MAY 20-21, 2013


Approval of the Gifts and Grants Report 9106

Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meetings on February 21-22, 9106

2013, and April 18, 2013

Resolution to Approve Additional Agenda Items 9106

Approval of Amendments to the Miller Center Bylaws, Election of 9107

Officers, Election of New Members, and Establishment of a New

Staggered Term for Miller Center Governing Council Members

Appointment of the Vice Rector 9108

Approval to Amend the Delegation of Authority in the Working 9111

Capital Investment Policy

Amendments to Defined Contribution Retirement Plans 9111

Approval to Purchase 560 Ray C. Hunt Drive, Charlottesville, 9112

Virginia from the University of Virginia Foundation

Approval of the Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 9112

Approval of the Corporate Compliance Project Schedule for 9112

Fiscal Year 2013-2014

Approval of the Summary of Audit Findings for the Period 9112

October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013

Approval of Project Budget and Scope Review, Alderman Road 9113

Residence Halls Building #6

Approval of Addition to the University’s Major Capital Projects 9113

Plan – Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building

Approval to Establish the James C. Slaughter Distinguished 9113

Professorship in Law

Commerce Commonwealth Professorships and the Rolls-Royce 9114

Professorships in Engineering

Approval to Establish the William Stamps Farish Entrepreneurial 9115

Research Professorship in the School of Commerce

Approval of New Degree Program: Bachelor of Science in Astronomy 9115


Approval of New Degree Program: Bachelor of Professional Studies 9115

in Health Sciences

Approval of New Department: Department of Kinesiology 9116

Approval of Guidelines on Priority Course Enrollment for 9116

Military-Related Students

Approval of the 2013-2014 Operating Budget and Annual Renovation 9116

and Infrastructure Plan for the Academic Division

Approval of the 2013-2014 Operating Budget for the University of 9116

Virginia’s College at Wise

Approval of the 2013-2014 Operating and Capital Budgets and Annual 9116

Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the University of Virginia

Medical Center

Approval of the 2013-2014 Operating and Capital Budgets for the 9117

University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital

Approval of Pratt Fund Distribution for 2013-2014 9117

Appointments and Reappointments to the Board of the University of 9117

Virginia’s College at Wise

Approval of SCHEV Enrollment Projections for Fall 2013-2019 9118

Faculty Personnel Actions

Elections 9119

Correction to the Election of Ms. Susan Bauer-Wu 9120

Actions Relating to Chairholders

Election of Chairholders 9120

Change of Title to Chairholders 9121

Special Salary Action of Chairholders 9122

Retirement of Chairholders 9122

Resignation of Chairholder 9123

Promotions 9123

College of Arts and Sciences Mid-Year Merit Increase 9130

Special Salary Actions 9131

Resignations 9133

Retirements 9133

Appointments 9135

Re-Appointments 9136

Election of Professor Emeriti 9136

Election of Associate Professor Emeriti 9137

Deaths 9138


The University of Virginia’s College at Wise

Elections 9138

Special Salary Actions 9139

Resignations 9139

- - - - - - - - - -

Approval for a Medical Center Joint Venture in a Medicaid 9139

Managed Care Business

Approval of Reappointment of Ms. Constance R. Kincheloe to the 9140

Medical Center Operating Board

Approval of Appointment of Michael M.E. Johns, M.D. to the 9140

Medical Center Operating Board

Interim Policy on Approval of Strategic Investments 9141

Resolution on Faculty Role in University Governance 9141

Resolution Commending the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein 9142

Resolution Commending Vincent J. Mastracco Jr. 9143

Resolution Commending A. Macdonald Caputo 9144

Resolution Commending Hillary A. Hurd 9145

Resolution Commending Steven T. DeKosky, M.D. 9146

Commending Resolution for James L. Hilton 9147

Resolutions Not Requiring Action by the Full Board:

Resolutions Approved by the Chair of the Medical Center Operating

Board and an Additional Voting Member:

Of Virginia Medical Center – Approved March 19, 2013 9150

Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved March 27, 2013


Resolutions Approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on

May 20, 2013:

Of Virginia Medical Center – Approved April 16, 2013

Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved April

23, 2013

May 20-21, 2013

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met in Open Session at 12:45 p.m., on Monday, May 20, 2013, in the Board Room of the Rotunda; Helen E. Dragas, Rector, presided.

Present were Frank B. Atkinson, A. Macdonald Caputo, Hunter E. Craig, the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein, Allison Cryor DiNardo, Marvin W. Gilliam Jr., William H. Goodwin Jr., Victoria D. Harker, Bobbie G. Kilberg, Stephen P. Long, M.D., George Keith Martin, Vincent J. Mastracco Jr., John L. Nau III, Timothy B. Robertson, Linwood H. Rose, and Hillary A. Hurd. Blake Blaze, the Student Member-Elect, and Leonard W. Sandridge Jr., Senior Advisor to the Board, were present as well.

Also present were Teresa A. Sullivan, Susan G. Harris, Paul J. Forch, Patrick D. Hogan, John D. Simon, Susan A. Carkeek, Steven T. DeKosky, M.D., Donna Price Henry, James L. Hilton, R. Edward Howell, Patricia M. Lampkin, Marcus L. Martin, M.D., Nancy A. Rivers, Colette Sheehy, Thomas C. Skalak, Robert D. Sweeney, Anthony P. de Bruyn, McGregor McCance, and Debra D. Rinker.

The Rector called on the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Dragas recommended reviewing materials provided to the Board: a compilation of poetry and prose from the English Department, and a book on University Grounds. She acknowledged the many contributions of the four board members who are retiring from the Board, A. Macdonald Caputo, the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein, Vincent J. Mastracco Jr., and Hillary A. Hurd. Ms. Dragas also announced that James L. Hilton, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, and Steven T. DeKosky, Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine, will be leaving their positions; she thanked them for their dedicated service.

She said a number of milestones are being marked at this time: Finals, and the progress the Board of Visitors has made in the last 10 to 12 months, and there is quite a bit to be proud of. She mentioned the evening speaker, the Honorable Eric Fingerhut, who she hoped would make it to Charlottesville in time.

Report by the Student Board Member

Ms. Dragas introduced Hillary A. Hurd, the student member of the board, for her remarks.

Ms. Hurd thanked the Board for the opportunity to provide remarks. She said the past year greatly exceeded the others she had experienced as a student because of the increased activism of students, including Honor’s Restore the Ideal Campaign, which have led to a re-evaluation of how the core principles and values are, and sometimes aren’t, realized at the University.

Ms. Hurd focused on student involvement in the strategic planning process. She said she hoped that the recommendations from students will be considered in the final plan, and that students will have opportunities for input throughout the process and in the coming years.

She said two student leaders had been assigned to each of the seven working groups, and at the beginning of the spring semester, these students met together to discuss how their respective groups were progressing and how more students could become involved. Over the course of the semester, the students met several more times and organized a few separate efforts to engage the student body.

Ms. Hurd said students have shared their cumulative list of student concerns and priorities on the IMAGINE UVA Facebook site, and there are some interesting ideas, including how to re-make undergraduate advising, how to involve students in technology development, and how to encourage inter-disciplinary research, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Ms. Hurd said a number of students have expressed concern about the short timeline of the strategic planning process, and that it ought to be a continuous process rather than a periodic one, with resources set aside to gather student ideas.

Report by the President

Ms. Dragas asked President Sullivan to provide a report.

President Sullivan began by telling a story: Gary Owens, a member of the Cardiovascular Center, was on the verge of leaving for Stanford. He studies the role of vascular smooth-muscle cells (SMC) in the development of diseases like atherosclerosis, asthma, and cancer. President Sullivan met with him at Carr’s Hill, and Mr. Owens indicated that he was leaving in part because of the lack of cutting-edge equipment that is available at Stanford, specifically a CyTOF machine. He said they cost $800,000. President Sullivan offered him half the money from the President’s contingent fund, and asked if he could raise the other half. He said he could, and he has raised the money to buy the machine. It will be installed this summer. He has also received three new grants from NIH, so the investment is a very lucrative one for the University.

President Sullivan said every organization must invest in itself. We need to decide with whom and in what fields we should compete. There are places where we are not well-positioned to compete, but we need to determine the areas where we are excellent or could build excellence, and differentiate ourselves from others. In the strategic planning session during this meeting, the Board and administration will discuss the distinguishing areas in which we can build, and also a range of initiatives we could undertake. These will require investments. When we make these investments, we are investing in our students.

President Sullivan said that in August, we will welcome another first-year class. Each year, the University attracts some of the best and brightest students from Virginia, across the nation, and around the world. This year’s enrolling class is no exception. Preliminary numbers show that more than 92% of admitted students are in the top 10% of their high school’s graduating class.

The University strives to recruit the very best students, regardless of their financial situations. We do this in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, who wanted to replace the false aristocracy of wealth and privilege with what he called a “natural aristocracy” of talent.

Preliminary numbers show that the administrative changes made in November to hold the AccessUVa institutional budget at the 2012-13 level have not adversely affected the number of low-income students enrolling. In fact, the number of low-income students in this fall’s entering class is the second highest since AccessUVa’s inception.  Although minority representation declined last year, it has rebounded this year in almost every category of minority students. Recent changes in measurement metrics can add confusion to how we measure the diversity of our students. The University wants to do more, but we need to wait for two Supreme Court decisions to come down—not because we expect them to change what we do, but because they could substantially change our competitive position vis-à-vis other schools that are competing for the same students.

She said the Educational Policy Committee meeting this afternoon is devoted to MOOCs, an experiment that the University is undertaking with Coursera. In addition to the U.Va.-Coursera courses that were offered this spring, the University is offering two courses now in preparation: one on the Life of Thomas Jefferson, with Peter Onuf, and one on the Kennedy Assassination, with Larry Sabato. Also during the Educational Policy meeting, committee members will be asked to approve the new bachelor’s in health professions, an online course developed in conjunction with Virginia community colleges and our own hospital, designed to meet a known need in the labor market. This is another STEM offering.

We are creating innovative new courses because we have excellent faculty. In recent months, we have successfully recruited several new, world-class teachers and scholars who will strengthen the faculty considerably in the years ahead. She provided a few examples:

The University recruited historian Alan Taylor from the University of California-Davis as Professor in the Corcoran Department of History. Mr. Taylor has written numerous books about the early American Republic, and he has won both the Pulitzer Prize and the Bancroft Prize for his work. The History Department is already recognized as one of the top five in the country for the history of America to 1865, and Mr. Taylor will help strengthen that position.

Willis Jenkins from Yale will join the faculty as the Margaret Farley Associate Professor of Social Ethics. Mr. Jenkins is the first hire in Environmental Humanities, which is one of the cluster hires the College is now doing with support of the Mellon Foundation.

Dr. Richard Westphal from the Nurse Corps of the US Navy will join the School of Nursing faculty. Dr. Westphal managed the Navy and Marine Corps’ psychological health and traumatic brain-injury programs. During his career, he has been recognized with the Legion of Merit and the Navy Commendation Medal.

