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Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.


William Mynn Thornton, B.A., LL.D.




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FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.  Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy 
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, B.A., LL.D.  Professor of Applied Mathematics 
FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, B.S., C.E., E.M.  Professor of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry (retired
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B.S., C.E.  Professor of Mathematics 
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
THOMAS WALKER PAGE, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  James Wilson Professor of Economics 
THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, M.S., Ph.D.  Corcoran Professor of Geology 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B.A., B.S., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, B.A., C.E.  Professor of Civil Engineering 
CHARLES HANCOCK, B.S.  Professor of Mechanical Engineering 
LLEWELLYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
WALTER SHELDON RODMAN, S. M.  Professor of Electrical Engineering 
GRAHAM EDGAR, B.S., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
FISKE KIMBALL, M.Arch., Ph.D.  Professor of Art and Architecture 
CARROLL MASON SPARROW, B.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
HERMAN PATRICK JOHNSON, M. A., Ph.M.  Associate Professor of English Literature 
GARDNER LLOYD CARTER, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Chemistry 
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Mathematics 
TIPTON RAY SNAVELY, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Economics 
[1] WILFRED ELDRED, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Business Administration 
ALBERT JULIUS BARLOW, A.B., B.B.A., C.P.A.  Associate Professor of Business Administration 
JOHN HOWE YOE, M.S., M.A.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
THOMAS FAUNTLEROY BALL, M.S.  Assistant Professor of Physics 
EDWARD WATTS SAUNDERS, JR., C.E.  Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics 
JAMES SHANNON MILLER, JR., B.S., B.A., E.E.  Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering 
JOHN TIPTON LONSDALE, B.A., M.S.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
STANISLAW JOHN MAKIELSKI  Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture 


Fred Allison, M.A. (Teaching Fellow)  Physics 
Charles Spurgeon Black, A.M.  Chemistry 
Garland Baird Briggs, B.S.  Mathematics 
Lawrence Sinclair Cannon, M.S. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
Frank Wesley Davies, B.S., M.A.  Economics 
Carroll Wardlaw Griffin, B.S. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
John Pannill Hancock, B.S. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
John Albert  Morrow , M.A. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
Brook Payne, Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad.  Mathematics 
William Hilliard Schuyler, B.S. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
William Orr Swan, M.S. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
Gilbert Ivo Thurmond, B.S., M.A. (Teaching Fellow)  Chemistry 
Kenneth Sewell Wingfield, E.E.  Electrical Engineering 




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Thomas Jefferson Atkins  Chemistry 
Stuart Randolph Booker  Chemistry 
Noland Waldo Brown  Shop-work 
Richard Walke Byrd  Mathematics 
John Whitworth Calcott  Shop-work 
Johnson Barbour Christian  Surveying 
Moritz Anton Cohen  Drawing 
James Purnell Daugherty, Jr.  Chemistry 
Macdonald Dick  Physics 
Richard Bland Lee Fleming  Chemistry 
Henry Clark Forrest  Drawing 
Aurelius Sydney Furcron  Geology 
George Peterkin Gamble  Field-work 
Leroy Craun Harman  Field-work 
Welford Capers Harrison  Shop-work 
Frederick Hoeke  Drawing and Field-work 
Angus Stanley King  Chemistry 
Percy Coleman Kuhn  Exp. Engineering, Field-work and Mathematics 
Charles Rozier Larkin  Physics 
Louis Alan Melsheimer  Chemistry 
Allen Charles Gray Mitchell  Chemistry 
Benton Brooks Owen  Mathematics 
Newton Jeffress Painter  Drawing 
Elliott Preston  Chemistry 
Raymond Brandenburg Purdum  Chemistry 
Isaac Jay Quesenberry, M.A.  English Literature 
Charles Lee Reese, Jr.  Chemistry 
Peyton Nalle Rhodes, M.A.  Chemistry 
Julian Meade Ruffin, B.A.  Mathematics 
John Richard Small  Chemistry 
Edmund Addison Smith  Field-work 
William Minor Smith  Mechanical Engineering 
William Thomas Straley, B.A.  Physics 
Robert Burrow Torbett  Physics 
Hugh Warren, B.S.  Mathematics 
Harry Lively White, Jr.  Drawing and Field-work 
Paul Latimer Weir  Drawing 


