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2 occurrences of honor committee
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2 occurrences of honor committee
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The annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on this date with the
Rector, Fred W. Scott, and Visitors Carson, McIntire, Munford, Rinehart, Walker, Lewis
C. Williams, R. Gray Williams and Sidney B. Hall, and Acting President J. L. Newcomb,

Mr. Rinehart presented his certificate of qualification as a Visitor of the
University, for the term ending February 28, 1936.

The minutes of the previous meeting which had been copied and mailed to the
members, were approved.

The following gifts and bequests were announced:

From Miss Unity D. Dancy, of Decatur, Alabama, to be used for
the benefit of the Department of Law of the University of
$ 12,500 
and an undivided interest in 50% of the rentals until sold and of
the proceeds of sale when sold, of 320 acres of land in Coleman
County, Texas, 320 acres of land in Brown County, Texas, and of
Miss Dancy's undivided one-half interest in the oil rights in 1900
acres of land located in Callahan County, Texas. 
From the University Hospital League, for the purchase of twelve
special Gatch beds, complete with mattresses, and two office scales
for hospital use 

From the Class of 1932, a portrait of Dean James Morris Page, painted
by Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy.

From the Law Class of 1902, a portrait of Dean William Minor Lile,
painted by Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy.

From Mrs. Raleigh C. Minor and C. Venable Minor the law library of
John B. Minor and Raleigh C. Minor, consisting of some 2000 volumes.

A communication was received from Dr. Wm. A. Lambeth offering to donate his
residence property, located near the Memorial Gymnasium, to the University with certain
conditions attached, whereupon the following resolutions were adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the gratitude and appreciation of the Board go out to Dr. Wm. A.
Lambeth for his generous offer to give to the University his house and lot
located north of the Memorial Gymnasium. The Board appreciates the love
and devotion to the University which prompted Dr. Lambeth to make this
splendid gift.

It is RESOLVED, further, that the Acting President be requested to
write a letter to Dr. Lambeth expressing the gratitude and appreciation of
the Board, and it is

RESOLVED, finally, that the Acting President arrange to have the
attorney for the University prepare the necessary papers to effect the transfer
of this property.

The resignation of Professor W. M. Lile, Dean of the Law Department, was presented
and accepted as set forth in the following resolution:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the resignation of Professor William Minor Lile as James Madison
Professor of Law and Dean of the Law Department at the University of
Virginia be accepted with deep regret. The Board of Visitors desire to
place on record their appreciation of the character, devotion to duty and
unusual attainments in scholarship and teaching ability of Professor Lile,
as exemplified in a continuous service of thirty-nine years at the
University of Virginia.


The Rector and Visitors wish for Dean Lile the pleasure and
freedom that come of duty nobly done, and they desire the privilege
of retaining him as Emeritus Professor of Law upon the rolls of the

Leave of absence was granted to John A. Rorer, Assistant Professor in charge
of Extension Teaching, from October 1, 1932, until June 1, 1933, for the purpose of
pursuing advanced study at Columbia University. This leave was granted without salary
and no substitute will be required.

Associate Professor Leslie H. Buckler, M. A., was promoted to Full Professor
of Law at a salary of $4,050.00.

Dr. Robert V. Funston was elected Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, at a
salary of $900, incumbency to begin July 1, 1932. This salary is in addition to $900
to be paid him from the Hospital.

Mr. Hardy Cross Dillard was elected Acting Associate Professor of Law at a
salary of $3,500, incumbency to begin September 15, 1932.

Mr. John Garfield de Gruchy was elected Acting Assistant Professor of Commerce
for the session of 1932-33 at a salary of $2,520. Mr. de Gruchy is to substitute for
Professor Melvin G. de Chazeau who will be absent on leave.

Professor Armistead M. Dobie, Professor of Law, was elected Dean of the
Department of Law, his duties to begin July 1, 1932, at a salary of $450 per annum.