Jonathan Goodall will come from the University of South Carolina as an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mr. Goodall’s research focuses on the emerging field of hydro-informatics, where researchers integrate massive data sets with complex models for water resource systems. Mr. Goodall will add to the existing strengths and disciplinary diversity that make the University a leader in the field of Big Data.

Amy LaViers will join the faculty as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science upon completion of her Ph.D. at Georgia Tech. Ms. LaViers conducts research to develop choreographic abstractions for robotic motion. She holds a Certificate in Dance from Princeton University, and she uses her expertise in dance to design the smooth motion of robots.

Dan Murphy will join the Darden School as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration upon completion of his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. Mr. Murphy’s primary research interest is in international trade and how “catalyst goods” increase demand for other products — for example, how the reliable provision of electricity increases demand for appliances.

Benjamin Castleman will join the Curry School as an Assistant Professor in Education Policy upon completion of his Ph.D. at Harvard. Mr. Castelman’s work addresses the need for interventions aimed at low-income students and their families to increase access to higher education.    

These new additions to the faculty are just a few examples of the broad excellence we are building at the University, one person at a time, as we recruit the University’s next generation of teachers and scholars.

She said that one member of the leadership team was not at the meeting because he was doing important business in Washington, DC. Vice President for Research Tom Skalak was at the White House with a small, invited group of experts for a national workshop aimed at enhancing the transition of research discoveries to the marketplace.  The title of the event was “The Lab-to-Market Cross-Agency Summit,” and it involved government agency leaders, corporate executives, and university leaders who have proven track records in proof-of-concept research and other means of bringing university research to public benefit.  Of the small group of 20 invited experts, only two were from universities in the U.S.: Cal. Tech. and the University of Virginia. Establishing the University as a national leader in this kind of discussion is an important goal.

President Sullivan said the University is celebrating a remarkable achievement: campaign chair Gordon Rainey and Senior Vice President for University Advancement Bob Sweeney will announce the successful completion of the Campaign for the University of Virginia. Surpassing the $3-billion goal is a remarkable achievement, especially considering the economic head-winds that the University has sailed against in the latter part of the campaign. Mr. Rainey and his team of strong volunteer-leaders, and Mr. Sweeney and his team of dedicated staff, deserve an enthusiastic thank-you from everyone who cares about the University and its future.

She said that when she made the campaign announcement during Final Exercises, she described some of the buildings and programs that have resulted from this campaign. The campaign has also affected students and faculty through the creation of more than 500 new scholarships and 63 new professorships. For example, the Marvin Rosenblum Professorship in Mathematics allowed the University to recruit an internationally known expert in operator theory and analysis, Craig Huneke, to serve as chair of the Department of Mathematics. And scholarships like the Thomas Quinn Jones Scholarship Fund and the John Blackburn Endowed Scholarship for AccessUVa provide financial resources for students in need.

The gifts that helped the University reach the goal in the final stretch of the campaign are described in the Gifts and Grants report.

Gifts and Grants Report

Summary of Fiscal Year-To-Date through April 30, 2013

Philanthropic cash flow to the University of Virginia and its related foundations is $186,904,589.57 for the fiscal year through April 30, 2013, with an additional $46,503,479.91 pledged.

Increases over the prior fiscal year were achieved by the schools of Architecture, Nursing, Medicine, and Law, the Batten School, the Darden School, the College at Wise, the University Library, the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, the Virginia Athletics Foundation, the Jeffersonian Grounds Initiative, the Miller Center, the Women’s Center, and the UVA Fund.

Significant Gifts Received Since The Last Meeting

The following are significant gifts received since the last Board meeting:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided four private grants to the School of Medicine:

  1. $3,671,063 for “Exploration of the Biologic Basis for Underperformance of OPV and Rotavirus Vaccines in Bangladesh and India”;

  2. $1,572,197.93 for the study of “Novel Metabonomic Biomarkers of Gut Function and Health: Modeling Enteropathy (EE) and Field Validation”;

  3. $1,424,881 for research on the “Quik Chek Rapid Immunity Assessment Test”; and

  4. $1,087,659 for “Next Generation Molecular Diagnostic Technologies for Developing Countries”;

Amgen Inc., $2,000,000 gift to the Darden School for the Initiative for Business in Society (IBiS) Fund;

The Foundation for the NIH $1,245,709.28 private grant to the School of Medicine for research on “Malnutrition and Enteric Diseases”;

Mr. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr., and Mrs. Virginia C. Mitchell deferred gifts of $933,755.64 and $103,750.62 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the UVA Fund, respectively, to support a Jefferson Scholars professorship and for the unrestricted use of the Jefferson Trust;

Mrs. Jane Parke Batten $1,003,083.75 to the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy for its unrestricted use; and

The Bedford Falls Foundation $1,000,000 pledge payment to the School of Nursing for the Conway Fund Clinical Nurse Leader Program.

Significant Pledges Received Since The Last Meeting

The following are significant pledges received since the last Board meeting:

The Bedford Falls Foundation $5,000,000 pledge to the School of Nursing for the Conway Fund – Clinical Nurse Leader Program;

The Kapnick Foundation $3,000,000 pledge to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the Kapnick Foundation Distinguished Writer-in-Residence Program;

Mr. Mark E. Galant $1,000,000 to the McIntire School of Commerce for the Galant Center for Entrepreneurship;

Mr. John O. Wynne $1,000,000 pledge to the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy to establish an endowed professorship; and

Mr. Timothy J. Ingrassia $500,000 pledge to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation for the James H. and Elizabeth W. Wright Jefferson Scholars Foundation Chaired Professorship.

The President recommended that the Board accept the gifts and grants report. The Rector asked for a motion to approve the report. The motion was made, seconded, and the report was approved.

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Approval of the Full Board Minutes for February 21-22, 2013 Meetings of the Board of Visitors and April 18, 2013 Full Board Meeting

On motion, the Minutes of the Board meetings held on February 21-22, 2013, and April 18, 2013, were approved.

Resolution for Additions to the Agenda

On motion, the Board adopted the following resolution approving the consideration of addenda to the published agenda of the meeting:


RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the consideration of addenda to the published Agenda.

Resolution Regarding the Miller Center

Ms. Dragas called for approval of amendments to the Miller Center of Public Affairs’ bylaws and appointments to their governing council with staggering terms, which require approval of the Board of Visitors.

On motion, the following resolution was approved:


RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Governing Council of the University of Virginia’s White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs (the Governing Council), the Board of Visitors ratifies amendment of the Governing Council bylaws regarding the relationship of the Miller Center and Miller Center Foundation to the University (Article IV, Section 3); increasing maximum Council membership (Article VI, Section 2); establishing staggered member terms and extension of terms for officers and committee chairs (Article VI, Section 3); setting the number of annual meetings (Article VI, Section 7); and endorsing a new committee structure (Article VII); and

RESOLVED FURTHER, on recommendation of the Governing Council, the Board of Visitors ratifies the election of the following individuals to the Governing Council for one-year terms: Mortimer Caplin, Eugene V. Fife, Daniel K. Frierson, Joseph R. Gladden Jr., Slade Gorton, John T. Hazel Jr., Frederick P. Hitz, and Edgar J. Roberts Jr.; the following individuals for two-year terms: Michael P. Castine, David R. Goode, Glynn D. Key, Richard R. Kreitler, George W. Logan, Leigh B. Middleditch Jr., J. Ridgely Porter III, and Anne R. Worrell; and the following individuals for three-year terms: Terrence D. Daniels, Norwood H. Davis Jr., Claire W. Gargalli, Judith Richards Hope, Daniel P. Jordan, H. Eugene Lockhart, Alan Murray, Elsie W. Thompson, Jeffrey C. Walker, and Suzanne S. Whitmore. All members will be able to stand for re-election to the Governing Council for one additional three-year term; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, on the recommendation of the Governing Council, the Board of Visitors ratifies the election of the following officers to the Governing Council for one-year terms: Eugene V. Fife as Chair, Joseph R. Gladden as Vice Chair, and Jeffrey L. Chidester (non-Council member) as Secretary.

(Amended and Restated 2013 Bylaws are attached to these minutes.)

The full Board recessed at 1:15 p.m. to hold committee meetings.

Executive Session, Monday, May 20, 2013

After adopting the following motion, the voting Board members present plus Ms. Hurd, Mr. Forch, Mr. Forehand, Ms. Harris, and Dr. Miller by telephone, participated in Executive Session at 5:40 p.m.:

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, re-appointment, assignment, performance, and compensation of certain officers and employees of the University, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia, including the appointment of a vice rector; furthermore, I move that the Board of Visitors go into closed session to discuss and consult legal counsel on his privileged litigation report including the pending accreditation compliance review and administrative proceeding, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A)(7) of the Code of Virginia.

- - - - - - - - -

At 6:00 p.m. the Board came out of closed session and, on motion, adopted the following resolution certifying that the deliberations in closed session had been conducted in accordance with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.

- - - - - - - - -

Appointment of the Vice Rector

On motion, the following resolution was approved by 15 members. Dr. Miller voted in the affirmative by telephone. Mr. Martin and Mr. Atkinson abstained.


William H. Goodwin Jr. is appointed Vice Rector for the period July 1, 2013 until June 30, 2015. Thereafter, he will assume the rectorship.

Following the Vice Rector appointment, Mr. Martin asked Ms. Dragas to come to the front of the room and he presented a gift of a gavel to her in appreciation of her service as Rector of the University. The Rector recessed the meeting at 6:10 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. Following dinner in the Dome Room of the Rotunda, the Rector, Ms. Dragas, introduced the Honorable Eric Fingerhut, who spoke about strategic opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, and technology integration.

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Report on the Medical Center Operating Board (MCOB)

The full Board was called to order at 1:15 p.m., on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, for a report from the Vice Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board on the meeting held in the morning the previous day, May 20, 2013. All Board members save Ms. Victoria Harker, and Edward D. Miller, M.D., were present. Ms. Harker participated by telephone.

The Vice Chair, Mr. Mastracco, reported that MCOB met for both the TCH and the Medical Center in shell space on the 4th floor of the Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center. Mr. Mastracco served as Chair because Dr. Miller was unable to attend the meeting.

Nancy Dunlap, MD, PhD, who will replace Dr. DeKosky as Dean of the School of Medicine, as of August 1, 2013, was present at both meetings and made a few remarks. The MCOB recognized and thanked both Dr. DeKosky and Mr. Mastracco for their service as this was their last meeting.

Thomas Loughran, MD, was introduced as the Director of the University of Virginia Cancer Center, effective August 15. He will also serve as the Principal Investigator of the NIC-funded Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) and Director of the UVA Cancer Center of Excellence. Dr. Loughran joins the University from Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute and the Penn State College of Medicine.

Ms. Dragas nominated Ms. Connie Kincheloe of Culpeper for reappointment to the MCOB for another four-year term and Michael Johns, MD of Emory and formerly of the University, to fill a public member vacancy.