For admission to the Freshman Class in the Department of Engineering the
candidate must be at least sixteen years old. He must present a certificate of
honorable withdrawal from the school last attended, or other valid proof of general
good character. He must further satisfy the Dean of the University as to
his adequate preparation for the work by passing the Entrance Examinations
specified below or by the presentation of equivalent certificates of preparation
signed by the president of a recognized institution of collegiate rank, or by the
principal of an accredited high school. The topics required for entrance and their
values in units are as follows, the unit being one year's work on the subject in
an accredited high school:

English A.—Grammar and Grammatical Analysis 
English B.—Composition and Rhetoric 
English C.—Critical Study of Specimens of Literature 
Mathematics A1.—Algebra to Quadratics 
Mathematics A2.—Quadratics, Progressions, Binomial Formula 
Mathematics B.—Plane Geometry 
Mathematics C.—Solid Geometry  ½ 
Mathematics D.—Plane Trigonometry  ½ 
History.—Ancient; Mediæval; English; American (any one) 
Total  15 

High school students who expect to study Engineering are advised to include
among their electives Physical Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Drawing,
and Shop-work (valued at one unit each). Other electives which may be
offered are History of English and American Literature (1 unit), History (4
units), Latin (4 units), Greek (3 units), German (4 units), French (4 units),
Spanish (4 units), Botany (half unit), Zoölogy (half unit).

A candidate may be admitted as a Conditioned Student in spite of some deficiencies,
provided these are not such as will impair the integrity of his work.
But no such candidate will be conditioned except upon subjects actually taught


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in this university, nor will any candidate be conditioned on more than two units;
and all conditions must be absolved before the beginning of the next session
after initial registration. Courses taken for the removal of entrance conditions
may in no case be counted as part of the work credited for any degree. No conditions
will be allowed in English A or B or in Mathematics A1, A2, or B.

A candidate may be admitted as a Special Student, without formal examination,
provided he is more than twenty years old if a Virginian and not less than
twenty-three years old if a non-Virginian, and gives evidence of serious purpose
and of fitness to pursue with profit the courses for which he is registered. No
special student may be a candidate for any degree. No conditioned student may
register later as a special student.


Women are admitted as regular students in the Department of Engineering
provided they have completed at least two years of standard college work before
entrance, and are at least twenty years old.


The candidate who has satisfied the requirements for entrance as above defined
is matriculated as a student of Engineering and admitted to the Freshman
Class. The studies of this class comprise lecture courses in English, Mathematics,
Applied Mathematics, and Chemistry with associated laboratory courses in
Chemistry, Drawing, Shop-work and Field-work.

For advancement to the Sophomore Class the student must have completed
at least two-thirds of his Freshman work. Upon entering this class he elects his
specialty. The courses thereafter diverge according as the student is an applicant
for a degree in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, or Mining Engineering.
Programs of study for each degree are given below.

The courses are so ordered that the specified entrance requirements are adequate
for the work of the Freshman Year. Each succeeding year pre-supposes
the completion of the work for all the foregoing years. Students are advised to
adhere strictly to the regular programs.
The arrangements specified in them have
been carefully planned and are the best. Departures from the curriculum will in
almost every case produce conflicts in lecture hours or laboratory periods and
may cost the student a year's time. Haphazard election is discouraged and in
extreme cases will be prohibited. No student will be registered for a course unless,
in the opinion both of the Dean and of the professor, his preliminary training
has fitted him for the profitable pursuit of that course.

Students are especially advised against the attempt to crowd too many studies
into their scheme of work, and are warned that admission to advanced courses
will be granted only to those who have adequate mathematical and scientific
training to profit by them. Men overloaded with work, too great in volume or
in difficulty for their powers, suffer inevitable discouragement and incur almost
certain failure.

Changes of classes with transfer of fees may be made, subject to the approval
of the Dean, within two weeks after the beginning of any term. Thereafter


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such changes may be made only by special order of the faculty, and then
without transfer of fees.

Upon the completion of the four years' course as defined in any one of the
Programs of Study, the faculty will award to any student in regular and honorable
standing the appropriate degree of Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer,
Electrical Engineer, Chemical Engineer, or Mining Engineer.


