FEBRUARY 21-22, 2013


Appointment of Non-Voting Student Member to the Board of Visitors 9010

Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meetings on November 8-9, 9010

2012, and December 7, 2012

Resolution to Approve Additional Agenda Items 9010

Approval of Addendum #2 to January 20, 1984 Agreement Among the 9010

University, the City of Charlottesville, and the County of

Albemarle, Regarding Funding of the Joint Emergency

Communications Center

Approval of the Gifts and Grants Report 9019

Approval of the Board of Visitors Representatives to the Governing 9020

Boards of University-Related Foundations

Approval of Transfer of Endowment Fund to the Alumni Association 9021

Approval of Demolition of Davis Farm Buildings #207-1676 and 9022


Assignment of Sunnyside to the Center of Diabetes Technology 9022

Approval of the Summary of Compliance Findings and Auditor of 9023

Public Accounts Findings

Naming the New Alderman Road Student Residence Halls (Phase III 9023

and IVa – Buildings #3, #4, and #5

Approval of Addition to the University’s Major Capital Projects 9024

Plan – Education Resource Center

Approval to Establish the Richard Lyman Bushman Professorship 9024

in Mormon Studies

Approval of New Degree Program: Bachelor of Science in Psychology 9025

Issuance of General Revenue Pledge Refunding Bonds for Capital 9025

Projects and Debt Refunding

Approval of the University’s Revised Debt Policy 9029

Approval of Revised Enrollment Projections – Through 2020-2021 9029

Approval of 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees for Certain Programs 9030


2012-2014 Budget Amendments for the University of Virginia 9030

Approval of Advancing Continued Development of a Four Year 9031

Financial Plan

Approval of Four Year Plan Regarding Faculty Salaries 9031

Faculty Personnel Actions

Elections 9032

Correction to the Election of Dr. Shawn J. Pelletier 9033

Actions Relating to Chairholders

Election of Chairholders 9034

Change of Title to Chairholders 9034

Special Salary Action of Chairholders 9035

Retirement of Chairholders 9035

Special Salary Actions 9036

Retirements 9042

Resignations 9043

Election of Professor Emeriti 9043

Deaths 9044

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise

Special Salary Actions 9044

Resolutions Not Requiring Action by the Full Board:

Resolutions Adopted by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on

February 20, 2013:

Resource Center

Education Resource Center 9049

Plant Addition

Resolutions Approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on

February 21, 2013:

Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care


Resolutions Approved by the Chair of the Medical Center Operating

Board and an Additional Voting Member:

Of Virginia Medical Center – Approved November 20, 2012 9050


Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved November

28, 2012

Virginia Medical Center – Approved December 18, 2012

Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved December

28, 2012

Virginia Medical Center – Approved January 15, 2013

Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved January

23, 2013

Virginia Medical Center – Approved February 21, 2013

Virginia Transitional Care Hospital – Approved February

21, 2013

February 21-22, 2013

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met in Open Session at 1:00 p.m., on Thursday, February 21, 2013, in the Auditorium of The Harrison Institute/Small Special Collections Library; Ms. Helen E. Dragas, Rector, presided.

Present were Frank B. Atkinson, A. Macdonald Caputo, Hunter E. Craig, the Honorable Alan A. Diamonstein, Ms. Allison Cryor DiNardo, Marvin W. Gilliam Jr., William H. Goodwin Jr., Ms. Bobbie G. Kilberg, Stephen P. Long, M.D., George Keith Martin, Vincent J. Mastracco Jr., Edward D. Miller, M.D., John L. Nau III, Timothy B. Robertson, Linwood H. Rose, and Ms. Hillary A. Hurd. Leonard W. Sandridge Jr., Senior Advisor to the Board, was present as well.

Also present were Ms. Teresa A. Sullivan, Ms. Susan G. Harris, Paul J. Forch, Patrick D. Hogan, John D. Simon, Ms. Susan A. Carkeek, Steven T. DeKosky, M.D., Ms. Donna Price Henry, James L. Hilton, R. Edward Howell, Ms. Patricia M. Lampkin, Marcus L. Martin, M.D., Ms. Nancy A. Rivers, Ms. Colette Sheehy, Thomas C. Skalak, Robert D. Sweeney, Anthony P. de Bruyn, McGregor McCance, and Ms. Debra D. Rinker.

Executive Session, Thursday, February 21, 2013

After adopting the following motion, the voting Board members present plus Ms. Hurd and Mr. Sandridge participated in Executive Session at 1:00 p.m.:

That the Board of Visitors go into Executive Session for the purpose of considering the appointment of a student member to the Board of Visitors in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia.

- - - - - - - - -

At 1:15 p.m. the Board came out of closed session and, on motion, adopted the following resolution certifying that the deliberations in closed session had been conducted in accordance with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.

- - - - - - - - -

The Rector called on Mr. Atkinson to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Appointment of Non-Voting Student Member to the Board of Visitors

The Rector said the Executive Committee met the day before to interview candidates and select a candidate to recommend to the full Board. The full Board met in Executive Session prior to the Preliminary meeting, and agreed on a Student Member to the Board for 2013-2014. On motion, the Board approved the following resolution:


RESOLVED, Blake Blaze, a student in the College of Arts and Sciences, is elected the Student Member of the Board of Visitors. Mr. Blaze’s term will begin on June 1, 2013, and will run until May 31, 2014.

Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meetings on November 8-9,

2012, and December 7, 2012

On motion, the Minutes of the Board meetings held on November 8-9, 2012, and December 7, 2012, were approved.

Resolution for Additions to the Agenda

On motion, the Board adopted the following resolution approving the consideration of addenda to the published Agenda of the meeting:


RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the consideration of addenda to the published Agenda.

Approval of Addendum #2 to January 20, 1984 Agreement Among the University, the City Of Charlottesville, and the County Of Albemarle, Regarding Funding of the Joint Emergency Communications Center

Changes were made to the funding formula to base the funding from the three parties on the number of calls for service instead of on the participants’ populations. Other changes are enumerated in the resolution and the agreement.

On motion, the following resolution was approved:


WHEREAS, by an Agreement dated January 20th, 1984 (as amended, the “Agreement”), the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, and the County of Albemarle, Virginia, entered into a joint exercise of power for the establishment of a centralized dispatching facility (the “Emergency Communications Center” or “ECC”)for their respective law enforcement agencies and other emergency services operating in the Charlottesville and Albemarle County community, and for the provision of a “911” emergency telephone system; and

WHEREAS, the Agreement provided that the funding of the ECC be apportioned among the participants in accordance with a formula based on the participants’ populations, number of calls for service and crime index figures; and

WHEREAS, at the meeting of the Emergency Communications Center Management Board held on September 12, 2012, the Management Board recommended a proposed amendment to the Agreement changing the funding formula so that it is based on actual calls for service received by the ECC, with each of the participants in the Agreement responsible for operating and capital costs of the ECC in direct proportion to their respective percentage of the actual calls for service, which the Management Board believes will be a more equitable and simpler funding formula for the operating costs of the ECC; and

WHEREAS, the Management Board also recommended that the Agreement be amended to implement a separate funding formula for operating and capital costs of the ECC’s 800 MHz communications system, with such costs to be allocated among the participants on the basis of the number of radios used by the participants and certain third party users; and

WHEREAS, the Management Board finally recommended that the Agreement be amended to include a fund balance provision so that the ECC may retain a year-end fund balance not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the ECC’s total annual operating budget; and

WHEREAS, the Management Board has submitted an Addendum #2 to the Agreement, which Addendum sets forth the Management Board’s recommended amendments to the Agreement; and

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the attached Addendum #2 to Agreement dated January 20, 1984, by and among the County of Albemarle, Virginia, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia for funding of the joint Emergency Communications Center, and authorizes the President, or Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, to execute such Addendum #2 on behalf of the University.

- - - - - - - - -

Remarks by the Rector

The Rector encouraged Board members to attend the annual Trustees’ meeting of the Association of Governing Boards in April in San Francisco. She also briefed the Board on scheduled events in April and May: there will be a Special Meeting of the Full Board on April 18 regarding tuition and other charges, along with meetings of the Advancement and Communications Committee and the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee. Final Exercises are May 19, with former Senator Jim Webb as the keynote speaker. Final Exercises will be followed by the Spring Board of Visitors meeting on Monday and Tuesday, May 20 and 21. She added that the Board Office will be working on setting the dates for both the 2013 and 2014 Retreats soon.

Ms. Dragas thanked Dr. Miller for inviting Dr. Pronovost to speak, and she thanked the Medical Center staff for the dinner the previous evening, which was a big success.

The Rector said that both the Board and the administration have been working hard on long range financial planning, working to balance objectives, which is a complicated process. She thanked everyone for their efforts. She said the Strategic Planning process has many people engaged and is an exciting time for the University, which will make UVA stronger and brighter.

Report by the Student Board Member

Ms. Dragas asked Ms. Hillary Hurd for her remarks. Ms. Hurd thanked those who attended the Jeffersonian Dinners on February 8th. She said 24 students from five different schools participated in three conversations regarding UVA’s future: Career Services, Advising, and A Global UVA. She surveyed the students who attended and listed three main conclusions:

  1. Because Advising comes from many sources, any changes to the advising system must help students build their networks;

  1. The University should encourage collaborative research efforts between graduate and undergraduate students; and

  1. As UVA grows and becomes more diverse, we should capitalize on the international student on Grounds who could be instrumental in developing research projects and networks abroad.

