July 21, 2008
TO: The Board of Visitors:
W. Heywood Fralin, Rector
John O. Wynne, Vice Rector Glynn D. Key
Susan Y. Dorsey Don R. Pippin
Helen E. Dragas Warren M. Thompson
Thomas F. Farrell, II E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr., M.D.
Robert D. Hardie Adom Getachew
FROM: Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr.
SUBJECT: Correction to the Minutes of the June 13, 2008
Meeting of the Board of Visitors
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Visitors held on June 13, 20008, should be corrected to include the addition of the following resolution, previously adopted by the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee:
WHEREAS, House Bill 1058 was passed during the 2008 General Assembly Session to require the release of the educational record of a dependent student, as defined by 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, to a parent at his/her request; and
WHEREAS, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, generally defines “dependent student,” consistent with the Internal Revenue Code, as a student who does not provide over one-half of his/her own support for the calendar year in which the taxable year of the taxpayer begins; and
WHEREAS, the HB 1058 requires that the governing boards of each institution establish the policies and procedures necessary to comply with the legislation;
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July 21, 2008
RESOLVED, in accordance with HB 1058 and commencing the effective date thereof on July 1, 2008, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia hereby affirms as University policy the aforesaid requirement to release the educational records of dependent students to their parents upon request; the requirement shall be implemented as follows:
1. The University’s Department of Information Technology and Communication shall electronically solicit dependency status from all incoming and returning students and shall store such data on the University’s central student system of record.
2. A parent also may provide his/her tax records to the University to demonstrate a student’s dependent status to ensure that such status is accurately recorded in the central student system of record.
3. The University’s Executive Vice President and Provost shall designate the office under his/her jurisdiction to be primarily responsible for collecting and responding to requests from parents of dependent students for academic records.
4. The University’s Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer shall designate the office under his/her jurisdiction to be primarily responsible for collecting and responding to requests from parents of dependent students for non-academic records.
5. Appropriate personnel in these offices shall consult the University’s central student system of record to confirm a student’s dependent status prior to furnishing educational records to parents under this policy.
6. The foregoing is subject at all times to the authority and direction of the University officials charged hereunder to develop and implement specific procedures as may be desirable or necessary, including designating other University offices or personnel to respond to requests for records under this policy, as may be necessary or appropriate under the circumstances.
Copies to: Mr. John T. Casteen, III
Mr. Leonard W. Sandridge
JUNE 13, 2008
Approval of the Minutes of the April 10-12 Meeting 7614
of the Board of Visitors
Extension of the Special Committees 7615
Extension of the Subcommittee on Legislative and 7615
Executive Affairs
Extension of the Transition Committee and the Committee 7615
to Study the Election and Terms of Office of the Rector
and the Vice Rector
Setting of the Date of the 2009 Annual Meeting 7616
Re-appointment of Randy J. Koporc to the Medical 7617
Center Operating Board
Resolution to Consider Addenda to the Published Agenda 7617
Resolution Accepting the Gifts and Grants Report 7620
Adoption of Human Resource Policies Governing University 7621
Staff Under Higher Education Restructuring
Approval of the Plan to Develop a Focused Ultrasound 7624
Program at the University of Virginia, the Financial
Plan for the Construction of the Focused Ultrasound
Facility, and the Addition of the Focused Ultrasound
Facility to the University’s Major Capital Projects
Approval to Grant Temporary and Permanent Easements and 7626
to Enter into Permanent Reciprocal Parking Agreements
for Ivy Road Facilities
Approval to Reconsolidate Eminent Scholar Income 7627
Stabilization Endowment with Robert C. Taylor Fund
Approval to Accept Property by the University of 7627
Virginia from the City of Charlottesville for the Emily
Couric Clinical Cancer Center
Approval of Amendments to University Bond Resolutions 7627
Approval of the Audit Schedule 7629
Approval to Add the Scott Stadium Score/Video Board 7629
Replacement to the University’s Major Capital Projects
Approval to Establish a New Business Enterprise in the 7629
McIntire School of Commerce Foundation
Approval of Endowment Spending Policy and Administrative 7629
Approval of the 2008-2009 Operating Budget and Annual 7631
Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the Academic
Approval of the 2008-2009 Operating Budget for The 7631
University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Approval of the 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budgets 7631
and Annual Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the
University of Virginia Medical Center
Approval of the Pratt Fund Distribution for 2008-2009 7632
Approval of Funding for the Implementation of Commission 7632
on the Future of the University’s Priorities
Approval of Financial Plans for Capital Projects to 7632
Replace the Scott Stadium Video/Score Board, to Construct
the Information Technology Engineering Building, and to
Construct the Arts and Sciences Research Building
Recommendation Regarding Fiscal Year 2009 Medical Center 7633
Operating and Capital Budgets
Approval of Policy to Comply With House Bill No. 1005 7633
Re-appointments to the Board of The University of 7634
Virginia’s College at Wise
Memorial Resolution on William Cullen Battle 7634
Memorial Resolution on T. Keister Greer 7636
Approval of the General Counsel-Corporate Secretary 7637
Title and Compensation and Appointment of Paul J. Forch
to the Position
Resolutions Adopted by the Executive Committee,
April 30, 2008:
Approval of Increase in Tuition, Required Fees, 7639 and Other Charges for the Academic Division
Approval of Increase in Tuition, Required Fees, 7640 and Other Charges for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Faculty Personnel Actions
Elections 7641
Correction to the Election of Dr. Mark Yeager 7642
Actions Relating to Chairholders
Election of Chairholders 7642
Change of Title of Chairholders 7644
Special Salary Action of Chairholders 7644
Retirement of Chairholder 7645
Election of Mr. Thomas C. Skalak as Vice President 7645
and Chief Research Officer
Promotions 7645
Special Salary Actions 7652
Resignations 7655
Retirement 7655
Appointments 7656
Re-appointments 7656
Election of Professor Emeritus 7656
Election of Associate Professor Emeritus 7657
Deaths 7657
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Re-appointment 7658
Establishment of a Sixth David and Mary Harrison 7658
Distinguished Professorship in Law
Approval of the Compliance Project Schedule and 7659
Summary of Audit Findings
Endorsing the Memorandum of Understanding and 7659
Directing Its Implementation
Namings in the Claude Moore Nursing Education Building 7660
Naming of Jeanette Lancaster Way 7662
Naming of Kellogg House 7663
Naming of the Thomas L. Woltz Bioretention Garden at 7663
the School of Architecture
Naming of the New Road at Blandy Farm Wilkins Lane 7664
Approval to Rename the George A. Beller, M.D., Bristol- 7665
Meyers Squibb, Inc., Medical Imaging Distinguished
Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine, the George A.
Beller, M.D., Lantheus Medical Imaging Distinguished
Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine
Resolutions Adopted by the Buildings and Grounds
Committee, June 13, 2008:
Approval of Architect Selection for the Garrett 7667
Hall Renovation
Approval of Engineer Selection for the Medium 7667
Temperature Hot Water Piping Upgrade
Approval of Architect/Engineer Selection for 7667
the University Hospital – Elevators
Approval of Architect/Engineer Selection for the 7667
Primary Care Center Exterior Repairs
Approval of Concept and Design Guidelines for 7668
the New Cabell Hall Renovation Project
Approval of Concept, Site, and Design Guidelines 7668
For The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Multipurpose Center
Approval of Schematic Design, Lee Street Entry to 7668
the Hospital and Connector Elements
Approval of Architect/Engineer Selection for the 7668
Construction of the ITC Data Center
Resolutions Adopted by the Medical Center Operating Board,
June 12, 2008:
Credentialing and Recredentialing Actions 7669
June 13, 2008
The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia convened in Open Session at 12:45 p.m., Thursday, June 12, 2008, in the Board Room of the Rotunda; W. Heywood Fralin, Rector, presided.
Daniel R. Abramson, A. Macdonald Caputo, The Hon. Alan A. Diamonstein, Ms. Susan Y. Dorsey, G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, Jr., Ms. Glynn D. Key, Austin Ligon, Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr., The Hon. Lewis F. Payne, Don R. Pippin, Warren M. Thompson, E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr., M.D., John O. Wynne, and Ms. Adom Getachew were present.
Present as well were John T. Casteen, III, Leonard W. Sandridge, Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr., Paul J. Forch, Arthur Garson, Jr., M.D., William B. Harvey, James L. Hilton, Sharon L. Hostler, M.D., R. Edward Howell, Ms. Colette Sheehy, David J. Prior, Craig K. Littlepage, and Ms. Jeanne Flippo Bailes.
Edmund W. Kitch, Chair of the Faculty Senate, was present as well.
At the Rector’s request, Mr. Caputo led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of April 10-12
On motion, the Board approved the Minutes of the last meeting of the full Board, held April 10-12.
Election of the Executive Committee and Appointment of the Standing Committees
The Rector reminded the Board that this is the stated Annual Meeting, at which several things are done. Among these are the election of the Executive Committee and the appointment of the Standing Committees of the Board. Because a successor to Mr. Rainey has not yet been appointed, and thus, technically, he continues in office until replaced, the Rector said he would delay nominating a slate for the Executive Committee and would not appoint Standing Committees for the time being.
Thus, the Executive Committee and the Standing Committees continue in place as presently constituted.
Extension of the Special Committees
The Board Manual specifies that all special and ad-hoc committees of the Board be extended – if they are to be continued – each year at the Annual Meeting. Accordingly, the Rector asked for motions to approve resolutions extending the various special committees as follows:
Extension of the Special Committee on Diversity, the Special Committee on Foundations, and the Special Committee on Planning
The following resolution was approved:
WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that Special Committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;
RESOLVED, the Special Committee on Diversity, the Special Committee on Foundations, and the Special Committee on Planning are extended to the Annual meeting of 2009.
Extension of the Subcommittee on Legislative and Executive Affairs
Similarly, the Subcommittee on Legislative and Executive Affairs must be extended at the Annual Meeting. The Rector proposed the following resolution, which was approved:
WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that special committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;
RESOLVED, the Subcommittee on Legislative and Executive Affairs is extended to the Annual Meeting of 2009.
Extension of the Transition Committee and the Committee to Study the Election and Terms of Office of the Rector and the Vice Rector
The Rector reminded the Board that at the April meeting, he had appointed two ad-hoc committees, one to consider the transition of key members of the University Administration, and the other to study the election and terms of office of the Rector and the Vice-Rector. The latter committee was charged, too, to identify appropriate occasions when former Members of the Board might be invited back to the University by the sitting Board.
These two committees are expected to finish their work and report back to the Board in the fall; nonetheless, they must be renewed at the Annual Meeting in the same way that other Special Committees of the Board are extended. Rather than extend them to the next Annual Meeting, he proposed a resolution extending them to the completion of their work.
The Board approved the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Manual of the Board of Visitors specifies that special committees of the Board be extended each year at the Annual Meeting;
RESOLVED, the Transition Committee and the Committee to Study the Election and Terms of Office of the Rector and Vice Rector are extended until they complete their assigned work, which will be at a date before the Annual Meeting of 2009. On completion of their work, they will be disbanded.
Setting of the Date of the 2009 Annual Meeting
The date of the next year’s Annual Meeting is customarily set at the Annual Meeting. For some years, the Board meeting held in late May or early June has been the designated Annual Meeting, though neither the Manual nor the Code of Virginia specify a time – only that there be an Annual Meeting.
The Rector pointed out that the General Assembly, at its recent Session, changed the appointment date of Board Members from March 1, to July 1. The Annual Meeting in June thus becomes a kind of “lame ducks’” meeting. The Rector proposed, therefore, that the 2009 Annual Meeting be held in the fall of 2009, on a date that has not yet been determined.
The Board adopted the following resolution stating that the first meeting of the Board of Visitors to be held in the fall of 2009 will be designated the 2009 Annual Meeting:
RESOLVED, the first meeting of the Board of Visitors in the Fall of 2009 will be designated the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Board.
Setting of the Dates of the 2009 and 2010 Meetings of the Board
Scheduling conflicts have arisen on several of the dates proposed for the meetings of the Board in 2010 and the second half of 2009 – dates which customarily would be set at this Annual Meeting. The Rector directed the Board Office to poll Members and the President again for new dates so that the meeting schedule may be set at the Retreat in July.