The following action was taken with respect to appointments during the

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the Acting President of the University, in consultation with the
Deans and Committees appointed by the Acting President from the staff, be
empowered during the summer to employ those professors who have been
authorized by the Board but who have not yet been selected. It is understood
that all actions of the Acting President and Committees will be
brought to the Board for ratification at their next meeting.

The question of establishing a Publication Fee of $4.50 for the support of
College Topics and Corks and Curls, to be required of all students admitted to the
University, was discussed and referred to a committee consisting of Mr. Rinehart, Mr.
Lewis C. Williams and the Acting President, and to report their decision to the next
meeting of the Board.

Senator Walker was requested to prepare resolutions with respect to the death
of Senator B. F. Buchanan, a member of this Board, and to present same at the next meeting.

A loan of $9,000 to Dr. James R. Cash, secured on his residence by first
mortgage, was approved. The loan had been approved by the Rector, Mr. Rinehart, and Mr.

Request from Professor S. J. Makielski for a loan of $7,000 to be used in
building his residence was referred to a committee composed of Mr. McIntire, Mr. Rinehart
and the Acting President, with power to make said loan if they think it wise and judicious.

Upon the recommendation of the Acting President the following resolutions were

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the Governor and the Director of the Budget, be requested to transfer
$2,006.62 from Capital Outlay appropriation surplus budget, to Expenses of
Operation to cover equipment for the Hospital.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the Acting President be, and he is hereby authorized to make such
reductions in the budget approved by the Board as may be found necessary
on account of decreased income, after consultation with such members of
the Board as he may be able to reach.

Mr. Rinehart, Chairman of the Building Committee, submitted a report on the
erection of the Clark Memorial Law Building, and the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
That the Clark Memorial Law Buildings be accepted, and the payments be
made in accordance with the contract between the Johnson Construction
Company and the Rector and Visitors of the University.

The Thomas Fortune Ryan Scholarships for the session of 1932-33 were appointed,
as follows:

First Congressional District  Robert A. G. Jones 
Second Congressional District  Wm. Alexander Hobbs 
Third Congressional District  Richmond Moore, Jr. 
Fourth Congressional District  John Wilson Lucas 
Fifth Congressional District  Wm. Randolph Watkins 
Sixth Congressional District  Herman Wolff 
Seventh Congressional District  Chas. F. Payne 
Eighth Congressional District  David M. French 
Ninth Congressional District  John C. Buchanan 
Tenth Congressional District  Thomas Moore Butler 


On motion of Mr. Gray Williams, it was

RESOLVED, That the du Pont, Alumni and Tiffany Scholarships
be awarded by the faculty.

The nominations by the Acting President for Instructors, Assistants, Student
Assistants, and Fellowship and Scholarship holders, as recommended by the several departments,
were approved. These will be found spread on the Scholarship and Fellowship
book in the Bursar's Office.

Mr. P. M. Stuart, of Buena Vista, Va., presented a petition to the Board
appealing from the decision of the  Honor Committee next hit in having dismissed him from the
University for a breach of the Honor Code on June 2, 1932, and praying that the Board
allow him an appeal to the Board of Visitors. After giving every consideration to the
matter, the following motion, duly made and seconded, was adopted:

The heart of student discipline at the University of Virginia is
the honor system. Since June, 1842, the student body has exercised
complete authority in the operation of the honor system. In the
catalogue of this Institution is the statement that the administration
of the system "is entirely in the hands of the students" and that "the
essence of the system" is "that the violation of a student's word of
honor is an offense not against the University authorities but against
the whole student body, and on the rare occasions on which it has
occurred, the students themselves have quietly and promptly sent the
offender away from the University without need of faculty action."
Every student on matriculation subscribes to the support of the honor
system and the Board of Visitors finds no justification for its
interference in the decision of the previous hit Honor Committee  in this case and
must respectfully decline to take any action with reference thereto.

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers