University of Virginia Library


At the annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia on the 11th day of June 1894.

Present. The Rector and Messrs McCormick, Patteson, T.
S. Martin, McCabe and A. C. Gordon.

The Chairman of the Faculty laid before the Board the
Faculty report, the Proctor's report, the annual report of
Mr S. B. Woods, Commissioner of Accounts, the various School
reports and sundry petitions of individuals.


The Rector appointed Messrs Patteson, T. S. Martin and
A. C. Gordon a Committee to confer with the Miller Board.

The Faculty report was taken up, read and considered,
with its recommendations.

The following resolutions were adopted=

Resolved, that an appropriation of a sum not exceeding
$2000.00 out of the Fayerweather fund be made, to erect on
the ground near the Gymnasium, a cottage for the use of the
Director, the site to be selected by the Superintendent of
Grounds & Buildings and the building to be erected under his
supervision, provided the site selected shall be approved by
the Executive Committee subject to whose approval also shall
be the plan of the cottage.

Resolved, that the guarantee of $500.00 for the maintenance
of the Alumni Bulletin is hereby continued for the period
of twelve months.

Resolved, that the resolution of the Faculty requesting
the Visitors to approach the authorities of Charlottesville
on the subject of hastening the drainage of Schenck's branch
region, be referred to the Executive Committee with the request
that said Committee cooperate with the Board of Health under
said resolution.

The Rector and Visitors being informed that it is the purpose
of the Union Theological Seminary to remove from its present
location in Prince Edward County to some other place in
Virginia, it is

Resolved, that the Rector & Executive Committee when the
occasion arises, or an opportunity is presented, encourage the


removal of said Seminary to the vicinity of the University of
Virginia, granting it such privileges and benefits as may be
in the power of the Visitors, the details of any arrangement
hereunder to be submitted to the Visitors for their action.

The foregoing resolution in regard to the Theological
Seminary was adopted by a vote of 4 in favor and one against
it, Mr Patteson voting in the negative and requested to be so

Resolved, that $300.00 be appropriated under the recommendation
of the Faculty, to be placed at the disposal of the
Superintendent Grounds & Buildings for the employment of an
expert to examine into the condition of the Electric wires entering
private and public buildings of the University.

Resolved, that the Proctor is authorized & directed to refund
to Mr J. B. Moses ten dollars deposited but not used for
laboratory expenses in the class of Botany.

Resolved, that the Visitors regret their inability to
grant the application of Mrs Harris, to erect a house on the
University grounds.

According to the recommendation of the faculty on page 4
of the report it is

Resolved, that hereafter the Superintendent of Grounds &
Buildings employ one person to whom shall be committed, under
the direction of said Superintendent, the entire supervision
of all the Dormitories, except those on Carr's Hill, such appointee
to employ and pay the servants, and by daily inspection
to see that they do their duty punctually, the Student paying
the same amount as charged at present for the service. Such


appointee shall also furnish the rooms, if the students wish
him so to do, with proper furniture at a rent to be approved
by the Chairman of the Faculty.

Resolved, that Basil B. Gordon, Esq, a member of this
Board, be and he is hereby excused from attendance upon this
session of the Board, for sufficient cause shown to the Board.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the faculty to reduce
student's library fees and the fee of the Librarian during
the vacation of the University be indefinitely postponed.

Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Faculty report, the fee of $100.00 charged to the advanced
class in the course of Analytical Chemistry be reduced
to $75.00 in order to conform more nearly to fees charged elsewhere
for similar courses of instruction.

Resolved, that a contingent appropriation of $100.00 as
recommended by the Faculty be made for procuring jars and constructing
cases for specimens of drugs which are offered without
charge to the Department Physiology.

According to the recommendation of the Faculty it is
Resolved, that Dr Lambert be authorized to keep the Gymnasium
during the coming vacation in the same manner and under the
same regulations that obtained during the session.

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty to appropriate
$615. to add to & enlarge the Kitchen on Carr's Hill
be indefinitely postponed.

At this point in the proceedings Visitor, R. W. Martin
arrived and took his seat in the Board.


Resolved, that the sum of $2250.00 be and is hereby
appropriated out of the Fayerweather fund to be applied as
follows. $1250.00 to the publication of card catalogues of
the Library, and $1000.00 to the purchase of law books for
the library, the said law books to be purchased under the direction
of the Law Faculty.