Re-Appointment of Randy J. Koporc to the Medical Center Operating Board
Mr. Randy J. Koporc of Charlottesville, a citizen Member of the Medical Center Operating Board, is completing his first four-year term on that Board, a term which will expire on June 30th. The Rector proposed the following resolution re-appointing for a second term of four years:
WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors may appoint up to five public members of the Medical Center Operating Board, with initial terms not to exceed four years and eligibility for reappointment for an additional term; and
WHEREAS, the term of Mr. Randy J. Koporc expires June 30, 2008, and the Board of Visitors desires to reappoint Mr. Koporc to serve an additional four year term;
RESOLVED, Mr. Randy J. Koporc is re-appointed to the Medical Center Operating Board as a public member for the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2012.
Approval to Consider Addenda to the Published Agenda
The Board Manual specifies that additions to the published Agenda of a Board meeting may be considered if a majority of the Board so approves. The Rector asked for a motion to approve consideration of addenda. The Board adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the consideration of addenda to the published Agenda.
NCAA Orientation
The Board has an annual orientation on the NCAA rules governing the conduct of Board Members on Athletic questions. Mr. Steve Flippen, Director of Compliance in the Department of Athletics, conducted the orientation.
The Rector then asked the President to give his customary report.
President’s Report
The President announced two appointments – Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine, and Vice President for Research.
President’s Report – Appointment of Dr. DeKosky
The new Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine will be Dr. Steven DeKosky, whose appointment will take effect on August 1st. He will succeed Dr. Sharon Hostler, who has been Interim Vice President and Dean for the last year. An authority on Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr. DeKosky is Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology and Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh. He took an A.B. from Bucknell University and the M.D. from the University of Florida, and his first academic appointment was in the Neurology Department of the School of Medicine in 1979.
President’s Report – Appointment of Mr. Skalak
The President next announced the appointment of Mr. Thomas Skalak as Vice President for Research, also effective August 1st. Mr. Skalak is Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Engineering and has been a member of the faculty since 1986. He took a bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University and the Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego. He is an authority on micro-vascular structure and function, and is a respected teacher and researcher.
Mr. Skalak replaces Dr. Ariel Gomez, who is returning to full-time teaching and research in the School of Medicine.
The President noted that Dr. DeKosky and Mr. Skalak would address the Educational Policy Committee later in the day.
President’s Report - Reunions
The President went on to report briefly on Reunions, which had taken place the weekend before. He said 3853 people attended, of whom 2525 were alumni – the remainder being family and friends.
President’s Report – Deaths of William C. Battle and George Garrett
The President noted the deaths of William C. Battle and George Garrett.
Mr. Battle, who died on May 31st, was an alumnus of the College and the Law School, a former Member of the Board of Visitors, and most recently the Chair of the Ivy Foundation, which has been a generous supporter of the School of Medicine and the Hospital. He was Ambassador to Australia under President Kennedy, a candidate for Governor in 1969, and CEO of Fieldcrest Mills for a number of years.
Mr. Garrett died on May 25th. A superb writer and teacher, he first taught at the University in the 1960s and returned in 1984 to direct the writing program until his retirement in 2000. The President pointed out that Mr. Garrett not only excelled as a writer in every major genre of American literature – novels, poems, and essays – he was a compassionate mentor of young writing students.
Mr. Battle and Mr. Garrett, the President said, “were rare and wonderful men – elegant, intelligent, and compassionate.”
President’s Report: Gifts and Grants
The President reported that philanthropic giving to the University and its related foundations was $241.3million for the fiscal year through April 30th, which is a decrease of $7.7million, or 3.1% over the same period last year.
Nevertheless, the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, Athletics, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, the Miller Center, and the University Library all report increases in giving.
He reported several significant gifts since the last meeting of the Board: $4million from the estate of Robert C. Hancock to the College at Wise; $2million from the Wallace Foundation for an Executive Leadership Program, to be split equally between the Curry School and the Darden School; a deferred gift of $1.5million to the Law School from Mr. John G. Odom; a gift in kind of sixteen pieces of Aboriginal art from Mr. John W. Kluge and J.W.K. Properties, Inc. to the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection; $1,203,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to the University Library; $1,034,506.04 to the Medical School from Mrs. Miriam W. Burnett and Mr. Charles R. Burnett, III; $1million from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation to support translational research.
Among significant pledges were $1million to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation for the Jefferson Scholars Anonymous – Hartfield Prize Fund; an anonymous pledge of $750,000 to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation for the Anonymous Rhode Island Jefferson Scholars Fund; and $700,000 to the College Foundation, to be used by the Biology Department for Alzheimer’s Disease research.
On motion, the Board accepted the Gifts and Grants Report.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The Board recessed at 1:20 p.m., to go into Committee meetings.
Friday, June 13th
Committee of the Whole
At 11:30 a.m., the Board convened, in Open Session, as a Committee of the Whole with the Rector presiding. All Members who attended the Preliminary Meeting the day before, save Mr. Diamonstein, were present; Mr. Farrell, in addition, was present.
Committee of the Whole: Human Resources Restructuring
The Board heard a presentation from Ms. Susan Carkeek, Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer, on a proposed new University staff Human Resources system. The new system, which does not apply to employees of the Medical Center, is a result of the “Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act,” and the subsequent management agreement between the University and the Commonwealth.
On motion, the Board adopted the following resolution approving the proposed policies:
WHEREAS, the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act provided level three institutions with an opportunity to develop a new human resources system for University staff, the designation of non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Management Agreement entered into by the University and the Commonwealth pursuant to the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, authorizes the President, acting through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Provost, to adopt and implement new human resources systems for employees of the Academic Division and the University’s College at Wise, and
WHEREAS, the Management Agreement continues the existing human resources system for Medical Center employees previously authorized by the Board in 1996; and
WHEREAS, the University is committed to creating a human resources system for University employees designed to recruit, develop, and competitively compensate a superior workforce better prepared to meet the future needs of the University; and
WHEREAS, the human resource system for University employees may include different provisions for reasonably different groups or classifications of employees; and
WHEREAS, the University established a process that provided for broad input from employees and their supervisors in the design of the new human resources system; and the recommended policies address the most significant findings from these efforts; and
WHEREAS, the University is currently engaged in an open comment period on the proposed policies; and any material policy changes resulting from this input will be subject to approval of the Board of Visitors or its Executive Committee; and
WHEREAS, with the approval of these policies effective October 1, 2008, the University will commence the 90-day enrollment period during which classified staff and administrative and professional faculty may elect to participate in and be governed by the human resources system established for University staff; and the new human resource system for University staff will be implemented on January 1, 2009;
RESOLVED, the proposed human resources policies for University staff, as described below, is adopted by the Board of Visitors to be implemented January 1, 2009.
Proposed policies:
The University will adopt an employee career development policy that provides for career development opportunities and the support necessary for them, subject to available funding and applicable policies. The career development policy shall include career paths to provide for planned progression, job enrichment opportunities, and ongoing education and training. These policies shall be tightly linked with those policies for performance planning and evaluation, and compensation.
The University will adopt a new compensation policy for university staff based on market-relevant salary ranges, replacing the current salary and job classification structure. The compensation policy will allow for differentiation in pay increases based on individual performance and employee development and will be administered in accordance with the Compensation Plan for University Staff to be approved by the Board of Visitors.
The University will adopt performance management policy to help managers and employees establish performance goals that are strategically aligned, as well as career development goals. The policy will provide the opportunity for interim reviews to track
employee progress. The performance evaluation policy will include a new rating scale; evaluation of performance goals, employee competencies, and career goals; and opportunities for coaching and for multiple sources of feedback.
The University will adopt a leave program that provides employees accrued leave benefits and changes the current leave structure for University staff to allow for cash-out of annual leave in excess of the maximum carry-over amount, as well as an initial leave allocation for new employees and those transferring within the University. In addition, the University will continue to explore ways to simplify the current leave program.
The University will adopt benefit provisions for University staff that include the following. (1) The University will provide optional retirement plan benefits to eligible University staff. (2) The University will offer part-time salaried University staff a partial employer subsidy toward the cost of health insurance. (3) The University will adopt a supplemental benefit credit, targeted to lower salaried employees. Eligible employees would receive a fixed dollar credit to help offset the cost of benefit deductions.
Except for the changes outlined above, other benefit provisions, including health insurance, retirement, and associated life and disability insurance benefits are unchanged by this resolution.
The University will adopt the current terms and conditions of employment for University staff, including progressive discipline and due process as found in the current Standards of Conduct and Layoff & Severance policies, with the exception that layoff notification for University staff will be increased to sixty days. These terms and conditions will not be applicable to employees in senior administration and coaching positions, which will continue to be covered by contractual provisions. The University will also adopt enhanced provisions for dispute resolution, and for flexible working arrangements including telecommuting and alternate work schedules.
In accordance with the Management Agreement entered into by the University and the Commonwealth pursuant to the Act, future material changes to policies for compensation, benefits or severance will be subject to approval by the Board of Visitors; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the University is committed to providing effective, accessible, and ongoing training for managers and employees on the new human resources system to support successful implementation of these policies; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, any material changes resulting from input provided during the open comment period will be subject to the approval of the Board of Visitors or its Executive Committee; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the authority to approve policies for University staff consistent with the statements above, and to engage in further delegation of authority for their oversight and implementation, be delegated to the President, acting through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Committee of the Whole: Plan for a Focused Ultrasound Program
Mr. Sandridge and Dr. Garson gave a presentation on the development of a focused ultrasound program, for which the Commonwealth has designated $4million from the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund. In addition to these funds, another $4million will come from an external foundation, the Focused Ultrasound Foundation, and $680,000 will come from this Foundation, the School of Medicine, and the Medical Center.
On motion, the Board adopted the following resolution approving the proposed plan for the development of a focused ultrasound program:
(Ms. Key recused herself from voting on this resolution.)
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the capital and operating plan for the development of a Focused Ultrasound Program at the University of Virginia as outlined in Attachment D; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board of Visitors deems the financial plan for the Construction of the Focused Ultrasound Facility to be reasonable and complete, and approves it; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Construction of the Focused Ultrasound Facility, at an estimated cost of $1.3 million, is approved as an addition to the University’s Major Capital Projects Program; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, for each of the next three years, the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer shall provide a written annual report to the Board of Visitors describing progress in developing this program.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The meeting was recessed at 12:05 p.m., and the Board adjourned to the Lower West Oval Room of the Rotunda for a lunch in honor of staff members of the University and The University of Virginia’s College at Wise who received this year’s Outstanding Service Awards.
The Board resumed Committee meetings after lunch.
Executive Session
After adopting the following motions, the Board went into Executive Session at 1:45 p.m., in the Board Room of the Rotunda, the Rector presiding:
That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia convene in Closed Session for the purpose of discussing and/or approving personnel actions involving the appointment, reappointment, nomination, evaluation, performance, compensation, and resignation of specific University officers and employees, as provided for in Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia.
That the Board of Visitors go into Closed Session to consult with General Counsel regarding his privileged legal report to the Board on pending litigation affecting the University; also to discuss the privileged opinion of legal counsel concerning the legality of policies governing the University-Related foundations and the existing and proposed agreements with related foundations coordinating gift development and University services, as permitted by Section 2.2-3711 (A) (7) and (8) and (29) of the Code of Virginia.
- - - - - - - - -
The Board resumed its meeting in Open Session at 2:25 p.m., and adopted the following resolution certifying that its discussions in Executive Session had been conducted in accord with the exemptions permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:
That we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each Board member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and which were identified in the motion(s) authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed or considered in closed session.
- - - - - - - -
The Board then recessed as the full Board and resumed Committee meetings.
- - - - - - - - - -
Final Session
The Board resumed its meeting as the full Board, in Open Session, at 3:15 p.m., in the Board Room of the Rotunda, the Rector presiding, and adopted the following resolutions:
(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on June 13,
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors deems proper and approves the conveyance to public bodies and public service corporations, and others, as applicable, of temporary and permanent easements for utilities (including, without limitation, storm water management easements) on property owned or leased by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, in connection with the development and redevelopment of certain properties: the Long Term Acute Care Hospital, Moser Radiation Therapy Center, Northridge Medical Office Building and the Sieg warehouse (collectively, the “Ivy Road Facilities”); and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board of Visitors deems proper and approves the establishment of reciprocal parking arrangements necessary and appropriate to facilitate the orderly development and redevelopment of the Ivy Road Facilities; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to negotiate, approve and execute agreements and to take such other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to consummate such transactions.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves reconsolidating the principal of the Eminent Scholar Income Stabilization Endowment with the principal of the Robert C. Taylor Fund.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the acceptance from the City of Charlottesville, at no cost, of 682 square feet of real estate as described in an ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville on April 21, 2008, for the construction of the Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is authorized, on behalf of the University, to negotiate, approve, and execute agreements and to take such other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to consummate such transaction.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
WHEREAS, Chapter 9, Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, establishes a public corporation under the name and style of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia which is governed by a Board of Visitors; and
WHEREAS, Title 23 of the Virginia Code classifies the University as an educational institution; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Board previously adopted a resolution on March 5, 2003, to provide for the issuance of the University's General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 2003A, to finance or refinance capital and other projects of the University; and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to authorize certain revisions to the 2003A Resolution as set forth in the Supplemental Resolution appended as Attachment A to facilitate the University's use of liquidity arrangements and make certain other technical revisions thereto; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 4.10, Title 23 of the Virginia Code, the University has entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia which was enacted as Chapter 3 of Chapter 933 of the 2006 Virginia Acts of Assembly; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee previously adopted resolutions on November 11, 1998, March 5, 2003, and June 28, 2005, to provide for the issuance of the University's General Revenue Bonds, Series 1999A, 2003A, 2003B and 2005 to finance or refinance capital and other projects of the University; and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the provisions of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions as set forth in the Supplemental Resolution appended as Attachment B, in order to, among other things, remove the required consents of and oversight by the State Treasurer, the Treasury Board and the Governor, which will be consistent with modifications in the University's debt issuance procedures effected by the Act and the Management Agreement;
RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the Supplemental Resolutions appended as Attachments A and B with such amendments, modifications or omissions as may be approved by the University's Chief Operating Officer pursuant thereto; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, all officers of the University are authorized and directed to take all such further actions, including without limitation the execution of liquidity arrangements, obtaining consents if and as needed from bondholders, the Treasury Board, State Treasurer and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and giving notices if and as required to bondholders and others, and to execute all such instruments, agreements, documents and certificates as they shall deem necessary or desirable to carry out the terms presented to this meeting.
(approved by the Audit and Compliance Committee on June 12,
RESOLVED, the Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.
(approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on June 13,
WHEREAS, the University proposes that the Scott Stadium Score/Video Board Replacement, budgeted at $2.4 million, be added to the University’s Major Capital Projects Program;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the addition of this project to the University’s Major Capital Projects Program.
(approved by the External Affairs Committee on June 12, 2008)
RESOLVED, the Board approves the establishment of a new business enterprise in the McIntire School of Commerce Foundation, to develop and market the use of a Foundation-developed survey software tool. This approval is for a fixed term of twenty-four months from June 13, 2008, the date of adoption of this resolution by the Board of Visitors.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors wishes to fund institutional priorities, including the recommendations of the Commission of the Future of the University, from several sources; and
WHEREAS, unusually high investment returns in recent years and a prudent spending policy have resulted in an accumulation of excess appreciation; and
WHEREAS, a modest increase in the endowment distribution for spending can be achieved without affecting the sustainability of future payouts; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Visitors that increases in the spending distribution be used, where possible, to repatriate institutional subsidies from unrestricted sources to release funds for institutional priorities; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Visitors that the University’s gift agreement be reviewed and amended as appropriate to facilitate the solicitation and acceptance of unrestricted funds;
RESOLVED, the endowment spending policy, effective
July 1, 2008, shall be as follows:
The spending policy calls for a percentage increase in the annual distribution from the endowment, unless such increase causes the distribution to fall outside a range defined as 4.0 percent on the low end and 6.0 percent on the high end of the market value of the Pooled Endowment Fund. If the distribution falls outside of this range, the Finance Committee may recommend either raising or lowering the rate of increase. The first distribution under the new parameters would be made in January 2009; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the University will reset the fiscal year 2008-2009 spending rate to 5.0 percent of the June 30, 2008, market value; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the University shall implement an administrative fee on the endowment, effective July 1, 2008, of 0.5 percent of endowment market value, or 50 basis points (bps). Of that fee, 25 bps will be applied to a central pool for University priorities and 25 bps will be distributed to units for departmental support of endowments.
by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the 2008-2009 Operating Budget and Annual Renovation
and Infrastructure Plan for the Academic Division is approved, as
recommended by the President and the Chief Financial Officer.
by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the 2008-2009 Operating Budget for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is approved, as recommended by the President and the Chief Financial Officer.
by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budget and the Annual Renovation and Infrastructure Plan for the University of Virginia Medical Center is approved, as recommended by the President, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Medical Center Operating Board; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Medical Center with the concurrence of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer may substitute a new project costing between $1 million and $5 million for a project included in the approved Annual Renovation and Infrastructure Plan in order to respond in a timely manner to new health care requirements, provided the total capital budget as approved by the Board is not exceeded and that a report is provided at each Board meeting listing the changes made to the original project list.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the budget for the expenditure of funds from the Estate of John Lee Pratt be approved to supplement appropriations made by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the School of Medicine and the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences. Departmental allocations, not to exceed $9,335,000 for 2008-2009, are suggested by the department chairs and recommended by the dean of each school. To the extent the annual income from the endowment is not adequate to meet the recommended distribution, the principal of the endowment will be disinvested to provide funds for the approved budgets.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
RESOLVED, the 2008-2009 Operating Budget for the Academic Division includes a central reserve of $8 million, comprised of state and private funding, to be allocated, along with school and departmental resources, to support the highest priorities emanating from the Commission on the Future of the University; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, in October 2008, the Executive Vice President and Provost will present a detailed plan for how the central reserves will be allocated to achieve the goals as set forth by the Commission on the Future of the University, for review and consideration by the Board of Visitors.
(approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 2008)
WHEREAS, the University proposes to add a project to replace the Scott Stadium Video/Score Board to the University’s Major Capital Projects Program; and
WHEREAS, the University is proceeding with plans to commence construction of a $76.3 million, 100,000 gross square foot Information Technology Engineering Building and a $89.3 million, 100,000 gross square foot Arts & Sciences Research Building;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors deems the financial plans for these capital outlay projects to be reasonable and complete and approves them.
(approved by the Medical Center Operating Board on June 12,
WHEREAS, the Medical Center Operating Board has reviewed the Fiscal Year 2009 Medical Center operating and capital budgets;
RESOLVED, the Medical Center Operating Board approves and recommends to the Finance Committee and to the Board of Visitors approval of the Fiscal Year 2009 Medical Center operating and capital budgets.
(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s
College at Wise)
WHEREAS, House Bill 1005 was passed during the 2008 General Assembly Session to provide notice to the parents of a dependent student receiving mental health treatment at a state college or university student health or counseling center if the student is found by the center to be in a state of psychological emergency; and
WHEREAS, the bill specifically requires a parent of a dependent student to be notified when there exists a substantial likelihood that, as a result of mental illness the student will, in the near future, (i) cause serious physical harm to himself or others as evidenced by recent behavior or any other relevant information or (ii) suffer serious harm due to his lack of capacity to protect himself from harm or to provide for his basic human needs; and
WHEREAS, the bill allows such notification to be withheld if the student’s treating physician or treating clinical psychologist has made a part of the student’s record a written statement that, in the exercise of his professional judgment, the notification would be reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the student or another person; and
WHEREAS, the bill requires that the governing boards of each institution shall establish the policies and procedures necessary to comply with the legislation;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the relevant policy of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise to comply with the legislation beginning July 1, 2008, specifically:
1. The College’s Center for Student Development shall notify the Dean of Students or his/her designee whenever the Department treats a student who meets the criteria for parental notification under this legislation; and
2. The Dean of Students or his/her designee shall contact the parent of any such dependent student and document that the notification has been made.
(approved by the Committee on The University of Virginia’s
College at Wise)
RESOLVED, The Honorable Ford C. Quillen, Mr. Don M. Green, and Ms. Marcia Adams Gilliam are re-appointed to The University of Virginia's College at Wise Board, for four-year terms ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the terms of the Board’s bylaws.
WHEREAS, The Honorable William C. Battle was born in Charlottesville in 1920, the son of a lawyer who later was Governor of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Battle took his B.A. from the University in 1941 and matriculated in the Law School in the fall of that year; and
WHEREAS, with the coming of the Second World War, Mr. Battle left the University in 1942 to join the Navy, where he became a Boat Captain in a PT squadron and was decorated for his service in the South Pacific; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Battle returned to the Law School after the War and took his LL.B. in 1947 and after several years as a lawyer with a gas company in West Virginia, returned to Charlottesville in 1950 to enter the family law firm; and
WHEREAS, President Kennedy appointed Mr. Battle Ambassador to Australia in 1961; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle ran for Governor of Virginia in 1969; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle became President and CEO of Fieldcrest Mills in 1970, a position he held until his retirement in 1983; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle, who had a life-long passion for golf, having earned, as an undergraduate, one of the first varsity letters given in the sport at the University, served as President of the United States Golf Association in 1988-89 and a member of its Executive Committee for ten years before that; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle was appointed to the Board of Visitors by Governor Godwin in 1976 and served until 1980; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle was a member of the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia for ten years, and Chairman of the W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center, which became the Ivy Foundation, an organization dedicated to the support of medical research, and subsequently, under Ambassador Battle’s leadership, a major donor to the Medical School of the University of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, Ambassador Battle died in Charlottesville on May 31, 2008;
the Board of Visitors pays tribute to the life and service to the
Board and to the University of Virginia of the Honorable William C.
Battle, notes with profound sorrow his passing, and expresses its
deepest sympathy to Mrs. Battle and to their children.
WHEREAS, Thomas Keister Greer’s roots in Franklin County went back to colonial times; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer matriculated in the University in 1938 and left in 1942 to enter on active duty in the United States Marine Corps, in which he served with great distinction in the Pacific Theater; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer resumed his studies at the University after the War, in November, 1945; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer took both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Law in 1948 and began his long and distinguished practice of the law, first in Rocky Mount, the seat of Franklin County, and then in Los Angeles and finally in both places, becoming, as he put it, a “bi-coastal lawyer;” and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer’s legal career included complicated cases of great importance; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer was not simply a civic leader in Franklin County, but what might truly be called a presence; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer was appointed to the Board of Visitors in 1995 and served with distinction until 2003; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer, after his retirement from the Board and from the active practice of the law published two historical works and had nearly completed a memoir at the time of his death; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer, after the death of his first wife, married Elizabeth Taylor, who survives him; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Greer died on May 23, 2008;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors notes with great sorrow the passing of Thomas Keister Greer, remembers his faithful and distinguished service to the Board and to the University, and expresses its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Greer and to his family.