For the Transitional Care Hospital (TCH) portion of the Medical Center Operating Board, Ms. Hereford, Chief of the UVA TCH, provided the operations and finance reports and presented the FY 2014 budget for approval. Ms. Hereford showed the positive impact to the Medical Center from the TCH beds. Further, the TCH is this year’s only recipient of the Goldberg Award from the National Association of Long Term Hospitals, which recognizes innovation processes. The TCH won for an innovative process that resulted in a reduction in urinary tract infections associated with catheters.

Dr. George Hoke, chair of the TCH Quality Committee, presented the Clinical Staff and Quality reports in Executive Session. The MCOB approved the TCH credentialing actions in public session.

For the Medical Center Operating Board, Mr. Larry Fitzgerald provided a financial update of the first nine months of FY 13, and stated they are meeting budget expectations for the year. In addition, he provided an overview of the FY 14 budget for the Medical Center, which was unanimously approved. Mr. Ed Howell commented that the Medical Center budget has been incorporated into the University’s global budget that will be presented for full BOV approval.

The Medical Center is responsible for training the Residents and Fellows. Susan Kirk, MD, Designated Institutional Official, gave her annual update of Graduate Medical Education. Dr. Kirk noted the changes that are occurring nationally in GME training programs, and what we are doing at the University to meet those challenges.

During his remarks, Mr. Howell mentioned a number of Health System initiatives for employees, including celebrations of National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week. The Medical Center recently received the Governor’s Award for Excellence for reducing our environmental impact. He noted that we are watching closely the decision of the state regarding Medicaid expansion as it is vitally important to the future success of the Medical Center. Mr. Howell also displayed an application for cell phones that provides quick access to the patient’s electronic health record at the Medical Center.

Dr. DeKosky shared pictures and statistics from Match Day 2013. Dr. DeKosky recognized the members of the School of Medicine faculty who received clinical research grant awards that have been funded by the Medical Center as part of the strategic implementation. He also provided an update on the proposed Ivy Building that will house the Virginia Center for Regulatory and Translational Services directed by Robert Meyer, MD.

Dr. Bo Cofield shared a summary and status report of various facilities expansions and renovations that have occurred or are still under construction over the last year.

The Medical Center Operating Board authorized the President or her designee to execute the necessary documents for the Medical Center to invest in MajestaCare, a Medicaid Managed Care Company currently owned by Carilion Clinic, subject to the approval of the Chairs of the MCOB and the Finance Committee. The transition is expected to occur by September 1. The MCOB also approved the clinical staff privileging recommendations from the Clinical Staff Executive Committee.

In Executive Session, the MCOB received a Medical Center Quality report and an update on the strategic implementation, including the business plan for the Neurosciences Center of Excellence.

Executive Session, Tuesday, May 21, 2013

After adopting the following motion, the voting Board members present plus Ms. Hurd, Mr. Blaze, Mr. Sandridge, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Simon, Mr. Forch, Ms. Harris, and Mr. Ron Forehand, participated in Executive Session at 1:50 p.m. Ms. Victoria Harker participated by telephone:

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, re-appointment, assignment, performance, and compensation of certain officers and employees of the University, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia, including the appointment of a vice rector; furthermore, I move that the Board of Visitors go into closed session to discuss and consult legal counsel on his privileged litigation report including the pending accreditation compliance review and administrative proceeding, and on the Freedom of Information Act, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A)(7) of the Code of Virginia.

- - - - - - - - -

At 2:35 p.m. the Board came out of closed session and, on motion, adopted the following resolution certifying that the deliberations in closed session had been conducted in accordance with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.

- - - - - - - - -

Final Session

The full Board was called to order at 2:40 p.m. for the Final Session. All Board members, save Mr. Caputo, Ms. Harker, and Dr. Miller, were present. Ms. Harker participated by telephone.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted except where noted:



(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the University’s Working Capital Investment Policy authorizes the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer to manage, and further delegate the management of, investments made under the policy; and

WHEREAS, the University currently does not have a Vice President and Chief Financial Officer;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors authorizes the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer to manage investments under the Working Capital Investment Policy and further delegate or revoke such responsibility under the program.


(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Optional Retirement Plan for Employees of the University of Virginia is amended such that a separated employee may receive benefits from the Plan any time on or after the day he or she separates from service; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Optional Retirement Plan for Employees of the UVa Medical Center is amended to grant employees who became eligible employees as a result of the Medical Center’s acquisition of Albemarle Arthritis Associates (AAA), LLP, effective May 26, 2013, the right to apply months of service performed on behalf of AAA toward fulfilling the vesting period requirement.


(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors finds it to be in the best interest of the University of Virginia to purchase from the University of Virginia Foundation (the “Foundation”) land and improvements thereon located at 560 Ray C. Hunt Drive, Charlottesville, Virginia (the “Property”) at a purchase price not to exceed $15,850,000;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the acquisition of the Property; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to approve and execute purchase agreements and related documents, to incur reasonable and customary expenses, and to take such other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to consummate such property acquisition; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, all prior acts performed by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and other officers and agents of the University, in connection with such property acquisition, are in all respects approved, ratified, and confirmed.



(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on May 21, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Audit Schedule for fiscal year 2013-2014 is approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.


(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on May 21, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Corporate Compliance Project Schedule for fiscal year 2013-2014 is approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.


(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on May 21, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Summary of Audit Findings for the period October 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013, as presented by the Chief Audit Executive, is approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, an $8.0 million increase to the Alderman Road Residence Halls Building #6 to a revised budget range of $36.0 - $38.0 million and an 18,000 gross square feet increase in scope to 74,898 gross square feet is approved.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the financial plan for the Alderman Road Residence Halls Building #6 is complete and approved.


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013, with Ms. Dragas voting in the negative)

RESOLVED, the Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building at an estimated project cost of $5-6 million, is added to the Major Capital Projects Program.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the financial plan for the Facilities Management Shop Support/Office Building is complete and approved.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, James C. Slaughter of New York took a degree from the College of Arts & Sciences in 1949, and a Juris Doctor from the School of Law in 1951; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Slaughter had a long and successful career in law and business in New York City, serving as a partner in the firm of Hahn & Hessen, vice president and director of Reeves Brothers, Inc., chairman and chief executive officer of the New York financial firm James Talcott, Inc., and chairman emeritus of Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Slaughter was a patron and leader of a number of cultural institutions, both in New York and abroad. He was the managing director of The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation and served on the boards of the Metropolitan Opera, Carnegie Hall, the Jerusalem Foundation, and the American Friends of the British Museum, and he was a member of the American Associates of the Royal Academy; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Slaughter, personally and through the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, was a generous benefactor of the School of Law. He served as a trustee of the Law School Foundation and a member of the executive committee for two capital campaigns. He paved the way for the Law Grounds project by funding the acquisition of the former Darden School building, which was renamed and dedicated Slaughter Hall in November 1996. He created the Horace W. Goldsmith Research Professorship in Law, which now supports two chairholders; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Slaughter was a generous donor to other areas of the University and established, with the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Teaching Professorship in the Humanities in the College of Arts & Sciences; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Slaughter’s nephew, William A. Slaughter, on behalf of the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, contributed funds to support a professorship in Mr. Slaughter’s name, and together with the School of Law, agreed to reallocate gift principal from the Horace W. Goldsmith Research Professorship in Law to the new professorship;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors establishes the James C. Slaughter Distinguished Professorship in Law; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks William A. Slaughter and the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation for their generosity to the University and to the School of Law.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, Rolls-Royce plc has major businesses in civil aerospace, defense aerospace, marine propulsion, and energy, with 40,000 employees worldwide, and opened a jet engine manufacturing plant in Virginia; and

WHEREAS, as part of a strategic education and research partnership among Rolls-Royce, the Commonwealth, the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, and the Virginia Community College System, the Commonwealth created nine endowed professorships distributed equally among the University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and McIntire School of Commerce, and Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering; and

WHEREAS, the professorships in the McIntire School of Commerce and the School of Engineering serve to enhance the curriculum in areas of interest to Rolls-Royce and the Commonwealth;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors establishes three Commerce Commonwealth Professorships in the McIntire School of Commerce, and three Rolls-Royce Professorships in Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Science;

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks Rolls-Royce and the Commonwealth of Virginia for making these professorships possible.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, William Stamps Farish II received a law degree from the University of Mississippi in 1900; and

WHEREAS, William Stamps Farish II was a pioneer in east Texas oilfield development, president of Standard Oil, and a founding member and president of the American Petroleum Institute; and

WHEREAS, his grandson, William Stamps Farish III, a businessman and entrepreneur in his own right, took a degree in 1962 from the College of Arts & Sciences; and

WHEREAS, in 1982, William Stamps Farish III created the William Stamps Farish Professorship in Free Enterprise in the McIntire School of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, in 1989, Mr. Farish III created the William Stamps Farish Entrepreneurial Research Professorship in the School of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, the entrepreneurial research professorship comes now to the Board of Visitors for formal establishment;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors establishes the William Stamps Farish Entrepreneurial Research Professorship to attract and retain an eminent scholar in entrepreneurial studies in the McIntire School of Commerce;

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks William Stamps Farish III for his generosity to the University and the McIntire School of Commerce.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Bachelor of Science in Astronomy is established in the College of Arts and Sciences.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences is established in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Department of Kinesiology is established in the Curry School of Education.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors affirms the Guidelines on Priority Course Enrollment for Military-Related Students; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Guidelines shall be communicated to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and published in future editions of the Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record.

(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the 2013-2014 Operating Budget and Annual Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the Academic Division is approved, as recommended by the President and the Chief Operating Officer.


(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the 2013-2014 Operating Budget for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is approved as recommended by the President and the Chief Operating Officer.


(approved by the Finance Committee and the Medical Center Operating Board on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the 2013-2014 Operating and Capital Budgets and the Annual Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the University of Virginia Medical Center are approved, as recommended by the President, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and the Medical Center Operating Board.


(approved by the Finance Committee and the Medical Center Operating Board on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the 2013-2014 Operating and Capital Budgets for the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital, presented as a component of the Medical Center Operating Budget, are approved, as recommended by the President, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and the Medical Center Operating Board.


(approved by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

RESOLVED, the budget for the expenditure of funds from the Estate of John Lee Pratt is approved to supplement appropriations made by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the School of Medicine and the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences. Departmental allocations, not to exceed $7,240,000 for 2013-2014, are suggested by the department chairs and recommended by the dean of each school; the disbursement of each allotment will be authorized by the Executive Vice President and Provost. To the extent the annual income from the endowment is not adequate to meet the recommended distribution, the principal of the endowment will be disinvested to provide funds for the approved budgets.


(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on May 21, 2013)

RESOLVED, Messrs. Paul D. Buchanan, James N.L. Humphreys, and Lewey K. Lee, are reappointed to The University of Virginia's College at Wise Board for four-year terms ending June 30, 2017, in accordance with the Board’s bylaws;

FURTHER RESOLVED, Ms. Merry Lu Prior and Messrs. Edward H. Baine and Robert F. Stallard are appointed to The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Board for four-year terms ending June 30, 2017, in accordance with the Board’s bylaws.


