professor of Engineering, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Li will continue as Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, without term.

Dr. Zhenqi Liu, as Kenneth R. Crispell Professor of Internal Medicine, for five years, effective April 25, 2013. Dr. Liu will continue as Professor of Medicine, without term.

Mr. Eric Loth, as Rolls-Royce Professor of Engineering effective May 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $187,000. Mr. Loth will continue as Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, without term.

Ms. Ruth Mason, as Hunton and Williams Professor of Law, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Ms. Mason will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. James G. Maxham III, as William Stamps Farish Entrepreneurial Research Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Maxham will continue as Professor of Commerce, without term.

Mr. Paul G. Mitchell, as Joseph Weintraub Bank of America Distinguished Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Mitchell will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Michael G. Morris, as Commerce Commonwealth Professor, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Morris will continue as Professor of Commerce, without term.

Mr. Caleb E. Nelson, as Elizabeth D. and Richard A. Merrill Professor of Law, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Nelson will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Saikrishna B. Prakash, as James Monroe Distinguished Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Prakash will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Richard C. Schragger, as Perre Bowen Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Schragger will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Mr. Micah J. Schwartzman, as Edward F. Howrey Professor of Law, for three years, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Schwartzman will continue as Professor of Law, without term.

Dr. Richard P. Shannon, as Louise Nerancy Professor of Health Sciences Policy, for five years, effective November 1, 2013. Dr. Shannon will continue as Professor of Medicine, without term.

Dr. William G. Teague, as Ivy Foundation Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, for five years, effective July 25, 2013. Dr. Teague will continue as Professor of Pediatrics, without term.

Mr. Kenneth R. White, as University of Virginia Medical Center Professor of Nursing, for five years, effective August 16, 2013. Mr. White will continue as Professor of Nursing, without term.

Mr. Cameron D. Whitehouse, as Commonwealth Associate Professor of Computer Science, for five academic years or until promoted to full professor, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Whitehouse will continue as Associate Professor of Computer Science, without term.

Mr. Dennis T. Yang, as Dale S. Coenen Professor of Business Administration, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Yang will continue as Professor of Business Administration, without term.

(b) Special Salary Action of Chairholder(s)

Mr. Sean R. Agnew, Heinz and Doris Wilsdorf Distinguished Research Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $130,700.

Mr. Donald E. Brown, William Stansfield Calcott Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $201,400.

Mr. Giorgio Carta, Lawrence R. Quarles Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, effective May 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $158,300.

Dr. Robert L. Chevalier, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $222,000.

Mr. Robert J. Davis, Earnest Jackson Ogelsby Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, effective May 25, 2013, at a salary of $190,500.

Mr. Richard P. Gangloff, Ferman W. Perry Professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, effective May 25, 2013, at a salary of $180,400.

Dr. Richard L. Guerrant, Thomas Harrison Hunter Professor of International Medicine, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $217,700.

Mr. James M. Howe, Thomas Goodwin Digges Professor of Materials Science, effective May 25, 2013, at a salary of $158,900.

Ms. Barbara J. Mann, Wyeth-Ayerst Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $103,100.

Mr. Matthew Neurock, Alice M. and Guy A. Wilson Professor of Chemical Engineering, effective May 25, 2013, at a salary of $181,400.

(c) Retirement of Chairholders

Mr. Michael J. Demetsky, Henry L. Kinnier Professor of Civil Engineering, effective June 24, 2013. Mr. Demetsky has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1970.

Dr. Frank T. Saulsbury, Medical Alumni Professor of Pediatrics, effective September 30, 2013. Dr. Saulsbury has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1979.

(d) Correction to the Retirement of a Chairholder

RESOLVED, the retirement of Mr. Gary Balian as Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research, effective June 30, 2013, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors, dated May 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective June 30, 2013. Mr. Balian has been a member of the faculty since August 1, 1979.

(e) Resignation of Chairholders

Dr. David R. Jones, George R. Minor Professor of General Thoracic Surgery, effective July 23, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. James E. Ryan, F. Palmer Weber Research Professor of Civil Liberties and Human Rights and Professor of Law, effective August 19, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Alan M. Taylor, Souder Family Professor of Economics, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.


RESOLVED that the following persons are promoted:

Mr. Andrew K. Block Jr., from Assistant Professor of Law, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Law, General Faculty, for three years, effective June 25, 2013.

Mr. Matthew Leland Engle, from Assistant Professor of Law, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Law, General Faculty, for three years, effective June 25, 2013.

Mr. Alfredo Garcia, from Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, to Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Deena R. Hurwitz, from Associate Professor of Law, General Faculty, to Professor of Law, General Faculty, for one year, effective June 25, 2013.

Dr. Mark J. Jameson, from Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, with term, to Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Kelsey E. Johnson, from Assistant Professor of Astronomy, to Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective August 25, 2012.

Ms. Christine Mahoney, from Assistant Professor of Public Policy, to Associate Professor of Public Policy, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Karen M. Moran, from Associate Professor of Law, General Faculty, to Professor of Law, General Faculty, for one year, effective June 25, 2013.

Ms. Molly B. Shadel, from Associate Professor of Law, General Faculty, to Professor of Law, General Faculty, for one year, effective June 25, 2013.


RESOLVED, the promotion of Ms. Elizabeth E. Friberg, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors, dated May 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Ms. Elizabeth E. Friberg, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013.


RESOLVED, the promotion of Ms. Mary E. Gibson, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors, dated May 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Ms. Mary E. Gibson, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013.


RESOLVED, the promotion of Ms. Rebecca B. Harmon, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors, dated May 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Ms. Rebecca B. Harmon, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013.


RESOLVED that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Timothy N. Bullock, Associate Professor of Pathology, effective March 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $112,100.

Mr. Amar Cheema, Associate Professor of Commerce, effective May 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $178,000.

Ms. Elizabeth G. Epstein, Associate Professor of Nursing, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $74,700.

Mr. Charles R. Farber, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective May 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $140,000.

Mr. Gavin T. Garner, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $80,000.

Ms. Brie Gertler, Associate Professor of Philosophy, effective April 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $120,000.

Ms. Mary E. Gibson, Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $79,200.

Ms. Rebecca B. Harmon, Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $79,600.

Ms. Latisha Hayes, Assistant Professor of Education, General Faculty, effective May 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $78,000.

Dr. Tracey R. Hoke, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective April 22, 2013, at an annual salary of $210,000.

Dr. Gilbert Kinsey, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $76,000.

Ms. Jennifer L. Kirby, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Jie Liu, Assistant Professor of Research, effective April 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $73,000.

Dr. Mani S. Mahadevan, Professor of Pathology, effective March 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $109,000.

Ms. Christine Mahoney, Associate Professor of Public Policy, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $113,000.

Ms. Eileen G. Merritt, Assistant Professor of Education, General Faculty, effective July 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $72,000.

Mr. Louis P. Nelson, Associate Professor of Architectural History, effective March 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $88,000.

Ms. Bethany P. Nowviskie, Associate Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective April 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $115,000.

Ms. Suna Onengut-Gumuscu, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective April 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $115,000.

Ms. Lisa K. Rollins, Associate Professor of Research in Family Medicine, effective April 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $104,000.

Mr. Christopher J. Ruhm, Professor of Public Policy and Economics, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $334,700.

Ms. Carola Schenone, Associate Professor of Commerce, effective May 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $181,000.

Dr. Weibin Shi, Associate Professor of Radiology, effective July 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $132,800.

Dr. Siobhan M. Statuta, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, effective June 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Mary K. Worden, Associate Professor of Medical Education in Neuroscience, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $90,000.


The President announced the following resignations:

Mr. Matthew Affron, Associate Professor of Art, General Faculty, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Abdullah M. Al-Osaimi, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective September 14, 2013, to accept another position.

