University of Virginia Library

No Page Number


by W. Edwin Hemphill


Several years ago the Librarian of the University, in recognition of their
value as historical sources, gathered for his files scanty information about the
minutes of the University's general, academic, and departmental faculties. A
suggestive fruit of that effort was the observation of a real need for a more
comprehensive inventory of the University's records—a need which did not
lack ample testimony in the experience of other University officials. Fortunately,
the year 1936 has made possible such a survey, probably one of the
first to be published by the more historic educational institutions in the United

From the accompanying list one may determine quickly the period for which
each kind of record has been preserved and its present location. Emphasis is
given to the almost axiomatic worth of this bibliography when it is realized
that Dr. Philip Alexander Bruce consulted only eight of the more important
sets in the composition of his five-volume centennial history of the University.

The first there divisions of the following list were compiled and edited by
the Acting Archivist. Much of the spade work was done under his supervision
during the summer months by WPA workers of the Historical Records
Survey. The fourth section is almost exclusively a product of the Archivist;
it was impossible to secure the data on student organizations until the opening
of the fall quarter.

It is necessary to state certain limitations within which this inventory was
made. Comparatively speaking, there was obviously little justification for a
bibliography of University publications and histories; thus the work was
confined to manuscript, typescript, and mimeographed sources. The line of
demarcation between official and unofficial records had to be drawn rather
arbitrarily in a number of instances. In this manner was eliminated a wealth
of manuscripts (of which the Jefferson, Cabell, Alderman, Gordon, and University
collections deserve specific mention), broadsides, programs, examinations,
student notebooks, and other materials housed in the Virginia Room,
despite their official, or at least semi-official, nature and a widespread desire
for a published calendar of these sources. It was felt that information concerning
the current correspondence files of University officials could not be
understandably organized for inclusion and could be of no value until they
were definitely made available for research. Finally, though their records
might be surprisingly extant and valuable in their portrayal of an influential
phase of student life, no effort to list the historical sources of social and
medical fraternities was attempted; but the investigation included nearly
every honorary fraternity. If the list under Part IV appears incomplete,
the explanation is the lack of continuity in many student organizations from
year to year and the consequent failure to preserve any except current records.


Page 10

The contents of several of the records herein reported are, quite naturally,
either partially or wholly confidential. Administrative approval of the project
for making and publishing this inventory was asked and granted only under
the express stipulation that no violation of trust should result from it. Thus
it must be stated that access to each record can be granted only by the proper

This survey affords opportunity for summarizing the extent of the University's
own historical sources. Among the non-departmental records the
three or four more significant sets are extant in unbroken series of volumes.
But whatever efforts earlier University generations may have made
to preserve their documents of lesser consequence were rewarded with only
partial success: for within some items there are inexplicable gaps, and in
too many cases only single volumes remain from what must have been at
one time more copious records. The sections on University subdivisions
and student organizations reflect plainly a basic decentralization, with
which few would quarrel. Yet this characteristic may serve as a boomerang
to destroy its own story. By a happy chance the completion of this
survey coincides with preliminary preparation of the ground upon which
the proposed Alderman Memorial Library will be erected. Thus it seems
appropriate to point out the value of a more unified policy for future preservation,
under adequate and favorable conditions, of records not in current

The condensed form adopted for reporting vital data on these historical
sources is almost self-explanatory. Titles are given exactly as they appear
on the bindings. All numbering, lettering, and dating of volumes, if
any, is recorded as an aid to easy identification of them. Roman numerals
represent an editorial numbering of volumes. A date followed by a plus
sign (+) indicates that the recording of that item began in that year and
is still continuing. Brackets [] enclose information supplied by the editor.
With more specific directions advisable only for the voluminous records
housed in the Bursar's office, the following letters are used as symbols for
the locations of the materials:

  • B Bursar's Office

  • C Custodian of the department's, organization's, or other
    subdivision's records

  • P President's Office

  • R Registrar's Office

  • V Virginia Room of the Library

Though it is self-evident that co-operation by each custodian of the records
was indispensable, it should not go without saying that grateful acknowledgments
are due to more than a score of persons for access and assistance.
In return for special courtesies and patience specific thanks are given
to Mr. E. I. Carruthers, Bursar; Miss Virginia Moran, Registrar; and Mr.
John Cook Wyllie, Curator of the Virginia Collection.


Page 11


Board of Visitors

1. [Minutes of the Board of Trustees], 1814-1817.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (central room, in safe).

A copy, which may not be the official one but which has been adopted as such, of
the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of Albemarle Academy.
For other copies of these meetings cf. items 3, 4.

2. Minutes [of the] Board of Visitors, 1817+.

10 vols., numbered I-X. Index attached in front or back of each vol. B (central
room, in safe): I. B (central room, east wall): II-X.

Minutes of the meetings of the Boards of Visitors of Central College (1817-1819)
and of the University of Virginia (1819+). The first vol. was apparently a personal
record kept by Thomas Jefferson; pp. 1-105 of it cover in his handwriting
all of the meetings prior to his death. In the absence of any better claimant, it
has been adopted as the official copy of the minutes for that period. It was reprinted
in the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association's edition of his Writings,
XIX. For other copies of the earlier minutes cf. items 1, 3, 4.

3. [Minutes of the Board of Visitors], 1814-1825.

Folded sheaf of 150 pp. Not indexed. V.

Copies of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Albemarle Academy (1814-1817)
and of the Board of Visitors of Central College (1817-1819) and of the University
(1819-1825). Front page carries the initials "J. B."; this copy was probably
presented to James Breckinridge. It was transcribed in the same hand as the
major portion of the copy reported herein as item 4.

4. [Minutes of the Board of Visitors], 1814-1830.

Sheaf of 250 pp. bound without covers. Not indexed. V.

Copies of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Albemarle Academy (1814-1817)
and of the Board of Visitors of Central College (1817-1819) and of the University
(1819-1830). Front page carries the initials "J. H. C."; this copy was
presented to John H. Cocke. Until the first meeting after Jefferson's death the
unidentified handwriting is that of the copy listed herein as item 3. This fact
suggests that Jefferson may have had a number of copies transcribed from his
own (cf. item 2) for the use of his associates in the building of the University.
Bound with this copy, at its back, is a memorandum or report (n. d.),
written in an unidentified hand, favoring the proposed appointment of a President
of the University.

