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CIX. Lerges, lerges, lerges, ay; Lerges of this New Yeirday.

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CIX. Lerges, lerges, lerges, ay;
Lerges of this New Yeirday.


The attribution of this poem is questionable.

First lerges the king my cheife,
Quhilk come als quiet as a theif,

And in my hand sled schillingis tway,
To put his lergnes to preif,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Syne lerges of my lord chancellar,
Quhen I to him ane ballat bare,
He sonyeit nocht nor said me nay,
Bot gaif me, quhill I wad had mair,
For lergenes of this New Yeirday.
Off Galloway the bischop new
Furth of my hand ane ballat drew,
And me deliuerit with delay
Ane fair haiknay but hyd or hew,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Off [Haly] croce the abbot ying,
I did to him ane ballat bring;
Bot or I past far him fray,
I gat na les, nor deill a  thing next hit,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
The secretar, bayth war and wyse,
Hecht me ane kast of his offyse;
And for to reid my bill alsway,
He said for him that micht suffyse
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
The thesaur [ar] and compttrollar,
Thay bad me cum, I wait nocht quhair,
And thay suld gar, I wait nocht quhay,
Gif me I wat nocht quhat, full fair,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Now lerges of my lordis all,
Bayth temporall stait and spirituall,


My self sall euir sing and say
I haif thame found so liberall
O lerges of this New Yeirday!
Fowll fall this frost that is so fell,
It hes the wyt, the trewth to tell,
Baith handis and purss it bindis sway,
Thay may gife ne previous hit thing  by thame sell
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Now lerges of my lord Bothwell,
The quhilk in fredome dois excell;
He gaif to me ane cursour gray,
Worth all this sort that I with mell,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Grit God releif Margaret our quene,
For, and scho war as scho hes bene,
Scho wald be lerger of lufray
Than all the laif that I of mene,
For lerges of this New Yeirday.
Quod Stewart.