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Elizabetha quasi vivens

Eliza's Funerall. A fewe Aprill drops, showred on the Hearse of dead Eliza. Or The Funerall Teares of a true hearted Subiect. By H. P. [i.e. Henry Petowe]

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The order and formall proceeding at the Funerall of the most high, renowned, famous and mightie Princesse, Elizabeth of England, France and Jreland late Queene: from White-hall to the Cathedrall Church of Westminster.

The order and formall proceeding at the Funerall of the most high, renowned, famous and mightie Princesse, Elizabeth of England, France and Jreland late Queene: from White-hall to the Cathedrall Church of Westminster.

The 28. of Aprill. 1603.

Before thou reade, prepare thine eyes to weepe,
If that thine eyes containe one liquid teare:
Or if thou canst not morne fall dead in sleepe,
For naught but death such sorowes can out-weare.
Twi'll grieue heereafter soules as yet vnborne,
That one soules losse did make so many morne.
Did make so many mourne? oh heauie time
That brought a period to her happie life.
But cruell death the fatall stroke was thine,
Her losse is ours, heauen thereby gaines a wife.
Yet had not sinne bin hug'd in the armes of Pride,
England had smild and heauen lost a Bride,
But now, oh now our mourning weedes are on,
And many thousand blackes for her are worne:
Which do demonstrate that Elizas gone,
For whose vntimly losse so many mourne,
What these sad mourners are, good reader see:
And seeing reade, and reading weepe with me.

Heere Reader stay: & if thou aske me whie,
Tis to intreate thee beare them company.
But if th' high spirit cannot weepe so lowe,
Weepe with these flowers of honour that drooping goe.

Art thou yet dry, as if thou hadst not wept?
Reade further then, and thou wilt force a teare.
But hadst thou seene her figure as she slept,
Jn memorie, thou would'st her semblance beare.
Whose deere remembrance would so touch thy minde,
That in thy passion thou no meane could'st firtle.

The liuely picture of her Maiesties whole body in her Parliament robes with a Crowne on her head, and a Scepter in her hand, lying on the corpes inshrin'd in leade, and balmed couered with Purple-veluet: borne in a Charriot dawne by foure Horses trapt in Blacke-veluet.

Loe heere are all that in blacke weedes do mourne,
And {no wise thinkers see thy countenance wise:}
What trill thy teares? my (Reader) then a don
The firmanent containes but one clere Sun.
And since that Delia is from hence bereauen,
We haue an other Sun ordein'd by heauen.
God graunt his vertues may so glorious shine,
That after death he may be crown'd diuine. Amen.
Viuat Iacobus: Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ Rex.