5. Record, Board of Visitors, 1819-1837.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Copies of the reports of the Rector and Visitors of the University to the President
and Directors of the Literary Fund, a state appropriation for the advancement
of education by the sale of glebe lands. These reports are also to be
found in the Minutes of the Board of Visitors (item 2).

6. [Faculty's Copy of the Visitors' Resolutions], 1827-1845.

1 vol. Not indexed. R.

"A copy of the enactments and resolutions of a general nature adopted by the
Board of Visitors . . ., since the printed edition of them in 1827, — prepared
for the Faculty of the University." These extracts from the minutes of
the Board of Visitors are similar to, but not wholly like, those compiled contemporaneously
for the Proctor (item 7).

7. [Proctor's Copy of the Visitors' Resolutions], 1827-1846.

1 vol. Not indexed. R.

"An extract from the enactments and resolutions adopted by the Board of Visitors
. . ., since the printed edition of them in 1827, — prepared for the Proctor
of the University." These extracts from the minutes of the Board of Visitors
are similar to, but not wholly like, those compiled contemporaneously for
the Faculty (item 6).

8. Notes Univ. Admin. Bd. of V[isitors], 1853-1856.

1 vol., numbered 3; erroneously dated 1855-1856. Not indexed. V.

A very rough draft of the minutes of the Board of Visitors' meetings.

9. [Docket of the Board of Visitors], 1856-1868.

Sheaf of 50 pp. bound without covers. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Rough lists of matters demanding attention at the meetings of the Visitors, including
especially memorandums of reports due and occasional lists of applicants for
vacant professorships. There is no entry for 1862-1864.


Page 12

10. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Executive Committee, 1859-1868,

3 vols.; I dated July 5, 1859, II dated 1882. Indexes attached in front of I and
III; II has "Contents" in front. V: I. B (west room, south wall): II, III.

Title varies: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Executive Committee, I; Minutes
of the Executive Board, II; Executive Committee, Board of Visitors, III.

Minutes of the meetings and actions of the Executive Committee, a subdivision of
the Board of Visitors designated to consider administrative details too minute or
routine in their nature to demand the attention of all the Visitors. This committee,
though still extant, has held no meeting since 1921.

11. Dockets and Papers [for the] Board of Visitors' Meetings, 1928-1933.

1 cardboard box containing about 300 pp. of unbound papers. B (west room, west

Dockets of matters to be considered by the Visitors and miscellaneous memoranda
submitted to their attention.


12. Faculty's [and General Faculty's] Minutes, 1825-1928.

17 vols., numbered I-XVII; XII-XVI dated. Separate index vol. for I-XII; index
attached in front of XIII-XVI. R: I-XVI. P: XVII.

Title varies: Faculty Records, I-III; Faculty Minutes, IV, X, XII-XVII; Faculty's
Minutes, V, VI, VIII, IX; Record, VII.

Minutes of the meetings of the Faculty (1825-1902) and of the General Faculty
(1902-1928). The minutes of the General Faculty's meetings since 1928 have
been kept but are not yet collected and typed. Under the supervision of the Librarian
a project is in progress for the making of a typewritten copy, with one carbon,
of the faculty's minutes; to date the years 1825-1830 have been covered.

13. [Minutes of the Academic Committee], 1899-1902.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. R.

Minutes of the meetings of the Academic Committee of the Faculty. Succeeded by
Academic Faculty Minutes (item 14).

14. Academic Faculty Minutes, 1902+.

5 vols.; I, III dated. Not indexed. R.

Title varies: no title, I; Record, II; Academic Faculty Minutes, III-V.

Minutes of the meetings of the Academic Faculty. Succeeds Minutes of the Academic
Committee (item 13).

14a. [Minutes of the Committee on Research], 1921+.

2 loose-leaf vols. Not indexed. V: I. C: II.

Minutes and correspondence of the Committee on Research, beginning Nov. 3, 1921,
regarding the granting of financial aid to faculty members for research projects.

Chairman of the Faculty

15. Chairman's Minutes, 1827-1839, 1851-1861.

11 vols.; III, IV, VI, VIII-XI dated. Index attached in front of I; not indexed,
II-XI. B (west room, south wall): I, V. R: VII. V: II-IV, VI, VIII-XI.

Title varies: no title, I, V; Chairman of the Faculty, II; Chairman's Minutes, III,
VII; Chairman's Book, IV; Univ. Adm[in]. Faculty, VI, VIII-XI.

Notations, made almost daily, of the official executive actions and problems of the

16. Chairman's Annual Rolls, 1831-1832.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. R.

An alphabetical list of students with records of their grades, of their absences from
lectures, and of their withdrawals from single courses or from the University.
Also a tabulated report of the number of hours work done each week in each
class, school by school.

17. Chairman's Matriculation Book, 1857-1905.

4 vols. Index for 1890-1902 in 6 unattached vols. B (west room, west wall): I, II.
R: III, IV. R, V: Index.

Title varies: no title, I; Chairman's Matriculation Book, II-IV.

Matriculation records of students enrolling for each session. Succeeded by Registrar's
Matriculation Cards (item 25). For other matriculation records cf. items
20, 24, 26, 37.


Page 13

18. Record of Absences, 1881-1903.

2 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

The Chairman's record of students' unexcused absences from lectures and classes.

19. Catalogue of Students, 1888-1903.

3 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

Title varies: no title, I; Catalogue of Students, II, III.

The Chairman's record of students' leaves of absence or withdrawals from the University.

20. University Administration Matriculation, 1889-1898.

3 vols. Not indexed. R: I, II. V: III.

Title varies: no title, I, II; University Administration Matriculation, III.

The Chairman's "General List of Students", a roughly alphabetical transcription of
their names and of their matriculation records.

21. [Chairman's] Letters, 1889-1897, 1899-1903.

3 vols.; dated. Index attached in front of I-III. V.

Copies of the official correspondence of the Chairman of the Faculty.

President of the University

22. Annual Reports, 1905+.

32 vols. Not indexed. P.

Letters addressed to the deans of departments from chairmen of the faculty of
each school, or to the President from the deans of departments and from directors
or heads of each bureau, agency, or other subdivision which operates
within the University budget. These reports constitute the best record of the
status each year of every unit in the University's organization.