(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on May 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is committed to the managed growth of its student body; and

WHEREAS, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is committed to recruiting and retaining an academically talented and diverse student body;

RESOLVED, the proposed enrollment projections for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise for the period of fall 2013 through fall 2019 are approved as follows:

Term Total Headcount Student FTE

Fall 2013 2,432 1,714

Fall 2014 2,444 1,724

Fall 2015 2,468 1,739

Fall 2016 2,493 1,757

Fall 2017 2,518 1,775

Fall 2018 2,543 1,792

Fall 2019 2,568 1,810

- - - - - - - - - -



RESOLVED the following persons are elected to the faculty:

Mr. Russell Bailey, as Assistant Professor of Neurology, for two years, effective March 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Manuel Bailo Esteve, as Associate Professor of Architecture, for the period January 10, 2013 through May 24, 2015, at an academic year salary of $81,000.

Mr. Ian E. Burbulis, as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, for two years, effective February 19, 2013, at an annual salary of $72,000.

Ms. Sylvia Cechova, as Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, for three years, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $64,800.

Dr. Weidong Chai, as Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, for three years, effective February 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $64,800.

Dr. Kelly G. Chewning, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for two years, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Nancy E. Dunlap, as Professor of Medicine, for the period May 1, 2013 through November 30, 2014, at an annual salary of $550,000.

Ms. Erin P. Foff, as Assistant Professor of Neurology, for two years, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Willis Jenkins, as Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective May 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $90,000.

Dr. Leigh A. Lather, as Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, effective January 3, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,

Mr. Frederik L. Meier, as Whyburn Instructor of Mathematics, for the period January 10, 2013 through May 24, 2015, at an academic year salary of $46,500.

Dr. Robert J. Meyer, as Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for five years, effective March 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $375,000.

Mr. Kwon-Sik Park, as Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology, for two years, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $85,000.

Mr. Harry C. Powell Jr., as Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, for three years, effective January 10, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Diane W. Rozycki, as Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective March 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Sarah E. Siegrist, as Assistant Professor of Biology, for the period January 25, 2013 through May 24, 2017, at an academic year salary of $77,000.

Mr. Karsten H. Siller, as Research Assistant Professor of Biology, for three years, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $77,000.

Ms. Rupa S. Valdez, as Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences, for two years, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $105,000.

Mr. Hui Zong, as Associate Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology, for two years, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $120,000.


RESOLVED, the election of Ms. Susan Bauer-Wu, as Professor of Nursing, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $137,500, as shown in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Visitors dated February 21-22, 2013, is corrected to read as follows:

Ms. Susan Bauer-Wu, as Professor of Nursing, effective January 1, 2013, at an academic year salary of $137,500.


RESOLVED the actions relating to the Chairholders are approved as shown below:

Election of Chairholders

Mr. Gary A. Ballinger, as William Stamps Farish Associate Professor of Free Enterprise, effective December 25, 2012. Mr. Ballinger will continue as Associate Professor of Commerce, without term.

Dr. Nancy E. Dunlap, as James Carroll Flippin Professor of Medical Science, for the period August 1, 2013 through November 30, 2014. Dr. Dunlap will continue as Professor of Medicine, with term.

Dr. Kimberly P. Dunsmore, as Karen Jargowsky Associate Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, for five years, effective March 25, 2013. Dr. Dunsmore will continue as Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, with term.

Mr. Jeffrey W. Legro, as Ambassador Henry J. Taylor and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professor of Politics, effective June 25, 2013. Mr. Legro will continue as Professor of Politics, without term.

Mr. Charles R. Marsh, as Commonwealth Professor of Religious Studies, effective January 25, 2013. Mr. Marsh will continue as Professor of Religious Studies, without term.

Ms. Farzaneh M. Milani, as Raymond J. Nelson Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, effective January 25, 2013. Ms. Milani will continue as Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, without term.

Dr. Benjamin W. Purow, as John T. and Louise Nerancy Associate Professor of Neuroscience, for five years, effective March 25, 2013. Dr. Purow will continue as Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, and Associate Professor of Medicine, with term.

Mr. Bruce A. Williams, as Ambassador Henry J. Taylor and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professor of Media Studies, effective January 25, 2013. Mr. Williams will continue as Professor of Media Studies, without term.

Change of Title of Chairholders

Dr. Christopher A. Moskaluk, from Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Pathology, to Walter Reed Professor of Pathology, for five years, effective December 25, 2012. Dr. Moskaluk will continue as Professor of Pathology, without term.

Dr. Dennis J. Templeton, from Walter Reed Professor of Pathology, to Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Pathology, for five years, effective December 25, 2012. Dr. Templeton will continue as Professor of Pathology, without term.

Mr. Rajkumar Venkatesan, from Bank of America Research Associate Professor of Business Administration, to Bank of America Research Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013. Mr. Venkatesan will continue as Professor of Business Administration, without term.

Special Salary Action of Chairholders

Dr. Daniel M. Becker, Tussi and John Kluge Professor of Palliative Care, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $200,000.

Mr. James G. Clawson, Johnson and Higgins Professor of Business Administration, effective January 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $184,000.

Mr. Charles R. Marsh, Commonwealth Professor of Religious Studies, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $200,000.

Ms. Farzaneh M. Milani, Raymond J. Nelson Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, effective January 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $130,600.

Mr. Gary K. Owens, Robert M. Berne Professor of Cardiovascular Research, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $325,000.

Dr. Craig L. Slingluff, Joseph Helms Farrow Professor of Surgical Oncology, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $201,800.

Ms. Sarah E. Turner, University Professor of Education & Economics, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $261,900.

Mr. Bruce A. Williams, Ambassador Henry J. Taylor and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professor of Media Studies, effective January 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $144,300.

Retirement of Chairholders

Mr. Brandt R. Allen, James C. Wheat Jr., Professor of Graduate Business Administration, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Allen has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1970.

Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research, effective June 30, 2013. Mr. Balian has been a member of the faculty since August 1, 1979.

Ms. Ann Beattie, Edgar Allen Poe Professor of English, effective May 24, 2013. Ms. Beattie has been a member of the faculty since August 25, 2001.

Mr. Earl R. Brownlee II, Dale S. Coenen Professor of Free Enterprise, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Brownlee has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1975.

Dr. William L. Clarke, Robert M. Blizzard Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology, effective June 30, 2013. Dr. Clarke has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1978.

Mr. Daniel P. Hallahan, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Hallahan has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1971.

Dr. John Kattwinkel, Charles I. Fuller Jr. Professor of Neonatology, effective June 30, 2013. Dr. Kattwinkel has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1974.

Mr. Joseph F. Kett, James Madison Professor of History, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Kett has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1966.

Mr. John H. Lindgren Jr., Consumer Bankers Association Professor of Retail Banking, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Lindgren has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1978.

Mr. David M. Maloney, Carman G. Blough Professor of Accounting, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Maloney has been a member of the faculty since January 16, 1984.

Mr. William B. Quandt, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Quandt has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1994.

Resignation of Chairholder

Mr. Patrick J. Concannon, Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective February 17, 2013, to accept another position.


RESOLVED the following persons are promoted:

Dr. Abdullah M. Al-Osaimi, from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, and Associate Professor of Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Hanadi Al-Samman, from Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, to Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Talissa A. Altes, from Associate Professor of Radiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Stephen D. Arata, from Associate Professor of English, to Professor of English, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Stefan Baessler, from Assistant Professor of Physics, to Associate Professor of Physics, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Anthony J. Baglioni Jr., from Assistant Professor of Commerce, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Commerce, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. N. Scott Barker, from Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, to Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Barrett H. Barnes, from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Charles Barzun, from Associate Professor of Law, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Brian W. Behm, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Bradford C. Bennett, from Assistant Professor of Research in Orthopaedic Surgery, with term, and Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with term, to Associate Professor of Research in Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, and Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Sarah E. Betzer, from Assistant Professor of Art, to Associate Professor of Art, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Kenneth C. Bilchick, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Josh Bowers, from Associate Professor of Law, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. David R. Brenin, from Associate Professor of Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Surgery, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. James F. Calland, from Assistant Professor of Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Mrinalini Chakravorty, from Assistant Professor of English, to Associate Professor of English, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Amar Cheema, from Associate Professor of Commerce, to Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Wei-Min Chen, from Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences, with term, to Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Linda Columbus, from Assistant Professor of Chemistry, to Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Sheila R. Crane, from Assistant Professor of Architectural History, to Associate Professor of Architectural History, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Angelo R. Dacus, from Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Martin N. Davidson, from Associate Professor of Business Administration, to Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Lise Dobrin, from Assistant Professor of Anthropology, to Associate Professor of Anthropology, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. David B. Drake, from Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, to Professor of Plastic Surgery, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Elizabeth G. Epstein, from Assistant Professor of Nursing, to Associate Professor of Nursing, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Alev Erisir, from Associate Professor of Psychology, to Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. David E. Evans, from Associate Professor of Computer Science, to Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Richard B. Evans, from Assistant Professor of Business Administration, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Mehr A. Farooqi, from Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, to Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. John D. Ferguson, from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Elizabeth E. Friberg, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Christopher M. Gaskin, from Associate Professor of Radiology, with term, and Assistant Professor of Orthapaedic Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, without term, and Associate Professor of Orthapaedic Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Brie Gertler, from Associate Professor of Philosophy, to Professor of Philosophy, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Mary E. Gibson, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Ira M. Hall, from Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, with term, to Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Peter T. Hallowell, from Assistant Professor of Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Rebecca B. Harmon, from Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Ira C. Harris, from Assistant Professor of Commerce, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Commerce, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Jared D. Harris, from Assistant Professor of Business Administration, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Carmenita Higginbotham, from Assistant Professor of American Studies and Art History, to Associate Professor of American Studies and Art History, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. LaVae M. Hoffman, from Assistant Professor of Education, to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Jeffrey W. Holmes, from Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, to Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. J. Stephen Huff, from Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Neurology, with term, to Professor of Emergency Medicine, without term, and Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Jeffery A. Jenkins, from Associate Professor of Politics, to Professor of Politics, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Ann L. Kellams, from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Leslie Kendrick, from Associate Professor of Law, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Mable B. Kinzie, from Associate Professor of Education, to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Israel Klich, from Assistant Professor of Physics, to Associate Professor of Physics, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Adam S. Koch, from Assistant Professor of Commerce, to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Angela C. Kreider, from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. James H. Lambert, from Research Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, to Research Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, for three years, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Nana D. Last, from Associate Professor of Architecture, with term, to Associate Professor of Architecture, without term, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Victor E. Laubach, from Associate Professor of Surgery, without term, and Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, with term, to Professor of Surgery, without term, and Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Thu H. Le, from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Hsin Hsin Liang, from Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages, Literatures & Cultures, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of East Asian Languages, Literatures & Cultures, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr., from Assistant Professor of Business Administration, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Nilanga K. Liyanage, from Associate Professor of Physics, to Professor of Physics, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Antonia LoLordo, from Associate Professor of Philosophy, to Professor of Philosophy, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Pamela Mason, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. George M. McDaniel, from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, with term, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, and Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Sachin H. Mehta, from Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, with term, and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, with term, to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Elizabeth K. Meyer, from Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, to Professor of Landscape Architecture, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Joseph P. Meyer III, from Assistant Professor of Education, to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Susan Modesitt, from Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Brandi T. Nicholson, from Assistant Professor of Radiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Manoj K. Patel, from Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Margaret L. Plews-Ogan, from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Richard J. Price, from Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, to Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Allison J. Pugh, from Assistant Professor of Sociology, to Associate Professor of Sociology, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Matthew A. Reidenbach, from Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, to Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, from Associate Professor of Education, to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Jennifer O. Roper, from Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, to Associate Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Saher Sabri, from Assistant Professor of Radiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Jeffrey J. Saucerman, from Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, with term, to Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, without term, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. David J. Schlesinger, from Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, with term, and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Abhi Shelat, from Assistant Professor of Computer Science, to Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. David E. Sherman, from Assistant Professor of Mathematics, to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. William H. Sherman, from Associate Professor of Architecture, to Professor of Architecture, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Mark S. Sherriff, from Assistant Professor of Computer Science, to Associate Professor of Computer Science, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Yun (Michael) Shim, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. David C. Smith, from Associate Professor of Banking and Commerce, to Professor of Banking and Commerce, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Justin S. Smith, from Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, without term, effective March 25, 2013.