Ms. Hurd said she is hopeful that these dinners will continue, with themes that both the Board and students feel are pertinent. Other subjects on the minds of students are the possible changes to the Honor System, which Stephen Nash will address during the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee. She said the Honor Committee has worked extremely hard on this issue and has engaged thousands of students; it cannot be said that students are apathetic about the issue.

Report by the President

The comments by the President are reproduced verbatim:

Madame Rector, Members of the Board of Visitors:

We are meeting today on an important anniversary date for the University of Virginia. On this exact date 195 years ago — February 21, 1818 — the General Assembly formally approved the appropriation of funds for a state university “to be called ‘The University of Virginia,’ wherein all the branches of useful science shall be taught.” Six months later, Thomas Jefferson and the Board of Commissioners met in Rockfish Gap to lay out plans for the University in Charlottesville.

Yesterday, America’s new Secretary of State stood in UVa’s Old Cabell Hall to give his first major public address. He began his remarks by describing Thomas Jefferson’s vision for this University as a monument to “the illimitable freedom of the human mind.” He reminded us that Mr. Jefferson, who served as our nation’s first Secretary of State, considered this University to be a more important part of his legacy than his service as Secretary of State or even as President.

Secretary Kerry could have gone to any venue, anywhere in the world, to deliver his first major speech. He chose to come to UVa because of our standing as one of the nation’s premier public universities and because of the University’s essential place in American history. 

Just a couple weeks earlier, The Princeton Review named UVa the #1 “Best Value” in the nation among public universities. When assessing the nation’s colleges and universities, The Princeton Review considers academic quality; costs; financial aid; the percentage of students who borrow from loan programs; and the average debt load that students carry at graduation. We have earned this best-in-the-nation value ranking at a time when “value” seems to be the most critical yardstick by which colleges and universities are being measured.


Tomorrow, you will hear a progress report on our strategic planning effort from Lin Rose, Frank Atkinson, and Milton Adams. As we continue this work to shape the University’s future, we face a very particular kind of

challenge. It’s a challenge because we are planning for the future within the context of this University’s great past and the high standards set by our founder. And it’s a challenge because — as noted in The Princeton Review’s #1 ranking — we are planning from the top.

Planning from the top is different, and more difficult, than planning from the bottom or the middle. We are not trying to move from mediocre to good, or from good to great. We are trying to move from great to greater. We have no peer institution to serve as a model for what we want to become, no single peer to which we can affix our aspirations, because our aspiration is to be something unique and greater than any of our peers. Our aspiration is to create a future version of this University that is better, stronger, and more innovative than our current self.


Planning from this position requires that, rather than looking around us for a present model to emulate, we look to the future. And because we cannot see the future, we must envision it, and then put strategies in place to fulfill our aspirations. This is the work before us now.

As we plan, we should acknowledge that the environment for higher education right now is as challenging as any period in our history. At a time when European and Asian countries are racing to imitate America’s research universities because they view us as models of excellence, our own universities are being torn down in our national media. Our public universities in particular are threatened by disinvestment coupled with increasing demands for affordability, productivity, and efficiency.

In this period of tremendous challenge for higher education, UVa is the best-qualified university to step forward and lead. I believe this is true for several reasons….

Thomas Jefferson founded this University nearly 200 years ago with a specific purpose: to create an educated citizenry with the knowledge and training needed to sustain the Republic. This founding story makes us different from our peers, and it should give us inspiration and a clear sense of purpose today. We have the institutional history and experience to be the training ground for national, and increasingly global, leaders.

UVa is qualified to innovate because innovation is part of our institutional DNA. Mr. Jefferson redefined higher education two centuries ago when he created a wholly new,

unprecedented type of university, constrained only by the “illimitable freedom of the human mind.” We can draw on that tradition of innovation now to foster a culture of innovation on these Grounds, and to redefine higher education in UVa’s third century.

We are qualified to define a new ideal because of our uncommon scale. This university combines the resources of a research university with the smaller scale of a liberal arts college. We combine the best of both. At large research universities — and I know, because I’ve been there — faculty focus mostly on their own research. At liberal arts colleges, faculty mostly reproduce knowledge discovered elsewhere. At UVa, we produce knowledge, and our students and faculty are partners in the process of discovery and innovation. Our professors guide our students through a sort of intellectual progression, by transforming information into data; data into knowledge; and knowledge into wisdom.

And finally, UVa has the moral authority to lead because this is a secular institution where values matter. Honor and ethics; self-governance; leadership; diversity — these values give moral and ethical underpinnings to University life and culture.

In its third century, UVa will be known as a truly global university, but the only one with our distinctively American story. We can use our unique scale to create the best residential education available on any campus anywhere, and to drive collaboration and innovation at a pace and quality unmatched by any other university. And we will proudly promote a set of values that give moral and ethical structure to our teaching, research, and service.

The strategic planning work under way now is providing the foundation for us to build this bright future for our University. Working groups drawn from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parents have reported their initial priorities in seven areas: faculty recruitment and retention; student life; technology; streamlining; resources; synergies; and what it means to be a public university in this century. The 20-plus ideas that appear in the working group reports will eventually be distilled into a handful of priorities that we will pursue, but several over-arching themes have already emerged.

First, we see that our greatest potential to solve complex societal problems will come by creating multi-disciplinary teams of faculty who pursue discoveries at the nexus of disciplines — medicine and engineering, technology and design, and so on. Cross-school collaboration also has

implications for construction and renovation of our facilities. It holds opportunities for greater efficiency while nurturing innovation in the faculty.

Our plan must include strategies for integrating emerging technologies in the academic enterprise. This will include experimenting with new technologies to teach students both on Grounds and in remote locations, defining and supporting scholarship in the digital age, and harnessing tools to compute, analyze, and interpret massive data sets — and doing all this while strengthening UVa’s trademark commitment to face-to-face, residential education.

Our plan should also position UVa as a leading institution in advising — not just academic advising, but also career advising that we offer to students as a sort of “life-coaching,” in accord with the values of honor and ethics that we espouse here.

And our plan should include a reconsideration of our core purposes and relationships as a public university in this century, including our relationships with a broad range of stakeholders in the Commonwealth. I recently asked the University’s deans to share with me their thoughts about UVa’s most important intellectual directions and aspirations for the future. The deans had a lot of good ideas, and several common themes appeared in their responses. The themes included the importance of our role in creating national and global leaders; the opportunity to enhance cross-Grounds collaboration at the natural intersections among intellectual disciplines; and the opportunities to enhance UVa’s global reach and reputation.

The themes highlighted by our deans and themes that are emerging in our planning group reports support and reinforce each other. In fact, it seems that we are experiencing a moment of great alignment at our University: a moment when the best ideas produced by our academic leaders, faculty, staff, students, and alumni are aligning along a set of key priorities; and a moment when our priorities and our unique values align with an opportunity to step forward as the leader in a troubled time for American higher education.

But to achieve our goals, first and foremost, we must successfully recruit and retain world-class faculty at a generational turning point when many of our faculty will be retiring. This is our opportunity to remake the University for its third century, and we must do this in a highly competitive environment in which many other universities are

recruiting for the same reason. If we falter or hesitate on this front, no other front will matter, because university excellence does not happen without faculty excellence. We need to act decisively, because the stakes are high and getting higher. As Secretary Kerry said yesterday in Old Cabell Hall, “There is no ‘pause’ button on the future.”

Today I urge you to support the goal of raising our average faculty salaries into the top 20 of the AAU universities by 2016-17. We have a four-year financial plan that gives us a road map for reaching that goal.

I spoke earlier about University traditions. Faculty excellence is a founding tradition here, too. It was Mr. Jefferson who said that he was “anxious to receive none but of the highest grade” when he was recruiting the University’s first faculty members. Now, as we recruit and retain the faculty for the University’s third century, we need to do so with our standards set as high as Mr. Jefferson’s. Future generations will judge us by how well we meet those standards.

- - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Goodwin asked what President Sullivan worries about late at night. She answered with three points:

Gifts and Grants Report

Summary of Fiscal Year-To-Date through Dec. 31, 2012

President Sullivan said philanthropic cash flow to the University of Virginia and its related foundations is $119,942,555.94 for the fiscal year through December 31, 2012, with an additional $27,314,019.12 pledged. Increases over the prior fiscal year’s results were achieved by the schools of Architecture, Nursing, Law, the Darden School, the College at Wise, the University Library, the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, the Virginia Athletics Foundation, the Jeffersonian Grounds Initiative, the Miller Center, the Women’s Center, and the UVA Fund.

Significant Gifts Received Since The Last Meeting

She said the following significant gifts have been received since the last Board meeting in November:

Mr. Paul Tudor Jones and Mrs. Sonia Klein Jones gave $4,096,455.37 to the Virginia Athletics Foundation in support of the John Paul Jones Arena, and made a $1,250,000 pledge payment to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation for the Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professorships initiative;

Mr. Albert H. Small gave the remaining portions of his Declaration of Independence Collection, valued at $3,424,290, to the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library;

The Quantitative Foundation made $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 pledge payments to the Department of Athletics for the construction of squash court facilities;

The Estate of Dr. Arthur F. Ebbert Jr. paid a $2,000,000 bequest to the School of Medicine to establish the Arthur Ebbert Scholarship;

The Estate of Linda G. Davis paid a $1,502,490.65 bequest to the School of Nursing for its unrestricted use;

Mr. John L. Nau and Mrs. Barbara Elizabeth Nau made a $1,256,909.92 pledge payment to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in support of the South Lawn Project;

The Estate of Frank C. McCue, III, M.D. made a $1,020,000 bequest to the Virginia Athletics Foundation for its unrestricted use;

The John and Amy Griffin Foundation made a $1,000,000 pledge payment to the McIntire School of Commerce for the Blue Ridge Leadership Fellows Fund;

The Altria Group, Inc. provided a $1,000,000 pledge payment to the School of Medicine for the Philip Morris USA Fund;

Mrs. Jane Parke Batten paid a $1,000,000 pledge to the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy for its unrestricted use;

The Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation paid a $1,000,000 pledge to the University of Virginia College at Wise for the construction of the Health and Wellness Center; and

The Estate of George C. Seward paid a $1,000,000 bequest to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the George C. and Carol F.M. Seward Scholarship Endowment Fund.