Dean of the University

23. Administrative Council Minutes, 1921+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Administrative Council, which considers almost exclusively
disciplinary problems. No records of this Council were kept before 1921.


24. [Registrar's Statistical Information], 1825+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. R.

A compilation including lists of number of students each session, number of students
on Deans' lists, number of students enrolled in each subject, enrollment
by departments, methods of students' admissions, geographical distribution of
non-Virginia students by states and foreign countries and of Virginia students by

25. [Registrar's Matriculation Cards], 1905+.

About 125 wooden and steel filing cabinets. R.

Matriculation records for students enrolling for each session, filed without regard
to dates in alphabetical order by names within one paper folder or envelope for
each student. Succeeds Chairman's Matriculation Book (item 17).

26. [Schools from which Students Were Admitted], 1919-1930.

1 loose-leaf volume. Not indexed. R.

Registrar's compilation of data on last previous educational affiliation of matriculates
in the University, with names of students and years of their admission recorded
under the names of their earlier institutions in alphabetical order. For
1919-1923 students entering all departments from all types of schools are included;
for 1923-1930 the list deals only with preparatory schools and with undergraduate

27. Women Students, 1921+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. R.

Alphabetical list of women students who have taken degrees at the University, 19211933,
and a classification of these students under degrees awarded, 1921+.


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28. Semi Centennial Catalogue [of Graduates], 1825-1889.

1 vol.; dated "1825-1875". Not indexed. R.

An alphabetical list of proficients, graduates, and titled graduates compiled by William
Wertenbaker in 1875 and kept up-to-date until 1890 by an anonymous collaborator.

29. Decennial Catalogue, 1884-1904.

2 vols.; II dated. Not indexed. R.

Alphabetical lists of students attending the University during these two decades,
compiled by an unknown official, including the student's home town, his sessions
here, his courses and degrees, his subsequent career, and occasionally other information.
These volumes are supplementary to the semi-centennial catalogue (18251875)
compiled by Schele De Vere and Joseph Van Holt Nash, published in Baltimore,
1878, and to the printed decennial catalogue (1874-1884). There are also
15 wooden filing cases of cards and questionnaires, arranged alphabetically in one
folder for each student, from which these catalogues were compiled; this file is
practically complete for 1894-1904, covers 1884-1894 less completely, and contains
occasional entries for 1825-1884.

30. University Administration, Catalogue Applications, 1900.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

A list of the names and addresses of persons who asked during June-August, 1900,
that copies of the University's catalogue be sent to them. It indicates also the
persons whose influence in securing the applicants as students was sought by the

31. Boarding Houses, 1902-1903.

1 vol.; erroneously dated "1903?". Index attached in front of vol. V.

Reports of inspections made by a committee of the privately owned homes in which
some students boarded, recording especially their sources of water and milk.
This supervision for students' protection came as a result of an epidemic.



32. Proctor's Journal, 1817-1851.

5 vols.; IV and V both lettered "C"; III dated "April 1, 1828". Index unattached
in back of III; not indexed, I, II, IV, V. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: no title, I; Journal, II-IV; Proctor's Journal, V.

Original entries of business transactions of Central College (1817-1819) and of the
University (1819-1851). Vol. I covers 1817-1822 and vol. II covers 1819-1828;
but, despite the overlapping of dates, they are apparently the same type of record
and presumably belong in the same series.

33. Proctor's Ledger, 1817-1832, 1859-1905.

47 vols.; IV lettered "C"; III, V-XLVII dated. Index attached in front of I, II,
IV; index unattached in V-XLVII; not indexed, III. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Ledger, I, II, IV; Proctor's Ledger, III, V-XLVII.

Final entries of financial transactions of Central College (1817-1819) and of the
University (1819-1832, 1859-1905). During 1833-1858 this record was kept by the
Patron (item 46). Succeeded by General Ledger (item 49).

34. [Proctor's] Day Book, 1821-1828.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A daily record of all business transactions.

35. Receipt Book [for Subscriptions to the University], 1824.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Accounts of about 100 persons who had subscribed to an unknown fund for the University.
The debit for each was dated April 30 or 31; it is interesting to note
that as late as June 30, the date of latest entry, only a handful of payments had
been credited to these accounts. For other contents of this vol. cf. item 36.

36. Receipt Book, 1825-1827.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Signed receipts demanded by the Proctor of persons to whom he made payments.
For other contents of this vol. cf. item 35.


Page 15

37. Students' Register, 1825-1905.

4 vols.; III dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Matriculation Book, I, II; Register of Students, III; Students' Register,

Matriculation records probably kept by the Proctor, perhaps more in his capacity
as a disciplinary officer than as a financial accountant. At the top of the pages is
a pledge of intention to obey the University's laws, which the students signed
below, giving typical matriculation information about themselves. This series
is especially valuable as the largest repository of student signatures. It was
abandoned when the Registrar's Matriculation Cards (item 25) came into use.
For other matriculation records cf. items 17, 20, 24, 26.

38. Students Receipt Book [for Unsettled Accounts], 1865-1882.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Record of amounts overdue on student fees and of the notes by which these debts
were covered. For a portion of this period a temporary and similar list of student
delinquencies is available in Journal of Unpaid Student Accounts (item 39).
For a later list of notes cf. item 60.

39. Journal [of Unpaid Student Accounts], 1866-1874.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Names of students in debt to the University for delinquent fees and of the
amounts they owed. Some of the names are scratched out, indicating that their
accounts were settled. This record was transcribed in final form in Students
Receipt Book for Unsettled Accounts (item 38). For other contents of this vol.
cf. items 74-76.

40. Proctor's Cash, 1879-1905.

15 vols.; IX-XV dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Proctor's Cash Book, I, IV-VI; Day-Book, II; Cash Book, III;
Day, VII; Cash, VIII; Proctor's Cash, IX-XV.

A daily record of cash receipts and disbursements. Succeeded by Bursar's Cash
(item 48).

41. [Proctor's] Cash Book, 1884-1886.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A rough and apparently temporary daily record of cash receipts and disbursements.

42. Dormitory Register, 1891+.

3 vols.; III numbered "No. 2". Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Room Register, I; Dormitory Register, II, III.

Names of students occupying all rooms in University dormitories, recorded session
by session.