Ms. Carol A. Spreen, from Assistant Professor of Education, to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Christopher J. Stemland, from Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, with term, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, with term, to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. George J. Stukenborg, from Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, to Professor of Public Health Sciences, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Brian S. Uthlaut, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Ms. Diana Vaman, from Assistant Professor of Physics, to Associate Professor of Physics, effective August 25, 2013.

Mr. Rajkumar Venkatesan, from Associate Professor of Business Administration, to Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2013.

Dr. Andrew Y. Wang, from Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Mr. Michael C. Wellmon, from Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, to Associate Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, effective August 25, 2013.

Ms. Krishni Wijesooriya, from Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.

Dr. Bradford B. Worrall, from Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, with term, to Professor of Neurology, without term, and Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2013.


RESOLVED the mid-year merit-based salary adjustments averaging 2.57 % for College of Arts & Sciences faculty, funded through resources available to the College of Arts & Sciences, effective January 25, 2013, are approved.


RESOLVED the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Stuart S. Berr, Professor of Research in Radiology, effective February 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $173,400.

Mr. Julian M. Bivins, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $163,400.

Mr. Joseph M. Cardella, Lecturer in Urology, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $181,200.

Mr. Amar Cheema, Associate Professor of Commerce, effective January 10, 2013, at an academic year salary of $202,000.

Dr. John J. Densmore, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Mr. Umesh S. Deshmukh, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $92,000.

Ms. Lynde L. Dobson, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $42,000.

Mr. Jason T. Downer, Research Associate Professor of Education, effective September 12, 2012, at an annual salary of $110,000.

Ms. Katherine Gibson, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 7, 2013, at an annual salary of $67,200.

Ms. Mary K. Grant, Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery, effective February 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $87,300.

Ms. Janet L. Heinzmann, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective July 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $176,000.

Ms. Karen S. Ingersoll, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Ms. Kathryn L. Jarvis, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $112,000.

Mr. Richard M. Johnson, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $70,000.

Mr. Michael J. Kennedy, Assistant Professor of Education, effective January 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $71,500.

Mr. Jody K. Kielbasa, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $185,000.

Dr. Tamila L. Kindwall-Keller, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $140,000.

Ms. Rebecca L. Leonard, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 10, 2013, at an annual salary of $120,700.

Ms. Maurie D. McInnis, Professor of Art History, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $225,000.

Mr. Igor N. Olekhnovich, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $65,500.

Mr. Dongfeng Pan, Associate Professor of Research in Radiology, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $77,700.

Mr. Harry C. Powell Jr., Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, effective January 10, 2013, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Bowen M. Sargent, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective September 2, 2012, at an annual salary of $110,000.

Ms. Carola Schenone, Associate Professor of Commerce, effective January 10, 2013, at an academic year salary of $217,000.

Ms. Colleen M. Smith, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $82,500.

Mr. Wayne L. Smith, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $165,000.

Ms. Pamela F. Sprouse, Lecturer in Medical Education, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $69,400.

Mr. Matthew J. Thomas, Lecturer in Pediatrics, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $60,000.

Dr. Gregory C. Townsend, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $166,000.

Dr. John D. Voss, Professor of Medicine, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $112,000.

Mr. Stuart A. Wolf, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Professor of Physics, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $202,300.

Mr. Eric R. Young, Associate Professor of Economics, effective January 25, 2013, at an academic year salary of $145,000.


The President announced the following resignations:

Ms. Ellen J. Bass, Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, effective January 24, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Virginia A. Boothe, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective June 3, 2013, to accept another position.

Ms. Gina Donato, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective March 4, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Vishal Gohil, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective May 31, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Andrew W. Hoyer, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, effective February 1, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Angela M. Kloepfer, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Huda Salman, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective January 31, 2013, for personal reasons.

Dr. Robert C. Schutt, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Sharon Teraoka, Assistant Professor of Research in Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, effective February 28, 2013, to accept another position.

Ms. Barbara H. Wixom, Associate Professor of Commerce, effective May 24, 2013, to accept another position.


The President announced the following retirements:

Mr. Brandt R. Allen, James C. Wheat Jr., Professor of Graduate Business Administration, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research, effective June 30, 2013. Mr. Balian has been a member of the faculty since August 1, 1979.

Ms. Ann Beattie, Edgar Allen Poe Professor of English, effective May 24, 2013. Ms. Beattie has been a member of the faculty since August 25, 2001.

Dr. Alan J. Binder, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013. Dr. Binder has been a member of the faculty since January 14, 2002.

Mr. Earl R. Brownlee II, Dale S. Coenen Professor of Free Enterprise, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Brownlee has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1975.

Dr. William L. Clarke, Robert M. Blizzard Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology, effective June 30, 2013. Dr. Clarke has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1978.

Dr. George B. Craddock Jr., Associate Professor of Medicine, effective July 8, 2013. Dr. Craddock has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1977.

Ms. Margo A. Figgins, Associate Professor of Education, effective August 24, 2013. Ms. Figgins has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1985.

Mr. John W. Frick, Professor of Drama, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Frick has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1987.

Mr. Wolfgang O. Friesen, Professor of Biology, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Friesen has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1977.

Mr. Daniel P. Hallahan, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Hallahan has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1971.

Ms. Jane A. Hansen, Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013. Ms. Hansen has been a member of the faculty since August 25, 2000.

Dr. Michael R. Harper, Associate Professor of Family Medicine, effective October 8, 2011. Dr. Harper has been a member of the faculty since October 1, 2000.

Mr. Bruce P. Hayden, Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Hayden has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1970.

Dr. Dearing W. Johns, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective July 5, 2013. Dr. Johns has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1983.

Dr. John Kattwinkel, Charles I. Fuller Jr. Professor of Neonatology, effective June 30, 2013. Dr. Kattwinkel has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1974.

Mr. Joseph F. Kett, James Madison Professor of History, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Kett has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1966.

Mr. John H. Lindgren Jr., Consumer Bankers Association Professor of Retail Banking, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Lindgren has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1978.

Mr. David M. Maloney, Carman G. Blough Professor of Accounting, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Maloney has been a member of the faculty since January 16, 1984.

Ms. Elizabeth A. Margutti, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective June 24, 2013. Ms. Margutti has been a member of the faculty since March 1, 1983.

Mr. P. Paxton Marshall, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, General Faculty, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Marshall has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1987.

Mr. Ronald T. Murray, Assistant Professor of Medical Education, effective January 31, 2013. Mr. Murray has been a member of the faculty since August 10, 1995.

Mr. Duane J. Osheim, Professor of History, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Osheim has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1976.

Ms. Elayne K. Phillips, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective February 14, 2013. Ms. Phillips has been a member of the faculty since February 15, 2007.

Mr. William B. Quandt, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Quandt has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1994.

Mr. Robert J. Ribando, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Ribando has been a member of the faculty since August 1, 1979.

Mr. William M. Wilson, Professor, General Faculty, effective October 1, 2012. Mr. Wilson has been a member of the faculty since October 1, 1987.


The President announced the following appointments:

Dr. Nancy E. Dunlap, as Dean, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 2013 through November 30, 2014.

Mr. Jody K. Kielbasa, as Vice Provost for the Arts, for five years, effective January 1, 2013.

Ms. Maurie D. McInnis, as Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, for five years, effective January 1, 2013.


The President announced the following re-appointments:

Mr. Charles B. Fitzgerald, as Senior Associate Vice President for Principal Relationship Development, for one year, effective November 25, 2012.

Mr. Bryan Garey, as Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, for one year, effective August 12, 2013.

Mr. Alexander G. Gilliam Jr., as Special Assistant to the President and University Protocol Officer, for one year, effective May 1, 2013.

Ms. Beth C. Hodsdon, as Associate General Counsel, for three years, effective June 25, 2013.

Mr. Richard A. Kovatch, as Associate Vice President for Business Operations, for three years, effective February 25, 2013.

Mr. Darrell J. Kozuch, as Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, for three years, effective November 1, 2013.

Ms. Sandra M. Pai, as Assistant to the General Counsel, for three years, effective May 25, 2013.

Mr. Leonard W. Sandridge Jr., as Special Advisor to the President, for the period July 1, 2013 through January 12, 2014.


RESOLVED the following persons are elected Professor Emeritus:

Mr. Brandt R. Allen, James C. Wheat Jr., Professor of Graduate Business Administration, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Gary Balian, Mary Muilenburg Stamp Professor of Orthopaedic Research, effective June 30, 2013.

Ms. Ann Beattie, Edgar Allen Poe Professor of English, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Earl R. Brownlee II, Dale S. Coenen Professor of Free Enterprise, effective May 24, 2013.

Dr. William L. Clarke, Robert M. Blizzard Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology, effective June 30, 2013.

Mr. John W. Frick, Professor of Drama, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Wolfgang O. Friesen, Professor of Biology, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Daniel P. Hallahan, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013.

Ms. Jane A. Hansen, Professor of Education, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Bruce P. Hayden, Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective May 24, 2013.

Dr. John Kattwinkel, Charles I. Fuller Jr. Professor of Neonatology, effective June 30, 2013.

Mr. Joseph F. Kett, James Madison Professor of History, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. John H. Lindgren Jr., Consumer Bankers Association Professor of Retail Banking, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. David M. Maloney, Carman G. Blough Professor of Accounting, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. P. Paxton Marshall, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, General Faculty, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. Duane J. Osheim, Professor of History, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. William B. Quandt, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective May 24, 2013.

Mr. William M. Wilson, Professor, General Faculty, effective October 1, 2012.


RESOLVED the following persons are elected Associate Professor Emeritus:

Dr. Alan J. Binder, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective June 30, 2013.

Dr. George B. Craddock Jr., Associate Professor of Medicine, effective July 8, 2013.