Resolved, that $1000.00 be appropriated out of the general
fund, inclusive of the $45600. interest on the Library
fund, to be used generally for the Library in the purchase
of periodicals and books.

Resolved, that the Dispensary Committee be and it is
hereby authorized to select a medical student who is a licensed
druggist to act as druggist at the Dispensary, and
that as compensation therefor such student be allowed free
tuition in the Medical Department.

Resolved, that a room on either of the Lawns or Ranges
be assigned to the Professor of Anatomy & Surgery, provided
such assignment can be made without interfering with the present
existing contract rights of the students for the next year.

Resolved, that it is the opinion of the Visitors that the
recommendation of the Faculty with respect to the insertion
in the Catalogue, that the "University College of Medicine"
is not connected in any way with the "Medical Department of
the University of Virginia", is unwise, inexpedient and wholly
unnecessary, and the Visitors decidedly disapprove of such a
course, and the Visitors also disapprove of the sending out
to the Alumni of the University a brief circular in the nature
of a protest against the action of the said University College
of Medicine.


Resolved, that the Visitors regret that the want of
sufficient revenue forces them to decline any increase of
compensation to the assistants in the Schools of Mathematics
and Ancient Languages.

Resolved, that the consideration of the petition of
the Charlottesville & University Street R-Way Co. for permission
to enter the University grounds with its track be indefinitely
postponed; and that like action is taken on the appli-
cation of the Piedmont Construction & Improvement Co. for a
similar privilege.

At this point in the proceedings Visitor Watts arrived
and occupied his seat in the Board.

The Board on motion took up the question of the admission
of women as students of the University which was discussed
and after consideration the following preamble & resolutions
were offered by Mr McCormick:

While the Visitors are in full sympathy with the movement
looking to the higher education of woman and they deprecate
the want of proper facilities to furnish them such advantages,
still considering the plan and constitution and
believing coeducation therein was never contemplated by the
founder of the institution, they, the Visitors feel impelled
to deny them admission to the University as students. Therefore

1. Resolved that women shall not be permitted to enter the
University as students.

2. Resolved that any and all provisions for the registration
of women at the University in any way and for any purpose,


and which as reported by the Faculty, are unsatisfactory and
useless, be and the same are hereby rescinded.

Mr Patteson offered the following as a substitute for
Mr McCormick's resolutions=

Resolved that it is deemed inadvisable that women should
enter the University of Virginia as students until an adequate
preparation has been made for that purpose. But in the event
that an Annex is built not nearer than two miles of the University
of Virginia this Board deems it advisable and proper
that women should receive all of the instruction in an equal
manner with men, the said Annex to be under the control of a
prudent and discreet matron, and the lectures at the said Annex
to be delivered by the University professors to women
alone. The want of funds for the present prevents the building
of this most desirable Annex which would place women, so
far as the University of Virginia is concerned upon terms of
equality with men.

A vote was first taken on the substitute by ayes and noes
which was called for, and resulted in the rejection of the substitute.
The vote was as follows: In favor of the adoption
of the substitute: Mr Patteson.                
Opposed. The Rector and Messrs McCabe, McCormick, Watts, T. S.
Martin and A. C. Gordon. Dr Martin was not present when the
vote was taken. The vote was then taken on the original resolutions
and they were adopted by the votes of the Rector, and
Messrs McCabe, McCormick, Watts, T. S. Martin and A. C. Gordon.
Mr Patteson the only other Visitor present declined to vote and
asked that the following be entered of record: "Mr Camm Patteson


declined to vote on these resolutions because there are
parts of which he endorses, but other portions which do not
meet with his approbation".

Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty that
John R. Page, Jr, be placed on the footing of a Virginia student
be declined for the reason that it is not in their lawful
power to do so.

Resolved, that Judge John M. White be paid an additional
fee of $150 00 for professional services in connection with
the Austin legacy, to be paid out of the Fayerweather fund.

Resolved; whereas the matter is distinctly within the
authority of the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings, the
request of Profr Garnett for repairs to the basement of his
dwelling be referred to said Superintendent.