Significant Pledges Received Since The Last Meeting

The President said the following significant pledges have been received since the last meeting:

Peter B. & Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation pledged $3,000,000 to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Endowment for Distinguished Artists-In-Residence;

Mr. Howard P. Milstein pledged $2,262,920 to the Miller Center of Public Affairs for the Milstein Symposium;

The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation pledged $2,250,000 to the School of Law for the James C. Slaughter Distinguished Professorship;

Mr. G. Moffett Cochran pledged $1,000,000 to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation for the James H. and Elizabeth W. Wright Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professorship; and

The Jefferson Scholars Foundation received an anonymous pledge of $1,000,000 for the James H. and Elizabeth W. Wright Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professorship.

The President recommended that the Board accept the gifts and grants report. The Rector asked for a motion to approve the report. The motion was made, seconded, and the report was approved.

The full Board recessed at 1:50 p.m. to hold committee meetings.

Executive Session, Thursday, February 21, 2013

After adopting the following motion, the voting Board members present plus Ms. Hurd and Mr. Sandridge participated in Executive Session at 3:15 p.m.:

That the Board of Visitors go into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, re-appointment, assignment, performance and performance goals, and compensation of certain officers and employees of the University and further to consult with General Counsel on his privileged litigation report to the Board and seek legal counsel in connection therewith, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A) 1 and (7) of the Code of Virginia.

- - - - - - - - -

At 5:20 p.m. the Board came out of closed session and, on motion, adopted the following resolution certifying that the deliberations in closed session had been conducted in accordance with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.

- - - - - - - - -

The Rector recessed the meeting at 5:20 p.m. until the following day.

Final Session

The full Board was called to order at 3:15 p.m., on Friday, February 22, 2012, for the Final Session. All Board members save Ms. Bobbie Kilberg, Ms. Victoria Harker, Mr. John Nau, and Mr. Vincent Mastracco, were present.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted except where noted:



(approved by the Advancement and Communications Committee on February 22, 2013)

RESOLVED, the following persons are ratified or confirmed as representatives of the Board of Visitors to the governing boards of the following University-Related Foundations:

Board of Visitor

Foundation Representative Term Ending

Alumni Association of the Allison Cryor DiNardo 06/30/15

University of Virginia

Alumni Board of Trustees J. Davis Hamlin 12/31/16 *

of the University of

Virginia Endowment Fund

The College Foundation John L. Nau III 12/31/16 *

The University of Virginia’s Marvin W. Gilliam Jr. 06/30/14

College at Wise Alumni


The University of Virginia’s Marvin W. Gilliam Jr. 06/30/14

College at Wise Foundation

Curry School of Education Linwood H. Rose 12/31/16 *

Darden School Foundation Lewis F. Payne 12/31/13

Foundation of the State Richard S. Minturn 06/30/14

Arboretum at Blandy
Experimental Farm

Healthcare Partners, Inc. Vincent J. Mastracco Jr. 06/30/14

Board of Visitor

Foundation Representative Term Ending

Jefferson Scholars Foundation Hunter E. Craig 06/30/15

Law School Foundation Frank B. Atkinson 12/31/16 *

McIntire School of Commerce Alan A. Diamonstein 6/30/13


Medical School Foundation Sam Graham Jr., M.D. 6/30/13

Miller Center Foundation Vacant 6/30/13

Osher Lifelong Learning Gary S. Nimax 6/30/13

Institute (OLLI)

Rare Book School Karin Wittenborg 12/31/13

School of Architecture George Keith Martin 6/30/15


University of Virginia Kenneth M. Humphries 12/31/13
Engineering Foundation

University of Virginia Lewis F. Payne 6/30/15


University of Virginia Health Edward D. Miller, M.D. 6/30/15


University of Virginia A. Macdonald Caputo 6/30/14 *

Investment Management Company

University of Virginia Bobbie G. Kilberg 12/31/16 *
Licensing & Ventures Group

University of Virginia Edward D. Miller, M.D. 6/30/15

Physicians Group

Virginia Athletics Foundation Marvin W. Gilliam Jr. 12/31/15 *

Virginia Tax Foundation, Inc. Joseph E. Gibson 12/31/16 *

* Denotes ratification required by the Board of Visitors


(approved by the Advancement and Communications Committee on February 22, 2013)

WHEREAS, Warren F. Chauncey created the Boyd E. Renner Naval ROTC Scholarship Fund as an endowed fund with the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, under agreement dated November 28, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Chauncey has a gift designation in his estate for the Boyd E. Renner Naval ROTC Scholarship Fund at the Alumni Association; and

WHEREAS, the Renner Fund with the University is minimally funded; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Chauncey has requested that the University Renner Fund be transferred to the Renner Fund at the Alumni Association and administered under the terms of the November 28, 2011 agreement;

RESOLVED, the Board approves transfer of the assets in the Renner Fund held by the University to the Renner Fund held by the Alumni Association.


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on February 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, buildings #207-1676 and #207-1684 are located at the Davis Farm, and due to their age and condition are no longer being used; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Management Agreement, dated November 15, 2005, by and between the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, as amended, subject to review by the Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable, the Board of Visitors is authorized to approve the demolition of buildings;

RESOLVED, the demolition of the structures are approved by the Board of Visitors, pending approval by the Art and Architectural Review Board and the Department of Historic Resources and compliance with such general laws as may be applicable; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to approve and execute such documents and to take such other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate in connection with the demolition of the structures; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, all prior acts performed by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and other officers and agents of the University, in connection with the demolition of the structures, are in all respects approved, ratified, and confirmed.


(Recommended by the Executive Committee)

RESOLVED, Sunnyside is assigned to the Center for Diabetes Technology, Director Boris Kovatchev, as a site for conducting clinical studies related to artificial pancreas research, for a period not to exceed two years. The lease period shall commence upon full execution of the lease.



(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on February 22, 2013)

RESOLVED, the Summary of Compliance Projects for the period July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012, as presented by the Chief Corporate Compliance and Privacy Officer and the Auditor of Public Accounts Findings for fiscal year 2011-2012 are approved.


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on February 20, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Housing Division and the University have embarked on a building project that is taking place in four phases, which includes the removal and replacement of the student residence halls in the Alderman Road Residence Area that were built in the 1960s, with construction of Phase III and IVa nearly completed; and

WHEREAS, residence halls Maupin, Lile, Tuttle were razed, and Dunnington, which is scheduled to be razed in summer 2013, were named for dedicated University faculty:

Socrates Maupin (1808-1871), Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, served 1854-1865

William Minor Lile (1893-1932), alumnus (LL.B. 1882), founder of Virginia Law Review and first Dean of Law School

Albert Henry Tuttle (1844-unknown) lawn resident, Professor of Biology and Dean of Medical School

Francis P. Dunnington (1851 -1944) alumnus (two degrees 1872 and 1873), Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, served 1873-1919; and

WHEREAS, the President’s Committee on Names recommends that the names of the razed buildings be combined to name two of the new student residence building as follows:

Lile-Maupin House (Building #3)

Tuttle-Dunnington House (Building #4), and

WHEREAS, the President’s Committee on Names recommends that the building #5 be named Shannon House in honor of Edgar F. Shannon Jr., the fourth president of the University; and

WHEREAS, Edgar Finley Shannon Jr., born June 4, 1918,

in Lexington, Virginia, and died August 24, 1997 in Charlottesville, Virginia, was a former Rhodes Scholar and an internationally respected scholar and author in the field of Victorian literature and joined the U.Va. faculty in 1956 as an associate professor of English; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon was elected president of the University in 1959 at the age of 40 and returned to full-time teaching in 1974 as Commonwealth Professor of English and was elected president emeritus in 1988 by the Board of Visitors; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon served as president of the University from 1959 through 1974, during which time the Vietnam War raged abroad, campus unrest surged at home, the University opened its doors to women and minorities, and the student body tripled in size; and

WHEREAS, in honor of Mr. Shannon’s scholarship, leadership, and service to the University, it is recommended that building #5 be named Shannon House;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors names the new student residence buildings Lile-Maupin House, Tuttle-Dunnington House, and Shannon House.


(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on February 20, 2013 and the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the University proposes to add a $24.65-$25.86 million Education Resource Center project to the Major Capital Projects Program, replacing the existing authorized Education Resource Center project which was of limited scope;

RESOLVED, the addition of the Education Resource Center project to the University’s Major Capital Projects Program, replacing the existing Education Resource Center project, is approved.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on February 22, 2013)

WHEREAS, anonymous donors, affiliated with the University and Charlottesville, provided funds to establish the Richard Lyman Bushman Professorship in Mormon Studies, with the purpose of advancing the scholarly understanding of Mormonism at the University of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Richard Lyman Bushman is the Gouverneur Morris Professor of History Emeritus at Columbia University, and previously the Howard W. Hunter Visiting Professor of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, one of the first Mormon studies programs in the country; he is considered one of the most important scholars of American religious history in the last half-century;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors establishes the Richard Lyman Bushman Professorship in Mormon Studies in the Department of Religious Studies; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks the donors for their generosity in creating and funding the professorship and congratulates Richard Lyman Bushman for his noteworthy contributions to the study of American religions, particularly Mormonism.