Ms. Jeanne L. Alhusen, Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective November 12, 2012, for personal reasons.

Dr. Harini Bagavant, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Michelle A. Barr, Associate Professor of Radiology, effective May 31, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. Brett R. Blackman, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective June 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Thomas D. Bourne, Assistant Professor of Pathology, effective June 1, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Kathleen B. Cox, Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. Umesh S. Deshmukh, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Roquinaldo A. Ferreira, Associate Professor of History and African-American and African Studies, effective August 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Vitold E. Galkin, Assistant Professor of Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective June 30, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Mitchell S. Green, Professor of Philosophy, effective August 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. James L. Hilton, Professor of Psychology, effective June 30, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Suzanne Holroyd, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, effective December 31, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Daniel C. Hu, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective September 1, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. Eric D.M. Johnson, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective June 7, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Dukpa Kim, Assistant Professor of Economics, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Mark Kirk, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, effective June 30, 2012, to accept another position.

Ms. Deandra Little, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective June 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. John D. Morley, Associate Professor of Law, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Alex Sang Ho Na, Assistant Professor of Surgery, effective June 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Karin I. Oberg, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Astronomy, effective June 30, 2013, to accept another position.

Ms. Mary C. O’Laughlen, Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. Igor N. Olekhnovich, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective June 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Mellisa A. Pensa, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, effective August 2, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Sarah R. Powell, Assistant Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Prashant Raghavan, Assistant Professor of Radiology, effective August 4, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Eric P. Ritter, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, effective August 15, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Wael Saad, Professor of Radiology, effective July 28, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Philip B. Shane, Professor of Commerce, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. George M. Verghese, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective August 1, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. William F. Walker, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective April 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Claire M. Waters, Associate Professor of English, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Douglas F. Willson, Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 7, 2013, to accept another position.

Mr. Khalequz Zaman, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, effective June 20, 2013, to accept another position.


The President announced the following retirements:

Dr. Robert J. Boyle, Professor of Pediatrics, effective December 31, 2013. Dr. Boyle has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1983.

Mr. James P. Esposito, Associate Professor of Education, effective September 24, 2013. Mr. Esposito has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1972.

Mr. Bernard Frischer, Professor of Art History and Classics, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Frischer has been a member of the faculty since August 26, 2004.

Ms. Joan B. Fry, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective August 23, 2013. Ms. Fry has been a member of the faculty since February 16, 1998.

Dr. Gregory F. Hayden, Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 31, 2013. Dr. Hayden has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1979.

Mr. Frederick R. Heisterman, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective July 24, 2013. Mr. Heisterman has been a member of the faculty since October 23, 1995.

Ms. Ann E. Mills, Assistant Professor of Medical Education, effective July 24, 2013. Ms. Mills has been a member of the faculty since November 17, 1992.

Mr. Bryan Pfaffenberger, Associate Professor of Science, Technology & Society, effective December 24, 2013. Mr. Pfaffenberger has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1985.

Mr. William M. Sutherland, Professor of Research in Cell Biology, effective August 24, 2013. Mr. Sutherland has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1979.

Ms. Gail W. Wertz, Professor of Research in Pathology, effective June 24, 2013. Ms. Wertz has been a member of the faculty since April 18, 2005.

Mr. De-Xing Zhang, Associate Professor of Research in Neurology, effective June 30, 2013. Mr. Zhang has been a member of the faculty since December 21, 1989.


The President announced the following re-appointments:

Mr. Jonathan D. Bowen, as Senior Assistant to the President, for five years, effective August 15, 2013.

Mr. Sean K. Jenkins, as Senior Assistant to the President, for five years, effective August 1, 2013.

Mr. Craig K. Littlepage, as Director of Athletics, for five years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Paul G. Mahoney, as Dean, School of Law, for five years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Darlene F. Scott-Scurry, as Director of Equal Opportunity Programs, for five years, effective August 15, 2013.


RESOLVED, Dr. Richard P. Shannon is elected as Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, for five years, effective November 1, 2013.


RESOLVED, Ms. Susan Carkeek is re-elected as Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, for one year, effective August 1, 2013.


RESOLVED, Ms. Patricia M. Lampkin is re-elected as Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer, for five years, effective October 25, 2013.


RESOLVED that the following persons are elected Professor Emeritus:

Dr. Robert J. Boyle, Professor of Pediatrics, effective December 31, 2013.

Mr. Michael J. Demetsky, Henry L. Kinnier Professor of Civil Engineering, effective June 25, 2013.

Mr. Bernard Frischer, Professor of Art History and Classics, effective May 24, 2013.

Dr. Gregory F. Hayden, Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 31, 2013.

Dr. Frank T. Saulsbury, Medical Alumni Professor of Pediatrics, effective September 30, 2013.

Mr. William M. Sutherland, Professor of Research in Cell Biology, effective August 24, 2013.


RESOLVED, the election to Professor Emeritus of Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research, effective June 30, 2013, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors, dated May 21, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective June 30, 2013.


RESOLVED that the following persons are elected Associate Professor Emeritus:

Mr. James P. Esposito, Associate Professor of Education, effective September 25, 2013.

Mr. Bryan Pfaffenberger, Associate Professor of Science, Technology & Society, effective December 25, 2013.


The president announced the following deaths:

Mr. Richard M. Brandt Jr., Curry Memorial Professor Emeritus of Education, died June 14, 2013. Mr. Brandt was a member of the faculty from September 1, 1965 until his retirement on May 31, 1990.

Dr. William C. Constable, Professor Emeritus of Radiation Oncology, died July 7, 2013. Dr. Constable was a member of the faculty from August 15, 1968 until his retirement on June 30, 2000.

Ms. Ann J. Lane, Professor Emeritus of History, died May 27, 2013. Ms. Lane was a member of the faculty from September 1, 1990 until her retirement on January 10, 2010.

Dr. Ladislau Steiner, Alumni Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery, died February 27, 2013. Dr. Steiner was a member of the faculty from July 1, 1989 until his retirement on September 1, 2010.

Mr. James S. Young, Professor Emeritus of Government and Foreign Affairs, died August 8, 2013. Mr. Young had been a member of the faculty from July 1, 1978 until his retirement on September 30, 1996.



RESOLVED the following persons are elected to the faculty:

Mr. Donald W. Sorah Jr., as Assistant Professor of Music, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $41,800.

Mr. Trevor A. Makal, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $52,500.


RESOLVED the following persons are promoted:

Mr. Daniel A. Ray, from Assistant Professor of Computer Science, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, to Associate Professor of Computer Science, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Christopher J. Scalia, from Assistant Professor of English, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, to Associate Professor of English, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 25, 2013.


RESOLVED the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Robin P. Benke, Associate Professor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $85,200.

Mr. Daniel A. Ray, Associate Professor of Computer Science, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 25, 2013, at a salary of $73,600.

Mr. Christopher J. Scalia, Associate Professor of English, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $47,600.


The President announced the following resignations:

Mr. Timothy Eli Sykes, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective August 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

Mr. Esteban Ponce-Ortiz, Associate Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

- - - - - - - - - -

On motion, the meeting of the Board of Visitors was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



These minutes have been posted to the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors website.



Meeting Date: September 20-21, 2013


The Board of Visitors, sitting in Open Session, unanimously adopted a resolution certifying that while meeting in Executive Session – as permitted by the relevant provisions of the Code of Virginia – only public business authorized by its motion and lawfully exempted from consideration were discussed in closed session.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



The following resolutions were adopted in Board Committees and do not require approval by the full Board; they are enumerated below as a matter of record.


Resolutions approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and reported to the full Board.


RESOLVED, HKS, Inc. of Richmond, Virginia, is approved for performance of architectural services for the Hospital 7th and 8th Floor Improvements project.