Ms. Margo A. Figgins, Associate Professor of Education, effective August 24, 2013.

Dr. Michael R. Harper, Associate Professor of Family Medicine, effective October 8, 2011.

Dr. Dearing W. Johns, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective July 5, 2013.

Mr. Robert J. Ribando, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective May 24, 2013. Mr. Ribando has been a member of the faculty since August 1, 1979.


The president announced the following deaths:

Mr. Lenard R. Berlanstein, Commonwealth Professor Emeritus of History, died February 24, 2013. Mr. Berlanstein had been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1973, until his retirement in January 12, 2012.

Mr. Daniel J. Meador, James Monroe Professor Emeritus of Law, died February 9, 2013. Mr. Meador had been a member of the faculty since 1970, until his retirement in 1994.

Mr. Richard A. Murphy, Professor Emeritus of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, died March 9, 2013. Mr. Murphy had been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1968, until his retirement on March 31, 2004.

Mr. Kenneth W. Thompson, J. Wilson Newman Professor Emeritus of Governance, died February 2, 2013. Mr. Thompson had been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1975, until his retirement May 24, 2006.



RESOLVED the following persons are elected to the faculty:

Ms. Ashley L. Dickinson, as Assistant Professor of Administration of Justice, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, for the period January 10, 2013 through May 24, 2014, at an academic year salary of $52,000.

Ms. Donna P. Henry, as Professor of Biology, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective January 18, 2013, at an annual salary of $230,000.


RESOLVED the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Ms. Rebecca E. Huffman, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $60,000.

Ms. Jamie D. Rose, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $50,000.


The President announced the following resignations:

Mr. Esteban Ponce-Ortiz, Associate Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

Ms. Ruth E. Roman, Assistant Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective May 24, 2013, for personal reasons.

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The Rector called for the approval of action items discussed during the Executive Session of the Medical Center Operating Board meeting on May 20, 2013 and subsequently approved in open session of the committee. The first one regarding a Medicaid managed care business, was also approved by the Finance Committee upon recommendation of the Medical Center Operating Board:


(approved by the Medical Center Operating Board and the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Medical Center Operating Board and the Finance Committee find it to be in the best interests of the University of Virginia and its Medical Center for the Medical Center to participate and invest in a joint venture with Carilion Clinic or an affiliate, Aetna, Inc. or an affiliate, and Riverside Health System or an affiliate, and future partners to be determined, for a Medicaid managed care business; and

WHEREAS, Section 23-77.3 of the Code of Virginia grants authority to the Medical Center to enter into joint ventures;

RESOLVED, the University, on behalf of the Medical Center, is authorized to enter into a joint venture for a Medicaid managed care business with Carilion Clinic or an affiliate, Aetna, Inc. or an affiliate, and Riverside Health System or an affiliate, and future partners to be determined, whereby the Medical Center, directly or indirectly, will obtain a membership interest not to exceed 16.33%; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the President of the University, or her designee, in consultation with the Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Medical Center and with the approval of the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and the Chair of the Finance Committee, is authorized to negotiate the terms of such joint venture, including the execution of contracts and all other documents necessary for the effectuation of the joint venture, on such terms as the President of the University or her designee deems appropriate, and to take such other action as the President of the University or her designee deems necessary and appropriate to consummate the foregoing.


(approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors may appoint up to six non-voting public members of the Medical Center Operating Board, with initial terms not to exceed four years and eligibility for reappointment to an additional term; and

WHEREAS, the term of Constance R. Kincheloe expires on June 30, 2013 and the Board of Visitors desires to appoint Ms. Kincheloe to serve for an additional four year term;

RESOLVED, Constance R. Kincheloe is appointed to the Medical Center Operating Board as a public member for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2017.


(approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on May 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors may appoint up to six non-voting public members of the Medical Center Operating Board with initial terms not to exceed four years and eligibility for reappointment to an additional term;

RESOLVED, Michael M.E. Johns, M.D., of Atlanta, Georgia, is appointed as a public member of the Medical Center Operating Board for a term of four years commencing July 1, 2013 and ending on June 30, 2017.

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The Rector called for the approval of action items recommended by the Finance Committee on May 20, 2013:


WHEREAS, the University of Virginia has a need to meet potential one-time strategic investment priorities, prior to finalization of a long-term financial and of a strategic plan; and

WHEREAS, operating savings have been generated, which may provide funding to meet such one-time needs;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors delegates to the Finance Committee Chair and Vice Chair the authority to approve any such proposed one-time strategic investment needs on an interim basis as presented by the President.

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The Rector asked for approval of the following resolution, which was discussed in Executive Session on May 20, 2013:


WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors values the input of University faculty members in its formulation of policy, and accordingly invites faculty members to serve as representatives to Board committees; and

WHEREAS, the Board wishes to formally recognize the important responsibilities faculty members have in shaping and implementing the University’s curriculum; and

WHEREAS, the Board also values the role of faculty in reviewing administrative policies that guide students, faculty, and staff of the University;

RESOLVED, the Board adopts the following statement regarding Faculty Role in University Governance:

Authority for the governance of the University is vested by statute in the Board of Visitors by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board’s responsibilities, specified by state statute, include but are not restricted to the appointment of the University president; appointment, promotion, and granting of tenure; removal of members of the faculty; the prescription of faculty responsibilities; the setting of faculty salaries; the determination of student tuition, fees, other charges; and the government and discipline of students. The Board prescribes the duties of the President, and the President has supreme administrative direction of the University, subject to the authority of the Board. The Board has delegated certain authority and responsibilities to the President and the Chief Academic Officer, who have delegated certain of these responsibilities to the faculty.

University faculty has played an important role in assisting the Board in fulfilling its responsibility from the University’s founding to the present day. Through the work of the Faculty Senate, a representative body consisting of members elected from each of the schools, faculty recommend approval of the establishment of new degree programs and major modifications to existing degree programs. Faculties also approve the conferral of all degrees and oversee the development of curricula in their respective schools and departments. Faculties serve as non-voting consulting members on committees of the Board of Visitors, as well as on standing administrative committees of the University, including the University Policy Review Committee, which reviews administrative policies. The Senate also provides the Executive Vice- President and Provost with advice and counsel on other academic matters. Through all of these mechanisms, faculty members share their expertise and insights on academic matters with the Provost, the President, and members of the Board of Visitors.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the president is directed to publish or distribute to the Faculty and the University community the above statement regarding Faculty Role in University Governance.

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The following commending resolutions were proposed by the members noted:


(proposed by Mr. Martin)

WHEREAS, the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein of Newport News, took a B.S. and a J.D. from the University of Virginia, where he was a member of the Raven Society and Omicron Delta Kappa. He holds honorary Doctor of Laws degrees from the College of William and Mary and Christopher Newport University; and

WHEREAS, in 1967, Mr. Diamonstein was elected as a Delegate to the Virginia General Assembly for the 94th District and served until 2002; for many years he was the Senior Member of the House Education Committee, and one of the most influential leaders in the General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein is a Senior Partner in Patten, Wornom, Hatten and Diamonstein, and the chairman of PWHD Consulting Group, an affiliate group with the law firm that provides consulting services in the areas of government affairs and business development; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein has served on a number of boards and received accolades for his work with local, state, and national educational and civic organizations; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein was appointed to the Board of Visitors by Governor Warner in 2005, and reappointed by Governor Kaine in 2009; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein is chair of the Board of Visitors’ Buildings and Grounds Committee; a member of a number of committees, including the Special Committee on Strategic Planning; and the Board of Visitors representative to the McIntire School of Commerce Foundation; and

WHEREAS, as a member of the Board of Visitors, Mr. Diamonstein has provided guidance to the University’s governmental relations efforts based on his long and substantial experience with all aspects of state government, and consistently underscored the responsibility of the University as a public institution to serve the people of the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein has been a committed steward of the University’s physical resources and an effective chair of the Buildings and Grounds committee with a special interest in the process for selecting architects and engineers, toiling over the design decisions that he knew would affect the University’s physical appearance for many years to come; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Diamonstein will complete his second term on the Board of Visitors on June 30;

RESOLVED, the Board thanks Alan A. Diamonstein for his exemplary service to the University, and considers him a friend and a colleague; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board wishes Alan and Beverly Diamonstein many more years of success and happiness.


(proposed by Mr. Craig)

WHEREAS, Vincent J. Mastracco Jr. of Norfolk, took a B.A. from the University of Virginia in 1961, an LL.B. from the University of Richmond in 1964, and an LL.M. from New York University in 1966; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco is a partner and co-chair of Real Estate Strategies Group in the Norfolk office of Kaufman and Canoles; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco has served on several boards focused on education: Norfolk Academy, the Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation, Virginia Wesleyan College, and the Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco is a leader in his community, serving on the executive committee of the Hampton Roads Partnership, and the board of the Greater Norfolk Corporation; in 2009, he received Norfolk’s First Citizen Distinguished Service Award; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco was appointed to the Board of Visitors by Governor Warner in 2005, and reappointed by Governor Kaine in 2009; and

WHEREAS, on the Board of Visitors, he served as chair of the Finance committee, and served as chair of the Medical Center Operating Board during the development of a strategic plan for the entire Health System enterprise intended to elevate the Health System into the top tier of academic medical centers in the nation and to improve access, service, and quality for its patients; and

WHEREAS, as a member of the Board of Visitors, Vince Mastracco applied his substantial experience in complex business transactions to the advantage of the University and especially the Health System; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco always exhibited a calm, balanced, and even-handed influence in all deliberations; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Mastracco will complete two terms on the Board of Visitors on June 30;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks Vincent J. Mastracco for his exceptional leadership and sound counsel, and considers him a friend and colleague; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board wishes Vince and Suzanne Mastracco continued success and happiness in all of their future endeavors.


(proposed by Mr. Robertson)

WHEREAS, A. Macdonald “Mac” Caputo of Greenwich, Connecticut, took degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1963 and the Law School in 1966. While at the University, he was the captain of the soccer and lacrosse teams, a member of Student Council, a member of the Raven society, the IMP society, and president of his fraternity; and

WHEREAS, during a 38-year career at Morgan Stanley, Mr. Caputo was responsible for several of the firm’s largest businesses; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo has served on the boards of various Morgan Stanley affiliates as well as the Episcopal School of New York, Pace University, and the Union Settlement in New York City, and he was chair of the board of the Brunswick School in Greenwich, Connecticut; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo’s service to the University of Virginia and its related foundations has been extensive, including the Board of Managers of the Alumni Association, the Board of Trustees of the College Foundation, and the Law School Advisory Board; he is a member of the Capital Campaign Executive Committee, and the Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Advisory Board; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo served as chair of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company Board of Directors for three years, and he is currently the Board of Visitors appointee to that board; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo’s influence on the investment direction of the University’s Investment Management Company cannot be overstated; he provided extraordinary leadership to UVIMCO, including during a very difficult and critical period: the financial downturn of 2008-2009; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo was appointed to the Board of Visitors by Governor Warner in 2005, and reappointed by Governor Kaine in 2009; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo used his extensive expertise and experience to guide decisions of the Board as chair of the External Affairs Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Special Committee on Foundations; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Caputo will complete two terms on the Board of Visitors on June 30;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks A. Macdonald Caputo for his leadership and wise counsel as a member of the Board, and as an influential and effective citizen of the University community in many and varied capacities; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board wishes Mac and Ellen Caputo happiness and success in all of their future endeavors, and hopes they will continue to be involved with the University.