(approved by the Educational Policy Committee on February 22, 2013)

RESOLVED, subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Bachelor of Science in Psychology is established in the College of Arts and Sciences.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013. Mr. Frank Atkinson, Mr. A Macdonald Caputo, and Mr. George Keith Martin abstained)

WHEREAS, Chapter 9, Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Virginia Code"), establishes a public corporation under the name and style of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University") which is governed by a Board of Visitors (the "Board"); and

WHEREAS, Title 23 of the Virginia Code classifies the University as an educational institution of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, by Chapter 4.10, Title 23 of the Virginia Code (as amended, the "Act"), the University entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia which was enacted as Chapter 3 of Chapter 933 of the 2006 Virginia Acts of Assembly, which, as amended, classifies the University as a public institution of higher education and empowers the University with the authority to undertake and implement the acquisition of any interest in land, including improvements on the acquired land at the time of acquisition, new construction, improvements or renovations and to borrow money and make, issue, and sell bonds of the University for such purposes, including the refinancing of any such facilities; and

WHEREAS, the Act further authorizes the University to provide for the payment of the principal of and the interest on any bonds from any one or more of the following sources: (i) its revenues generally; (ii) income and revenues derived from the operation, sale, or lease of a particular project or projects, whether or not they are financed or refinanced from the proceeds of such bonds, notes, or other obligations; (iii) funds realized from the enforcement of security interests or other liens or obligations securing such bonds, notes, or other obligations; (iv) proceeds from the sale of bonds, notes, or other obligations; (v) payments under letters of credit, policies of municipal bond insurance, guarantees, or other credit enhancements; (vi) any reserve or sinking funds created to secure such payment; (vii) accounts receivable of the University; or (viii) other available funds of the University; and

WHEREAS, the Board has previously approved resolutions declaring an intent to issue bonds and has authorized the issuance of debt funding for the costs associated with the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"); and

WHEREAS, all or portions of the Projects and other capital projects at the University have been financed and refinanced on a short-term basis through issuance of the University's commercial paper (the "Commercial Paper Program") which also refunded all or a portion of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 1999A; and

WHEREAS, the Board desires to provide for the refunding of the indebtedness described in Exhibit A (the "Outstanding Bonds"); and

WHEREAS, the Board desires to authorize the issuance of bonds in one or more series for the refunding of all or a portion of the outstanding principal amount of the Commercial Paper Program and for the refunding of all or a portion of the University's Outstanding Bonds, and desires to authorize certain officers of the University to approve the final forms and details of the bonds, as set forth below; and

WHEREAS, the Board anticipates that the bonds will be secured by a general revenue pledge of the University and not be in any way a debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "Commonwealth") and shall not create or constitute any indebtedness or obligation of the Commonwealth, either legal, moral, or otherwise; and

WHEREAS, the Board also desires to authorize the University's officers to negotiate with certain holders of the Outstanding Bonds regarding an extension of the redemption period of such Bonds either (a) in exchange for a cash payment, or (b) pursuant to a refunding of such Bonds in exchange for a premium (collectively, the “Exchange Refunding”);

RESOLVED, the Board implements the plan of finance described in the Recitals by authorizing the issuance of one or more series of bonds for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of the outstanding principal amount of the Commercial Paper Program and the Outstanding Bonds, and providing for the terms thereof by adopting one or more bond resolutions in substantially the form attached as Attachment A with such amendments, revisions and final terms as provided herein and in Section 11.7 thereof (collectively, the "Bond Resolution"); and

RESOLVED FURTHER, as described in Section 11.7 of the Bond Resolution, the President of the University or the Executive Vice

President and Chief Operating Officer of the University, in consultation with the Chair of the Board's Finance Committee, is authorized to approve the final terms of each series of bonds, including, without limitation, their original principal amounts and series, the specific Projects to be financed or refinanced, the specific refundings to be undertaken, their maturity dates and amounts, redemption provisions, prices and interest rates, provided that (i) the maximum aggregate principal amount of all bonds to be issued hereunder shall not exceed $250,000,000; (ii) the average true interest cost of all series bearing interest at a tax-exempt fixed rate shall not exceed 4.0% per annum; and (iii) the final maturity of all bonds shall not exceed 31 years beyond issuance date; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, each of the President of the University and the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University, and the chief financial officer (as such position is filled from time to time) of the University is hereby authorized to negotiate, execute, and deliver certain documents related to the Bonds as set forth in the Bond Resolution; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, each of the President of the University and the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University is hereby authorized to negotiate agreements with one or more holders of the Outstanding Bonds to implement the Exchange Refunding, and to cause the cash payment or premium paid in connection therewith to be applied to some or all of the Projects, and to execute and deliver such documents and other instruments and take such actions related thereto as they may deem necessary or desirable; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, all officers of the University are authorized and directed to take all such further actions, including without limitation the designation of underwriters, paying agents, remarketing agents, solicitation agents, trustees, and liquidity providers for the bonds, and to execute all such instruments, agreements, documents, and certificates as they shall deem necessary or desirable to carry out the terms of the financing plans presented to this meeting, including without limitation any liquidity facilities, swap, or other interest rate management agreements associated with the bonds; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and applicable regulations thereunder, the University designates the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University as the public hearing officer to hold any public hearings required in order to ensure the tax-exempt status of interest on all or a portion of the bonds; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, all acts of all officers of the University which are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution and in carrying out the financing plans presented to this meeting are ratified, approved, and affirmed; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, upon approval, this action shall take effect immediately.



1. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Commercial Paper General Revenue Pledge Notes, Series A (Tax-Exempt) and Series B (Taxable).

Projects Funded with Commercial Paper


East Chiller Plant

South Lawn

Hospital Bed Expansion

South Chiller

Utility Tunnel Repairs

Physical and Life Sciences Building

Series 1999A Bonds (previously refunded with CP)

Indoor Practice Facility

North Grounds Recreation Center

Claude Moore Medical Education Building


Battle Building

Helicopter Pad Relocation

2. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 2003B.

3. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 2005.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the University employs a Debt Portfolio Management Program to provide external financing for its capital projects; and

WHEREAS, this policy requires periodic updating to assure debt management practices are in line with changing market conditions and strategic priorities;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the revised University Debt Policy, enumerated in Attachment B.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) requires that a six-year enrollment projection be submitted every two years by public institutions of higher education to assist in statewide enrollment planning efforts; and

WHEREAS, the University’s existing enrollment plan, approved by the Board of Visitors in February 2011, must be updated to reflect projected undergraduate and graduate enrollment levels through 2020-2021; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors previously discussed and approved enrollment growth of 1,100 undergraduate students and 400 graduate students over a decade, from 2004-2014; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors supports the recommendations of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education Reform, Innovation and Investment and the resulting Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2011, one of which is to confer an additional 100,000 undergraduate degrees on Virginians over the next 15 years in order to make the Commonwealth one of the most highly educated states in the nation; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors revised its enrollment growth plans in 2011 to incorporate additional undergraduate student growth of 1,400 students by 2018-2019;

RESOLVED, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized to continue to implement plans with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia which will allow the University to increase enrollment by 1,322 over the period of 2013-2014 through 2020-2021, in keeping with plans approved in 2011; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, enrollment growth will occur only with appropriate state support; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, that all undergraduate student growth maintains the current 70% in-state/30% out-of-state ratio.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the two new budget amendment recommendations, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and Virginia Retirement System language change, represent priorities of the University;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia endorses and supports the two budget amendments to the 2012-2014 budget not previously considered; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized to transmit to the General Assembly the resubmitted and new proposed budget amendments.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the University is undertaking a comprehensive strategic planning process for its Academic Division to define a vision and strategies that address the University’s critical needs and optimize important institutional opportunities. The strategic plan is expected to be presented to the Board of Visitors in draft form in August 2013; and

WHEREAS, in its meeting on November 9, 2012, the Board of Visitors directed the University President and her executive team to develop a four year comprehensive financial operating and capital plan for the Academic Division, which shall also include all incremental costs associated with achieving strategic priorities and the potential revenue sources to fund those costs for the period ending June 30, 2017; and

WHEREAS, such a plan is an integral part of an overall effort to modernize and strengthen fiscal accountability and transparency; and

WHEREAS, the Administration has undertaken and made significant progress toward developing a four year financial planning framework, and has proposed certain core four year plan assumptions as well as potential sizing of new investment opportunities and funding sources, which will continue to be refined in conjunction with the Board as the FY 2014 budget is developed as well as in parallel with the strategic plan discussions; and

RESOLVED, the Board supports the continued development and refinement of the four year financial plan for the Academic Division to reflect the strategic priorities of the University and directs the Administration to present a refined four year financial plan to the Board of Visitors for approval on or before May 21, 2013.


(approved by the Finance Committee on February 21, 2013)

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed average salary levels for the University faculty and acknowledges that those levels place UVa at a current ranking of 26th in the AAU institutions; and

WHEREAS, the Board believes the faculty should be compensated appropriately recognizing excellence and quality; and

WHEREAS, the Board believes the average faculty salary, as in the past, should be in the top 20 of AAU institutions;

RESOLVED, the Board endorses a goal of achieving an average faculty salary within the top 20 AAU institutions within the four year period ending June 20, 2017 with the expectation that this goal will be addressed in the University’s annual operating budget.