RESOLVED, Bowie-Gridley, of Washington, DC, is approved for performance of architectural services for the Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building.


WHEREAS, the West Garage (#207-0230) is located on the site chosen for the new Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building; and due to its age and structural condition is no longer being used; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Management Agreement, dated November 15, 2005, by and between the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, as amended, subject to review by the Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable, the Board of Visitors is authorized to approve the demolition of University buildings;

RESOLVED, the demolition of the structure is approved by the Board of Visitors, pending approval by the Commonwealth’s Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable; and

RESOLVED, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to approve and execute such documents and to take such other actions as necessary and appropriate in connection with seeking required state approvals and contracting in compliance with general laws for the demolition of the West Garage #207-0230; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the concept, site, and design guidelines, dated September 2013, prepared by the Architect for the University for construction of the Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building are approved; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the project will be presented for further review at the schematic design level of development.


Resolutions approved by the Executive Committee and reported to the full Board.


RESOLVED, Pavilion I, West Lawn, is assigned to Mr. Robert C. Pianta, Dean of the Curry School of Education, for a second term of five years, commencing November 20, 2013, and ending November 19, 2018.


RESOLVED, the lease on Pavilion V, West Lawn, held by Ms. Patricia M. Lampkin and Mr. Wayne D. Cozart, is extended for an additional period of approximately three years. The lease period will end on August 1, 2018.


Resolutions approved by the Medical Center Operating Board and reported to the full Board.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Bains, David, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 8, 2013, through April 13, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abdel-Rahman, Emaad M., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Brooks, Charles H., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 6, 2013, through June 5, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Driver, Kevin A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Harrison, Madaline B., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 26, 2013, through June 25, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Henry, Thomas D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Tiouririne, Nassima, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 10, 2013, through June 25, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Dunn, Malcolm W., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Isbell, James M., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 8, 2013, through May 7, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Matanock, Almea M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 6, 2013, through May 19, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Meyer, Brendan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Reymond, Sara, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Smith, Melinda, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Stisser, Brian C., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 7, 2013, through February 3, 2014; Privileged in Urology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abdel-Rahman, Emaad M., M.D, Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Alson, Amy R., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Bailey, Elaine T. Ph.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Brooks, Charles H., M.D, Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Bertram, Edward H., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Garson, Arthur, M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Administrative Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2015.

Gunther, Robert C., M.D., Pediatrician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Harrison, Madaline B., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Henry, Thomas D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Urology.

Lowson, Stuart M., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Masia, Shawn L., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 3, 2013, through June 2, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Moxley, Michael D., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 15, 2013, through April 14, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Nagle, Pamela C., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Park, Deric M., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 27, 2013, through May 26, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Riordan, John P., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Sinkin, Robert A., M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 26, 2013, through June 25, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Sochor, Mark R., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Tiouririne, Nassima, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 10, 2013, through June 9, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Waggoner Fountain, Linda A., M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Cropley, Thomas G., M.D., Dermatologist in Chief in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective June 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Fulks, Lois, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Period of Privileging: May 13, 2013 through April 30, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Brady, Carolyn A., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Heart Center/Cardiology Clinic: June 3, 2013 through June 2, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Bruen, Denise, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology: June 21, 2013 through June 20, 2015 Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Exline, Charlene G., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery: June 21, 2013 through June 20, 2015 Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Roberts Sara E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery: June 21, 2013 through June 20, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Sedlock, Jacquelyn, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery: June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Wielar, Amy J., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room: June 28, 2013 through June 27, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Wilson, Chad, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery: June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Barjesteh, Ramella E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in TCV/PO; Effective Date of Resignation: April 17, 2013.

Booth, Karen E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West; Effective Date of Resignation: April 12, 2013.

Irons, Amanda S., P.A., Physician Assistant in Cardiology/EP Lab; Effective Date of Resignation: January 14, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Amato, Jr, Peter, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Campbell, William W., Jr., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 8, 2013, through June 13, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Celigoj, III, Frank A., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Urology.

Cox, William, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Daniel, Stephanie Y., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 3, 2013, through June 2, 2014; Privileged in Dermatology.

Habbu, Amit, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Krishnaraj, Arun, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Lawrence, David T., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Maitland, Hillary S., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Middleton, Jeremy P., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Norwood, Kevin G., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Parulis, Jr., Albert W., M.D., Plastic Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 15, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Perumal, Venkat, Jr., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 4, 2013, through June 3, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Reardon, Kelli A., M.D., Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiation Oncology.

Smith, Ryan P., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 22, 2013, through July 21, 2014; Privileged in Urology.

Thirumalai, Shanti S., Jr., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 14, 2013, through June 13, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Vergales, Jeffrey E., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abbott, David M., M.D, Dentist in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dentistry.

Albrecht, Gerald T., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Ballew, Kenneth A., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Barth, Jeffrey T., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Bauman, Kimberley, M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Becker, Daniel M., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Beller, George A., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Bergin, James D., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Boggs, Sarah, M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Bourque, Jamieson, M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Boyle, Robert J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Brady, William J., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Burket, Roger C., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Burt, David R., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Burns, Ted M., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Campbell, Christopher A., M.D, Plastic Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through July 8, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Carpenter, Martha A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Carter, Bruce T., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Carver, Deborah J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 20, 2013, through July 19, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Cathro, Helen P., M.B.B.S., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Charlton, Jennifer R., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Chisholm, Christian A., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Clebak, Karl T., M.D, Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Cohn, Steven M., M.D, Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Collins, Andrew S., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Conway, Brian P., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Costabile, Raymond A., M.D, Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Christophel, John J., M.D, Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Otolaryngology.

Crosby, Ivan K., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Cui, Quanjun, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Dalkin, Alan C., M.D, Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Dameron, Zachariah C., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Darby, Andrew E., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

de Lange, Eduard E., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Deng, Chunli, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Dent, John M., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

DiMarco, John P., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Driver, Kevin A., M.D, Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Enfield, Kyle B., M.D, Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 21, 2013, through July 20, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Erickson, Sarah H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Esau, Sharon A., M.D, Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Ferguson, John D., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Fernandez Romero, Roberto, M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Foff, Erin P., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Fountain, Nathan B., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Fox, Michael G., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Fu, ShuMan, M.D, Rheumatologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Galbraith, Ted R., M.D, Dentist in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dentistry.

Gampper, Thomas J., M.D., Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Gaughen, Jr., John R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Gay, Spencer B., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Ghaemmaghami, Chris A., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Ghaemmaghami, Maya, M.D, Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Gibson, Robert S., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Cardiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Goldfarb, Adam N., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Gomez-Sanchez, Miriam G., M.D, Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Greer, Kenneth E., M.D, Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.

Grice, Darlinda M., M.D, Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Grossman, Leigh B., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hackworth, Jordan M., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Ham, Peter S., M.D, Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 14, 2013, through July 13, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Hanley, Michael, M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through July 8, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Hayden, Gregory F., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hedrick, Traci L., M.D, Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Heinan, Kristen C., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Hoard, Martin A., M.D., Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Hoke, George M., M.D, Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Hoke, Tracey R., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Holroyd, Suzanne, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Horbaly, William G., M.D, Dentist in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dentistry.

Hostler, Sharon L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Administrative Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Houpt, Eric R., M.D, Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Huffmyer, Julie L., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Hughes, Molly A., M.D, Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Iezzoni, Julia, M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Isbell, Rebecca L., M.D, Pediatrician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Jane, John A., M.D, Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 15, 2013, through August 14, 2013; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Jazaeri, Amir A., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Jenkins, Alan D., M.D, Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Jenkins, Jeffrey G., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Jilwan, Manal, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Jones, David E., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Kalantari, Kambiz, M.D, Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Kapur, Jaideep, M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Kennedy, Jamie L., M.D, Allergist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Kern, John A., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Kesser, Bradley W., M.D, Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Otolaryngology.