WHEREAS, Section 4.5 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia provides that the General Counsel, upon appointment by the Attorney General of the Commonwealth, shall be the chief legal officer for the University and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board or by the President of the University; and
WHEREAS, the Attorney General has approved the addition of the designation “Corporate Secretary” to the General Counsel’s job title, with an adjustment in salary not to exceed 20 percent; and
WHEREAS, this adjustment in salary is subject to approval by the Board by at least a 75 percent majority vote, and must be supported by a joint recommendation of the President and the Rector; and
WHEREAS, the duties of the Corporate Secretary are to include oversight of the legal compliance of the University’s Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, as well as such other duties as may be assigned by the University that are not incompatible with, or diminishing the primary responsibility of, the General Counsel;
RESOLVED, on the joint recommendation of the President and the Rector, General Counsel Paul J. Forch is appointed Secretary to the Corporation, to perform such duties on behalf of the University as shall be assigned by the Board or the President. These shall be customary to corporate secretary functions as they are compatible with the responsibilities of the General Counsel; they shall include drafting and/or approving public motions for the convening of executive sessions of corporate governance, assisting the Rector and the President, as requested, in the planning and review of Board meeting agendas in keeping with University policies and applicable laws, and providing appropriate oversight of legal compliance with respect to the University’s Management Agreement with the Commonwealth; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, Mr. Forch’s salary is approved at an annual rate of $222,800, subject to such annual adjustments as may be provided by the University and authorized by the Attorney General of the Commonwealth; this rate is supported by a joint recommendation of the President and the Rector.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At the Rector’s direction, the Secretary took a vote by roll call on this resolution. All voting Members present – Mr. Fralin, Mr. Wynne, Mr. Abramson, Mr. Caputo, Ms. Dorsey, Mr. Farrell, Mr. Fitz-Hugh, Mr. Ligon, Mr. Mastracco, Mr. Payne, Mr. Pippin, Mr. Thompson, and Dr. Vaughan – voted in favor; thus the resolution received the approval of a majority of the Board.
The Rector reported on the following action taken by the Executive Committee on April 30, 2008:
RESOLVED that the following persons are elected to
the faculty:
Mr. Daniel B. Berch as Professor of Education, effective March 17, 2008, at an annual salary of $145,000.
Dr. Thomas G. Cropley as Professor of Dermatology, for five years, effective April 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $100,000.
Mr. Daniel R. Foltz as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, for three years, effective March 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $89,000.
Ms. Jennifer R. Greeson as Assistant Professor of English, for four years, effective June 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $96,000.
Mr. Kevin A. Janes as Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, for the period July 25, 2008 through May 24, 2010, at an annual salary of $105,000.
Dr. Kenneth V. Leone as Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective March 31, 2008, at an annual salary of $100,000.
Mr. Bruce Libby as Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, effective April 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $165,000.
Mr. Walter C. Olson as Assistant Professor of Surgery, for one year, effective April 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $67,500.
Ms. Geeta H. Patel as Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures and Studies in Women and Gender, effective August 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $98,300.
Mr. Simone Polillo as Assistant Professor of Sociology, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $60,000.
Ms. Jennifer O. Roper as Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for the period of April 1, 2008, through June 30, 2011, at an annual salary of $69,000.
Ms. Rubina W. Saeed as Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, for the period of February 1, 2008, through November 30, 2009, at an annual salary of $62,300.
Mr. Ira G. Schulman as Associate Professor of Pharmacology, for three years, effective April 8, 2008, at an annual salary of $100,000.
Ms. Kathleen M. Weston as Professor of Anthropology and Studies in Women and Gender, effective August 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $103,000.
Ms. Krishni Wijesooriya as Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, effective February 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $145,000.
RESOLVED that the election of Dr. Mark Yeager as Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics and Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2007, at an annual salary of $273,000, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors dated October 25, 2007, be corrected to read as follows:
Dr. Mark Yeager as Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term, and Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2007, at an annual salary of $273,000.
RESOLVED that the actions relating to the Chairholders are approved as shown below:
(a) Election of Chairholder(s)
Ms. Dorrie K. Fontaine as Sadie Heath Cabaniss Professor of Nursing, effective August 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $278,000.
Mr. James N. Galloway as Sidman P. Poole Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2008. Mr. Galloway will continue as Professor of Environmental Sciences, without term.
Dr. Madaline B. Harrison as Jean and Ronald Butcher, M.D., Eminent Scholars Professor of Neurology, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Harrison will continue as Professor of Neurology, without term.
Mr. Alan F. Horwitz as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Cell Biology, effective May 25, 2008. Mr. Horwitz will continue as Professor of Cell Biology and Professor of Research in Microbiology, without term.
Dr. Eric R. Houpt as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of Medicine, for six years, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Houpt will continue as Associate Professor of Medicine, without term.
Dr. Karen C. Johnston as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Neurology, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Johnston will continue as Professor of Neurology, without term, and Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years.
Dr. David R. Jones as George R. Minor Professor of General Thoracic Surgery, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Jones will continue as Professor of Surgery, without term.
Mr. Paul G. Mahoney as Arnold H. Leon Professor of Law, effective July 1, 2008, for five years, at an annual salary of $450,000. Mr. Mahoney will continue as David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law and Professor of Law, without term.
Mr. Gary K. Owens as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, effective May 25, 2008. Mr. Owens will continue as Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term.
Ms. Sarah J. Parsons as Wilhelm Professor of Diseases of the Breast, effective May 25, 2008. Ms. Parsons will continue as Professor of Microbiology, without term.
Dr. Christopher I. Shaffrey as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Neurological Surgery, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Shaffrey will continue as Professor of Neurosurgery, without term.
Dr. Mark E. Shaffrey as David D. Weaver Professor of Neurosurgery, effective May 25, 2008. Dr. Shaffrey will continue as Professor of Neurosurgery, without term.
Ms. Sarah E. Turner as University of Professor of Economics and Education, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Meredith J. Woo as Buckner W. Clay Professor and Professor of Politics, effective June 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $320,000.
Dr. Mark Yeager as Andrew P. Somlyo Distinguished Professor of Molecular Physiology, effective January 25, 2008. Dr. Yeager will continue as Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term, and Professor of Medicine, for three years.
(b) Change of Title of Chairholder(s)
Mr. Barry M. Gumbiner, from Harvey E. Jordan Professor of Anatomy to Harrison Distinguished Professor of Cell Biology, effective May 25, 2008.
Ms. Jeanne M. Liedtka, from Johnson and Higgins Associate Professor of Business Administration to Johnson and Higgins Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2008.
(c) Special Salary Action of Chairholder(s)
Mr. James N. Galloway, Sidman P. Poole Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $115,200.
Dr. Jerry L. Nadler, Kenneth R. Crispell Professor of Internal Medicine, effective March 10, 2008, at an annual salary of $244,500.
(d) Retirement of Chairholder
Mr. Sidney M. Hecht, John W. Mallet Professor of Chemistry, effective August 2, 2008. Mr. Hecht has been a member of the faculty since June 1, 1979.
RESOLVED that Mr. Thomas C. Skalak is elected Vice President and Chief Research Officer, for five years, effective August 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $275,000.
RESOLVED that the following persons are promoted:
Dr. Reid B. Adams from Associate Professor of Surgery to Professor of Surgery, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Kristen A. Atkins from Assistant Professor of Pathology to Associate Professor of Pathology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Seki A. Balogun from Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, and Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Ellen J. Bass from Assistant Professor of Systems and Information Engineering to Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Carl L. Berg from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Stuart S. Berr from Associate Professor of Research in Radiology and Associate Professor of Research in Biomedical Engineering to Professor of Research in Radiology, for three years, and Professor of Research in Biomedical Engineering, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Stephen J. Bickston from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Sabina A. Braithwaite from Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine to Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Maite Brandt-Pearce from Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Catherine M. Brighton from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Michael G. Brown from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, and Associate Professor of Microbiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Microbiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Ted M. Burns from Associate Professor of Neurology, with term, to Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Stephen H. Caldwell from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Jonathan Z. Cannon from Professor, General Faculty, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Albert H. Choi from Associate Professor of Law to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Steven M. Cohn from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. David G. Coleman from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Noreen Crain from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, with term, and Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, and Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Sheila E. Crowe from Associate Professor of Medicine to Professor of Medicine, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Sue E. Delos from Assistant Professor of Research in Cell Biology to Associate Professor of Research in Cell Biology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Chad S. Dodson from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. William J. Elias from Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery and Assistant Professor of Neurology to Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, for three years, and Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Gregory B. Fairchild from Assistant Professor of Business Administration to Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Kathleen Fuchs from Assistant Professor of Neurology to Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Chris A. Ghaemmaghami from Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, with term, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, with term, to Professor of Emergency Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Howard P. Goodkin from Assistant Professor of Neurology and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Bonnie S. Gordon from Assistant Professor of Music to Associate Professor of Music, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. James F. Groves from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for two years, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Mool C. Gupta from Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with term, to Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, without term, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Young Shin Hahn from Associate Professor of Microbiology and Associate Professor of Pathology to Professor of Microbiology, without term, and Professor of Pathology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Martha A. Hellems from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Brian P. Helmke from Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering to Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Feifang Hu from Associate Professor of Statistics to Professor of Statistics, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Marty A. Humphrey from Assistant Professor of Computer Science to Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Isa M. Hussaini from Associate Professor of Pathology, with term, and Associate Professor of Neuroscience, with term, to Associate Professor of Pathology, without term, and Associate Professor of Neuroscience, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Kambiz Kalantarinia from Assistant Professor of Medicine to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Richard W. Kent from Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Paul J. Kershaw from Assistant Professor of History to Associate Professor of History, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Shiv R. Khandelwal from Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology to Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Keith G. Kozminski from Assistant Professor of Biology to Associate Professor of Biology, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Christopher B. Krentz from Assistant Professor of English and American Sign Language to Associate Professor of English and American Sign Language, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Laura W. Lee from Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Arthur W. Lichtenberger from Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Research Professor of Electrical Engineering, for three years, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Jeanne M. Liedtka, from Associate Professor of Business Administration to Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. David S. Lim from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Assistant Professor of Medicine to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, and Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Ulrike M. Lorenz from Associate Professor of Microbiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Microbiology, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Jason A. Lyman from Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences to Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Ekaterina V. Makarova from Assistant Professor of Sociology, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Sociology, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Karen J. McGlathery from Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences to Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Guian A. McKee from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Craig H. Meyer from Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, to Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Dilaawar Mistry from Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Assistant Professor of Medicine to Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, for three years, and Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Khalid S. Mohammad from Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine to Associate Professor of Research in Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Brian A. Nosek from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. M. Norman Oliver from Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, with term, to Associate Professor of Family Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for two years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Brian P. Owensby from Associate Professor of History to Professor of History, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Benjamin Peeler from Assistant Professor of Surgery and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. David L. Phillips from Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning to Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Theresa T. Pizarro from Associate Professor of Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Susan M. Pollart from Associate Professor of Family Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Family Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. John E. Portmann from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. Prabhakara P. Reddi from Assistant Professor of Pathology to Associate Professor of Pathology, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Fraydoon Rastinejad from Associate Professor of Pharmacology, without term, and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, with term, to
Professor of Pharmacology, without term, and Professor of
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Lisa K. Rollins from Assistant Professor of Research in Family Medicine to Associate Professor of Research in Family Medicine, for two years, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Mitchell H. Rosner from Assistant Professor of Medicine to Associate Professor of Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Patrik V. Sandas from Assistant Professor of Commerce to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Barbara S. Selby from Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, to Associate Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Marc J. Selverstone from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2008.
[t] Dr. Francis H. Shen from Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Weibin Shi from Associate Professor of Radiology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Jeffrey S. Smith from Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, with term, to Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Mircea R. Stan from Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective August 25, 2008.
Ms. Bethany A. Teachman from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Slobodan M. Todorovic from Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, without term, and Associate Professor of Neuroscience, with term, to Professor of Anesthesiology, without term, and Professor of Neuroscience, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Sarah E. Turner from Associate Professor of Education and Associate Professor of Economics to Professor of Education and Professor of Economics, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. William B. Wilcox from Assistant Professor of Sociology to Associate Professor of Sociology, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Robert P. Wilder from Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, with term, to Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, without term, effective July 1, 2008.
Mr. Cedric L. Williams from Associate Professor of Psychology to Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2008.
Mr. William M. Wilson from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2008.
Dr. Bradford B. Worrall from Assistant Professor of Neurology and Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences to Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2008.
RESOLVED that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:
Mr. George P. Amorino, Assistant Professor of Research in Radiation Oncology, effective January 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $82,500.
Mr. Matthew D. Balis, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective April 30, 2008, at an annual salary of $120,000.
Mr. Douglas A. Bayliss, Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of Anesthesiology, effective February 20, 2008, at an annual salary of $247,000.
Mr. Marc D. Breton, Assistant Professor of Research in Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, effective March 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $85,400.
Mr. Joseph M. Cardella, Lecturer in Urology, effective January 2, 2008, at an annual salary of $157,500.