RESOLVED that the following persons are elected to the faculty:

Mr. Mazhar Adli, as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, for three years, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $95,000.

Ms. Susan Bauer-Wu, as Professor of Nursing, effective January 1, 2013, at an annual salary of $137,500.

Ms. Catherine P. Bradshaw, as Professor of Education, effective January 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $155,000.

Mr. Anthony P. De Marco, as Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, for one year, effective October 15, 2012, at an annual salary of $75,000.

Dr. Joseph P. Gjolaj, as Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Anuja Gupta, as Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Thomas J. L'Ecuyer, as Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Grace Lopez, as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Nadia Lunardi, as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective October 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Ajay Manhapra, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for two years, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Dr. Radhika Manhapra, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for two years, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Mary F. Marshall, as Professor of Public Health Sciences, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $175,000.

Ms. Jennifer E. Mason, as Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective September 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $105,000.

Mr. Rajinder S. Mavi, as Whyburn Instructor in Mathematics, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $46,500.

Dr. Mark A. Newbrough, as Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Adesewa Osotimehin, as Assistant Professor of Economics, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $115,000.

Dr. Mellisa A. Pensa, as Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, for one year, effective October 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $90,000.

Dr. Gayle M. Vranic, as Assistant Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Mr. Xinlin Yang, as Assistant Professor of Research in Orthopaedic Surgery, for one year, effective August 27, 2012, at an annual salary of $64,800.


RESOLVED, the Election of Dr. Shawn J. Pelletier, as Associate Professor of Surgery, for the period August 13, 2012 through June 30, 2016, at an annual salary of $100,000, as shown in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Visitors dated November 9, 2012, is corrected to read as follows:

Dr. Shawn J. Pelletier, as Associate Professor of Surgery, effective August 13, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.


RESOLVED that the actions relating to the Chairholders are approved as shown below:

Election of Chairholders

Ms. Susan Bauer-Wu, as Tussi and John Kluge Professor of Contemplative End-of-Life Care, for five years, effective January 1, 2013. Ms. Bauer-Wu will continue as Professor of Nursing, without term.

Mr. Victor H. Engelhard, as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Microbiology, for five years, effective December 25, 2012. Mr. Engelhard will continue as Professor of Microbiology, without term.

Dr. Fern R. Hauck, as Spencer P. Bass, M.D., Twenty-First Century Professor of Family Medicine, for five years, effective January 1, 2013. Dr. Hauck will continue as Professor of Family Medicine, without term.

Dr. Maria-Beatriz S. Lopes, as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Pathology, for five years, effective December 25, 2012. Dr. Lopes will continue as Professor of Pathology, without term.

Ms. Mary F. Marshall, as Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation Professor of Biomedical Ethics, for five years, effective September 1, 2012. Ms. Marshall will continue as Professor of Public Health Sciences, without term.

Ms. Lois L. Shepherd, as Peter A. Wallenborn Jr. and Dolly F. Wallenborn Professor of Biomedical Ethics, effective July 1, 2012. Ms. Shepherd will continue as Professor of Public Health Sciences, without term.

Mr. Ronald T. Wilcox, as Ethyl Corporation Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2012. Mr. Wilcox will continue as Professor of Business Administration, without term.

Change of Title of Chairholders

Dr. C.D. Anthony Herndon, from Hovey S. Dabney Associate Professor of Urology, to John E. Cole Associate Professor of Urology, effective December 25, 2012. Dr. Herndon will continue as Associate Professor of Urology, without term.

Dr. Stuart S. Howards, from John E. Cole Professor of Urology, to Hovey S. Dabney Professor of Urology, effective December 25, 2012. Dr. Howards will continue as Professor of Urology, without term.

Dr. M. Norman Oliver, from Spencer P. Bass, M.D., Twenty-First Century Professor of Family Medicine, to Walter M. Seward Professor of Family Medicine, effective January 1, 2013. Dr. Oliver will continue as Professor of Family Medicine, without term.

Dr. Christopher I. Shaffrey, from Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Neurological Surgery, to John A. Jane Professor of Neurosurgery, effective January 1, 2013. Dr. Shaffrey will continue as Professor of Neurosurgery, without term.

Special Salary Action of Chairholders

Mr. John T. Casteen III, University Professor and Professor of English, effective December 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $404,200.

Dr. Paula M. Fracasso, Lawrence W. Penniston, M.D., Family Professor of Women's Oncology Research, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $207,800.

Mr. Michael J. Lenox, Samuel L. Slover Research Professor, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $320,500.

Mr. Charles T. Mathewes, Carolyne M. Barbour Professor of Religious Studies, effective August 26, 2012, at an academic year salary of $110,000.

Mr. Ignacio Provencio, Cavaliers' Distinguished Teaching Professor, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $113,300.

Ms. Lois L. Shepherd, Peter A. Wallenborn Jr. and Dolly F. Wallenborn Professor of Biomedical Ethics, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $206,800.

Ms. Elizabeth R. Varon, Langbourne M. Williams Professor of American History, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $140,800.

Mr. Sankaran Venkataraman, MasterCard Professor of Business Administration, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $326,400.

Mr. Ronald T. Wilcox, Ethyl Corporation Professor of Business Administration, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $231,000.

Retirement of Chairholders

Dr. Sim S. Galazka, Walter M. Seward Professor of Family Medicine, effective December 31, 2012. Dr. Galazka has been a member of the faculty since April 1, 1998.

Mr. Peter Onuf, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor of History, effective January 9, 2013. Mr. Onuf has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1989.

Dr. George F. Wooten, Mary Anderson Harrison Professor of Neurology, effective December 31, 2012. Dr. Wooten has been a member of the faculty since May 1, 1982.

Resignation of Chairholder

Mr. Abdulaziz A. Sachedina, Frances Myers Ball Professor of Religious Studies, effective January 9, 2013, to accept another position.


RESOLVED that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Abdelmalek Abdesselam, Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $90,800.

Ms. Katherine M. Alford, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $54,200.

Mr. Timothy E. Allen, Associate Professor, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $80,200.

Mr. Maurice Apprey, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, effective June 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $150,100.

Mr. Benjamin K. Armentrout, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $119,000.

Ms. Kate T. Arnold, Professor of Music, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $98,200.

Mr. Philip L. Arras, Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $82,900.

Ms. Marianne Baernholdt, Associate Professor of Nursing, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $79,100.

Mr. Robert R. Bailey, Associate Professor, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $88,100.

Mr. Lawrence D. Becker, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $103,400.

Mr. Peter Berg, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $80,700.

Mr. Ari J. Blatt, Associate Professor of French, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Silvia S. Blemker, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $94,200.

Mr. Larry D. Bouchard, Professor of Religious Studies, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $83,700.

Mr. Michael G. Brown, Professor of Medicine, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $123,200.

Ms. Cathy L. Campbell, Associate Professor of Nursing, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $79,100.

Mr. Anselmo G. Canfora, Associate Professor of Architecture, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $76,600.

Mr. Sean Carr, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $117,100.

Mr. Harsha K. Chelliah, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $126,400.

Mr. Barry G. Condron, Professor of Biology, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $90,700.

Ms. Valerie C. Cooper, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Teresa S. de Guzman, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $262,700.

Mr. Stephan F. De Wekker, Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $82,900.

Mr. Peter M. Debaere, Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $169,000.

Mr. Scott K. Deveaux, Professor of Music, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $104,000.

Ms. Ekaterina M. Dianina, Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Dr. Ayotunde Dokun, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective August 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $110,000.

Mr. Daniel J. Driscoll, Assistant Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2013, at an annual salary of $83,000.

Mr. Daniel A. Engel, Professor of Microbiology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $135,000.

Mr. Leon S. Farhi, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $87,400.

Mr. Brent A. French, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $175,800.

Mr. Peter A. Furia, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $48,000.

Mr. Coulter H. George, Associate Professor of Classics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Vicki L. Gist, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective September 27, 2012, at an annual salary of $70,000.

Ms. Arielle M. Greene, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $56,300.

Ms. Jennifer R. Greeson, Associate Professor of English, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $80,700.

Mr. Zoran Grujic, Professor of Mathematics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $93,300.

Ms. Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Mr. Ryan E. Hargraves, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $75,000.

Dr. Bruce J. Hillman, Professor of Radiology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $365,600.

Mr. Robert J. Hirosky, Professor of Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $95,200.

Mr. Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $148,000.

Mr. Brant Isakson, Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $114,000.

Ms. Erika H. James, Professor of Business Administration, effective October 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $240,000.

Mr. Jeffery A. Jenkins, Associate Professor of Politics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $112,000.

Ms. Kelsey E. Johnson, Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $92,700.

Ms. Denise I. Karaoli, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $83,300.

Ms. Kimberly A. Kelly, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $136,800.

Ms. Whitney P. Kestner, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $75,500.

Dr. Leigh A. Lather, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Deborah Lawrence, Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $89,600.

Mr. Jason D. Lawrence, Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $129,700.

Mr. Seung-Hun Lee, Professor of Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $115,000.

Mr. Chien Li, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $95,000.

Mr. Bruce Libby, Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $181,500.

Ms. S. Pace Lochte, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $150,000.

Mr. James B. Loeffler, Associate Professor of History, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $85,100.

Ms. Despo A. Louca, Professor of Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $115,000.