Khot, Rachita, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Kipp, Amy S., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Kirk, Mark A., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through March 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Kozower, Benjamin D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 24, 2013, through July 23, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Langer, Jennifer E., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Larner, James M., M.D., Radiation Oncologist in Chief in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiation Oncology.

Leinbach, Thomas E., M.D, Dentist in Chief in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dentistry.

Leiner, John G., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Lipper, Maurice H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Lippert, Marguerite C., M.D, Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Liu, Kenneth C., M.D, Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Lopez, David, M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Lynch, Carl, M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

MacKnight, John M., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Mahadevan, Mani S., M.B., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Mandell, James W., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Mangrum, James M., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

McCullough, Christopher S., M.D, Surgeon in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

McLaughlin, Maura R., M.D, Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

McNamara, Coleen A., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Martin, Marcus L., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Honorary Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Matsumoto, Julie A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Matherne, G. Paul, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Michael, Glen E., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Mills, Stacey E., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Modesitt, Susan C., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 14, 2013, through July 13, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Mongold, Derek S., M.D, Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2013, through July 15, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Moorman, Joseph R., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Mutter, Mary K., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Nacey, Nicholas C., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Nathan, Barnett, M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Nermergut, Edward C., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Newman, Steven A., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Norton, Patrick T., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Nguyen, Van H., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Norwood, Victoria F., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Olsakovsky, Leslie A., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Ozer, Harun, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Paget-Brown, Alix O., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Pajewski, Thomas N., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Passarella, Mark H., M.D, Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Patterson, James W., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Peura, David A., M.D, Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Pinkerton, JoAnn, M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Plews-Ogan, Margaret L., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Post, Barbara T., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Potter, Priscilla F., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Powell, Steven M, M.D, Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Preston, Mary B., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Prum, Bruce E., M.D, Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Quigg, Mark, M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Ragosta, Michael, M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Randall, Amelia H., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 6, 2013, through July 5, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Ranney, Anne M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Rehm, Patrice K., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Rembold, Christopher M., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Rich, George F., M.D, Anesthesiologist in Chief in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Rochman, Carrie M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Rose, C. Edward, M.D, Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Ritter, Eric P., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through August 15, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Rowlingson, John C., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Sabri, Saher S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Salerno, Michael, M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 6, 2013, through July 5, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Sanders, David M., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Sawyer, Robert G., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Schechtman, Joel M., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Scheld, William M., M.D, Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Schneider, Daniel S., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Schroen, Anneke T., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Sefczek, Donna M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Sefczek, Robert J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Shepard, Jaclyn S., M.D, Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Shonka, Jr., David C., M.D, Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Otolaryngology.

Showalter, Timothy N., M.D, Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiation Oncology.

Silverman, Lawrence M., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Siragy, Helmy M., M.D, Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Smith, II, Geoffrey R., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Smith, Justin S., M.D, Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Snustad, Diane, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Snyder, Bryan R., M.D, Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Solenski, Nina J., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Steers, William D., M.D, Urologist in Chief in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Stelow, Edward B., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Stone, James R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Sudhir, Amita, M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Tache-Leon, Carlos A., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 6, 2013, through July 5, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Taylor, Angela M., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Tillack, Thomas W., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pathology.

Townsend, Gregory C., M.D, Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Tracci, Margaret C., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Truwit, Jonathon D., M.D, Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Tucker, Amy L., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Vergales, Brooke, M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Wells, Shane A., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Williams, Michael D., M.D, Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through July 8, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Wilson, Barbara B., M.D, Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.

Wilson, William G., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Wisniewski, Julia, M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Wooten, George F., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Worrall, Bradford B., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Uthlaut, Brian S., M.D, Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Williams, Michael E., M.D, Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Yarboro, Seth R., M.D, Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Yemen, Terrance A., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Young, Jeffrey S., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Xu, Zhiyuan, M.D, Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurology; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Zadrozny, John H., M.D, Physician in Regional Primary Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Zanelli, Santina A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Zuo, Zhiyi, M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the secondary reappointment to the clinical staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Bourque, Jamieson M., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Liu, Kenneth C., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Salerno, Michael, M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 6, 2013, through July 5, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Barr, Michelle S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Radiology; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Boothe, Virginia A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 3, 2013.

Bourne, T. David, M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Effective Date of Resignation: June 1, 2013.

Gohil, Vishal B., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Hospitalist; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Hendley, Joseph O., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 1, 2013.

Miller, Richard B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 14, 2013.

Smith, Estela T., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Anderson, Rachel A., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in TCV Post Op: July 27, 2013 through July 26, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Andrus, Sharon, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room: July 23, 2013 through July 22, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Beard, Michelle A., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Hematology Oncology: July 15, 2013 through July 14, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Blair, Kenneth L., P.A.C., Physician Assistant in the Department of Surgery: July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Metsch, Caroline B., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Neurosurgery: July 6, 2013 through July 5, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Haden, Kathleen R., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center: May 28, 2013 through July 14, 2013; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Hildebrand, Debra L., M.Ed., Aud., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery: July 1, 2013 through July 30, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Loffler, Cynthia, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Cardiology: July 16, 2013 through July 15, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Macfarlan, Theresa R., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in TCV Post Op: July 18, 2013 through July 17, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Markey, Donna W., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Hematology Oncology: July 15, 2013 through July 14, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Nguyen, Tanya, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery: July 28, 2013 through July 27, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Perry, Kelly, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Department of Anesthesiology: July 23, 2013 through July 22, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Perry, Lois M., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Adult Medical Surgical Care: July 18, 2013 through July 17, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Rowell, Robert, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Digestive Health: July 9, 2013 through July 8, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Sennett, Margaret M., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics: July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Thompson, Mary, R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology: July 29, 2013 through July 28, 2015; Privileged as an Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

White, Beth T., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Lake Monticello Internal Medicine: July 18, 2013 through July 17, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Zhao, Hong, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Urology: July 17, 2013 through July 16, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Clark, Sherry L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Hope); Effective Date of Resignation: May 10, 2013.

Rodak, Collen, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant; Effective Date of Resignation: February 11, 2013.

Sullivan, Teresa L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Physical Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 1, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Shiddkrot, Yevgeniy, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 13, 2013, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Ophthalmology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Barth, Jeffrey T., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Becker, Daniel M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Beller, George A., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Boyle, Robert J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Burns, Ted, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 24, 2013, through July 23, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Campbell, Christopher A., M.D., Plastic Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through July 8, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Cohn, Steven M., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Cropley, Thomas G., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through April 1, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.

Costabile, Raymond A., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through July 11, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Cui, Quanjun, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Dalkin, Alan C., M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Dameron, Zachariah C., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Darby, Andrew E., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

de Lange, Eduard E., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology.

Deng, Chunli, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology.

Dent, John M., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Enfield, Kyle B., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 21, 2013, through July 20, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Erickson, Sarah H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology.

Esau, Sharon A., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Fernandez-Romero, Roberto, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2013, through July 11, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Foff, Erin, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Fountain, Nathan, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Fox, Michael G., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Gampper, Thomas J., M.D., Plastic Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Gaughen, Jr., John R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Gay, Spencer B., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Gibson, Robert S., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through May 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Goldman, Myla D., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 5, 2013, through August 13, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Gomez-Sanchez, Miriam, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Greer, Kenneth E., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.