43. Record of Endowments and Donations, 1895+.

1 vol. Index attached in front. B (west room, south wall).

A list of endowments and other gifts to the University, recording name of donor,
amount and date of the benefaction, and the official name, if any, of the donation.

44. Accounts and Financial Correspondence, 1897-1914.

13 vols.; XIII dated "October 1, 1912". Index attached in front of I-XII; not
indexed, XIII. B (west room, south wall), I-XII. B (west room, west wall),

Title varies: no title, I, III, IV, VII, IX, X; Letters and Statements, II; Letters,
V, VI, XI-XIII; Accounts and Financial Correspondence, VIII.

Copies of official letters and of miscellaneous accounts, deposits, and statements
of the Proctor and Bursar. For other correspondence of the Bursar cf. item 51.


45. Patron's Day-Book [of Students' Allowances], 1832-1833, 1834-1835.

2 vols. Index attached in front of I; not indexed, II. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Patron's Day-Book, I; no title, II.

Record of deductions from funds deposited by each student with the Patron. Vol. I
includes expenditures for board and fuel, a record of fees paid to each professor,
and a memo, dated July, 1833, of students' fines and assessments. Both vols. include
notations of bills or orders presented for student purchases from local merchants
for books, clothing, etc.; for in that day the Patron was custodian of the
students' allowances and "pocket money". For other contents of vol. II cf. items
47, 72.


Page 16

46. Patron's Ledger, 1833-1858.

27 vols.; dated. Index unattached in front or back of each vol. B (west room, west

Final entries of financial transactions of the University. Succeeds and succeeded by
Proctor's Ledger (item 33).

47. [Purchases Made by Students Having No Allowance], 1866-1867.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A list of bills or orders (or, in the language of this age, "cold checks") drawn on
the Patron for purchases from local merchants by students who had no funds in
his hands. For other contents of this vol. cf. items 45, 72.


48. Bursar's Cash, 1905-1910.

6 vols.; I-IV dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A daily record of cash receipts and disbursements. Succeeds Proctor's Cash (item
40); succeeded by Cash Receipts (item 54) and by Cash Disbursements (item 53).

49. General Ledger, 1905-1910.

5 vols.; dated. Index unattached in front or back of each vol. B (west room, west

Final entries of financial transactions of the University. Vol. I includes students'
accounts, each listed under the student's name, and other University accounts,
listed under subject or agency headings. Vols. II-V include only the latter type
of accounts, the records for each student being separated in Students Ledger (item

50. Students Ledger, 1906-1910.

4 vols.; dated. Index unattached, III; not indexed, I, II, IV. B (west room, west

Final entries of student fees and accounts. Succeeds in part General Ledger, I
(item 49); succeeded by Students' Fees (item 57).

51. Letters [of] the Bursar, 1906-1913.

5 vols.; dated. Index attached in front of I-V. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Letters, the Bursar; I; Letters, II; Letters, I. K. Moran, Bursar,
III; Letters, Bursar's Office, IV, V.

Copies of official correspondence of the Bursar. For other financial letters cf. items
44, 79.

52. Students Contingent Deposits, 1908-1910, 1912-1922.

3 vols.; I dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall), I, II. B (west room, south
wall), III.

Title varies: Students Contingent Deposits, I, II; no title, III.

Accounts for students of deposits required to cover such varied expenses as student
publications, athletics, the Y. M. C. A., the chapel fund, the band, library fines,
and laboratory fees. For some of these accounts refunds were allowed. This
record was discontinued in 1922.

53. Cash Disbursements, 1910+.

18 vols.; II, XI-XV numbered. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall): I-XIV.
B (west room, west wall): XV-XVIII.

A daily record of cash expenditures. During 1928-1932 a distinction was made in
the sources of the disbursed funds, and separate volumes in this series record coordinately
the expenditures made from state appropriations and the disbursements
made from other University funds. Succeeds in part Bursar's Cash (item 48).

54. Cash Receipts, 1910+.

7 vols.; V numbered "No. 5", VII numbered "No. 7". Not indexed. B (west room,
south wall).

A daily record of cash receipts. Beginning March 1, 1928, a distinction was made
in the sources of the University's receipts. Vol. VI records income from sources
other than state appropriations; vol. VII records co-ordinately income from funds
provided by the state government. Succeeds in part Bursar's Cash (item 48).

55. [General] Journal, 1910+.

4 vols. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Title varies: Journal, I, II, IV; no title, III.

Accounts of miscellaneous departmental transactions, usually not involving cash;
closing entries for the year; and notes and accounts receivable.


Page 17

56. Pay Roll, 1910+.

4 vols.; III numbered "No. 3", IV numbered "No. 4". Not indexed. B (central
room, east wall).

Records of payments made on salary to all University professors, instructors, and
administrative officials. Until the session of 1932-1933 this series contained also
records of payments made to all scholars and fellows, but these are currently kept
separately in Scholarships and Fellowships (item 67).

57. Students' Fees, 1910+.

8 vols. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Title varies: Students' Fees, I, II; no title, III-VIII.

Final entries of student fees and accounts. Succeeds Students Ledger (item 50).

58. Trial Balance, 1910-1915, 1924+.

6 vols. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

A monthly or semi-annual balance of the Bursar's accounts. The records for 19161923,
which are missing, were probably kept on loose sheets of paper and destroyed.

59. Deposits and Checks, 1913-1926.

2 vols., numbered "No. 1" and "No. 2". Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Records of deposits made in several banks and of checks issued, stating name of the
bank on which the check was drawn, amount of the check, name of the payee, and
the reason for payment. Succeeded in part by Deposits, University Branch Bank
(item 66).

60. Note Register, 1913+.

1 vol., numbered "No. I". Not indexed. B (central room, east wall).

A record of all notes covering debts for students' fees and for loans made from the
University's loan funds. For an earlier list of notes cf. item 38.

61. Cash [Book of the] Summer Quarter, 1914+.

5 vols.; I numbered "No. 2", II numbered "No. 3". Not indexed. B (west room,
south wall).

Title varies: Summer School, I; Cash Summer Quarter, II; no title, III-V.

Separate accounts of cash handled by the Bursar for the University's summer quarter.
Beginning in January, 1923, these accounts were also incorporated in Cash
Receipts (item 54) and in Cash Disbursements (item 53).