Ms. Xiaowei Lu, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,700.

Ms. Jennie Z. Ma, Professor of Research in Public Health Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $139,200.

Mr. Charles R. Marsh, Professor of Religious Studies, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $181,900.

Ms. Joanne M. McNergney, Professor, General Faculty, effective July 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $122,400.

Ms. Emily J. Mead, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $71,100.

Dr. Margaret E. Mohrmann, Professor of Medical Education, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $127,900.

Ms. Lydia Moyer, Associate Professor of Art, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Karen S. Myers, Professor of Classics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $81,700.

Ms. Neeti Nair, Associate Professor of History, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Sara E. Neher, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $124,000.

Mr. John W. Nemec, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Susan M. Norrisey, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $61,900.

Ms. Wendy M. Novicoff, Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $89,100.

Mr. John C. Oakes II, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $131,400.

Ms. Victoria J. Olwell, Associate Professor of English, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Mr. Kent D. Paschke, Associate Professor of Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $79,600.

Mr. Simone Polillo, Assistant Professor of Sociology, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $68,000.

Ms. Melinda D. Poulter, Associate Professor of Pathology, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $100,000.

Ms. Patcharin Pramoonjago, Assistant Professor of Research in Pathology, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $75,200.

Ms. Cecile H. Rey, Lecturer in French, effective September 2, 2012, at an academic year salary of $38,040.

Mr. Peter L. Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $240,000.

Ms. Elizabeth L. Roettger, Lecturer in Architecture, effective August 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $60,000.

Ms. Karen M. Rose, Associate Professor of Nursing, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $86,700.

Mr. Joel E. Rubin, Associate Professor of Music, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $68,400.

Mr. Craig A. Rumpel, Instructor in Pathology, effective December 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $69,800.

Ms. Nancy A. Scogna, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $86,200.

Dr. Maria S. Sequeira-Lopez, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $104,500.

Mr. Peter L. Sheras, Professor of Education, effective July 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $116,000.

Mr. Jeffrey S. Smith, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $120,000.

Mr. John W. Steinke, Associate Professor of Research in Medicine, effective November 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $82,200.

Ms. Louann W. Stylianopoulos, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective October 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $74,000.

Mr. Robert J. Swap, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $96,700.

Dr. Nassima A. Tiouririne, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $131,000.

Ms. Donna J. Tolson, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective October 1, 2012, at an annual salary of $85,000.

Ms. Stephanie D. Van Hover, Associate Professor of Education, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $118,000.

Mr. Cameron D. Whitehouse, Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $129,700.

Mr. Michael C. Wiener, Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $142,800.

Mr. Brendan M. Wolfe, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $60,500.

Mr. Ramesh Yadava, Instructor in Pathology, effective November 26, 2012, at an annual salary of $53,000.

Mr. Zhen Yan, Associate Professor of Medicine, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $151,800.

Ms. Geraldine M. Yemen, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $71,100.

Mr. Edward Y. Yu, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $86,000.

Ms. Cong Zhang, Associate Professor of History, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,200.

Ms. Xiaochao Zheng, Associate Professor of Physics, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $79,600.


The President announced the following retirements:

Dr. Sim S. Galazka, Walter M. Seward Professor of Family Medicine, effective December 31, 2012. Dr. Galazka has been a member of the faculty since April 1, 1998.

Ms. Joanna B. Goldberg, Professor of Microbiology, effective January 1, 2013. Ms. Goldberg has been a member of the faculty since October 1, 1996.

Mr. Peter Onuf, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor of History, effective January 9, 2013. Mr. Onuf has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1989.

Dr. George F. Wooten, Mary Anderson Harrison Professor of Neurology, effective December 31, 2012. Dr. Wooten has been a member of the faculty since May 1, 1982.


The President announced the following resignations:

Dr. Mary G. Bryant, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, effective October 5, 2012, to accept another position.

Dr. Nadzeya V. Marozkina, Assistant Professor of Research in Pediatrics, effective October 1, 2012, to accept another position.

Dr. Leonardo A. Martinez Rowe, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, effective December 31, 2012, to accept another position.

Ms. Erin L. Mayhood, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective October 26, 2012, to accept another position.

Mr. Edmund P. Russell, Professor of Engineering and Society, effective January 2, 2013, to accept another position.

Dr. Amy P. Stallings, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective October 31, 2012, to accept another position.

Ms. Heather L. Wiebe, Assistant Professor of Music, effective January 9, 2013, to accept another position.


RESOLVED that the following persons are elected Professor Emeritus:

Dr. Sim S. Galazka, Walter M. Seward Professor of Family Medicine, effective December 31, 2012.

Ms. Joanna B. Goldberg, Professor of Microbiology, effective January 1, 2013.

Mr. Peter Onuf, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor of History, effective January 10, 2013.

Dr. George F. Wooten, Mary Anderson Harrison Professor of Neurology, effective December 31, 2012.


The president announced the following deaths:

Mr. Jeffrey O’Connell, Samuel H. McCoy II Professor Emeritus of Law, died January 6, 2012. Mr. O’Connell had been a member of the faculty since January 1, 1980, until his retirement on May 24, 2012.

Mr. Jennings L. Wagoner Jr., Professor Emeritus of Education, died January 27, 2013. Mr. Wagoner had been a member of the faculty since 1968, until his retirement on May 24, 2005.



RESOLVED that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Ms. Amy D. Clark, Associate Professor of English, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $53,500.

Ms. Anne W. Gilfoil, Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $61,100.

Ms. Teena Fast, Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $52,200.

Mr. Richard D. Galyean, Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $55,400.

Ms. Tauna F. Gulley, Assistant Professor of Nursing, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $60,000.

Ms. Angela K.W. Harvey, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $51,800.

Mr. Matthew S. Harvey, Associate Professor of Mathematics, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $51,900.

Mr. Bryan H. Hoyt, Professor of Psychology, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $67,300.

Ms. Betty M. Humphreys, Associate Professor of Business Administration, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $68,700.

Mr. Michael K. Hunt, Assistant Professor of Theatre, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $45,800.

Ms. Dana G. Kilgore, Associate Professor of Accounting, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $79,000.

Mr. Donald Leech, Assistant Professor of History, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $47,400.

Mr. Benjamin Mays, Assistant Professor of Theatre, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $45,800.

Ms. Dawn L. Meade, Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $54,600.

Ms. Cynthia J. Newlon, Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $42,200.

Mr. Esteban Ponce-Ortiz, Associate Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $50,500.

Mr. Michael D. Potter, Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $45,800.

Ms. Ruth E. Roman, Assistant Professor of Spanish, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $50,400.

Ms. Rachel L. Rose, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective September 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $41,700.

Mr. David L. Rouse, Professor of Philosophy, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $78,300.

Mr. Christopher J. Scalia, Assistant Professor of English, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $46,100.

Mr. Eric D. Smith, Assistant Professor of Political Science, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $48,800.

Mr. Donald W. Sorah Jr., Instructor, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $40,600.

Ms. Shannon B. Steffey, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $45,000.

Mr. Danny L. Sterling, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $84,600.

Mr. Ray E. Stratton, Associate Professor of Art, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $50,100.

Mr. Lucian M. Undreiu, Associate Professor of Physics, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $55,000.

Mr. James A. Vance, Associate Professor of Mathematics, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $51,900.

Ms. Amelia C. VanGundy, Lecturer, General Faculty, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an annual salary of $49,500.

Mr. David P. Volk, Associate Professor of Music, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $51,500.

Ms. Cynthia L. Wilkey, Associate Professor of History, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $52,600.

Mr. Patrick W. Withen, Associate Professor of Sociology, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $58,200.

Mr. Witold Wolny, Associate Professor in Comparative Religion, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $63,700.

Ms. Yenli Yeh, Associate Professor of Administration of Justice, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, effective November 25, 2012, at an academic year salary of $52,900.

- - - - - - - - - -

On motion, the meeting of the Board of Visitors was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



These minutes have been posted to the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors website.



Meeting Date: February 21-22, 2013


The Board of Visitors, sitting in Open Session, unanimously adopted a resolution certifying that while meeting in Executive Session – as permitted by the relevant provisions of the Code of Virginia – only public business authorized by its motion and lawfully exempted from consideration were discussed in closed session.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan G. Harris



The following resolutions were adopted in Board Committees and do not require approval by the full Board; they are enumerated below as a matter of record.


Resolutions approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and reported to the full Board.


RESOLVED, CO Architects of Los Angeles, California, with Train and Partners of Charlottesville, are approved for performance of architectural and engineering services for the Education Resource Center.


RESOLVED, the concept, site, and design guidelines, dated February 20, 2013, prepared by the Architect for the University for design of the Education Resource Center, are approved, and will be presented for further review at the schematic design level of development.


RESOLVED, the schematic design for the North Grounds Mechanical Plant Addition, dated February 20, 2013, prepared by engineers Hamel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, in conjunction with the Architect for the University and others, is approved for further development and construction.

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Resolutions approved by the Medical Center Operating Board and reported to the full Board.


RESOLVED, the Medical Center Operating Board approves the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital. These amendments, which are appended to this Resolution as an attachment, shall be effective as of February 21, 2013.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Given, Robert W., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Visiting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: December 14, 2012, through December 14, 2012; Privileged in Urology.

Gupta, Anuja, M.B.B.S., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 1, 2012, through October 31, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Hayes, John S., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 17, 2012, through October 7, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Bateman, Bruce G., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Brown, Sue A., M.D, Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Cherry, Kenneth J., M.D, Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.