Hanley, Michael, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 9, 2013, through July 8, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Heinan, Kristen C., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Hedrick, Traci L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Hoke, George M., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Holroyd, Suzanne, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Houpt, Eric R., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Hughes, Molly A., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Jazaeri, Amir A., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Jenkins, Jeffrey G., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Jilwan, Manal N., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Kalantari, Kambiz, M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Kapur, Jaideep, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Kozower, Benjamin D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 24, 2013, through July 23, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Khot, Rachita, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Langer, Jennifer, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Lipper, Maurice H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Matherne, G. Paul, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Matsumoto, Julie A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Mills, Stacey E., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Mongold, Derek, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2013, through July 15, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Moorman, Joseph R., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Nacey, Nicholas C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Nathan, Barrett, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Newman, Steven A., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Norton, Patrick T., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Ozer, Harun, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Peura, David A., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Plews-Ogan, Margaret L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Powell, Steven M., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Quigg, Mark, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Rehm, Patrice K., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Rich, George F., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Rose, C. Edward, M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Rosner, Mitchell H., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Sabri, Saher S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Sawyer, Robert G., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Scheld, William, M., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Smith, Geoffrey R., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Solenski, Nina J., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Stone, James R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through December 30, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Tache-Leon, Carlos A., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 6, 2013, through July 5, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Townsend, Gregory C., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Tracci, Margaret C., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Truwit, Jonathon D., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Uthlaut, Brian S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Wells, Shane A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Williams, Michael D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Wilson, Barbara B., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Dermatology.

Wooten, George F., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Worrall, Bradford B., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Yarboro, Seth R., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Young, Jeffrey, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Barr, Michelle S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Effective Date of Resignation May 31, 2013.

Bertram, Edward H., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Effective Date of Resignation June 13, 2013.

Boothe, Virginia A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation June 3, 2013.

Gohil, Vishal B., M.B.B.S., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation May 31, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Campa, Justiniano, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 10, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Chapman, Sherita N., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 10, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

D’Sounza, Caroline, M.B.B.S., Rheumatologist in the Department of Medicine (Rheumatology); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Gwalthmey, Kelly G., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Hartka, Thomas R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 8, 2013, through July 7, 2014; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Hayhurst, Christina J., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 3, 2013, through July 2, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Hong, Gregory, M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine (Endocrinology); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Intagliata, Valentina, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Jaffee, Michael S., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 11, 2013, through July 10, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Johnson, Gabrielle M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 8, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Lawrence, Monica G., M.D., Allergist/Immunologist in the Department of Medicine (Allergy/Immunology); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

McWey, Ryan P., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Magovern, Megan, M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Malpass, Howard C., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine (Pulmonary Critical Care); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Moulder, Glenn A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine (General); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Murphree, Jason, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Northam, Meredith C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Petersen, Jr., William C., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 3, 2013, through July 2, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Patel, Bina, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Reynolds, Matthew R., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 2, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Said, Nicholas, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Stanton, Joshua A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Stensby, James D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Stokes, Jayme B., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 3, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Strand, Daniel S., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine (Gastroenterology); Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Tandon, Adesh, M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 8, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Vanderford, Joel L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Locum Tenens Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 2, 2013, through July 1, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Varhabhatla, Narayna, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Ward, Tyson S., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Wilkins, Luke R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 3, 2013, through July 2, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Angle, John F., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Barrett, Matthew J., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Brockmeier, Stephen F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 12, 2013, through August 11, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Browne, James A., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Burt Solorzano, Christine M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Chhabra, A. Bobby B., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 25, 2013, through August 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Calhoun, Alice O., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Calhoun, Robert B., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Cantrell, Leigh A., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 16, 2013, through August 15, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Carter, Bruce T., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Corbett, Sean T., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 11, 2013, through August 10, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Courtney, Andrea U., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Dailey, Tina M., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 20, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Davison, John S., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Dillon, Patrick M., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 12, 2013, through August 11, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Durieux, Marcel E., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 25, 2013, through August 24, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Fang, Gary Y., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Freilich, Aaron M., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 26, 2013, through August 25, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Gaughan, Elizabeth M., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Ghanta, Ravi K., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 2, 2013, through August 1, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Goldman, Myla D., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 14, 2013, through August 13, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Goodkin, Howard P., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 14, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Gomez, R. Ariel, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Green, Matthew P., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 18, 2013, through September 17, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Gypson, Ward G., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Harsh, Veronica, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Herrington, Pamila A., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Heysell, Scott K., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Hellems, Martha A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hu, Daniel C., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 8, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

James, Andra H., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Jane, John A., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 15, 2013, through July 14, 2014; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Johns, Dearing W., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 5, 2013, through October 5, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Keeley, Ellen C., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 15, 2013, through August 14, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Kirzhner, Maria, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Landesman, Barbara A., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 6, 2013, through August 5, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Luna, Max A., M.D., Cardiologist in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 4, 2013, through August 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

McGahren, Eugene D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 16, 2013, through August 15, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

McLaughlin, Timothy E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Marks, Jennifer R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine (General); Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Martinson, Heidi E., M.D., Pediatrician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Mathes, Donald D., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Mehrad, Borna, M.B.B.S., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through August 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Mendelsohn Mark, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Miller, Mark D., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Paphitis, Nicholas W., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Park, Joseph S., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 25, 2013, through August 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Payne, Nancy J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through October 27, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Pelletier, Shawn, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Quillian, Heather R., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Rosner, Mitchell H., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Sacco, Melissa J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Scott, Evelyn S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine (General); Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Shildkrot, Yeveniy, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Shim, Yun M., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Simmons, Jessica N., M.D., Pediatrician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Thomas, Tania A., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 14, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Upchurch, Gilbert R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 15, 2013, through August 14, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Woods, William A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Asthagiri, Ashok R., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Date change effective July 2, 2013 through October 31, 2013; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Hayden, Gregory F., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Date change effective August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

4. New Procedural Privileges to Clinical Staff

RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for new procedural privileges to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Kirzhner, Maria, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Laser Privileges. Privileges effective July 12, 2013 – July 31, 2013; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Shildkrot, Yevgeniy (Eugene), M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Laser Privileges. Privileges effective July 12, 2013 – July 31, 2013; Privileged in Ophthalmology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Binder, Alan J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Retirement: June 30, 2013.

Black, Katherine A., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Blonder, David B., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Carr, III, Thomas M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Cimmino, Cara B., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Effective Date of Resignation: July 1, 2013.

Clarke, William L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Retirement: June 30, 2013.

Craddock, George B., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Retirement: July 8 2013.

Dahle, Nathan A., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Demartini, Susan M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: July 1, 2013.

Dennis, Jolanta M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Gaston, Susan M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: June 15, 2013.

Geraghty, Scott, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Guerrant, Richard L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: July 1, 2013.

Kawji, Shahem, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Kennedy, Joshua L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Kloepfer, Angela, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

McManus, John R., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Marti, Jon K., D.O, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Martinez, Lisa C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Pease, Clinton S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Rawlins, Michael L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Rodgers, Bradley M., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Lapsed Privileges: July 1, 2013.

Rogol, Alan D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: July 1, 2013.

Sanderson, Jesse F., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Schutt, III, Robert C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Slayton, Russell P., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Sundararajan, Sripriya, M.B.B.S., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: July 1, 2013.