Mr. George H. Gilliam, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $105,400.
Mr. Charles M. Grisham, Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $105,000.
Mr. Allen W. Groves, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective June 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $130,000.
Ms. Cynthia H. Hoehler-Fatton, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective January 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $70,000.
Ms. Allison P. Holt, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 2, 2008, at an annual salary of $97,500.
Mr. William C. Johnson, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective February 15, 2008, at an academic year salary of $123,800.
Ms. Cheryl H. Jones, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $55,800.
Ms. Michelle E. King, Research Assistant Professor of Biology, effective March 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $67,400.
Mr. Kevin M. King, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $95,000.
Mr. David A. Leitao, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective April 18, 2008, at an annual salary of $249,000.
Ms. Nola Miller, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 10, 2008, at an annual salary of $70,000.
Mr. Ed Nordenschild, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 22, 2008, at an annual salary of $99,800.
Dr. Leslie A. Olsakovsky, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, effective April 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $175,000.
Ms. Justine E. Owens, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective March 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $75,000.
Ms. Lisa M. Pastore, Assistant Professor of Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective November 25, 2007, at an annual salary of $87,300.
Mr. Eric M. Patashnik, Associate Professor of Politics, effective April 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $130,400.
Mr. Abraham S. Pritzker, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 8, 2008, at an annual salary of $48,000.
Mr. Mark H. Saunders, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $120,000.
Mr. Herman M. Schwartz, Professor of Politics, effective November 25, 2008, at an academic year salary of $125,000.
Mr. Stephen J. Swanson, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 25, 2008, at an annual salary of $120,000.
Ms. Tara Telfair, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective April 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $85,000.
Ms. Sarah E. Turner, University Professor of Economics and Education, effective July 1, 2008, at an annual salary of $206,700.
Ms. Catherine K. Whittier, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 10, 2008, at an annual salary of $100,000.
The following resignations were announced:
Ms. Sherry D. Ceperich, Assistant Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine, effective May 9, 2008, to accept another position.
Dr. Jamison W. Chang, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective May 2, 2008, for personal reasons.
Dr. Carmella Evans-Molina, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective May 9, 2008, to accept another position.
Ms. Susan E. Kennel, Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, effective May 24, 2008, for personal reasons.
Mr. Glenn P. Kessler, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective May 31, 2008, for personal reasons.
Dr. Steven M. Koenig, Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, effective February 29, 2008, for personal reasons.
Ms. Amy R. Lankford, Assistant Professor of Research in Pediatrics, effective April 18, 2008, for personal reasons.
Mr. Bernhard F. Maier, Assistant Professor of Research in Medicine, effective March 31, 2008, for personal reasons.
[t] Dr. Raghavendra G. Mirmira, Associate Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, effective April 1, 2008, for personal reasons.
Dr. Hilary A. Sanfey, Professor of Surgery, effective June 3, 2008, for personal reasons.
The following retirement was announced:
Mr. Michael F. Plunkett, Associate Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective June 24, 2008. Mr. Plunkett has been a member of the faculty since February 1, 1971.
The following appointments were announced:
Ms. Dorrie K. Fontaine, as Dean, School of Nursing, for five years, effective August 1, 2008.
Mr. Allen W. Groves, as Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, for three years, effective June 1, 2008.
Mr. Sean K. Jenkins, as Assistant to the President, for one year, effective April 25, 2008.
Mr. Paul G. Mahoney, as Dean, School of Law, for five years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Meredith J. Woo, as Dean, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, for five years, effective June 1, 2008.
The following re-appointments were announced:
Mr. Stuart W. Connock as Executive Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations, for two months, effective April 16, 2008.
Mr. Theodore H. Genoways as Editor, Virginia Quarterly Review, for five years, effective July 1, 2008.
Ms. Karin Wittenborg as University Librarian, Alderman Library, for five years, effective June 25, 2008.
RESOLVED that the following person is elected Professor Emeritus:
[t] Mr. Sidney M. Hecht, John W. Mallet Professor of Chemistry, effective August 2, 2008.
RESOLVED that the following person is elected Associate Professor Emeritus:
Mr. Philander D. Chase, Associate Professor, effective March 24, 2008.
The following deaths were announced:
[t] Mr. William L. Duren, Jr., University Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, died April 4, 2008. Mr. Duren had been a member of the faculty since 1955, until his retirement in 1976.
[t] Mr. George P. Garrett, Jr., Henry Hoyns Professor of Creative Writing, died May 25, 2008. Mr. Garrett had been a member of the faculty from 1962 to 1967 and since 1984, until his retirement in 2000.
[t] Mr. Robert E. Stong, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, died April 10, 2008. Mr. Stong had been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1968.
Mr. Douglas P. Wagner, Professor of Health Evaluation Sciences, died March 23, 2008. Mr. Wagner had been a member of the faculty since November 1, 1995.
Mr. Walter D. Whitehead, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Physics, died May 27, 2008. Mr. Whitehead had been a member of the faculty since 1956, until his retirement in 1992.
Mr. Anthony D. Woozley, Commonwealth Professor and University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Law, died April 29, 2008. Mr. Woozley had been a member of the faculty since 1966, until his retirement in 1983.
The following re-appointment was announced:
Mr. Gilmer W. Blackburn as Provost and Senior Vice-Chancellor, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, effective July 1, 2008, for three years.
Thomas C. Skalak, Steven DeKosky, M.D., and Meredith Woo
At the Rector’s request, Dr. Garson, Executive Vice President and Provost, made a formal announcement of the election of Thomas C. Skalak as Vice President for Research and Ms. Meredith Woo as Dean of Arts and Sciences. He also noted the appointment of Steven DeKosky, M.D., as Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine. All three had addressed the Board during the meeting of the Educational Policy Committee on April 12th.
WHEREAS, The Board of Visitors in 2003 created five David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professorships in Law, the Professorships to be supported by an aggregate fund of $30million which was a bequest of David Harrison; and
WHEREAS, the endowment supporting the Harrison Professorships has grown to more than $50million; and
WHEREAS, there is a need for a sixth Professorship; and
WHEREAS, a sixth Harrison Professorship can be amply supported by this endowment, along with the five existing Professorships;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors establishes a sixth David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professorship in Law, to be held in the School of Law.
RESOLVED, the Compliance Project Schedule for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 as presented by the Compliance Officer for the Medical Center, and the Summary of Audit Findings for the period March 1, 2008, through April 30, 2008, as presented by the Chief Audit Executive, are approved as recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee.
RESOLVED, The Board of Visitors approves the Memorandum of Understanding recommended by the Board’s Special Committee on Foundations, with advice from outside counsel; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board directs the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and the Chair of the Special Committee on Foundations to complete the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding, as drafted and approved, by obtaining all necessary signatures from University-related foundations.
- - - - - - - - - -
The Board recessed at 3:30 p.m.
Professorships and Namings
With the Rector presiding, the Board resumed its meeting, in Open Session, as the full Board at 4:00 p.m., in the Dome Room of the Rotunda, and heard reports on the following namings, which did not require Board action:
Namings in the Claude Moore Nursing Education Building:
Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Foundation Lecture Hall
A gift of the Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Foundation.
Anne Young Sternheimer Atrium and Student Life Center
A gift of Mark A. Sternheimer (B.A. ’50) in memory of his wife, Anne Young Sternheimer (Nursing ’50, ’52).
Ruegger Lecture Hall
In honor of Rebecca Huffman Ruegger (Nursing ’73).
Roberts Classroom
In honor of James C. and Charlotte K. Roberts.
Minor Board Room
A gift of Gilmer (M.B.A. ’66) and Charlotte Minor.
Fisher Commons
A gift of Richard L.(B.S. ’76, M.S. ’77) and Dorothy D. Fisher, in honor of Bailey L. Fisher (Nursing ’09) and Dorothy L. Fisher (Commerce ’05), and in memory of Richard L. Fisher, Jr.
Boyce Faculty and Staff Lounge
A gift of Daniel J. and Shelley Bowles Boyce (Nursing ’83).
Perry Foundation Conference Room
A gift of the Perry Foundation in honor of its founder, Hunter Perry.
Gorrell Conference Room
A gift of J. Warren Gorrell, Jr. (J.D. ’79) and Catherine Rice Gorrell (Nursing ’79).
Goode Conference Room
A gift of William E. and Eleanor Maxey Goode (Nursing ’64).
Todd Student Commons Annex
A gift of James W. Todd (B.S. ’60, M.B.A. ’64) and Sharon Todd, in honor of Nurses.
Landin Porch and Gardens
A gift of David Craig Landin (B.A. ’68, J.D. ’72) and Susan Gregory Landin (Nursing ’69, ’75, ’78).
Jeanette Lancaster Dean’s Office
A gift of W. Keith Woodard (B.A. ’71, M.B.A. ’75) and Patricia Booth Woodard (Nursing ’69), in honor of Dean Jeanette Lancaster and her many contributions to the University of Virginia’s School of Nursing, 1989-2008).
Nursing Alumni Association Student Organization Room
A gift of the School of Nursing Alumni Association.
Executive Office
A gift of Nancy Toms Rizor (Nursing ’80).
Birdsong Conference Room
A gift of J. Spencer Birdsong and Harvard R. Birdsong in memory of their mother, Charlotte Spain Birdsong (Nursing ’38).
Walker Faculty Office
A gift of Matthew B. Walker (B.S.E. ’83) and Nancy B. Walker (Nursing ’83).
Estes Faculty Office
A gift of Mary Ellen Zator Estes (Nursing ’80, ’81, ’83).
Moss Vestibule
A gift of her family and friends in memory of Amelie Preddy Moss (Nursing ’37).
Board action is not required on these namings, but they are being
reported – and will be entered in the Minutes – as a matter of
The Paul Mellon Urological Cancer Institute
The Board heard a report, too, on the renaming of the Mellon Prostate Cancer Research Institute as the Paul Mellon Urological Cancer Institute, an action which reflects the broader interest of the researchers in the Institute in other urological cancers. The renaming was done with the permission of the executors of Paul Mellon’s estate, Mr. Mellon having made the bequest that established the Institute.
The Board adopted the following resolutions:
WHEREAS, Jeanette Lancaster joined the faculty of the School of Nursing as Dean in 1989, and thus is the longest dean in service at the University of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, Dean Lancaster also holds the Sadie Heath Cabaniss Professorship of Nursing in the School of Nursing; and
WHEREAS, the School of Nursing has flourished under Dean Lancaster’s leadership, attaining national prominence; and
WHEREAS, Dean Lancaster has made significant contributions to her profession and has been a firm and effective proponent of improved nursing care, not only in Virginia but in the rest of the nation; and
WHEREAS, Dean Lancaster will retire as Dean in the summer of 2008; and
WHEREAS, it has been proposed, with the Charlottesville City Council approving, that the stretch of 15th Street, SW, between Lane Road and Crispell Drive be renamed Jeanette Lancaster Way;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the renaming of 15th Street, SW, between Lane Road and Crispell Drive, as Jeanette Lancaster Way, commends Jeanette Lancaster as she retires as Dean for her dedication to her School and to her profession, and thanks her for her distinguished and devoted service to the University of Virginia.
WHEREAS, Robert L. Kellogg joined the English Department at the University in 1957 and remained a distinguished member of that department until his retirement from the University in 1999; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Kellogg served, variously, as Chair of the English Department, from 1974 to 1978, Dean of the College from 1978 to 1985, and as the first Principal of Brown College from 1985 to 1988; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Kellogg died on January 3, 2004;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors names the new dormitory, off McCormick Road and above the existing Alderman Road dormitories, Kellogg House. In so doing, the Board takes note of Mr. Kellogg’s dedication and devoted service to the University, his distinguished scholarship and teaching, and his encouragement and his kindness to his students and his colleagues.