The Board of Visitors, impressed with the importance to
medical students of thorough training in the Laboratory in
Analytical Chemistry at least so far as it is necessary in
their profession request that the Medical Faculty will report
at the next annual meeting a scheme for adding such a course
of instruction to the Medical Course, due consideration being
given to the fee of the student and increased costs to the

Referring to the application of Mr Echols to have again
the use of the room formerly used by him as an office, and now
used by Mr Schele as a lecture room, it is,

Resolved, that Mr Echols be assigned office room in the
office of the Secretary of the Board now in his use, the Board
regretting that it is unable to make other provision for Mr


Resolved, that Dr Wm C. Dabney be allowed to practice
his profession, provided he can do so without interfering
with his duties as a professor in the University of Virginia
for the ensuing twelve months.

On motion the Board adjourned at 11 P. M., to meet tomorrow
at 10 A. M.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present, the Rector and all of the Visitors, with the exception
of Mr Basil B. Gordon.

The following was enacted:

Resolved, that the Executive Committee be and it is hereby
instructed to enquire into the expediency of appropriating from
the Fayerweather fund, a sum sufficient to erect on the University
grounds a building suitable to accommodate the meetings of
the Board of Visitors and report to the next meeting of the this

On motion it is ordered that a standing Committee consisting
of the Rector, A. C. Gordon and W. Gordon McCabe, on the
report of the Visitors to the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
be and is hereby appointed.

For the information of the Proctor it is explained that
the $1000.00 embraced in the general appropriation as reported


by the Finance Committee for the Library, is the same as the
$1000.00 ordered by the resolution of the Visitors adopted
June 11th 1894, for the purchase of books and periodicals.

On motion it is ordered that the Standing Committee on
the report of the Visitors to the Superintendent of Public
Instruction be requested to prepare, as early as possible, a
paper setting forth the views of a majority of the Visitors
on the subject of the admission of women to the University as

On motion the report of the Committee on Finance is received
and approved and the recommenda[tions] are made, which
report is in the following words and figures:

Report of the Finance Committee, June 12th, 1894
To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia:

The Committee on Finance respectfully reports that the
Proctor's annual report and the settlement made by the Commissioner
of Accounts show a balance in the Proctor's hands
for the fiscal year ending June 15th 1894 of $1,970.25.

The income of the University for the ensuing year, including
an estimated income of $1,140.00 from the Fayerweather
bequest, and the income from student fees, estimated
upon a basis of 475 students, amounts to the sum of $49,87500.
Adding to the sum last named the balance of $1,970.25 in the
hands of the Proctor from last year, we have the sum of
$113,748.25 as the available fund for the ensuing year

The sources of said sum will appear from the reports of
the Proctor and of the Faculty taken together.



We recommend the following appropriations=
Salaries of Instructors.

19 Professors at $3,000.00  $ 57,000.00 
2 Professors at 2,000.00  4,000.00 
2 Adjt Profs at 1,800.00  3,600.00 
2 Adjt Profs at 1,500.00  3,000.00 
Assistant in Law.  1,500.00 
Chemistry  1,000.00 
Elec and Physics.  1,000.00 
Ancient Languages.  800.00 
Mathematics.  800.00 
Biology.  500.00 
Mech. and Civil Eng.  1,000.00 
French and Ger.  600.00 
Dem. Anatomy  1,000.00 
Assist. Dem. Anatomy  150.00 
Dem. Pathology  500.00 
Director of Gymnasium  1,000.00 
Total  $ 77,450.00 

Salaries of Officers:

Chairman  1,000.00 
Proctor  2,000.00 
Supt Grounds and Buildings  700.00 
Secretary, Board of Visitors  300.00 
Commissioner of Accounts  150.00 
Librarian  800.00 
Total  $ 4 950.00  


Scholarships and Fellowships:

Miller Scholarships  $ 750.00 
Brown Scholarships  120.00 
Mason Fellowship  210.00 
$ 1 080.00 

Wages of Employees:

Janitor & Plumber  600.00 
Day & Night Watchman  960.00 
Janitor of Rotunda  300.00 
Janitor of Museum  180.00 
Janitor of Anatl Hall  240.00 
Janitor of Gymnasium  225.00 
Janitor of Chem. Laboratory  136.00 
Janitor of Med. Hall  135.00 
Janitor of Annex  135.00 
Janitor of Dispensary  100.00 
Chairman's Messenger  120.00 
Laborers  1,000.00 
Total  $ 4,131.00 

Working Expenses:



Alumni Bulletin  $ 500.00 
McCormick Observatory  1,610.00 
Agriculture & Biology  750.00 
Chemical Department  350.00 
Physical Department  300.00 
Engineering Department  175.00 
Anatomical Material  200.00 
Mineralogy & Geology  50.00 
Dispensary  400.00  
Library  1,000.00 
Students' Reading Room  200.00 
Diplomas  700.00 
Printing blanks  150.00 
Catalogues  900.00 
Advertising  1,200.00 
Gymnasium  650.00 
Fuel  500.00 
Light  750.00 
Fuel Gas for Laboratories  200.00 
Path. Lab.  250.00 
Obstetrics  75.00 
Operative Surgery  100.00 
Total  $ 11,010.00 

General Expenses.

Sinking Fund  2,367.00 
Interest  6,220.00 
Repairs  5,000.00 
Commutations of rent  2,400.00 
Contingent fund  1,500.00 
Reservoir tax  150.00 
Total  $ 17,637.00 

Special appropriations out of the Fayerweather
fund, per resolutions of the Visitors.

Cottage for Director of Bymnasium  2,000.00 
Library  2,250.00 
Fee of John M. White  150.00 
Total  $ 4,400.00  


Special Appropriations out of the
General Fund.

Insulation of Electric Wires  300.00 
Reimbursement of Mr Moses  10.00 
Jars & Cases for School of Physiology  100.00 
$ 410.00 
Summary of Income & Expenditures= 
Income including balance from last year  $113,748.25 
Salaries of Corps of Instructors  $ 77,450.00 
Salaries of Officers  4,950.00 
Scholarships & Fellowships  1,080.00 
Wages of Employees  4,131.00 
Working Expenses  11,010.00 
General Expenses  17,637.00 
Special Appropriations  410.00 

It will be seen by a comparison, of the income with the
expenses that there will be an apparent deficit, and while the
Committee regret that this should occur they do not see how it
is possible to omit any one of the appropriations recommended
by them, as it seems to then that each and all of them are essential
to the maintenance and work of the University. Besides,
some of the appropriations now recommended are based upon estimates,
and it is hoped that the full amount appropriated may
not be used, because not necessary; but they are made, as estimated,
upon the best information obtainable by the Committee.
They are inclined to believe that the estimate of next years
attendance is lower than it should be, and for this reason, in


addition, to the others stated, they think the Visitors should
make the appropriations as recommended.

From the present outlook, there is no good reason to believe
that the number of students next year will be below the
number of the present year.

Respectfully submitted.
Thomas S. Martin
Marshall McCormick
Legh R. Watts.

The following communication from the Miller Board was
received, accepted and approved, and is in the following words
and figures:

On motion, and after conference of a Committee of the
Miller Board, with a Committee of the Board of Visitors the
following appropriations of the Miller fund for the session
of 1894-5=

Salary of Prof. Tuttle  $3000.00 
Salary of Prof. Thornton  500.00 
Salary of Prof. Dunnington  500.00 
Scholarship of T. A. Martin  250.00 
Scholarship of J. A. Shepherd  250.00 
Assistant to Profr Tuttle  500.00  
Apparatus & books to be inventoried as
the property of the Miller Board 
Working Expenses of Laboratory  100.00 
Scholarship for John R. Page, Jr
for one session 
Aggregating  $6000.00 


A copy from the minutes of the Miller Board


R. T. W. Duke, Secretary

of the Board of Trustees.

On motion the Board next proceeded to elect a professor
of Anatomy and Surgery:

Applications of the following named Gentlemen for said
chair were before the Board; viz,

Dr Archer Atkinson  of Baltimore, Md
Dr H. St John Brooks-  University of Dublin, Ireland. 
Dr C. H. Bird.  -Toronto, Canada. 
Dr W. G. Christian.  University of Virginia. 
Dr G. W. Cale.  St Louis, Mo
Dr W. A. Campbell.  University of Michigan. 
Dr W. B. Hall, Jr.  Sewanee, Tenn. 
Dr Woods Hutchinson.  Des Moines, Iowa. 
Dr J. C. Heisle.  University of Pa
Dr A. Hewson.  Jefferson Med. College, Pa 
Dr G. C. Jones.  Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
Dr A. Keog.  New York, N. Y. 
Dr Wm Keiller.  University of Texas.  
Dr J. C. Lewinski.  New York, N. Y. 
Dr J. H. Linsley.  University of Vermont. 
Dr F. M. G. Start.  Toronto, Canada. 
Dr W. R. Sutherland.  Bristol, R. I. 
Dr G. T. Vaughan. U. S. Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D.C. 
Dr R. H. Whitehead  University of N. C. 