Trotta, Brian M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Vaughn, Christopher E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Whitehill, Richard, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Broderick, Vicky, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: July 8, 2013 through July 7, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Goeke, Lucy, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Palliative Care; Period of Privileging: June 20, 2013 through June 2, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Gray, Amanda, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: June 24, 2013 through June 23, 2014; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Shorten, James, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: June 11, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Adams, Choi Mei, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Sleep Disorders; Period of Privileging: August 20, 2013 through August 19, 2015; Privileged as Family Nurse Practitioner.

Chen, Jie, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant Services; Period of Privileging: August 6, 2013 through August 5, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Church, Ashley, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 8, 2013 through August 7, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Edwards, Jodie A., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: August 27, 2013 through August 26, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Gott, Kristi K., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the CF Clinic; Period of Privileging: August 24, 2013 through August 23, 2015; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Grishaw, Julie A., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the MICU; Period of Privileging: August 11, 2013 through August 10, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Molnar, Helen M., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Northridge Cardiology; Period of Privileging: August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Johnson, Augustus A., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: August 26, 2013 through August 25, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Miller, Jane J., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Geriatric Services; Period of Privileging: August 22, 2013 through August 21, 2015; Privileged as Family Nurse Practitioner.

Neill, Sara J., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 20, 2013 through August 19, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Power, Keely A., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 20, 2013 through August 19, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Ragsdale, Nancy V., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Radiology; Period of Privileging: August 21, 2013 through August 20, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Ryan, Beverly J., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Lung Transplant; Period of Privileging: August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Sohns, Sara, M.S., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Period of Privileging: August 13, 2013 through August 15, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Sorensen, Eric L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Emergency Medicine; Period of Privileging: August 16, 2013 through August 15, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Tyger, Rosemarie, P.A. Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Period of Privileging: August 6, 2013 through August 5, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Vincel, Carol L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant; Period of Privileging: August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following Allied Health Professional are approved:

Barclay, Meg, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Cancer Center; Location Change effective July 11, 2013, through March 18, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Lute, Lori M., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine/Cardiology; Location Change effective July 10, 2013, through July 9, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Ashbrook, Rebecca, Ph.D., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: June 13, 2013.

Davidson, Christine, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Surgery/TCV; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Denny, Melanie, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Regional Primary Care; Effective Date of Resignation: May 17, 2013.

Fitzhugh, Cawood B., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Effective Date of Resignation: March 15, 2013.

Ford, Ellen C., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Effective Date of Resignation: June 4, 2013.

Hayden, Mary L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Employee Health; Effective Date of Resignation: April 14, 2013.

Henson, Kelley M., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: March 1, 2013.

Horlacher, Lindsay, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Effective Date of Resignation: June 4, 2013.

Mirmelstein, Beverly J., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: February 28, 2013.

Nieman, Howard R., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Surgery/TCV; Effective Date of Resignation: July 22, 2013.

Stuart, Susan, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery; Effective Date of Resignation: June 14, 2013.

Viemeister, Leigh A., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology; Effective Date of Resignation: May 4, 2013.

Wallace, Vicki, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Surgery/TCV; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Williams, Nicholas J., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Surgery/TCV; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Asthagiri, Heather, M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through June 14, 2014; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Anderson, Stacey M., M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 16, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

D’Souza, Caroline, M.D., Rheumatologist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through July 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Gwathmey, Kelly, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Habbu, Amit, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Hong, Gregory., M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Isbell, James M., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: May 16, 2013, through May 7, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Jaffee, Michael, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 11, 2013, through July 10, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Lawrence, David, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Lawrence, Jason M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

McWey, Ryan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Malpass, Howard C., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 16, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Meyer, Brendan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 3, 2013, through July 2, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Northam, Meredith, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Raymond, Sara, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Stensby, James, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Stokes, Jayme, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Ward, Tyson, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 5, 2013, through July 4, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Angle, John F., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiology.

Barrett, Matthew J., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Brochmeier, Stephen F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 12, 2013, through August 11, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Chhabra, A. Bobby, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 25, 2013, through August 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Freilich, Aaron M., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 26, 2013, through August 25, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Ghanta, Ravi K., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 2, 2013, through August 1, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Gypson, Ward G., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Physical Medicine.

Hayes, John, M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through October 7, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Herrington, Pamila, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Heysell, Scott K., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Hu, Daniel C., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 8, 2013, through August 7, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Lau, Christine L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through September 6, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Malik, Numaan F., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Mehrad, Borna, M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 14, 2013, through August 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Miller, Mark D., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Park, Joseph S., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 25, 2013, through August 24, 2013; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Pelletier, Shawn, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Shim, Yun M., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 7, 2013, through August 6, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Thomas, Tania A., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 14, 2013, through August 13, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Upchurch, Gilbert R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 15, 2013, through August 14, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Weiss, Geoffrey, M.D., Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Privileges; Date of Appointment Changed to April 10, 2013 through November 11, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Binder, Alan J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Geraghty, Scott, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Guerrant, Richard L., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation July 1, 2013.

McManus, John, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Sanderson, Jesse F., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Schutt, III, Robert C., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Trotta, Brian, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Ragsdale, Nancy V., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Period of Privileging: August 21, 2013 through August 20, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Sohns, Sarah, Ph.D., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: August 13, 2013 through August 12, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Adu-Darko, Michelle A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 8, 2013, through August 7, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Asthagiri, Heather L., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2014; Privileged in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Barry, Kathleen A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 22, 2013, through July 21, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Bowman, Brendan T., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Crowley, Richard W., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 22, 2013, through July 21, 2014; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Day, Shandra, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 2, 2013, through August 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

DeGeorge, Katharine C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Durst, Christopher R., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 12, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Flickinger, Tabor E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 22, 2013, through July 21, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Frye, Jeanetta W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Garmon, Blake R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 22, 2013, through July 21, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Grover, Monica, M.B.B.S., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Jones, Connie S., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 16, 2013, through June 14, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Jones, Robert M., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Koehler, Matthew P., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 12, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Kuppalli, Smitha S., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Dermatology.

Lawrence, Jenilee V., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 2, 2013, through August 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Metinko, Andrew P., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Nishio Lucar, Angie G., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Pierce, Jennifer L., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 18, 2013, through July 17, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Portell, Craig A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Porterfield, Christopher P., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 6, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Potter, Jeffrey A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 17, 2013, through July 16, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Ramsdale, Erika E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 15, 2013, through July 14, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Robertson, Christopher J., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 26, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Siddiqui, Adeel A., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 30, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Singh, Kanwar P., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Sperling, Scott A., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Tashjian, Jessica A., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Taylor, Funmimiyi, A., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 6, 2013, through August 5, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Yarboro, Leora T., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 16, 2013, through July 15, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Zaydfudim, Victor M., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abdullah, David, C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 2, 2013, through September 1, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Agarwal, Avinash, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Babar, Nabeel I., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 24, 2013, through August 23, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Brayman, Kenneth L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Borowitz, Stephen M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Brenin, Christiana M., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 9, 2013, through September 8, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Bueno, Juliana, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Conklin, Lori D., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 18, 2013, through September 17, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Cooper, Gregory W., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Druzgal, Thomas J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 9, 2013, through September 8, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Duska, Linda R., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 2, 2013, through September 1, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Fairchild, Karen D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Froh, Deborah K., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 15, 2013, through September 14, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Fullerton, Melissa J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through September 12, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Goldstein, Robert B., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 25, 2013, through September 24, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Hainstock, Michael R., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Halpern, Miriam E., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hauck, Fern R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Jansen, Laura A., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 10, 2013, through September 9, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Jeyanandaraja, Dhiraj R., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 14, 2013, through September 13, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Johnson, Sandra M., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Lee, Laura, M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Lin, Kant, Y.K., M.D., Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Manhapra, Ajay, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 13, 2013, through September 12, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Manhapra, Radhika, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 13, 2013, through September 12, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

McDaniel, Lynn M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Moskaluk, Christopher A., M.D., Pathologist in Chief in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Naik, Bhiken I., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

O’Brien, Richard A., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 15, 2013, through September 14, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Plews-Ogan, James L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: August 30 2013, through August 29, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Powers, Robert D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Rodgers, Bradley M., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 9, 2013, through August 8, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Redick, Dana L., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Roberson, Porsche L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics

Rodgers, Melissa J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 17, 2013, through September 16, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Ross, Pamela A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.