NAMing of the thomas L. woltz bioretention garden at the school of architecture
WHEREAS, Warren Byrd, a member of the faculty of the School of Architecture and a Charlottesville landscape architect, has designed a bioretention garden to be located on the south side of Campbell Hall; and
WHEREAS, the bioretention garden is to be designed to collect, filter, recover and detoxify storm and run-off water in that area of Carr’s Hill; and
WHEREAS, the bioretention garden also will be of pedagogical value not only to students in the School of Architecture but to members of the greater Charlottesville and University communities; and
WHEREAS, John and Amy Griffin, alumni of the University and friends of Mr. Woltz, have made a generous gift for the design and installation of the bioretention garden, and in so doing have requested that it be named for Mr. Woltz;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors names the bioretention garden the Thomas L. Woltz Bioretention Garden, and thanks Mr. and Mrs. Griffin for their thoughtful gift which has made the garden possible.
WHEREAS, a new road, which will afford visitors a better view of the Arboretum collections, is under construction at the Blandy Experimental Farm and State Arboretum; and
WHEREAS, this road will connect Tulleyries Lane and Blandy Farm Lane; and
WHEREAS, the late James R. Wilkins, Sr., of Winchester was the superintendent of first Civilian Conservation Corps camp in the country, which was located in Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the James R. Wilkins Charitable Trust has provided most of the funds for the new road;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors names the new road Wilkins Lane in honor of the late James R. Wilkins, Sr., and thanks the James R. Wilkins Charitable Trust for the generous gift which has made the construction of the road possible. The Board is particularly grateful for the interest of Ms. Donna Wilkins Downing, a member of both the Wilkins Charitable Trust and the Board of the Foundation of the State Arboretum of Virginia.
WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors established the George A. Beller, M.D./Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Inc., Medical Imaging Distinguished Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine on June 11, 2005; and
WHEREAS, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Inc., Medical Imaging has been sold to Lantheus Medical Imaging who have agreed to fulfill the pledge made by Bristol-Meyers Squibb to complete the funding of the Professorship;
RESOLVED, the Board renames the George A. Beller, M.D./Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Inc., Medical Imaging Distinguished Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine the George A. Beller, M.D./Lantheus Medical Imaging Distinguished Professorship in Cardiovascular Medicine. The Professorship is to be held in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board thanks Lantheus Medical Imaging for their support and generosity.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
These minutes have been posted to the University of Virginia’s
Board of Visitors website. http://www.virginia.edu/bov/publicminutes.html
Meeting Date: June 13, 2008
The Board of Visitors, sitting in Open Session, unanimously adopted a resolution certifying that while meeting in Executive Session – as permitted by the relevant provisions of the Code of Virginia – only public business authorized by its motion and lawfully exempted from consideration were discussed in closed session.
Respectfully submitted,
The following resolutions were adopted in Board Committees and do not have to be approved by the full Board; they are enumerated below as a matter of record.
RESOLVED, Architectural Resources Group of San Francisco, in association with Frazier Associates of Staunton, is approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the Garrett Hall Renovation.
RESOLVED, Carter Burgess of Cary, N.C., is approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the Medium Temperature Hot Water Piping Upgrade.
RESOLVED that SmithGroup of Washington, D.C., is approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the University Hospital - Elevators.
RESOLVED, Whitlock Dalrymple Poston & Associates, Inc. of Manassas, is approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the Primary Care Center Exterior Repair.
RESOLVED, the concept and design guidelines, dated June 13, 2008, and prepared by the Architect for the University for the New Cabell Hall Renovation Project, are approved; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the project will be presented for further review at the schematic design level of development.
RESOLVED, the concept, site, and design guidelines, dated June 13, 2008, and prepared by the Architect for the University, for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Multipurpose Center are approved; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the project will be presented for further review at the schematic design level of development.
RESOLVED, the schematic design dated June 13, 2008, and prepared by Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects of Washington, D.C., for the Lee Street Entry to the Hospital and Connector Elements, is approved for further development and construction.
RESOLVED, Hypertect, Inc., of Roseville, Minnesota, is approved for the performance of architectural and engineering services for the construction of the ITC Data Center.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for appointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:
Belyea, Brian C. M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 28, 2008, through April 10, 2008; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Glover, Jason M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 23, 2008, through May 8, 2008; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Leone, Kenneth V., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 31, 2008, through March 30, 2009; Privileged in Neurology.
Miller, Joelle D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Visiting Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 15, 2008, through April 16, 2008; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Patel, Rachna D., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 17, 2008, through March 31, 2009; Privileged in Ophthalmology.
Sutherland, Sara F., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 17, 2008, through March 14, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Wallace, Kevin L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 25, 2008, through February 28, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Wehrli, Gay, M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: March 14, 2008, through January 1, 2009; Privileged in Pathology.
Yeager, Mark J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Appointment: April 24, 2008, through April 23, 2009; Privileged in Medicine.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for reappointment to the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center and the granting of specific privileges to the following practitioners are approved:
Adams, Reid B., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Ailawadi, Gorav, M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2008, through July 15, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Alfano, Alan P., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Allen, Claudia W., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2010; Privileged in Psychology.
Al-Osaimi, Abdullah, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Andersen, Willie A., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Anderson, Mark W., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Anderson, Stacey M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Anderson, Susan M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Aregawi, Dawit, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Surgery; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Neurology.
Argo, Curtis K., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Ayers, Carlos R., M.D, Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Baer, Alexander B., M.D., Physician in Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Barber, Jack W., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Bargmann, Evelyn, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Barnes, Barrett H., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 12, 2008, through July 11, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Barr, Michelle S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 25, 2008, through June 24, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Barrett, Eugene, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Bedford, Robert F., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Behm, Brian W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Bell, Kristin C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Beller, George A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Bennett, James P., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Berg, Carl L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Bertram, Edward H., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Bogdonoff, David L., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Bolton, Warren K., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Borish, Larry, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Boyd, James C., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Brant, William E., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2008, through July 24, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Brown, Robert S., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Bruns, David E., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Calland, James F., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 13, 2008, through July 12, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Canterbury, Randolph J., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Carey, Robert M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Carpenter, Martha A., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Carricaburu, Sarah L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Carter, B. Christian, M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Ophthalmology.
Caycedo, Francisco J., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 25, 2008, through June 24, 2010; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.
Chance, Joseph F., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Chirichetti, Scott D., D.O., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Chrisant, Maryanne R., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Clarke, William L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Clayton, Anita L.H., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Clines, Gregory A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Cohen, Bruce J., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Cominelli, Fabio, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Cook, Laura D., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Ophthalmology.
Corbett, Jr., Eugene C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Cordoro, Kelly M., M.D., Dermatologist in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Dermatology.
Cox, Daniel J., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychology.
Craddock, George B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Crowe, Shelia E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
DeAngelis, Gia A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
DeBoer, Mark D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2008, through July 1, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Deng, Chunli, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Densmore, John J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Diamond, Paul T., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Dillingham, Rebecca A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Donowitz, Gerald R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Dumont, Aaron S., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Dunsmore, Kimberly P., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Duong, Phuong-Anh T., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 18, 2008, through March 31, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Durbin, Charles G., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Elias, W. Jeffrey, M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Eskander, Nizar, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: June 19, 2008, through June 18, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Evans, William S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Felder, Robin A., Ph.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Fortenberry, Frazier T., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Urology.
Frierson, Henry F., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Friesen, Lindsay D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Fuchs, Kathleen L., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychology.
Gaskin, Christopher M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Gazewood, John D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Geilker, Joyce B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Ghazi, Nicola G., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Ophthalmology.
Gillenwater, Jay Y., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Urology.
Gimple, Lawrence W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of
Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Goodman, Matthew J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Green, Aval-Na’Ree S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Gross, Charles W., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 25, 2008, through July 24, 2009; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Guirguis, Adel B., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Urology.
Haley, E. Clarke, M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Hamill Ruth, Robin, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Hammill, William W., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Hanks, John B., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Harrison, James H., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Harvey, Jennifer A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Hashisaki, George T., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Haskins, Barbara G., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Haverstick, Doris M., Ph.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Hayden, Frederick G., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Heim, Steven W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Helm, Gregory, M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Hendley, Joseph O., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Henry, Thomas D., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Hess, Charles E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Hewlett, Erik L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Heymann, Peter W., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Hoard, Brian C., D.D.S., Dentist in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Dentistry.
Hoard, Martin A., M.D., Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Plastic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Plastic Surgery.
Holstege, Christopher P., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Howards, Stuart S., M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Urology.
Huff, John S., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2008, through June 15, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Innes, Donald J., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Jaeger, James, M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Jameson, Mark J., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Jane, John A., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 15, 2008, through July 14, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Jane, John A., Jr., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Jensen, Mary E., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Johns, Dearing W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Johnston, Karen C., M.D., Neurologist in Chief in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Jones, David R., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Kantor, Edward M., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Kassell, Neal F., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Kattwinkel, John., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Khot, Rachita, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Kozlow, Wende M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Medicine.
Kron, Irving L., M.D., Surgeon in Chief in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Kuhlmann, Thomas P., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Kumar, Shiv, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2008, through June 15, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Laurie, Susan M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
LeGallo, Robin D., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Levine, Paul A., M.D., Otolaryngologist in Chief in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Lewis, Janet E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Lipper, Maurice H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Liu, Zhenqi, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Lobo, Peter I., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Lockman, Andrew R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Login, Ivan S., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Mangrum, Amy J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Manning, Carol A., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychology.
Manning, Donald C., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Marsh, John O., M.D., Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Marshall, John C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Martof, Andrew B., D.D.S., Dentist in the Department of Dentistry; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Dentistry.
Mason, Pamela K., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Mathes, Donald D., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 30, 2008, through June 29, 2009; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Matsumoto, Alan H., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
McCarter, Daniel F., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
McCartney, Christopher R., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
McDaniel, George M., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 17, 2008, through July 16, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
McDaniel, Nancy L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
McIlhenny, Joan, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
McLaughlin, Robert E., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.
Merkel, Richard L., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Miller, Bradley B., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Pathology.
Miller, Susan A., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Mintz, Paul D., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Mistry, Dilaawar J., M.D., Physiatrist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Moore, Christopher C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Morton-Eggleston, Emma, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Medicine.
Mukherjee, Sugoto, M.B.B.S., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Nicholson, Brandi T., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Northup, Patrick G., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
O’Connor, Robert E., M.D., Physician in Chief in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Okusa, Mark D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Olazagasti, Juan M., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 16, 2008, through July 15, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Older, Robert A., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Osborn, Tiffany M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Packer, Roger J., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 20, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Padgett, Julia K., M.D., Dermatology in the Department of Dermatology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Dermatology.
Padia, Shetal H., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Medicine.
Pak, Anna S., M.D., Pediatrician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 11, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Park, Stephen S., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Parker, William D., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Patel, Manojkumar, M.B.B.S., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2008, through July 1, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Payne, Spencer C., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2008, through July 1, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Pearson, Richard D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Penberthy, Jennifer K., Ph.D., Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Psychology.
Peterson, Christine M., M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Peterson, Kristine M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Petri, William A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Philbrick, John T., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Phillips, C. Douglas, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Phillips, Lawrence H., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Platts Mills, Thomas A.E., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Preston, Mary B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Reed, Sean W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Reibel, James F., M.D., Otolaryngologist in the Department of Otolaryngology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Otolaryngology.
Rheuban, Karen S., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Richards, Charles P., M.D., Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology; Instructor Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Ophthalmology.
Rogol, Alan D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Rust, Robert S., M.D., Neurologist in the Department of Neurology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurology.
Saleh, Khaled J., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Orthopedics.
Sanderson, Jesse F., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Santen, Richard, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Sarti, Marc, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Saulsbury, Frank T., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Schenk, Worthington G., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Schirmer, Bruce D., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Schlager, Theresa A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Schorling, John B., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Schwenzer, Karen J., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Seaton, Scott M., M.D., Physician in Regional Primary Care; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Shaffrey, Christopher I., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Shaffrey, Mark E., M.D., Neurosurgeon in Chief in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Sheehan, Jason P., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Shilling, Ashley M., M.D., Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Anesthesiology.