62. Cash Record [of the] University of Virginia Army School, 1918.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

A financial report of the federal government's payments of tuition and board for
some students during May-December, 1918, a practice adopted for the training
of soldiers during the World War.

63. [Budget Estimates], 1918+.

4 vols. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

An annual record of the estimated financial requirements and receipts of all divisions
of the University. Before the fiscal year of 1918-1919 budget estimates
were kept on loose sheets of paper, which were probably destroyed.

64. [Accounts, Deposits, Checks, and Receipts for Special Funds], 1921+.

About 35 file boxes; dated. B (west room, south and west walls).

Deposit slips, cancelled checks, signed receipts, separate balance sheets and other
accounts of miscellaneous special University funds handled by the Bursar, including
some donations.

65. Journal [of Cash Receipts from Students], 1922+.

5 vols. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Title varies: no title, I; Journal, II-V.

An auxiliary and temporary record of cash received daily from students in payment
of fees.

66. Deposits, University Branch Bank, 1926+.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (central room, east wall).

Reconciliation book of deposits and checks, listing deposits with the University
Branch of Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville and with other banks in detail
and checks only in summary. Succeeds in part Deposits and Checks (item

67. Scholarships and Fellowships, 1932+.

1 vol., numbered "No. 1". Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Records of payments made to students holding scholarships and fellowships in the
University. Succeeds in part Pay Roll, I-III (item 56).


Page 18

68. [Construction Accounts of the Art Museum], 1933-1934.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A separate record of accounts in connection with the construction of the Bayly
Memorial Art Museum (Public Works Administration project No. 774).

69. [Petty Cash Checks and Receipts], 1934+.

About 125 file boxes; dated. B (west room, south and west walls).

Files of cancelled checks and signed receipts for funds expended by the Bursar
from both State and non-State revenues of the University.


70. [Account Book for Wood], 1835-1836.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Accounts of University residents for wood received from the University wood
yard. For other wood accounts cf. item 71.

71. Wood and Candles, 1839-1840, 1841-1842, 1848-1849, 1852[-1853], 18671869.

5 vols.; III, V dated. Index unattached in front of II, IV, V; not indexed, I,
III. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: no title, I; Wood and Candles, II-V.

Accounts of residents for wood and candles supplied to them by the University.

72. [Club Subscriptions for Ice], 1847.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Lists of students who subscribed in clubs or groups for a daily supply of ice. This
service on the part of the Patron may have been short-lived, for the entries
cover only April 22-May 3. For other contents of this vol. cf. items 45, 47.

73. Ledger [of Renovation Costs], [1859-]1860, 1896-1897, [1906-]1910.

3 vols.; III lettered "B". Index attached in front of I, II; not indexed, III. B
(west room, west wall): I, II: B (west room, south wall): III.

Title varies: Ledger, I, II; Time Book, III.

Accounts kept by the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds of costs for materials
and labor used in making various repairs and improvements on University
property. For other repair accounts cf. item 76.

74. Journal [of Accounts for Coal], 1866-1869.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Accounts of University residents with the Proctor for coal supplied by the University.
For other contents of this vol. cf. items 39, 75, 76.

75. Journal [of Purchases of Coal], 1870-1883.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Record of carloads of coal bought by the University for use in its buildings and
for supply to its residents. For other contents of this vol. cf. items 39, 74, 76.

76. Journal [of Renovations to University Buildings], 1879-1881.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Records of miscellaneous repairs on University buildings. For other contents of
this vol. cf. items 39, 74, 75. For other renovation accounts cf. item 73.

77. [Account Book for Gas], 1882-1883, 1884-1888, 1895-1896.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Accounts of University residents for gas supplied to them.

78. Coal Book, 1883-1884.

1 vol.; dated "October 1, /83". Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Accounts of University residents for coal supplied to them.

79. Letters, 1896-1897.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Copies of the official correspondence of the Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds with business firms and individuals in regard to repairs and improvements
on University property. For other financial letters cf. items 44, 51.


Page 19

80. Minute Book [of the] Alumni Board of Trustees [of the] University
of Virginia Endowment Fund, 1907+.

4 vols.; III numbered "No. 3" IV numbered "No 4". Not indexed. B (west
room, south wall): I, II. P: III, IV.

Minutes of the meetings of Alumni Board of Trustees, an incorporated organization
whose function is to handle some of the University's endowment funds.
Its origin lay in the unwillingness of Andrew Carnegie to include state institutions
in his philanthropies; for this reason this Board was created to accept
his donation of half a million dollars. At that time the University matched
Carnegie's gift with an equal amount, and the Alumni Centennial Endowment
Fund of 1925 is also administered by this corporation for the University.


Alumni Association, General

81. Record [of the Meetings of the Alumni Association], 1866-1914.

2 vols. Not indexed. C.

Title varies: Record, I; no title, II.

Minutes of the meetings of the General Alumni Association. The record of the
first meeting in the first volume states that all earlier records were lost during
Sheridan's occupation of Charlottesville in March, 1865. Since 1914 these minutes
have been published regularly in the Alumni News.

82. Subscribers to [the Alumni] Bulletin, 1894-1896.

1 vol.; dated 1899. Index attached in front of vol. V.

List of subscribers to the publication of the Alumni Association, compiled by
Secretary F. W. Page, including a separate list of the schools, most of which
were in Virginia, which were on its mailing list. The vol. includes also a list
of alumni in Colorado, Illinois, and New York City.

83. Alumni Register, 1898-1907.

1 vol. Not indexed. R.

An apparently partial record of alumni visits at the University. Few dates are
written in the column for that information, but home addresses and vocations are
usually to be found.

84. [Minutes of the Board of Managers], 1918+.

2 vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Managers of the General Alumni Association.

Athletic Association, General

85. [Minutes of the Board of Directors], 1908-1918, 1927+.

2 vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors of the General Athletic Association.
The minutes for 1893-1907 and for 1919-1926, probably in two vols.,
are missing. In recent years this Board has dealt almost solely with the business
of awarding athletic letters and managerships.

Colonnade Club

86. [Minutes of the Colonnade Club], 1907+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Colonnade Club's resident membership.

87. Non-Alumni Visitors [to the] Colonnade Club, 1908+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

A register signed by visitors who are not alumni of the University, which has
been used with apparently variable regularity. Frequently the entries include
the name of the member whose guest the visitor was.