Schenkman, Noah S., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 18, 2013, through September 16, 2015; Privileged in Urology.

Shaffrey, Catherine C., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 15, 2013, through September 14, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Sharma, Aditya M., M.B.B.S., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Statuta, Siobhan M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 2, 2013, through September 1, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Sussdorf, Claudia E., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Swaminathan, Sundararama, M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 14, 2013, through September 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Zhu, Xiaoying, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Clayton, Anita L.H., M.D., Psychiatrist in Chief (Interim) in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Tile Change effective August 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Dailey, Tina M., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Tile Change effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Johnson, Bankole A., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Tile Change effective August 1, 2013 through February 24, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Statuta, Siobhan M., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Tile Change effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Yeager, Mark J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Administrative Staff Status; Title change effective August 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

4. New Procedural Privileges to Clinical Staff

RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for new procedural privileges to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Duska, Linda, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Laser Privileges. Privileges effective August 9, 2013 – September 1, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Stisser, Brian C., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic radical retropubic prostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection and Robotic-assisted laparoscopic simple suprapubic prostatectomy. Privileges effective August 9, 2013 – September 3, 2014; Privileged in Urology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Collins, Jessicah S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: August 5, 2013.

Gazoni, Farnaz, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: July 17, 2013.

Gonzalez, Marta, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Effective Date of Resignation: August 3, 2013.

Jones, David R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: July 23, 2013.

King, Joshua D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: August 1, 2013.

Kothapally, Jagan, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: August 1, 2013.

Pensa, Mellisa, M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: August 2, 2013.

Poffenbarger, G. Jeffrey, M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Effective Date of Resignation: July 25, 2013.

Poplawski, Rafal, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: July 16, 2013.

Vanderford, Joel L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: July 23, 2013.

Verghese, George M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: August 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Becker, Kate, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Period of Privileging: July 18, 2013 through July 14, 2014; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Bailey, Pamela K., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics; Period of Privileging: September 18, 2013 through September 17, 2015; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Floyd, Shawn M., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Thoracic Transplant; Period of Privileging: September 27, 2013 through September 26, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Foster, Lisa W., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: September 9, 2013 through September 8, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Hart, Jennifer A., P.A., Physician Assistant in the McCue Center; Period of Privileging: September 15, 2013 through September 14, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Inman, Carolyn, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: September 16, 2013 through September 15, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Longley, Christine M., R.N., N.P., Geriatric Nurse Practitioner on 8 West; Period of Privileging: September 12, 2013 through September 11, 2015; Privileged as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner.

Molnar, Marcia A., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Neurology; Period of Privileging: September 18, 2013 through September 17, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Pollok, Spencer C., P.A., Physician Assistant in TCV Surgery; Period of Privileging: September 29, 2013 through September 28, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Sites, Lindsey W., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: September 20, 2013 through September 19, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Snyder, Audrey E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Period of Privileging: September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Whittlesey, Amy, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: September 16, 2013 through September 15, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Wolfe, Cynthia, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West/TCV; Period of Privileging: September 28, 2013 through September 27, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Wozneak, Kelly, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the MICU; Period of Privileging: September 11, 2013 through September 10, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following Allied Health Professional are approved:

Conant, Patricia A., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Cardiology); Date of Location Change effective September 20, 2013, through September 19, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Shorten, James, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Date Change effective July 25, 2013, through June 29, 2014; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

McCulloch, Mary, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Effective Date of Resignation: January 28, 2013.

McNamee, Lee H., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center; Effective Date of Resignation: June 1, 2013.

Pozniak, Carey, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in Medicine/Infusion Center; Effective Date of Resignation: July 31, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Beitinjaneh, Amer, M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 19, 2013, through July 18, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Bowman, Brendan T., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Crocker, Justin, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 15, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Frye, Jeanetta, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Gwathmey, Jr., Frank, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgeon; Consulting; Period of Appointment: August 19, 2013, through August 18, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Murphree, Jason, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Jones, Robert M., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Kuppalli, Smith, M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Dermatology.

Lawrence, Jenilee, M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 2, 2013, through August 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Nishio Lucar, Angie, M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 25, 2013, through July 24, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Rosas, Edwin, M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Said, Nicholas, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Shepple, Benjamin, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 15, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Singh, Kanwar, M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Smith, Melinda, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Strand, Daniel, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Yarboro, Leora, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 16, 2013, through July 15, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Zaydfudim, Victor, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Agarwal, Avinash, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgeon; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Abdullah, David C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Brayman, Kenneth L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgeon; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Browne, James A., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Bueno, Juliano, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Cooper, Gregory, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Duska, Linda, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 2, 2013, through September 1, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Druzgal, Thomas J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 9, 2013, through September 8, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Jansen, Laura, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 10, 2013, through September 9, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Lin, Kant Y.K., M.D., Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 28, 2013, through September 27, 2015; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.

Manhapra, Ajay, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine (Geriatrics); Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 13, 2013, through September 12, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Manhapra, Radhika, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine (Geriatrics); Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 13, 2013, through September 12, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Powers, Robert D., M.D., Physician in the Department of General Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Redick, Dana L., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Sharma, Aditya, M.B.B.S., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 4, 2013, through September 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Swaminathan, Sundararama, M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: September 14, 2013, through September 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Privileges; Title Change effective August 11, 2013 through January 1, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Chhabra, A. Bobby B., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Privileges; Title Change effective August 11, 2013 through August 24, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Clayton, Anita L.H., M.D., Psychiatrist in Chief (Interim) in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Privileges; Title Change effective August 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Gonzalez, Marta, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation August 3, 2013.

Kennedy, Joshua L., M.D., Allergist/Immunologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

King, Joshua D., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation August 1, 2013.

Kloepfer, Angela M., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Rawlins, Michael L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Saad, Wael, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation July 28, 2013.

Verghese, George M., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation August 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Beuscher, Tara, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine; Period of Privileging: September 18, 2013 through September 17, 2015; Privileged as a Nurse Practitioner.

Gleason, Ann T, Ph.D., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: September 28, 2013 through September 27, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Kimpel, Donald, M.D., Rheumatologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 30, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Merchant, Judith, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 4, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Mithqal, Ayman, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Patel, Jwalant, M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Tebit, Emaculate, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 5, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Tucker, Amy, M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 29, 2013, through August 28, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Chastain, Dania, Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 25, 2013, through October 24, 2014; Privileged in Psychology.

DeMarco, Anthony P., PsyD., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 15, 2013, through October 14, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Freeman, Jason R., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Hallowell, Peter T., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 16, 2013, through October 15, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Leslie, Catherine, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 4, 2013, through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Lim, David S., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Nataro, James P., M.D., Pediatrician and Chief in the Department of Pediatric; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 24, 2013, through October 23, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Purow, Benjamin W., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 26, 2013, through October 31, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Schirmer, Bruce, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 15, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Sifri, Costi, M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 18, 2013, through October 17, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Simpson, Allan G., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Smith, Diana, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 24, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Weder, Max M., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 15, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Chhabra, A. Bobby B., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 15, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Goldman, Myla D., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 14, 2013, through October 13, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Hayes, John, M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: October 8, 2013, through October 7, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Meyer, Brendan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 3, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Smith, Melinda, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 5, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Al-Osaimi, Abdullah M., M.B.B.S., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation September 14, 2013.