Slawson, David C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Family Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Family Medicine.
Slingluff, Craig L., M.D., Surgeon in the Department of Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Surgery.
Staiger, Linda F., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Orthopedic Surgery.
Steiner, Ladislau E., M.D., Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Neurosurgery.
Stevenson, Richard D., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Stoler, Mark H., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Sudhir, Amita, M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Suratt, Paul M., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Sutphen, James L., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Syverud, Scott A., M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Sudhir, Amita, M.D., Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Emergency Medicine.
Templeton, Dennis J., M.D., Pathologist in Chief in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 20010; Privileged in Pathology.
Tessier, Jeffrey M, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Medicine.
Theudorescu, Dan, M.D., Urologist in the Department of Urology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Urology.
Thorner, Michael O., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Tillack, Thomas W., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Pathology.
Tucker, Jim B., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatric Medicine and Behavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Psychiatry.
Tung, Kenneth S.K., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Turner, James C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Turner, Ronald B., M.D., Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pediatrics.
Vance, Mary Lee, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Voss, John D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Wang, Andrew Y., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 2, 2008, through July 1, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Wick, Mark R., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Williamson, Brian R. J., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009; Privileged in Radiology.
Wispelwey, Brian, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Reappointment: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Medicine.
Dumont, Aaron S., M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Secondary Reappointment: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Radiology.
Hayden, Frederick G., M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Period of Secondary Reappointment: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged in Pathology.
Powers, Robert D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Period of Secondary Reappointment: July 15, 2008 through July 14, 2010; Privileged in Internal Medicine.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status changes in clinical privileges to the following practitioners are approved:
Baglio, Robert J., D.P.M.., Podiatrist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Date of Reappointment Changed to May 15, 2008 through May 14, 2009; Privileged in Podiatry.
Schustek, Samuel H., D.P.M.., Podiatrist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Date of Reappointment Changed to May 15, 2008 through May 14, 2009; Privileged in Podiatry.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of clinical privileges to the following practitioners are approved:
Chang, Jamison W., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: May 2, 2008.
Eby, Joshua C., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Consulting Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: February 28, 2008.
Evans-Molina, Carmella, M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: May 9, 2008.
Josephthal, Daniel H., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: September 1, 2007.
Kirby, Jennifer L., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: April 27, 2008.
Kizer, Lillian D., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: March 30, 2008.
Lewis, Jason J., M.D., Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: May 11, 2008.
Moore, Preska M., M.D., Psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: March 31, 2008.
Morgan, Farah H., M.D., Physician in the Department of Medicine; Instructor Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: April 13, 2008.
Policarpiro-Nicolas, Maria Luisa, M.D., Pathologist in the Department of Pathology; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: March 31, 2008.
Swee, Warren, M.D., Radiologist in the Department of Radiology; Attending Staff Status; Effective date of Resignation: April 25, 2008.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the granting of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:
Brow, Carl S., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: May 5, 2008, through May 4, 2009; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Frosch, Juliana, R.N., N.P., Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Period of Privileging: March 5, 2008 through January 1, 2009; Privileged as a Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Merlino, Kathleen, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: March 13, 2008, through March 12, 2009; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Meslar-Little, Deborah, R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Midwife in the Midlife Women’s Center at Northridge; Period of Privileging: March 31, 2008 through February 10, 2009; Privileged as a Nurse Practitioner.
Stevenson, Martina L., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Period of Privileging: March 19, 2008 through March 18, 2009. Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the renewal of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:
Bednar, Kimberly S., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Cardiac Cath Lab; Period of Privileging: April 20, 2008, through April 19, 2010; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Cash, Vicky L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Stoney Creek Family Practice; Period of Privileging: July 2, 2008, through July 1, 2009; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Cassidy, Suzanne H., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Pediatric Endocrinology; Period of Privileging: July 30, 2008, through July 29, 2009; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Charlebois, Donna L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Cardiac Cath Lab; Period of Privileging: April 21, 2008, through April 20, 2010; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
Cote, Danielle A., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: July 7, 2008 through July 6, 2010; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Davis, Robert B., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Neurology; Period of Privileging:
July 14, 2008, through July 13, 2010; Privileged as Family Nurse Practitioner.
Donovan, Kelly K., R.N., N.P., Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the NICU; Period of Privileging: June 24, 2008, through June 23, 2010; Privileged as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.
Enterline, Leslie C., P.A., Physician’s Assistant in the Hematology Oncology Clinic; Period of Privileging: June 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009; Privileged as a Physician’s Assistant.
Gray, Mikel L., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Urology Clinic; Period of Privileging: July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2010; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Horn, Heather L., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Pediatric Hematology Oncology Clinic; Period of Privileging: July 11, 2008, through July 10, 2009; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Lockman, Carol N., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner on 6 Central/6 West; Period of Privileging: July 23, 2008, through July 22, 2010; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
MacCleery, Gavin J., P.A., Physician’s Assistant in Neurosurgery; Period of Privileging: March 24, 2008 through March 23, 2010; Privileged as a Physician’s Assistant.
May, Jeremy M., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: June 19, 2008 through June 18, 2010; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
McHugh, Thomas A., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: June 18, 2008 through June 17, 2010; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Overstreet, Dana, R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in the Urology Clinic; Period of Privileging: July 20, 2008 through July 19, 2009. Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Peluso, Melissa R., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in TCV Surgery; Period of Privileging: July 23, 2008 through July 22, 2009. Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
Powers, Kathleen M., R.N., N.P., Emergency Nurse Practitioner in AMC Nephrology; Period of Privileging: June 16, 2008 through June 15, 2009; Privileged as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner.
Raible, Daniel C., P.A., Physician’s Assistant in TCV Surgery; Period of Privileging: July 28, 2008 through July 27, 2010; Privileged as a Physician’s Assistant.
Rudolph, Dorothy A., L.C.S.W., Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Department of Family Medicine; Period of Privileging: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Smith, Ronald E., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: July 5, 2008 through July 4, 2010; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Snyder, Audrey E., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Emergency Medicine; Period of Privileging: June 12, 2008 through June 11, 2010; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
Solava, Edward L., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Anesthetist in the Operating Room; Period of Privileging: July 5, 2008 through July 4, 2010; Privileged as a Certified Nurse Anesthetist.
Sorensen, Eric L., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Emergency Medicine; Period of Privileging: July 23, 2008 through July 22, 2010; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
Warren, Janet I., L.C.S.W., Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy; Period of Privileging: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010; Privileged as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the status change in privileges to the following Allied Health Professional are approved:
Chamberlain, Rebecca S., R.N., N.P., Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in TCV Surgery; Date of Privileges Changed to March 20, 2008 through March 19, 2010; Privileged as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Dougherty, Patricia L., R.N., N.P., Certified Nurse Midwife in the Midlife Women’s Center at Northridge; Date of Privileges Changed to March 1, 2008 - through January 27, 2010; Privileged as a Nurse Practitioner.
Dubroff, Christine M., R.N., N.P., Family Nurse Practitioner in Obstetrics and Gynecology; Date of Privileges Changed to January 22, 2008 through January 21, 2010; Privileged as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Finke, Karen B., P.A., Physician’s Assistant in Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology; Date of Privileges Changed to December 13, 2007 through December 12, 2009; Privileged as a Physician’s Assistant.
Wayner, Leah J., R.N., N.P., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Transplant; Date of Privileges Changed to November 26, 2007 through November 25, 2008; Privileged as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Clinical Staff Executive Committee for the resignation and expiration of privileges to the following Allied Health Professionals are approved:
Westley, Cindy, R.N., N.P., Adult Nurse Practitioner in Department of Medicine; Effective Date of Resignation: May 1, 2008.
Kent, Alden R., P.A., Physician’s Assistant in Pain Management; Effective Date of Resignation: March 11, 2008.
Section 1.1 Definitions 3
Section 1.2 Rules of Construction/Use of Words and Phrases 4
Section 2.1 Amendments 4
Section 2.2 Confirmation of Resolution 4
Section 3.1 Amendments to Supplemental Resolution; Approval, Execution and Delivery of Necessary and Appropriate Documents 5
A. By Chapter 9, Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, there is created a corporation under the name and style of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University"), which is governed by a Board of Visitors (the "Board"), which is vested with the supervision, management and control of the University;
B. Pursuant to Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the University is classified as an educational institution of the Commonwealth of Virginia;
C. Pursuant to the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 4.10, Title 23 at the Virginia Code (the "Act"), the University has entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia which was enacted as Chapter 3 of Chapter 933 of the 2006 Virginia Acts of Assembly (the "Management Agreement");
D. Pursuant to a resolution adopted March 5, 2003 (the "2003A Resolution"), the Executive Committee of the Board approved the terms of the University's General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 2003A (the "Series 2003A Bonds") which were issued on March 19, 2003, and bearing interest at a variable rate;
E. The Board desires to authorize certain revisions to the 2003A Resolution to facilitate the University's use of liquidity arrangements and make certain other technical revisions thereto; and
F. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.2 of the Series 2003A Resolution, the University expects to obtain the consent to such amendments by the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Series 2003A Bonds outstanding, as well as the approval of the Governor and the Treasury Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Definitions. Except as otherwise indicated herein and subject to subsection (b) below, all terms herein shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 of the 2003A Resolution.
Section 1.1 of the 2003A Resolution is amended by adding the terms defined in the recitals hereto and adding the following:
"Chief Operating Officer" means the University's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer or such other officer of the University having similar duties as may be selected by the Board.
Rules of Construction/Use of Words and Phrases. The rules of construction set forth in Section 1.2 of the 2003A Resolution shall apply to this Supplemental Resolution. All references herein to sections of the 2003A Resolution are to the 2003A Resolution as amended and supplemented by this Supplemental Resolution.
(i) The Remarketing Agent or the Broker-Dealer shall notify the Tender Agent and the University by Electronic Means not later than 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on the Purchase Date or Mandatory Purchase Date of the amount of tendered Series 2003A Bonds that were successfully remarketed and the registration instructions (i.e., the names, addresses and taxpayer identification numbers of the purchasers, the desired Authorized Denominations and, in the case of Series 2003A Bonds in Short-Term Mode, any account number for payment of principal and interest furnished by a purchaser to the Remarketing Agent) with respect thereto.
Section 3.11(c)(ii) of the 2003A Resolution shall be amended to read as follows:
(ii) Except in the case of a mandatory purchase of any Series 2003 Bond in an ARS Mode being converted to another Mode, the Tender Agent shall notify the Paying Agent, the University and any Liquidity Facility Issuer as soon as possible but no later than 11:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on the Purchase Date or Mandatory Purchase Date of the amount equal to the Purchase Price of all Series 2003A Bonds tendered or deemed tendered less the aggregate amount of remarketing proceeds to be transferred to the Tender Agent by the Remarketing Agent pursuant to clause (i) of this Section 3.11(c). By 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the Purchase Date or Mandatory Purchase Date, as the case may be, the University shall provide to the Tender Agent such amounts or, if a Liquidity Facility is in effect, by 12:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on such dates the Tender Agent shall draw on the Liquidity Facility in an amount equal to the difference between the Purchase Price of all Series 2003A Bonds tendered or deemed tendered and the aggregate amount of remarketing proceeds transferred to the Tender Agent by the Remarketing Agent pursuant to clause (i) of this Section 3.11(c), for deposit in the Purchase Account created in Section 3.16. If the Tender Agent does not receive notice from the Remarketing Agent pursuant to clause (b)(i) above, the Tender Agent shall notify the University to provide funds, or if a Liquidity Facility is in effect, shall draw on the Liquidity Facility, in an amount equal to the Purchase Price of all Series 2003A Bonds tendered or deemed tendered for purchase.
Section 3.17(g) of the 2003A Resolution is deleted in its entirety.