The Subjects of Instruction in Engineering are grouped into classes, each
designated by a distinctive number for each term, the lecture and laboratory
courses being likewise differentiated. This grouping follows the arrangement
shown below:

Business Administration  1 to 99 
Mathematics  100 to 199 
Physics  200 to 299 
Chemistry  300 to 399 
Geology and Mining  400 to 499 
Applied Mathematics  500 to 599 
Experimental Engineering  600 to 699 
Civil Engineering including Field-work  700 to 799 
Mechanical Engineering including Shop-work  800 to 899 
Electrical Engineering  900 to 999 

Lecture courses are listed in the first fifty numbers of all classes; laboratory
or practice courses are listed in the second fifty numbers of all classes. The
same numbers are used in schedules of lecture hours, laboratory periods and examination

The last pages of this announcement are devoted to a description of the
courses in Art and Architecture now offered. There will be found the requirements
for admission, the statement of requirements for a degree in Architecture
and description of equipment available for instruction in the McIntire School
of Fine Arts.


1-2-3. English Literature. [Johnson.]

12-1, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Advanced composition with parallel reading, with
particular attention to Description, Exposition, and Argument. Third term:
Survey of English literature with composition and parallel reading, with particular
attention to scientific writings. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

10-11-12. Economics. [Page, T. W. and Snavely.]

9-10, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Survey of the principles of economics. Third term:
The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions. Instruction
will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports, and discussions. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)


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20. Cost Accounting. [Barlow.]

9-10, M. W. F.

Lectures, readings, and practice work in the principles of cost keeping appropriate
to manufacturing and mining enterprises. Attention will be given to
the establishment of standards of performance and of cost, and the relation of
these standards to the accounting records will be emphasized. A brief study will
also be made of operating records for the use of foremen, superintendents, and
executives. (Fall.)

25. Contracts and Specifications. [Newcomb.]

9-10, M. W. F.

This course will concern itself with a brief consideration of the business law
essential for Engineers followed by a discussion of the personal and ethical relations
of the Engineer to his employer, the contractor and the public. General
consideration will be given to contracts and specifications followed by a study of
selected examples. The course will conclude with a more detailed study of specifications
for fundamental processes, machinery and apparatus. The students will
be required to prepare and submit for class-room discussion specifications on subjects
of their specialized studies. (Winter.)

30. Engineering Economics. [Rodman.]

9-10, M. W. F.

Lectures and parallel reading on the economic considerations involved in engineering
problems. Special emphasis is placed upon the general problems of
economic selection of methods, machinery and apparatus in the several engineering
fields. Questions of first cost, depreciation, rates for service, etc., will be
treated. (Spring.)


100. Trigonometry. [Luck and Instructors.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

A complete course in plane trigonometry is pursued with constant drill in
the solution of problems, and exercises in the use of logarithms. (Fall.)

106. Analytical Geometry and College Algebra. [Luck and Instructors.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

In this course Cartesian and polar coördinates are presented and applied to
the study of the straight line and the circle. The related college algebra topics
of determinants, the function notion with especial reference to the linear function,
the graphical representation of equations and of functions are also considered.

107. Analytical Geometry and College Algebra. [Luck and Instructors.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of course 106. The conic is studied in its particular
and general forms. Especial attention is given to the solution of numerous
loci problems by the use of Cartesian and polar coördinates. The study of
related college algebra topics is continued. The quadratic function of one and
two variables, the theory of the quadratic equation in particular and of equations
in general are some of the topics considered. (Spring.)


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108-109-110. Calculus. [Echols and Saunders.]

11-12, M. W. F.

A first course in the differential and integral calculus. This includes a study
of series and partial fractions. The principal emphasis is upon the applications
of the subject to geometry, elementary kinematics and mechanical problems.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)


200-201-202. Sophomore Physics. [Sparrow.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

The elements of mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, and light. Instruction
is given by lectures, textbooks, recitations, and problems, with experimental
demonstrations. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

250-251-252. Physics Laboratory. [Sparrow, Ball and Assistants.]

8-10, M. W. F. and 2-5, T. Th.

This course accompanies 200-1-2. Emphasis is laid upon fundamental principles
and the phenomena which underlie engineering problems. Written reports
of laboratory work are required. Problem work and oral recitations on Friday.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

(808.) Thermodynamics. [Hoxton.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

A study of the basic laws with such applications to the properties of gases
and vapors and to thermodynamic appliances as are sufficient for the purposes
of illustration. A number of problems are solved. (Fall.)

(959.) Electrical Laboratory. [Hoxton and Ball.]

2-5, Th.

This course deals particularly with the more precise electrical measurements
and the manipulation of instruments of precision used in the higher grade of
electrical testing and standardization. (Spring.)