Blonder, David B., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Boone, William W., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Chaudhuri, Krishna G., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Demartini, Nicholas, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Dennis, Jolanta M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Gjolaj, Joseph, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation September 24, 2013.

Jones, David R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation July 23, 2013.

Marti, Jon K., D.O., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Martinez, Sean J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Pease, Clinton S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2013.

Raghavan, Prashant, M.B.B.S., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation August 4, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Clark, Cynthia, AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Period of Privileging: October 9, 2013 through September 20, 2014; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Gardner, Amber, AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Period of Privileging: October 19, 2013 through September 7, 2014; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Grove, Lori, Ph.D., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Period of Privileging: October 12, 2013 through August 2, 2014; Privileged as an Audiologist.

McNichol, Melissa, Ph.D., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Period of Privileging: October 12, 2013 through May 31, 2014; Privileged as an Audiologist.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Awuh, Kwabena T., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Black, Joshua S., M.D., Dermatologist in the Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 3, 2013, through September 2, 2014; Privileged in Dermatology.

Buda, Andrew J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 5, 2013, through September 4, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Eluvthingal Muttikkal, Thomas J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 16, 2013, through August 15, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Given, Robert W., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Visiting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: June 25, 2013, through June 24, 2014; Privileged in Urology.

Gwathmey, Jr., Frank W., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 19, 2013, through August 18, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Hennessy, Sara A., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 6, 2013, through September 5, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Inofuentes, Amber N., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Kent, Jeremy B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: July 19, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Loughran, Thomas P., M.D., Hematologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 28, 2013, through August 27, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Lee, Meredith S., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 19, 2013, through January 31, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Lyons, Elizabeth A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 10, 2013, through September 9, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Merchants, Judith K., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 4, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Mithqal, Ayman, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Patel, Jwalant R, M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 12, 2013, through August 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Reddy, Ashvini, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 29, 2013, through August 28, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Rosas, Edwin, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: August 13, 2013, through August 12, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Searle, Robert E., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 13, 2013, through September 12, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Volodin, Leonid, M.D., Hematologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 3, 2013, through September 2, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Williams, Eli S., Ph.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 6, 2013, through September 5, 2014; Privileged in Pathology.

Zanghi, Christine N., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Archbald-Pannone, Laurie R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 10, 2013, through October 9, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Ashraf, Mohammed K., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Bahl, Alisa B., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 12, 2013, through October 11, 2014; Privileged in Psychology.

DeMarco, Anthony P., PsyD., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 15, 2013, through October 14, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Freeman, Jason R., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Groves, Danja S., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Hainstock, Lisa M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 12, 2013, through October 11, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hallowell, Peter T., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 16, 2013, through October 15, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Hayes, John S., M.B.B.S., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 7, 2013, through October 6, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Hullfish, Kathie L., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Lim, David S., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Lunardi, Nadia, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Macik, B. Gail, M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 15, 2013, through October 14, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Nataro, James P., M.D., Pediatrician and Chief in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 25, 2013, through October 24, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Nunley, Wallace C., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Oliver, Mohammed N., M.D., Physician in Chief in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Showalter, Shayna L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Sifri, Costi, M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 18, 2013, through October 17, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Simpson, Allan G., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Swaminathan, Lalithapriya, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 15, 2013, through October 14, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Weder, Max M., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Title Change effective August 15, 2013 through December 31, 2014; Privileged Orthopedic Surgery.

Asthagiri, Ashok R., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 2, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurosurgery.

Celigoj, Frank A., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 25, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Urology.

Chhabra, A. Bobby B., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Title Change effective August 15, 2013 through August 24, 2015; Privileged Orthopedic Surgery.

Maitland, Hillary S., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 2, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Hematology Oncology.

Habbu, Amit, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiologist and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiologist and Medical Imaging.

Lawrence, David A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiologist and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiologist and Medical Imaging.

Meyer, Brendan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiologist and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 3, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiologist and Medical Imaging.

Norwood, Kevin G., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 26, 2013 through May 31, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Raymond, Sara P., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiologist and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 10, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiologist and Medical Imaging.

Smith, Melinda K., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiologist and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Date Change effective July 5, 2013 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiologist and Medical Imaging.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the secondary reappointment to the clinical staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Macik, B. Gail, M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 15, 2013, through October 14, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

5. New Procedural Privileges to Clinical Staff

RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for new procedural privileges to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Ozer, Harun, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Interventional Radiology. Privileges effective September 13, 2013 – June 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Sauer, Bryan, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Endoscopic suturing using the Overstitch device. Privileges effective September 13, 2013 – July 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Shami, Vanessa, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Endoscopic suturing using the Overstitch device. Privileges effective September 13, 2013 – September 24, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Strand, Daniel, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Endoscopic suturing using the Overstitch device. Privileges effective September 13, 2013 – July 1, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Wang, Andrew Y., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; New Procedural Privileges for Endoscopic suturing using the Overstitch device. Privileges effective September 13, 2013 – July 2, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Gallo, Douglas R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2013.

Jackson, Erin W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Johnson, Michael J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Matanock, Almea M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 20, 2013.

Millard, Alexander S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Nagle, Pamela C., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: September 1, 2013.

Parulis, Jr., Albert W., D.M.D., Physician in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Reagan, Patrick M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 31, 2013.

Reynolds, Matthew R., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: July 31, 2013.

Ritter, Eric P., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Effective Date of Resignation: August 15, 2013.

Solari, Ian L., M.D., Physician in the Clinical Practice Group; Effective Date of Resignation: August 31, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

McGlone, Renee, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 23, 2013 through August 22, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Petro, Erika, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: August 29, 2013 through August 18, 2014; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Polgar-Bailey, Patricia, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics Hematology Oncology; Period of Privileging: August 23, 2013 through August 22, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Porter, Mari, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 23, 2013 through August 22, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Sicotte, Elizabeth, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: August 23, 2013 through August 22, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Beckham, Patricia, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: October 15, 2013 through October 14, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Berniger, Marillise, P.A., Physician Assistant in Hematology Oncology; Period of Privileging: October 22, 2013 through October 21, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Butterman, Christine M., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Pediatric Cardiology; Period of Privileging: October 18, 2013 through October 17, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Fallin, Beth E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Cardiac Transplant; Period of Privileging: October 18, 2013 through October 17, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Gochenour, Elizabeth, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Wound and Ostomy; Period of Privileging: October 30, 2013 through October 29, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

McFadden, Heather, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: October 29, 2013 through October 28, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Mercer, Sarah C., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Period of Privileging: October 2, 2013 through October 1, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Moss, Bridget L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in NNICU; Period of Privileging: October 11, 2013 through October 10, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Peterson, Neil, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Employee Health; Period of Privileging: October 19, 2013 through October 18, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Robbins, Patricia K., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in NNICU; Period of Privileging: October 17, 2013 through October 16, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Rosner, Ella M., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: October 21, 2013 through October 20, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Schwaner, Sandra L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Radiology; Period of Privileging: October 12, 2013 through October 11, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Shaw, Katherine D., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 6 West; Period of Privileging: October 22, 2013 through October 21, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Williams, Brad, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: October 4, 2013 through October 3, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Donovan, Kelly K., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Effective Date of Resignation: December 1, 2012.