After considering the claims of the respective applicants
the following resolution was offered and adopted without
a dissenting vote:

Resolved, that Dr W. G. Christian be elected to fill the
chair of Anatomy and Surgery for one year and that the Secretary
in his letter informing him of his election, explain to
him that his election is only for one year.

On motion the Board proceeded to elect the Adjunct professor
of Pathology and Hygiene.

Applications of the following named gentlemen for said
chair were before the Board, viz,

Dr C. M. Blackford.  Lynchburg, Va
Dr W. S. Carter.  University of Pa
Dr J. Staige Davis.  University of Va
Dr Wm Glaister.  Toronto, Canada. 
Dr J. C. Graham.  Columbus, Ohio. 
Dr Robert Hessler.  Bloomington, Inda 
Dr Chas. T. McClintock.  Ann Arbor, Mich.  

After consideration of the claims of said applicants the
following resolution was offered and the same was adopted by
a unanimous vote=

Resolved, that the election of Dr J. Staige Davis to the
position of Adjunct professor of Pathology and Hygiene, be for
one year, and that the Secretary explain to him this fact in
his letter informing him of his election.

The foregoing resolution was adopted after the vote had
been taken by call of the roll, as between said Dr J Staige


Davis, and Dr C. M. Blackford, both of which gentlemen were
in nomination, and which vote resulted as follows; viz

For Dr Davis. The Rector, McCabe, A. C. Gordon, McCormick
and Watts.

5 votes

For Dr Blackford. R. W. Martin, T. S. Martin and Patteson.

3 votes.

On the announcement of the vote the Rector declared Dr Davis
elected whereupon the foregoing resolution was offered and
adopted as above stated.

The following resolution was offered and adopted; by a
unanimous vote:

Resolved, that Wm M. Lile be and is hereby elected professor
of Common and Statute Law (Part No. 2), Mer. and Corp.
Law, in the Law Department of the University of Virginia.

The attention of the Board having been called to the
enormous waste of water at the University sinks on motion the
matter was referred to the Executive Committee for consideration
and correction.

Resolved, that Mr R. S. Rucker be admitted to the privileges
of a Student of the University in the Medical Department,
conditioned, upon his executing a bond for the amount of
his fees & charges, Exclusive of laboratory fees, with security
satisfactory to the Executive Committee, the laboratory fees
to be paid in cash.

Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to confer
with a Committee of the Faculty to consider the advisability
of adopting a scheme of examination for entrance to the
Academic departments of the University, and if they concur in


its advisability, they will draft and submit to the Visitors
a scheme for that purpose. And that a like Committee of three
be appointed to confer with a Committee of the Faculty, to
consider the advisability of adopting a scheme of examination
for entrance to the Medical department of the University, and
if they concur in its advisability, they will draft and submit
to the Visitors a scheme for the purpose.

The Rector appointed as the Committee of the Board under
the Academic clause of the foregoing resolution,

Messrs McCabe, McCormick, and A. C. Gordon,
and under the Medical clause,

Messrs R. W. Martin and Watts and on motion the Rector
was added to this committee as its chairman.

On motion the Board proceeded to elect its Executive Committee
for the ensuing year, which resulted in the election of

Messrs Randolph, Rector; McCabe, T. S. Martin, Watts and
A. C. Gordon.

On motion Profr Wm M. Thornton was unanimously elected
Chairman of the Faculty for the ensuing year.

Resolved, that the Rector & Vice Rector, Mr McCabe, be
appointed a committee to accompany the Vice President of the
U. S. to the exercises at the Public Hall, to-day.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A. M.

W. C. N. Randolph

Jas D. Jones,


The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present. The Rector and Messrs Watts, R. W. Martin, T.
S. Martin & Patteson.

On motion,

Resolved, that the Proctor is hereby authorized to collect
the rent of the University Hotel Keepers monthly in advance
instead of semi-annually as has heretofore been the custom,
at the option of the Hotel Keepers.

Resolved, that the matter of appointing the substitute
proposed by Profr Perkinson, to fill his chair during his absence
in Europe, is referred to the Executive Committee.

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,