Confirmation of Resolution. As supplemented and amended, the 2003A Resolution is in all respects ratified and confirmed, and the 2003A Resolution, including each amendment, shall be read, taken and construed as one and the same instrument. All covenants, agreements and provisions of, and all security provided under the 2003A Resolution shall apply with full force and effect to the parties thereto.
Amendments to Supplemental Resolution; Approval, Execution and Delivery of Necessary and Appropriate Documents. Notwithstanding any provisions of the 2003A Resolution to the contrary, the University's Chief Operating Officer may authorize any revisions to this Supplemental Resolution and the 2003A Resolution which are not in conflict with the Board resolutions adopted on February 1, 2003 and June 13, 2008, or any future resolutions by the Board with respect to the Series 2003A Bonds, as shall be necessary to accurately reflect negotiations among the University, the Treasury Board, the Paying Agent, Moody's, S&P, Fitch and the Remarketing Agent, with respect to the Series 2003A Bonds and the financing of the Projects and to make other changes to the form, terms and provisions of the Series 2003A Bonds and 2003A Resolution. The University's Chief Operating Officer is also authorized to negotiate, execute and deliver, in necessary and appropriate form, any offering memoranda, memorandums or remarketing circulars relating to the offering and remarketing of the Series 2003A Bonds for sale or remarketing, and such other documents and instruments as he deems necessary or appropriate in connection with the Series 2003A Bonds, including without limitation any interest rate swaps or other hedge mechanisms and any dedicated lines of credit, standby bond purchase agreements or other liquidity arrangements, including any Liquidity Facility, so long as such documents and instruments do not conflict with the intent of the Board resolutions adopted on February 1, 2003 and June 13, 2008 and the University’s debt policy currently in effect.
The undersigned authorized representative of __________ certifies that it is the holder of $______ of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University") General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 2003A (the "Series 2003A Bonds"). The Series 2003A Bonds were issued pursuant to a resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University adopted on March 5, 2003 (the "2003A Resolution"). The University desires to amend certain provisions of the 2003A Resolution to facilitate the University's use of liquidity arrangements and make certain other technical revisions thereto, all as set forth in the University's Supplemental Resolution dated June 13, 2008 (the "Supplemental Resolution"). In accordance with Section 9.2 of the 2003A Resolution, the undersigned hereby consents to the Supplemental Resolution and all revisions, terms, provisions and covenants set forth therein. The undersigned further waives any of its rights to receive notice of the Supplemental Resolution pursuant to Section 9.2 of the 2003A Resolution.
Dated: June __, 2008
By: ____________________________________
Its: ____________________________________
SERIES 1999A, 2003A, 2003B and 2005)
SERIES 1999A, 2003A, 2003B and 2005
SERIES 1999A, 2003A, 2003B and
Section 1.1 Definitions 3
Section 1.2 Rules of Construction/Use of Words and Phrases 4
Section 2.1 Amendments 4
Section 2.2 Confirmation of Resolution 4
Section 3.1 Amendments to Supplemental Resolution; Approval, Execution and Delivery of Necessary and Appropriate Documents 4
A. By Chapter 9, Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, there is created a corporation under the name and style of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University"), which is governed by a Board of Visitors (the "Board"), which is vested with the supervision, management and control of the University;
B. Pursuant to Title 23 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the University is classified as an educational institution of the Commonwealth of Virginia;
C. Pursuant to the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 4.10, Title 23 at the Virginia Code (the "Act"), the University has entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia which was enacted as Chapter 3 of Chapter 933 of the 2006 Virginia Acts of Assembly (the "Management Agreement");
D. Pursuant to resolutions adopted November 11, 1998, March 5, 2003 and June 28, 2005 (the "Outstanding Bond Resolutions"), the Executive Committee of the Board approved the terms and issuance of the University's General Revenue Pledge Bonds, Series 1999A, 2003A, 2003B and 2005 (the "Outstanding Bonds");
E. The Board desires to authorize certain revisions to the Outstanding Bond Resolutions in order to, among other things, remove the required consents of and oversight by the State Treasurer, the Treasury Board and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which will be consistent with modifications in the University debt issuance procedures effected by the Act and the Management Agreement;
F. Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 9.1 of each of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions, the University expects to obtain the approval of the Governor and the Treasury Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia to such amendments.
Sections 1.1 of each of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions is amended by adding the terms defined in the recitals hereto and adding the following:
"Chief Operating Officer" means the University's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer or such other officer of the University having similar duties as may be selected by the Board.
Rules of Construction/Use of Words and Phrases. The rules of construction set forth in Sections 1.2 of each of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions shall apply to this Supplemental Resolution. All references herein to sections of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions are to such Resolutions as amended and supplemented by this Supplemental Resolution.
Amendments. The provisions of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions are hereby revised to remove references to the State Treasurer, the Treasury Board and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, such that the State Treasurer, the Treasury Board and the Governor will not be required to give consents and receive notices thereunder; provided references to the State Treasurer shall not be removed to the extent it is serving as Paying Agent, Registrar, or custodian of any construction or other funds under such Outstanding Bond Resolutions and any provisions which limit the liability of the State Treasurer, the Treasury Board or the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any other of their members, directors or representatives, shall not be removed.
Confirmation of Resolution. As supplemented and amended, the Outstanding Bond Resolutions are in all respects ratified and confirmed, and each Outstanding Bond Resolution, including the respective amendments thereto, shall be read, taken and construed as one and the same instrument. All covenants, agreements and provisions of, and all security provided under the Outstanding Bond Resolutions shall apply with full force and effect to the parties thereto.
Amendments to Supplemental Resolution; Approval, Execution and Delivery of Necessary and Appropriate Documents. The University's Chief Operating Officer may authorize any revisions to this Supplemental Resolution which are not in conflict with the Board resolution adopted on June 13, 2008, or any future resolutions by the Board with respect to the Outstanding Bonds, as shall be necessary to accurately reflect negotiations among the University, the Treasury Board, the Paying Agent, Moody's, S&P, Fitch, the Underwriters, the remarketing agent and others, with respect to the Outstanding Bonds and the financing of the Projects and to make other changes to the form, terms and provisions of the Outstanding Bond Resolutions. The University's Chief Operating Officer is also authorized to negotiate, execute and deliver, in necessary and appropriate form, any offering memoranda, memorandums or remarketing circulars relating to the offering of the Outstanding Bonds for sale or remarketing, and such other documents and instruments as he deems necessary or appropriate in connection with this Supplemental Resolution and the Outstanding Bonds, including without limitation any interest rate swaps or other hedge mechanisms and any dedicated lines of credit, standby bond purchase agreements or other liquidity arrangements, including any Liquidity Facility, so long as such documents and instruments do not conflict with the intent of the Board Resolution adopted on June 13, 2008 and the University’s debt policy currently in effect.
(2008-2009 PRATT FUND
ARTS AND SCIENCES — $3,400,000
Biology - The department proposes to allocate $218,520 for graduate fellowships in 2008-2009. Of this amount, $133,698 will be used to provide full support to two outstanding first year graduate students in Biology, and to augment the fellowship packages of five President's Fellows. The remaining $84,822 will be allocated to satisfy the department’s membership in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, an important interschool collaborative effort. Biology proposes to use $31,480 in Pratt funds to augment the salaries of the Director and Associate Director of the Mountain Lake Biological Station. The University has made and continues to make significant investments in the instructional and research capacity of this Appalachian mountain field research and teaching facility which provides summer courses, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program and hosts researchers from around the world every summer.
Chemistry - The department proposes to allocate $100,000 for Undergraduate Summer Fellowships. Funds will be used to provide stipends, health insurance and tuition for a selected group of outstanding graduate students. In addition, these funds will help to maintain a strong summer research program for Chemistry undergraduates. This summer research experience is a component of the research program required for the department's Distinguished Majors Program. The department requests that $60,000 be allocated to provide faculty summer wages to support new faculty (J. Chruma, B. Venton, L. Columbus, C. Mura, and T. Gunnoe) and to support faculty engaged in innovative curriculum development projects. The department proposes to allocate $90,000 for equipment, both for start ups and for new faculty, retention commitments, and cost share commitments on grants.
Mathematics - The department requests $118,690 to support its Whyburn Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Internationally recognized for its excellence, this competitive fellowship program brings new Ph.D. recipients in mathematics for three years of teaching and research. The department also requests $21,310 for summer wages for new Assistant Professors T. Melcher and H. Gromoll. Finally, the department requests that $10,000 be allocated for equipment purchases.
Physics - The department proposes to allocate $33,527 to provide summer support for new faculty members K. Paschke, X. Zheng, A. Lamacraft, and D. Vaman. The department proposes to allocate $216,473 in fellowship support to six outstanding students. Attracting the most highly qualified science graduate students requires that we offer competitive fellowships and the Pratt funds are crucial to the recruitment effort.
New Faculty Start-up Fund – A total of $2,500,000 is requested by the College to use as components of start-up packages associated with new hires, some of which are still being negotiated, for costs share on grants and other opportunities that may arise in the coming year and for other strategic needs in building the programs in these four departments. It is estimated that this funding will be equally split between equipment, faculty salaries, and fellowships. This $2,500,000 is comprised of a $400,000 reserve managed by the dean; a previously approved annual $500,000 distribution to a New Faculty Start-Up Fund managed by the Executive Vice President and Provost, and an additional $1,600,000 to this fund. This reserve – which will be carefully allocated in accordance with the terms of Mr. Pratt’s will – is critical in the recruitment of faculty members in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.
The Focused Ultrasound program will be facilitated by the investments provided by the Commonwealth and the Focused Ultrasound Foundation (FUSF). The funds will provide the necessary infrastructure to allow clinical and translational research as well as leverage the provision of clinical procedures as they are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Initial Investment
The initial investment will be roughly $8.7 million and will be provided as follows:
$4.0 million allocated by the Commonwealth - $1.0 million for the modular facility and $3.0 million in Ultrasound equipment;
$4.0 million from an external foundation, Focused Ultrasound Foundation (FUSF) - $2.5 million for a consigned MRI for 5 years and $1.5 million in operating cash; and
$0.680 million to be shared by the School of Medicine, Medical Center, and FUSF for facility and other contingencies not provided in the sources above.
Operational Plan
The assumptions used in the model are all based on conservative estimates for both revenues and expenses. We have worked to limit the future risk to the University by using the external funding for the fixed expenses. To the degree that revenue assumptions are not accomplished, the expenses associated with this endeavor will not be incurred. Aside from the initial investment – all expenses are variable. Even the maintenance contract is considered to be a long-term variable expense.
As a result, the University and its faculty have an ideal opportunity for a research operation with a strong upside and limited risk exposure.
Year One: We plan to initiate research and trials in the areas of fibroids, breast cancer, palliative bone, and the brain. Research funding is assumed to come from the National Institutes of Health, the ultrasound equipment manufacturers, and the FUSF. In addition, we estimate that we will provide 25 uterine fibroid ablations that will be reimbursed by commercial insurance
payers. Revenues from these activities will be $403,225. Aside from the research support, an additional $500,000 will be provided by the FUSF for operational cash needs, resulting in a total of $903,225. Expenses in the first year $436,099 and are made up entirely of variable costs associated with the projected research and procedures.
Year Two: We plan to continue the studies above and add research in the areas of the liver and prostate. Procedures in all areas grow and the estimated revenues from those procedures will increase from $403,225 to $736,450. Total revenues, including the FUSF support, will grow to $1,236,450. Variable expenses also grow with the increased procedures and in Year Two the maintenance contracts on the equipment ($420,000/year) begin. Total expenses will increase from $436,099 to $1,222,977.
Year Three: Research and clinical volumes continue to increase and research involving kidneys is projected to begin. In order to avoid being overly optimistic, we have assumed that one of the clinical trials areas stops. Total revenues are estimated to increase from $1,236,450 to $1,329,675. Expenses grow at a commensurate rate, increasing from $1,222,977 to $1,333,732.
Years Four and Five: While we have projected changes in the mix of services, we have not projected growth in total procedure volumes. The major change that occurs in Year Four is that the $500,000 annual commitment from the FUSF will be complete and the program will depend upon reserve cash (from the Year One surplus) and competitive educational and research awards to replace the operating cash commitment.