Feuerlein, Karl P., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology.

Hobbs, William R., M.D, Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Humberson, Jennifer B., M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Kent, Katherine G., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Leslie, Catherine A., M.D, Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Littlewood, Keith E., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Na, Sang H., M.D, Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 20, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Roche, James K., M.D, Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Warren, Cirle A., M.D, Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 25, 2012, through November 24, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Whitehill, Richard, M.D, Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: November 24, 2012, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Williams, Michael D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Date of Appointment changed effective July 9, 2012 through July 8, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Henderson, Deborah M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: November 1, 2012.

Stallings, Amy P., M.D., Allergist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: October 31, 2012.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Abreu, Lda, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: October 5, 2012 through October 4, 2013; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Beckham, Patricia, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: October 15, 2012 through October 14, 2013; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Denny, Melanie, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Regional Primary Care; Period of Privileging: October 5, 2012 through August 12, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Gochenour, Elizabeth, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Wound and Ostomy Clinic; Period of Privileging: October 30, 2012 through October 29, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

McFadden, Heather, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: October 31, 2012 through October 28, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Marancik, Marillise, P.A., Physician Assistant in Hematology Oncology; Period of Privileging: October 24, 2012 through October 21, 2013; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Peterson, Neil, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Work Med; Period of Privileging: October 19, 2012 through October 28, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Robbins, Patricia K., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the NNICU; Period of Privileging: October 17, 2012 through October 16, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Yoder, Jonathan D., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner at Page Dialysis; Period of Privileging: November 1, 2012 through October 31, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Zeller-Hahn, Ambi G., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 5 Central; Period of Privileging: October 25, 2012 through October 24, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Benes, Judith K., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: December 5, 2012 through December 4, 2014; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Cathcart, Kathryn P., P.A., Physician Assistant at Forest Lake Health Center; Period of Privileging: December 5, 2012 through December 4, 2014; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Ford, Ruby M., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Geriatrics); Period of Privileging: January 2, 2013 through January 1, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Foster, Dawn, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the NNICU; Period of Privileging: December 16, 2012 through December 15, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Gilday, Emily H., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner on 6 West; Period of Privileging: December 27, 2012 through December 26, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Hand, Rebecca L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: December 22, 2012 through December 21, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Jackson, Mary Jane, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner on 8 East/8 Central and Newborn; Period of Privileging: December 20, 2012 through December 19, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Laurie, Lisa J., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Medicine (Cardiology; Period of Privileging: December 6, 2012 through December 5, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Leake, Kimberly F., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center; Period of Privileging: December 7, 2012 through December 6, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Mercer, David M., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Wound and Ostomy; Period of Privileging: December 19, 2012 through December 18, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Myers, Lara J., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Surgery; Period of Privileging: December 22, 2012 through December 21, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Nail, Carmel J., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Human Immune Therapy; Period of Privileging: December 9, 2012 through December 8, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Reigle, Juanita, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Heart Center Cardiology Clinic; Period of Privileging: December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Robertson, Matthew P., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the STBICU; Period of Privileging: December 12, 2012 through December 11, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Simpson, Virginia B., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Surgical Services, 5 West; Period of Privileging: January 11, 2013 through January 10, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Thompson Heister, Anita, R.N., N.P., Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology; Period of Privileging: January 11, 2013 through January 10, 2015; Privileged as a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Church, Ashley, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Date Change effective August 7, 2012 through August 7, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Conant, Patricia A., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in Medicine (Cardiology); Date of Location Change effective November 5 2012 through September 19, 2013; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Grant, Courtney C., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center; Date of added Practice Location of Obstetrics and Gynecology effective November 5, 2012 through November 4, 2013; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Hunley, Anne L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 5 Central; Date of Location Change effective November 5, 2012 through December 19, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Lipp, Lynette N., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: November 2, 2012.

Sharpe, Katherine A., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: October 18, 2012.

Tanguma, Linda, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Effective Date of Resignation: July 6, 2012.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Dokun, Ayotunde, M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 14, 2012, through November 13, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Foff, Erin, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 31, 2012, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Fountain, Nathan, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 15, 2012, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Gupta, Anuja, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 1, 2012, through October 31, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Herrington, Pamila, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 8, 2012, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry.

Langer, Jennifer, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 22, 2012, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Purow, Benjamin W., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 26, 2012, through October 25, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Smith, Diana, M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: October 24, 2012, through October 23, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Brown, Sue A., M.D., Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Cherry, Kenneth, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.

Feuerlein, Karl P., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 1, 2012, through November 30, 2014; Privileged in Radiology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Manhapra, Ajay, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Provisional Staff Privileges; Date of Appointment Changed to September 13, 2012 through September 12, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Manhapra, Radhika, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Provisional Staff Privileges; Date of Appointment Changed to September 13, 2012 through September 12, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Warren, Cirle A., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Date of Appointment Changed to November 25, 2012 through November 24, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Janardhanan, Rajesh, M.D., Pulmonologist (Moonlighting) in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: June 30, 2012.

Stallings, Amy P., M.D., Allergist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: October 31, 2012.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professional are approved:

Mercer, David M., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Surgery; Period of Privileging: December 19, 2012 through December 18, 2014; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Kennedy, Joshua L., M.D., Allergist/Immunologist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor; Period of Appointment: December 13, 2012, through November 25, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

L’Ecuyer, Thomas J., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 15, 2012, through November 14, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Lopez, Grace, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 9, 2012, through November 8, 2013; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Palac, Susan M., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: December 14, 2012, through December 13, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Swaminathan, Lalithapriya, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 29, 2012, through October 14, 2013; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Vranic, Gayle M., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 21, 2012, through November 20, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D, Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Aguilera, Nadine S., M.D, Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 3, 2013, through January 2, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

Alford, Bennett A., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Binder, Alan J., M.D, Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 14, 2013, through January 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Brant, William E., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Radiology.

Davidson, Kelly M., M.D, Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 2, 2013, through January 1, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

DeGood, Douglas E., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Psychology.

Driskill, Robert L., M.D, Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 12, 2013, through January 8, 2015; Privileged in Radiation Oncology.

Escanellas, Jaime, M.D, Cardiologist in the UPG Clinical Practice Group; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 2, 2013, through January 1, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Collins, Stephen R., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 13, 2013, through January 12, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Gillenwater, Jay M., M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 25, 2012, through December 24, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Hagspiel, Klaus D., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Lancaster, Luke, M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 6, 2013, through January 5, 2015; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Lather, Leigh A., M.D, Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 3, 2013, through January 2, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.

Mason, J. Holland, M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 3, 2013, through January 2, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Ryan, Eileen P., D.O., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 9, 2013, through January 8, 2014; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Scotti, Stephen D., M.D, Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through March 31, 2013; Privileged in Radiology and Medical Imaging.

Smith, Diana A., M.D, Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences.

Taylor, Peyton T., M.D, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Arnold, William S., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Visiting Staff Status; Date of Appointment changed effective September 13, 2012 through March 11, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.

Brown, Cynthia D., M.D., Pulmonologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Date of Appointment changed effective August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2014; Privileged in Medicine.

Newbrough, Mark A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Date of Appointment changed effective November 19, 2012 through November 18, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Salomon, Alexander E., M.D., Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Date of Location change effective September 4, 2012 through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Regional Primary Care.

Zaghloul, Kareem A., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Administrative Staff Status; Date of Appointment changed effective November 1, 2012 through October 31, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Bleibel, Wissam, M.D., Gastroenterologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: October 31, 2012.

DeWitt, Robert M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: July 14, 2012.

Kedes, Dean H., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: November 30, 2012.

Rizk, Alex H., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: December 10, 2012.

Tribastone, Andrea D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: November 24, 2012.

Waldron, Peter E., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: October 15, 2012.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Passerini, Heather, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the STBICU; Period of Privileging: November 19, 2012 through November 18, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Pilkey, Lawrence, P.A., Physician Assistant in TCV; Period of Privileging: December 17, 2012 through December 16, 2013; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Sheets, Elizabeth C., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics/Urology; Period of Privileging: December 10, 2012 through December 9, 2013; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Stinnett, Michelle, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: December 10, 2012 through December 9, 2013; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Almarode, Susan D., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in NICU; Period of Privileging: January 19, 2013 through January 18, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Barjesteh, Ramella E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in TCV PO; Period of Privileging: January 13, 2013 through January 12, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Borish, Lorraine, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in Sleep Disorder Center; Period of Privileging: January 9, 2013 through January 8, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Boyer, Diane, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Period of Privileging: December 9, 2012 through January 8, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Fox, Jennifer L., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics; Period of Privileging: January 6, 2013 through January 5, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Frosch, Juliana, R.N., N.P., Psychiatric and Mental Health Practitioner in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Period of Privileging: January 28, 2013 through January 27, 2015; Privileged as a Psychiatric Mental Health Practitioner.

Hayes, Deborah C., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Employee Health Services; Period of Privileging: January 23, 2012 through January 22, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Jones, Jackie V., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: January 9, 2013 through January 22, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Owens, Debra L., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: January 27, 2012 through January 26, 2015; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Pozniak, Carey, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Medicine Infusion Center; Period of Privileging: January 9 9, 2013 through January 8, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Ratcliffe, Nicola L., AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: January 8, 2013 through January 7, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Rossi, Ann, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Cardiac Cath Lab; Period of Privileging: January 21, 2013 through January 20, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Tanner, Kirk, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: January 23, 2013 through January 22, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Thomas, Steven C., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Heart Center; Period of Privileging: January 4, 2013 through January 3, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Lally, L. Hope, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant; Location Change effective November 12, 2012 through April 17, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Rodak, Colleen, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant; Location Change effective November 12, 2012 through April 29, 2013; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Lipp, Lynette N., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: November 2, 2012.