88. Visiting Members and Alumni [Guests of the] Colonnade Club, 1909+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

A register, apparently kept with intermittent zeal, signed by non-resident members
and alumni returning to the University. Some entries indicate the probable
length of the visitor's stay.

89. Record [of the Board of Governors], 1924+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Governors of the Colonnade Club, which
acts as a sort of executive committee for the resident membership.


Page 20


90. Ledger [of Accounts for Guests], 1911-1912.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

A register of guests at the Commons, indicating the meals eaten by them and
often the name of the person whose guests they were. Less frequently actual
figures are entered to be added to the bills of the regular boarders.

Economics, James Wilson School of

91. [Minutes of the Economics Faculty], 1934+.

Few unbound pages. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the School of Economics.

Education, Curry Memorial Department of

92. Minutes of [the] Educational Department, 1917+.

2 vols. Index attached in back of II; not indexed, I. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the School of Education (1917-1920) and
of the Department of Education (1920+).

Engineering, Department of

93. Minutes of [the] Engineering Faculty, 1905+.

3 vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the Department of Engineering.

English Language and Literature, Schools of

94. [Minutes of the English Faculty], 1926+.

About 40 unbound pp. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the Linden Kent Memorial School of
English Literature and of the Edgar Allan Poe School of English. Until about
1934 these minutes are very fragmentary.

Extension Division

95. [Minutes of the Executive Committee], 1925+.

About 100 unbound pp. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Extension Division.

96. [Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Virginia Literary and
Athletic League], 1925+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Virginia Literary and Athletic League's "steering
gear" group, a committee composed of University and educational officials and
of high school principals.

97. [Minutes of the State Legislative Council of the Virginia Literary and
Athletic League], 1926+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Virginia Literary and Athletic League's Legislative
Council, which carries out by enactments the aims of the League in its
work with the secondary schools of the state.

Final Honors

98. [Papers of the Committee on Final Honors Courses], 1934-1935.

About 60 unbound pp Not indexed. C.

Minutes of a meeting of the Committee on Final Honors Courses on Oct. 2, 1934,
together with the letter of the President appointing its members, tentative proposals
for Honors requirements, preliminary and final reports, and answers to
a questionnaire sent by the Committee to holders of Intermediate Honors.


Page 21

Graduate Studies, Department of

99. [Minutes of the Graduate Committee on Rules and Courses], 1923+.

About 6 filing cabinets. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Graduate Committee on Rules and Courses. These
minutes are scanty until 1926. All records prior to 1923. were lost or destroyed.


100. [Histories and Charts for In-Patients], 1907+.

Over 1,200 cubic feet of steel shelves. Index in about 20 steel card files. C.

Complete case records of all persons admitted to the Hospital's wards, whose number
totals slightly above 125,000. They are filed by "History No." in one folder
for each individual, with a card index by name in separate files.

101. Superintendents Diary, 1907+.

About 25 vols. Not indexed. C.

A daily record for reference and business purposes of all persons admitted as inpatients.

102. [Admission Cards of In-Patients], ca. 1907+.

About 120 steel card files. Not indexed. C.

An alphabetical file of cards containing the admission records of all in-patients.

103. Cash Receipts, ca. 1910+.

10 vols. Not indexed. C.

A daily record of all cash received by the Hospital. The cash disbursements of the
Hospital are included in the Bursar's accounts.

104. Ledger, 1911-1916.

1 vol. Index attached in front of vol. B (west room, west wall).

An account of money received each week by the Hospital from its patients.

105. [Case Records for Out-Patients], ca. 1920+.

About 25 steel files. Index in about 10 steel card files. C.

Complete case records of all persons treated in the clinics or out-patient department
but not admitted to the Hospital. They are filed by number, with a card index
by name in separate files.

106. Diagnosis File, 1925+.

About 35 steel card files. Not indexed. C.

A diagnosis index to the case records of in-patients on whom operations were performed.
There is a card or cards, arranged alphabetically, for each diagnosis, on
which the history numbers of all such cases are entered.

Institute of Public Affairs

107. [Addresses before the] Institute of Public Affairs, 1928+.

21 vols.; dated. Each vol. has a table of contents. V.

Mimeographed copies of the addresses delivered before the general evening sessions
of the Institute and of the discussions of the morning and afternoon round tables.
These vols. succeed the printed addresses delivered before the evening
meetings of the Institute's first session in 1927.

Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

108. [Annual Reports of the Director], 1926+.

2 loose-leaf vols. Not indexed. C.

Reports of the Director of the Institute, written in the form of letters. During the
first three years they were addressed to the President of the University; for the
last seven years they have been addressed to a representative of the Rockefeller
Foundation, of which the Institute has been a beneficiary. They are not included
in Annual Reports (item 22).

109. [Minutes of the Institute and of its Executive Council], 1926+.

3 loose-leaf vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Institute and of the Executive Council, which has
transacted a large majority of its business.


Page 22

Law, Department of

110. Univ. [Attendance Record of Summer Law Classes], 1877-1904.

1 vol.; erroneously dated 1878-1903. Not indexed. V.

A daily record of attendance, together with a few matriculation data and grades,
of students enrolled in the somewhat independent summer law courses taught by
John B. Minor and others.

111. Minutes of the Meetings of the Law Faculty, 1903+.

2 vols. Not indexed. C.

Title varies: no title, I; Minutes of the Meetings of the Law Faculty, II.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the Department of Law.


112. [Jefferson's Catalogue of Books for the Library], 1825.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

List of books which Jefferson desired to be obtained for the University Library;
in handwriting of his daughter, Virginia, dated June 3, 1825, with notations by
Jefferson and signature; "Th. Jefferson, Rector." Books listed by subject, with
place and date of publication in some cases, and size of book.

113. [Books Borrowed from the Library], 1825-1837.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Title of book, name of borrower, date borrowed, date due, date returned, amount
of fine. Edgar Allan Poe's name is on record. Includes "List of Students
who have deposited the Bursar's Receipt," 1827 (4 pages preceding numbered
pages). For other circulation records cf. items 114, 118.

114. Professors Register, 1868-1903.

2 vols.; I dated incorrectly "1868-1903", II dated correctly "1891-1903". Not indexed.

Title varies: no title, I; Professors Register, II.