(proposed by Ms. Cryor DiNardo)

WHEREAS, Hillary A. Hurd of Richmond, completed a B.A. in the Politics Honors Program and in Russian and East European Studies in the College of Arts & Sciences; and

WHEREAS, at the University, Ms. Hurd served on the Executive Committee of the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society, the Executive Committee of the International Relations Organization, as a First Year Judge of the University Judiciary Committee, site leader of an Alternative Spring Break trip, and as a Lead Fellow for the Public Service Fellows Program; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Hurd was editor-in-Chief of the Wilson Journal of International Affairs, and wrote for Foreign Policy magazine, founded the Breakfast Club in The Fralin Museum of Art, and was organizer of the Charlottesville Refugee Dinner; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Hurd has received numerous honors and awards throughout her undergraduate career including the Dean’s List, Intermediate Honors, the Alternative Spring Break Baireuther Service-Learning Award, the 2013 “Virginia Legend” award, was an Echols Scholar and a Jefferson Scholar, and is an active member of the Raven Society; and

WHEREAS, as Student Member, Ms. Hurd’s informed understanding of the issues of importance to students and wise counsel to the Board has been invaluable. One of her initiatives was to organize the first event of its type: Jeffersonian dinners for Visitors and students to converse in an informal setting; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Hurd was selected as a 2013 Marshall Scholar by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, and she will pursue a Master’s in International Relations at Cambridge University and in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland next year; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Hurd will end her term as the Student Member of the Board of Visitors on May 31, 2013;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks Hillary A. Hurd for her devoted service to the Board and exemplary work at the University, values her friendship as a colleague, and wishes her success in her scholarly pursuits.


(proposed by Mr. Mastracco)

WHEREAS, Dr. Steven T. DeKosky took an A.B. from Bucknell University, and a M.D. degree from the University of Florida, and received postgraduate training at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Florida; and

WHEREAS, from 2000 to 2008 he was Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology at the University of Pittsburgh; and

WHEREAS, in 2008, Dr. DeKosky assumed the duties of Vice President and Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and was named the James Carroll Flippen Professor of Medical Science in the Department of Neurology; and

WHEREAS, Dr. DeKosky is an internationally-recognized expert on Alzheimer’s disease, has conducted important research in the areas of Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury, and serves as director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Memory Disorders Clinic at the University of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, he has served in leadership roles on the National Advisory Council for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment; and

WHEREAS, under his leadership, the Medical School implemented a new medical school curriculum, which has become a national model of excellence in education, and constructed the Claude Moore Medical Education Building, which combines the full spectrum of cutting-edge learning technologies to accelerate the integration of clinical education early in the curriculum; and

WHEREAS, Dr. DeKosky has led the School of Medicine’s efforts in developing a strategic plan for the entire Health System enterprise intended to elevate the Health System into the top tier of academic medical centers in the nation and to improve access, service, and quality for its patients; and

WHEREAS, Dr. DeKosky has been instrumental in establishing the Virginia Center for Translational and Regulatory Sciences, which will foster a multi-disciplinary approach to education in regulatory science and will elevate the School's bench-to-bedside research; and

WHEREAS, Dr. DeKosky has led the School of Medicine with integrity, excellence, and honor, embodying the values that this University holds dear; and

WHEREAS, on July 31, 2013, Steven T. DeKosky, MD, will step down as the Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine, after having served with distinction and dedication;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors commends Dr. Steven T. DeKosky for his exemplary leadership and dedicated service, and wishes him well in all of his future endeavors.


(proposed by Mr. Nau)

WHEREAS, James L. Hilton took a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Texas in 1981, and a Ph.D. from the social psychology program at Princeton University in 1985; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hilton was the Associate Provost for Academic Information and Instructional Technology Affairs, and a member of the faculty at the University of Michigan, prior to assuming his position in 2006 as Vice President and Chief Information Officer of the University; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hilton has received numerous awards and published in the areas of information technology policy, person perception, stereotypes, and the psychology of suspicion; and

WHEREAS, in his term at the University, Mr. Hilton established the University of Virginia as a major player in higher education information technology; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hilton worked with faculty around the strategic application of technology to research, scholarship, and teaching, including re-energizing the University Committee on Information Technology and establishing the faculty-led Sciences, Humanities, & Arts Network of Technological Initiatives (SHANTI), and UVa Computational Science Alliance (UVACSE); and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hilton has provided strong and consistent leadership in information technology services; and

WHEREAS, he conceived of and created the Digital Preservation Network, a multi-university collaboration aimed at preserving the scholarly record created in the digital age; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hilton served with distinction on the board of directors of EDUCAUSE (the leading national organization for information technology in education) and Internet2 (the national university consortium that advances cutting-edge networking in education); and

WHEREAS, he has built strong relationships across Grounds with students, staff, faculty, administrators, and members of the Board; and

WHEREAS, on June 30, 2013, James L. Hilton will step down as the Vice President and Chief Information Officer;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks James L. Hilton for his dedicated service, and wishes him well in all of his future endeavors.

- - - - - - - - - -

On motion, the meeting of the Board of Visitors was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



These minutes have been posted to the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors website.



Meeting Date: May 20-21, 2013


The Board of Visitors, sitting in Open Session, unanimously adopted a resolution certifying that while meeting in Executive Session – as permitted by the relevant provisions of the Code of Virginia – only public business authorized by its motion and lawfully exempted from consideration were discussed in closed session.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



The following resolutions were adopted in Board Committees and do not require approval by the full Board; they are enumerated below as a matter of record.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Bailey, Russell, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 1, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Gardiner, James E., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Visiting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 11, 2013, through January 16, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Rozycki, Diane W., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 5, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Brenin, David, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 20, 2013, through May 19, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Cropley, Thomas G., M.D., Dermatologist in Chief in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 1, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Dermatology.

Galazka, Sim S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Ingersoll, Karen S., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 25, 2013, through May 24, 2014; Privileged in Psychology.

Kadl, Alexandra, M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 15, 2013, through April 15, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Kelly, Heather C., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 1, 2013, through March 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Leone, Kenneth V., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 31, 2013, through March 30, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Moxley, Michael D., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 15, 2013, through May 14, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Nanda, Mohit, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 16, 2013, through April 15, 2015; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Perraut, Jr., Louis E., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 16, 2013, through April 15, 2014; Privileged in Ophthalmology.

Ramirez-Montealegre, Denia, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 12, 2013, through April 11, 2014; Privileged in Neurologist.

Shah, Binit B., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 16, 2013, through April 15, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Siedlecki, Jr., Theodore, Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 1, 2013, through March 31, 2015; Privileged in Psychology.

Singletary, Eunice M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 1, 2013, through March 31, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Campbell, Garland A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Status Change effective July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Lim, David S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Location Change effective July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Chan Daniel T., M.D., Physician in Regional Primary Care (Family Medicine); Effective Date of Resignation: February 16, 2013.

Christensen, Marisa D., M.D., Physician in Regional Primary Care (Family Medicine); Effective Date of Resignation: February 20, 2013.

Roche, James K., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation (deceased): February 9, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Bowles, Melinda, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the STBICU; Period of Privileging: February 14, 2013 through February 13, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Hardy, Whitney C., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: February 18, 2013 through February 17, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Lyon, Cameron, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Period of Privileging: March 14, 2013 through March 10, 2014; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Allman, Marietta, R.N., N.P., Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: April 12, 2013 through April 11, 2013; Privileged as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

Booth, Karen E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West; Period of Privileging: April 19, 2013 through April 18, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Davis, Robert B., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Drewry Kimberly S., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center/Surgical Services; Period of Privileging: May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Hedelt, Anne, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes/Cardiovascular Clinic; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Koch, Emily, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Cardiology); Period of Privileging: May 21, 2013 through May 20, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Schweickert, Patricia A., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Interventional Neuroradiology; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Dort, Kathryn R., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Infectious Diseases Clinic; Additional Location Change effective January 31, 2012 through January 30, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Grant, Courtney C., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Infectious Diseases Clinic; Additional Location Change effective March 5, 2013 through November 4, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Moorman, Liza A., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Electrophysiology; Effective Date of Resignation: November 25, 2012.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Duska, Linda R., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 21, 2013, through September 1, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dunne, Malcolm, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 14, 2013, through March 13, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Johnson, Michael J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 1, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Kindwall-Keller, Tamila, D.O., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 14, 2013, through March 13, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Lim, David S., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 27, 2013, through September 30, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Millard, Alexander, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 1, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Reagan, Patrick, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 1, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Rozycki, Diane, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 21, 2013, through September 1, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Hamirani, Yasmin S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 29, 2013, through April 28, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Kadl, Alexandra, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Moonlighting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 15, 2013, through April 14, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Ramirez-Montealegre, Denia, M.D., Ph.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 12, 2013, through April 11, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Shah, Binit B., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 16, 2013, through April 15, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Upchurch, Gilbert R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 25, 2013, through August 14, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.

Weiss, David B., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 10, 2013, through June 9, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Campbell, Garland A., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Privileges; Date of Appointment Changed to July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Roche, James K., M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation (deceased): February 9, 2013.



DATED APRIL 16, 2013


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Horvath, Sherie A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 25, 2013, through April 7, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Moxley, Michael D., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 15, 2013, through June 14, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Johnson, Bankole A., M.B.B.S., Psychiatrist in Chief the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Status Change effective April 12, 2013 through February 24, 2015; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Barber, Jack W., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Effective Date of Resignation: March 31, 2013.

Barrett, Brandon, J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: April 2, 2013.

Haskins, Barbara G., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Effective Date of Resignation: March 31, 2013.

Patel, Rachna D., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: March 31, 2013.

Schofield, William P., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Effective Date of Resignation: March 31, 2013.

Scotti, Stephen D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Effective Date of Resignation: March 31, 2013.

Starling, Megan K., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee regarding adverse actions for the privileges of the following member of the Clinical Staff are approved:

Baum, Victor C., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; membership and privileges suspended for one year effective February 7, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Paterson, Jennifer L., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Peluso, Melissa R., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Cardiology); Period of Privileging: March 21, 2013 through March 21, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Slagle, Mary Beth, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Regional Practice Care (Louisa Family Practice); Period of Privileging: April 12, 2013 through March 24, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Voges, Jennifer D., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Blackstock, Dina, P.A., Physician Assistant in Lynchburg Nephrology; Period of Privileging: May 5, 2013 through May 4, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Dean, Ann E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the MSICU; Period of Privileging: May 14, 2013 through May 13, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Parente, Kelsey, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Period of Privileging: May 21, 2013 through May 20, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Edwards, Jennifer G., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: December 28, 2012.