Sharpe, Katherine A., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: October 18, 2012.

Tanguma, Linda, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Effective Date of Resignation: July 6, 2012.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Kennedy, Joshua L., M.D., Allergist and Immunologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: December 13, 2012, through November 25, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Southerland, Andrew, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 30, 2012, through November 29, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Vranic, Gayle, M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: November 21, 2012, through November 20, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Yang, Zequan, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: December 20, 2012, through December 19, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Alford, Bennett A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Radiology.

Becker, Daniel M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 4, 2013, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Binder, Alan J., M.D., Cardiologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 14, 2013, through January 13, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Brant, William E., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Radiology.

Hagspiel, Klaus D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Radiology.

Lancaster, Luke, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: December 6, 2012, through January 5, 2015; Privileged in Radiology.

Romness, Mark J., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 23, 2013, through January 22, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Tracci, Margaret C., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 31, 2013, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Clinical Staff Member are approved:

Abel, Mark F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Provisional Staff Privileges; Date of Appointment Changed to January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Kedes, Dean H., M.D., Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: November 30, 2012.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Chewning, Kelly G., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Status; Period of Appointment: December 13, 2012, through November 25, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Thornsvard, Charles T., M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: January 8, 2013, through October 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Plews-Ogan, James L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: December 31, 2012, through July 31, 2013; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Eagleson, Christine A., M.D, Endocrinologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 30, 2013, through January 29, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Forbes, John W., M.D, Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Hatter, Dennis L., M.D, Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2015; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Khandelwal, Shiv R., M.D, Radiologist Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 16, 2013, through January 15, 2015; Privileged in Radiology Oncology.

Keith, Douglas S., M.D, Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 4, 2013, through February 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Lambert, Vaia A., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014; Privileged in Anesthesiology.

Miller, Richard B., M.D, Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through June 14, 2013; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Romness, Mark J., M.D, Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 23, 2013, through January 22, 2015; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.

Salman, Huda, M.D, Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 1, 2013, through January 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Schiff, David, M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 16, 2013, through January 15, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Vande Pol, Scott B., M.D, Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2015; Privileged in Pathology.

White, James L., M.D, Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: January 25, 2013, through January 24, 2015; Privileged in Anesthesiology.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Foff, Erin P., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Status Change effective January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Neurology.

Galazka, Sim S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Administrative Staff Status; Status Change effective January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013; Privileged in Family Medicine.

Johnson, Bankole A., M.D., Psychiatrist in Chief in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Administrative Staff Status; Status Change effective January 1, 2013 through February 24, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Darracott, Mixon M., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Effective Date of Resignation: December 25, 2012.

Given, Robert W., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Effective Date of Resignation: December 14, 2012.

Graham, Sam D., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Effective Date of Resignation: October 26, 2012.

Hillman, Bruce J., M.D., Radiologist Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: December 31, 2012.

Johnston, Michael G., M.D., Surgeon in Regional Primary Care; Effective Date of Resignation: December 28, 2012.

Parulis, Jr., Albert W., D.M.D., Plastic Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Effective Date of Resignation: November 5, 2012.

Schauer, Ashley H., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: December 31, 2012.

Turba, Ulku C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: January 1, 2013.

Weber, Eric D., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: December 31, 2012.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Maddox, Karen, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Surgery/4 West; Period of Privileging: January 8, 2013 through January 7, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

McNerney, Stephanie B., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics/KCRC; Period of Privileging: December 23, 2012 through December 22, 2013; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Wilkinson, Karen, R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in NICU; Period of Privileging: January 7, 2013 through January 6, 2014; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Aretakis, Dyan A., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Teen Health Center; Period of Privileging: March 1, 2013 through February 28, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Catalano, Donna, AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Chandler, Mary, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 20, 2013 through February 19, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Hackett, Jeffrey, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: February 26, 2013 through February 25, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Holmes, Jill, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Pulmonary Critical Care; Period of Privileging: February 20, 2013 through February 19, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Joran-Thiel, Evelyn, R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; Period of Privileging: February 6, 2013 through February 5, 2015; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Lehman, Rebecca, P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 6, 2013 through February 5, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Payne, Heather E., R.N., N.P., Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner in the Teen Health Center; Period of Privileging: February 17, 2013 through February 16, 2015; Privileged as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner.

Rabin, Elizabeth A., AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 6, 2013 through February 5, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Ratliff, Lori L., R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in the Division of Nephrology; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Sams, Robert M., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: February 2, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Sturtevant, Janet E., AuD., Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Thompson, Mitzi R., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Nephrology/Zion Crossroad; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Thompson, Reagan H., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Family Medicine; Period of Privileging: February 28, 2013 through February 27, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Winer, Ann, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: February 6, 2013 through February 5, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Persinger, Matthew B., P.A., Physician Assistant in Surgery/TCV; Status Change effective February 8, 2013 through February 7, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Turman, Ann E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West/TCV; Location Change effective February 26, 2012 through February 25, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Wolfe, Cynthia, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West/TCV; Location Change effective December 20, 2012 through September 27, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Campbell, Fern G., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Urology Clinic; Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2012.

Donovan, Kelly K., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Effective Date of Resignation: December 1, 2012.


Pursuant to the delegation of authority contained in the September 15, 2011 Resolution of the Medical Center Operating Board, the Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board and an additional voting member have approved the following Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions as specifically set forth below:



RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Chewning, Kelly G., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Keith, Douglas S., M.D., Nephrologist in the Department of Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 4, 2013, through February 3, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Hillman, Bruce J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: December 31, 2012.

Johnson, Bankole A., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: December 31, 2012.

Turba, Ulku C., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Effective Date of Resignation: January 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Catalano, Donna, AuD, Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Rabin, Elizabeth, AuD, Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 6, 2013 through February 5, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Ratcliffe, Nicola, AuD, Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 8, 2013 through January 7, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.

Sturtevant, Janet, AuD, Audiologist in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2015; Privileged as an Audiologist.




RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Jackson, Erin W., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 1, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Johnson, Michael J., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: January 31, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Millard, Alexander S., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: January 31, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.

Reagan, Patrick M., M.D., Hospitalist in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 1, 2013, through May 31, 2013; Privileged in Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Arnold, William S., M.D, Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Visiting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 12, 2013, through March 11, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Dang, Thao P., M.D, Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 12, 2013, through March 11, 2015; Privileged in Medicine.

Conley, Thomas E., M.D, Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 17, 2013, through March 16, 2015; Privileged in Neurology.

Johnston, Bankole A., M.B.B.S., Psychiatrist in Chief in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Administrative Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: February 25, 2013, through February 24, 2015.

Read, Paul W., M.D, Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 1, 2013, through February 28, 2015; Privileged in Radiation Oncology.

Sutherland, Sara F., M.D, Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: March 15, 2013, through March 14, 2015; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Lather, Leigh A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Status Change effective January 3, 2013 through January 2, 2015; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the secondary status change in clinical privileges to the following practitioner are approved:

Lather, Leigh A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Orthopedics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: January 3, 2012, through August 19, 2014; Privileged in Pediatrics.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Hoyer, Andrew W., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2013.

Long, Todd J., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Effective Date of Resignation: January 31, 2013.

Salman, Huda, M.D., Hematologist Oncologist in the Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Clinical Staff are approved:

Hoyer, Andrew W., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Effective Date of Resignation: January 31, 2013.

Powers, Robert D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: February 1, 2013.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Dodson, Carol, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department Surgery; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 27, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Muncaster, Larkin E., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Regional Primary Care; Period of Privileging: January 21, 2013 through January 20, 2014; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Schexnayder, Julie, R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Infectious Diseases; Period of Privileging: February 1, 2013 through January 27, 2014; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:

Boitnott, Amy, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Department of Pediatrics; Period of Privileging: March 24, 2013 through March 23, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Clark, Sherry L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in HOPE Cancer Care; Period of Privileging: March 6, 2013 through May 6, 2013; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Cluett, Susan B., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Pediatric Fitness Program; Period of Privileging: March 1, 2013 through February 25, 2015; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Glaspell, Amberly R., P.A., Physician Assistant in Page Dialysis; Period of Privileging: March 29, 2013 through March 28, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Golden, Wendy L., Ph.D., Director of Cytogenics Laboratory in the Department of Pathology; Period of Privileging: April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015.

Jamison, Jennifer A., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: March 19, 2013 through March 18, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Merlino, Kathleen, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: March 13, 2013 through March 12, 2015; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.

Robertson, Kathryn L., P.A., Physician Assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Period of Privileging: March 26, 2013 through March 25, 2015; Privileged as a Physician Assistant.

Turman, Ann E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner on 4 West/TCV; Period of Privileging: February 26, 2013 through February 25, 2015; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.




RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Calland, James F., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 4, 2013, through February 3, 2014; Privileged in Surgery.

Young, Jeffrey, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: February 27, 2013, through June 30, 2013; Privileged in Surgery.


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Transitional Care Hospital and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:

Krupski, Tracey, M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Consulting Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: April 4, 2013, through February 28, 2014; Privileged in Urology.