A daily record of circulation for books borrowed by members of the faculty, listing
names of professors, author and title of the work loaned, and the dates of
its issuance and return. For other circulation records cf. items 113, 118.

115. Register of Books Requiring Binding and Repairs, 1873.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

A list of about 500 books in the Library which needed to be rebound or repaired,
with an entry beside each to indicate what was done to it.

116. Books Received, 1873-1904.

2 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

A monthly list of the Library's acquisitions by purchase or gift.

117. Catalogue by Subjects, 1877.

1 vol.; dated. Index attached in front of vol. V.

Two alphabetical lists of the books in the Library, one by authors and one by subjects
of the vols., compiled by J. H. Siddens. Ancient Classics and Law Books,
which were separately catalogued, were excluded from this arrangement.

118. Students Register, 1878-1903.

5 vols.; dated 1878, 1888, 1892, 1898, 1902. Not indexed. V.

Title varies: Students Record, I, III; Students Register, II, IV, V.

A daily record of circulation for books borrowed by students, listing names of
students, author and title of the work loaned, dates of its issuance and return,
and the fine for overtime, if any. For other circulation records cf. items 113,

119. Library Catalogue, ca. 1885-1905.

2 vols.; I lettered "A-H", II lettered "I-Z". Not indexed. V.

An alphabetical list of the works in the Library arranged under authors' names,
with some entries also by titles or subjects of the vols. A note pasted to one
page is dated Feb., 1880; the compilation of this catalogue apparently progressed
over a period of many years. Marks made in colored pencils beside a number of
its entries indicate vols. saved from the Rotunda fire of 1895 and vols. acquired
after the fire.

120. Record, University Library, Visitors Register, 1899-1906.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. V.

A register of the names and addresses of visitors to the Rotunda, signed by themselves.
For other contents of this vol. cf. item 121.


Page 23

121. Record . . . [of Fines for Books Kept Overtime], 1905-1906.

1 vol.; dated 1899-1906. Not indexed. V.

An alphabetical list of borrowers who kept books out of the Library overtime and
of the fines levied upon them. For other contents of this vol. cf. item 120.

122. [Minutes of the Library Committee], 1907+.

2 vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Library Committee.

123. Catalogue of the Gift of W. W. Corcoran to the Library.

1 vol. Index unattached in back of vol. V.

An alphabetical list of works given to the library by W. W. Corcoran (1798-1888),
of the District of Columbia, at an unknown date.

Medicine, Department of

124. List of Medical Alumni, [1825-]1899.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

A list of the doctors who graduated from the University, compiled in July, 1899.

125. [Minutes of the Medical Faculty], 1892+.

3 vols. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the Faculty of the Department of Medicine.

126. Univ. Medical School, 1895-1896.

1 vol. Index attached in front of vol. V.

A record of the questions asked and of the grades of students in the laboratory or
practical portion of the work of the anatomy class.

127. [Grades of Medical Students], 1902-1909.

1 vol. Not indexed. R.

A record of final grades made in each course by students in the medical classes
graduating in 1906-1909, inclusive.

Romanic Languages, School of

128. [Minutes of the Romanic Languages Faculty], 1919+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Minutes of the meetings of the faculty of the School of Romanic Languages.


Alpha Omega Alpha. Alpha of Virginia

129. [Order of Initiation], 1919.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

A local ritual for induction of new members.

130. [Chapter Roll and Minutes], 1919+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Honorary medical fraternity; organized Nov., 1919.

131. Register of Initiates, 1919+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Initiation records for each member with autograph signature.

132. [Treasurer's Reports, Bills, General Correspondence, etc.], 1919+.

1 letter file. Not indexed. C.

Treasurer's statements and accounts for 1919-1922 only.

133. [Treasurer's Book], 1922+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Accounts of the treasurer.


Page 24

College Topics

134. [Assignment Book], 1917-1918.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Record of reporters' assignments for the University's tri-weekly news-sheet; established

135. [Financial Records], 1934+.

1 vol. Index. C.

Accounts of the business manager.

Graduate Club

136. [Minutes, etc.], 1900-1904.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Includes constitution, list of charter members, resolutions, rules, etc.

The Jabberwock of the University of Virginia

137. [Minutes], 1935+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Organized Nov., 1935. By co-operation of the Society and a local theatre, foreign
films are shown in Charlottesville. The record of Nov., 1935-Feb., 1936 is only
a summary. Includes roll of members.

Jefferson Society

138. Roll Book, 1856-1886, 1895-1925.

2 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

List of members. Vol. for 1895-1925 includes Minutes, 1919-1923 (item 139).

139. Minute Book, 1875-1918, 1924+.

5 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

First vol. of Minutes probably destroyed in Rotunda fire, 1895 (cf. clipping [photostat
in V] from Minutes, "Monday the 23d . . . 1826," with Edgar Allan
Poe autograph). Minutes for 1919-1923 in Roll Book, 1895-1925 (item 138).
Vol. for 1924-1925 includes record of centennial celebration of the Society,
1924-1925. Oldest literary society; organized July 14, 1825.

140. Ledger . . ., 1880-1881.

1 vol. Index in front. B (west room, west wall).

An account book including names of students who paid initiation fees.

141. Clippings and Photographs, 1925-1929.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

A collection of printed and photographic records.

Madison Hall

142. [Prayer Meeting Attendance], 1846-1861, 1862-1863, 1865-1876.

1 vol.; dated 1846-1876. Not indexed. V.

"Persons who attended with regularity the prayer meetings of the U. Va. students.
An Album kep[t] by Dr. W. H. McGuffey," with autograph signatures.

143. Membership, 1858-1893, 1896-1897.

2 vols.; dated. Not indexed. V.

Title varies: Membership Y. M. C. A., and Constitution adi[o]pted Oct. 12,
1858, I; Membership, II.

Vol. for 1896-1897 includes subscriptions to new Y. M. C. A. building, [Madison
Hall endowment fund, 1904-1906].

144. Library Records, 1860-1862, 1865-1883.

1 vol.; dated 1860-1883. Not indexed. V.

Record of books loaned.


Page 25

145. Cabinet Minutes, 1869-1910, 1913-1915, 1917-1919, 1921-1923, 1925+.

6 vols. Not indexed. V: I-V. C: VI.