Pierce, April L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Regional Primary Care (Stuarts Draft Family Practice); Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2013.



DATED APRIL 23, 2013


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Akhtar, Yasir, M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 10, 2013, through April 9, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

McCartney, Christopher, M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 10, 2013, through April 9, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Siragy, Helmy, M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 10, 2013, through April 9, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Weiss, Geoffrey, M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 10, 2013, through April 9, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Gress, Daryl, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 11, 2013, through April 1, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Haley, E. Clarke, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 11, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Jones, David E., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 21, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Kern, John, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 21, 2013, through May 20, 2015; Privileged in Surgery.

Login, Ivan S., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: May 21, 2013, through June 30, 2014; Privileged in Neurology.

Smith, Phillip W., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 21, 2013, through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Lawrence, Jason M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine (Moonlighting); Effective Date of Resignation July 31, 2011.

Pollak, Amy W., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Cardiology; Effective Date of Resignation June 30, 2012.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professional is approved:

Johnston, Vonda, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department Surgery; Period of Privileging: March 26, 2013 through March 15, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


Amended and Restated



Miller Center Governing Council

Article I – Name

Section 1. The name of the organization is to be WHITE BURKETT MILLER CENTER OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS.

Article II – Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of the Center is to conduct studies and investigations of problems at the national level of a political, legal, economic or social nature.

Article III – Policy Guidelines

Section 1. The function of the Center will be to contribute to the solution of major problems at the national level of a political, legal, economic or social nature. It will engage in comprehensive and intensive research into problems such as the role of the Presidency within the federal system and the Administration of Justice. Research projects of this nature should be limited in number and should be long-range. Short-term and transitory projects should be avoided. Projects undertaken should be brought into relationship to the on-going educational process at the University through participation of University faculty and students. It should be a major objective of each project to engage the attention of the public and the national government and thereby to strengthen the possibility of contributing to the solution of the particular problem involved.

Section 2. The Center is to provide a non-political forum at which recognized authorities may assemble, consider and discuss matters of national importance and provide facilities for research, teaching and dissemination of knowledge.

Article IV – Relationship to University of Virginia

Section 1. The Center is to be an integral part of the University of Virginia but with maximum autonomy within the University system.

Section 2. The rector and the president of the University, or their designees, are to be ex officio members of the governing body of the Center. The University is to participate in the selection of its other members and of its director as hereinafter specified.

Section 3. The director of the Center and University officials shall, in connection with the annual budget process, consult as needed concerning the assets and liabilities of the Center and Miller Center Foundation and the income and expenses of the Center and Miller Center Foundation.

Section 4. The Fiscal year of the Center is to be the same as that of the University, namely from July 1st to June 30th of each year.

Section 5. Retirement requirements of employees of the Center are to be in accordance with the established policy of the University for its own employees of comparable status, provided that association with the Center does not assure the employee of tenure. Nor shall a tenured faculty member of the University lose tenure because of employment by the Center.

Article V – Funding of Operations

Section 1. The Center is to be supported by endowment funds received from the late Burkett Miller and other sources, as well as by such annual grants as may be received.

Section 2. Endowment funds are to become a part of the endowment funds of the University but with principal and income separately identified and available only to the Center for a period of at least one hundred years.

Section 3. There is to be no encroachment upon or borrowing against existing assets or future income of the endowment for any purpose during the first one hundred years of its existence.

Section 4. Current funds allocated to the Center from its endowment or other source are to be channeled through the fiscal offices of the University and all disbursements of Center funds are to be similarly handled in accordance with directions of the Council.

Section 5. The University is to provide, equip, maintain and service for the Center offices and other facilities compatible with the prestige that it must enjoy in order to perform the functions to which it is dedicated.

Article VI – The Council

Section 1. The governing body of the Center is to be a Council composed as hereinafter set out.

Section 2. The maximum membership of the Council is to be nineteen twenty-nine including the rector and president of the University, or their designees, during their respective incumbencies.

Section 3. Linwood Holton shall be a life member of the Council. Other members elected in 2009 and after may serve up to two consecutive three year terms. Initially, as of April, 2013, members of the Council shall be elected to terms of one to three years in order to establish a Council of staggered terms. Provided, however, that officers and committee chairs shall be eligible to complete their terms as officers or chairs and remain members of the Council until their terms as officers or chairs have expired.

Section 4. Members of Council are to be elected by the Board of Visitors of the University with due regard to geographical representation and national prominence on nomination of Council for staggered terms, provided that a majority of Council be not officially connected with the University.

Section 5. The vote of a majority of all members of the Council is to be required for action on its part. Action may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing setting forth the action so taken is signed or otherwise executed by all members. The secretary will place such writing in the minute book and promptly mail copies thereof to all members.

Section 6. The Council will exercise oversight for the studies undertaken by the Center in carrying out the purpose for which it has been formed.

Section 7. The annual meeting of the Council is to be held at the principal office of the Center in the spring. One other regular meeting is to be held each year in the fall. In addition, the Council is to meet once annually in the fall and in the winter. A special meeting may be called by the chairman or by the director upon the written request of three members of the Council. At least five days written notice of the time and place of any such meeting of the Council will be given by the secretary.

Section 8. Members of the Council shall notify the Council of any material conflict of interest they may have in any business or programmatic matter concerning the Center, and shall not participate in deliberations or decisions concerning that matter.

Article VII – Committees

Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Council will perform all duties and exercise all powers of the Council other than amendment of the By-Laws when that body is not in session.

Section 2. The Committee is to be composed of the chair of the Council, the vice-chair of the Council, and the president of the University, or designee.

Section 3. The secretary of the Council is to record the minutes of Committee meetings and promptly furnish copies thereof to other members of the Council.

Section 4. Action may be taken by the committee without a meeting if a consent in writing setting forth the action so taken is signed by all its members. The secretary will place such writing in the minute book of the Council and promptly mail copies thereof to all its members.

Section 5. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for nominating qualified individuals for service on the Governing Council. In making nominations, the Committee shall identify and consider candidates meeting the standards set forth in Article VI Section 4 above.

Section 6. The Council may establish such other committees as it deems appropriate and shall prescribe the authority of any such committee and the period of its existence.

Section 1. The Council shall create five standing committees: Academic Affairs; Public Affairs; Administration, Finance & Audit; Development; and Governance and Nominating. It shall create a Charter for each committee.

Section 2. The Chairs of each of the standing committees along with the Chair of the Council, the Vice-Chair of the Council, the President of the University (or the President’s designee), the Rector of the University (or the Rector’s designee) shall constitute an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have and exercise the authority of the Council in the event the Council cannot be convened, provided however that the Executive Committee shall have no authority to approve an amendment to the Articles or these Bylaws, a plan of merger or consolidation, a sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the property and assets of the Center, the voluntary dissolution of the Center, or revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint, remove, or accept the resignation of the Secretary and any similar subordinate officers of the Council. The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorize the seal of the Center to be affixed to all papers which may require it.

Section 3. The secretary of the Council is to record the Minutes of Committee meetings and promptly furnish copies thereof to members of the Council.

Section 4. Action may be taken by any Committee without a meeting if a consent in writing setting forth the action to be taken is signed by each of its members. The secretary of the Council shall place such consents in the minute book of the Council and shall promptly mail copies thereof to all of its members.

Section 5. In addition to the committees described in this Article VII, the Council may establish such other committees as it deems appropriate and shall prescribe the authority of any such committee and the period of its existence.

Section 6. The Council shall review the structure and charter of each committee annually at the Council’s spring meeting.

Article VIII – Officers

Section 1. The officers of the Council are to be a chair, vice-chair and secretary, all to be elected by the Council. The two former are to serve three year terms. The secretary, who need not be a member of the Council, is to serve at its pleasure.

Section 2. The chair is to preside at all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee and to perform the customary duties of that office. The vice-chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chair. The secretary will record the minutes of meetings and perform the customary duties of that office.

Article IX – Beginning and End of Terms

Section 1. Except as hereby provided or otherwise ordered by Council the terms of officers and of the members of Council and of the Executive Committee are to begin on their election by the Board of Visitors and terminate on the election of their successor.

Article X – Director of Center

Section 1. On nomination by the president of the University with the concurrence of its Board of Visitors the Council will elect a director of the Center to serve at its pleasure, provided that the Council is not obliged to accept the nomination.

Section 2. The duties and authority of the director are to be determined by the Council.

Section 3. The director is to make reports at least quarterly to the members of Council on the progress of studies undertaken by it, together with a summary of receipts and disbursements preliminary to the detailed statements at the end of the fiscal year.

Article XI – Amendment

Section 1. Subject to the approval of the Board of Visitors of the University as hereinafter provided these bylaws may be amended at anytime by unanimous vote of all members of the Council and by a majority vote at any meeting of the Council if notice of the proposed amendment has been given in the call for the meeting.

Article XII – Approval by Board of Visitors

Section 1. These bylaws are adopted under the broad powers granted to the Council by the University’s Board of Visitors pursuant to agreements between Burkett Miller and the University. It will be assumed for all purposes that the provisions hereof are in conformity with such authority unless and until modified or nullified by the Board within six months after a receipt of a copy hereof.

Section 2. Amendments to these bylaws will be subject to approval in the same manner by the Board of Visitors, provided that in the rector’s capacity as an ex officio member of the Council he will have sole responsibility for bringing any such amendment to the attention of the Board.

Miller Center Governing Council

As elected at April 18, 2013 Governing Council Meeting

Member Length of First Term Term Ends

Mortimer Caplin 1 year 2014

Eugene V. Fife, Chair 1 year 2014

Daniel K. Frierson 1 year 2014

Joseph R. Gladden, Jr., Vice Chair 1 year 2014

Slade Gorton 1 year 2014

John T. Hazel, Jr. 1 year 2014

Frederick P. Hitz 1 year 2014

Edgar J. Roberts, Jr. 1 year 2014

Michael P. Castine 2 years 2015

David R. Goode 2 years 2015

Glynn D. Key 2 years 2015

Richard R. Kreitler 2 years 2015

George W. Logan 2 years 2015

Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr. 2 years 2015

J. Ridgely Porter III 2 years 2015

Anne R. Worrell 2 years 2015

Terrence D. Daniels 3 years 2016

Norwood H. Davis, Jr. 3 years 2016

Claire W. Gargalli 3 years 2016

Judith Richards Hope 3 years 2016

Daniel P. Jordan 3 years 2016

H. Eugene Lockhart 3 years 2016

Alan Murray 3 years 2016

Elsie W. Thompson 3 years 2016

Jeffrey C. Walker 3 years 2016

Suzanne S. Whitmore 3 years 2016

Helen E. Dragas (Fralin) ex officio

  1. Linwood Holton, Jr. Lifetime Member

Teresa A. Sullivan (Hogan) ex officio

All members can stand for re-election to one additional term beyond the close of their current term.