Title varies: Executive Committee and Cabinet Minutes, I; Cabinet Minutes, IIVI.

I, 1869-1880, includes reports of committee chairmen and special committees; III,
1904-1910, Oct. 1914, Jan. 1915, Sept.-Dec. 1921, Oct. 1922, Oct. 1923; IV,
1913-1914, 1917-1919.

146. The Mission Band, 1886-1890.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Includes contributions to the Brockman fund, 1900-1903, and foreign work fund
subscription for 1902-1903.

147. Annual Report of the Y. M. C. A., 1887.

4 pp.; typewritten. V.

Summary of the year's work, copied April, 1909.

148. Ledger, 1893-1910, 1916-1921, 1923-1925.

8 vols.; I-VII numbered; I, II, VII dated. Index in each vol. V.

I, 1893-1896, and miscellaneous entries for sessions 1903-1904 and 1904-1905; II,
1896-1904; III, various accounts for sessions 1905-1909; IV, receipts and expenses,
July 1905-Aug. 1909; V, July 1909-1910, June 1919-1921, and 1923-1924;
VI, expense accounts for 1916-1919 and subscription fund for 1920; VII, various
entries for 1909-1910; VIII, 1924-1925.

149. Minutes [of the] Joint Committee on Religious Exercises, 1896-1898.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. V.

Programs of chapel services and Bible classes.

150. Register of Students, 1902-1903.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. V.

Includes Chapel fund subscription for 1902-1905.

151. Ladies' Auxiliary Record Book, 1903-1904, 1911-1912.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Includes minutes, Jan. 1903-1904; membership, 1911-1913; rules of management.

152. Students' Ministerial Band [Records], 1904-1907, 1910, 1914.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Record of membership, 1904-1905, and minutes, 1905-1907, 1910, 1914.

153. [Records of the Committee on Religious Exercises], 1904-1916.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Includes provisional schedules of officiating ministers; also financial statements and
accounts of the Chapel fund.

154. Minutes and Members [of the] Committee on Neighborhood Work,

1 vol.; dated erroneously 1904-1907. Not indexed. V.

Activity to bring students "in touch with their respective churches."

155. Bible Study Classes, 1908-1910.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Record of members and attendance.

156. Paying Cash Book, Y. M. C. A., 1910-1929.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (center room, east wall).

Record of general expenditures and bank deposits.

157. Foreign Work Subscriptions, 1911-1912.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Record of subscriptions to foreign work sponsored by the association.

158. Receipt Book, 1916-1917.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Record of receipts for Feb., 1916-Sept., 1917.

159. Records of Members, 191-?.

8 loose-leaves. V.

Incomplete record of individual members on printed forms.


Page 26

160. [Scrap Book], 1924-1929.

6 vols. Cover-title, 1924-1928: Standard Daily Journal. Not indexed. V.

Miscellaneous entries such as Boys Work Club reports, membership drive, committee
meetings, daily memoranda. Vol. for 1928 includes Calendar of chapel services
and speakers.

161. [Financial] Record, 1925-1928.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Financial accounts for summer sessions only.

162. [Subscription Campaign], 1927-1928.

1 vol. Cover-title: Cash. Not indexed. V.

List of subscriptions; also income and expenses of Madison Hall for summer of 1929.

Phi Beta Kappa. Beta of Virginia

163. Registration of Initiates, 1908+.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Founded in 1908. Autograph signatures.

164. Secretary's Minute Book, 1908+.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Minutes of the chapter's meetings.

The Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity. Alpha Beta of Virginia

165. [Entry and Discharge Record of Members], 1921+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. C.

Record of initiation dates, and of members transferred to other chapters.

166. [Members Individual Account], 1921+.

1 file case of 9 × 12 cards. C.

An alphabetical file of financial record cards for each member.

167. Minutes . . ., 1921+.

2 vols.; I bound, II loose-leaf. Not indexed. C.

Honorary educational fraternity; organized Oct. 21, 1921.

168. [Personal History of Member], 1921+.

1 vertical file. C.

Eligibility records, arranged chronologically, of candidates for membership.

169. Record of Receipts and Disbursements, 1924+.

3 vols. Not indexed. C.

Accounts of the chapter's treasurer.

Raven Society

170. [Membership Record], 1904+.

1 file box. V.

Cards, in alphabetical order, listing names and departments.

171. [Minute and Roll Book], 1904+.

3 vols. Not indexed. V.

Honorary society; organized April 20, 1904.

Sigma Xi, Virginia Chapter of

172. Minutes, 1924+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Founded Feb. 28, 1924. Includes text of its Constitution.

173. Signatures of members, 1924+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Autograph signatures of members in order of their initiation.


Page 27

174. History of the Virginia Chapter of Sigma Xi, by Joseph K. Roberts.
University of Virginia, January 1936.

9, [6] pp. typewritten. C, V.

Appended is a "List of Members . . . including initiates and transfers. . . ."

Student Assembly

175. [Minutes], 1930+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. C.

Includes rolls of members.

Student Senate

176. [Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, etc.], 1930+.

1 file box. C.

Letters and miscellaneous records kept by the secretary.

177. [Minutes] 1930+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Organized May 16, 1930. Includes annual roll of members.

Tau Beta Pi Association. Alpha of Virginia

178. [Membership record], 1921+.

1 box of 3 x 5 cards. C.

Alphabetical file of members' records.

179. [Official Roll and Record Book], 1921+.

1 loose-leaf vol. Not indexed. C.

Honorary engineering fraternity; organized May 28, 1921. A minute book which
includes signatures of initiates.

University of Virginia Magazine

180. University Literary Magazine [Account Book], 1870-1877.

1 vol.; dated "Session 1870-71". Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Includes subscriptions, exchange and mailing lists, and accounts kept by the business

Virginia Players

181. [Scrap-book], 1928+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

Clippings, copies of programs, etc.

182. [Minutes], 1933+.

1 vol. Not indexed. C.

School of Dramatic Art; organized 1928.

Washington Literary Society

183. Minutes, 1859-1868, 1886-1903, 1906-1914, 1917-1926.

8 vols. Not indexed. V.

Title varies: Minutes, I, II, IV-VIII: no title, III.

Society organized during session of 1834-35.

184. Roll B[oo]k, 1889-1899.

1 vol. Not indexed. V.

Annual rolls of the society's membership.

No Page Number