300-301-302. General Chemistry. [Carter and Assistants.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

350-351-352. Chemistry Laboratory.

9-11, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and physical
chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of the time
is devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

303-304-305. Physical Chemistry. [Edgar.]

12-1, M. W. F.

353-354-355. Physical Chemistry Laboratory.

10-12, M. W. F.

Chemistry 300-1-2 and 315-16-17 prerequisite.

Some knowledge of the calculus is required and previous training in Physics
is desirable. This course treats of such topics as the gas laws, kinetic theory of
gases, the properties of dilute solutions, molecular weights, mass action, reaction
velocities, electrolysis and electromotive force, the phase rule, etc. Emphasis is


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placed upon the application of physico-chemical laws in the solution of chemical
problems. The laboratory work consists of a course in physico-chemical measurements.
Lecture and Recitation 3 hours per week, 6 hours laboratory. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

309-310-311. Organic Chemistry. [Bird and Assistants.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

359-360-361. Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

2-5, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the application
of modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

312-313-314. Advanced Organic Chemistry. [Bird.]

2-3, M. W. F.

362-363-364. Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

9 hours per week.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures deal with selected topics in organic chemistry. Reading from
the scientific journals, advanced texts, and the history of Chemistry will be assigned.
The laboratory work involves a study of typical problems, designed to
teach methods of investigation which are widely applicable. (Fall, Winter,

315-316-317. Qualitative Analysis. [Yoe and Assistants.]

8-9, T. Th. S.

365-366-367. Qualitative Analysis Laboratory.

2-5, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

Fall and Winter terms, 3 hours of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per
week, devoted to the study of systematic qualitative analysis. Spring term, 2
hours of lecture and 9 hours of laboratory work per week, devoted to elementary
quantitative analysis. In the lectures and recitation work special emphasis is
given to the theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry. (Fall, Winter,

318-319-320. Quantitative Analysis. [Yoe and Assistants.]

Lecture by appointment.

368-369-370. Quantitative Analysis Laboratory.

2-5, M. W.

Chemistry 315-16-17 prerequisite.

A course in the principles of quantitative analysis. The laboratory work
will include a study of characteristic procedures, illustrating gravimetric and volumetric
analysis. 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per week.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

321-322-323. Technical Analysis. [Yoe.]

Lecture by appointment.

371-372-373. Technical Analysis Laboratory.

Hours by appointment.

Chemistry 318-19-20 prerequisite.

This course will consist of a study of the application of the principles of


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quantitative analysis to technical materials. The work will be selected from such
subjects as Rock, Ore, Steel, Gas, Coal, and Water Analysis. 1 hour of lecture
and 6 hours of laboratory work per week. This course is elective for Course
386-387-388. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

340-341-342. Applied Chemistry. [Edgar.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course will be devoted to the study of
fundamental principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount
of reading in descriptive industrial chemistry will be assigned, and written reports
upon special subjects will be required. Lectures and Recitations 3 hours a
week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

386-387-388. Advanced Chemical Laboratory. [Edgar.]

Hours by appointment.

This laboratory course of six hours per week in Fall and Winter and three
hours per week in Spring is designed particularly to fit the student for research
and the work consists largely of special problems assigned individually. Elective
for 321-22-23. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Advanced Courses: Seminars will be offered in the different branches
of Chemistry to students applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The
courses will be offered only as occasion demands, and the subjects treated will
vary. These courses will be designated as "D" courses, but owing to the flexibility
which it is desired to secure in the subject matter, no definite statement
of them will be made except that special phases of Physical, Inorganic, and
Analytical chemistry will be treated, including such subjects as radio-chemistry,
the chemistry of the rare elements, colloid and surface chemistry, etc. Research
work looking toward a thesis will accompany these courses.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in chemistry
are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in the discussions.

Fellowships: The University announces the establishment of five Teaching
Fellowships in Chemistry, each with an honorarium of $500. These fellowships
present the opportunity for graduate study and research in Chemistry, accompanied
by a limited amount of instructional work. Holders of the fellowships
will be expected to devote not more than fifteen hours a week to instruction,
leaving ample time for research and work toward the graduate degree. The fellowships
are open to men who have received a bachelor's degree from a college
or university of recognized standing, and who have received thorough undergraduate
training in chemistry and physics.


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400-401-402. Engineering Geology. [Watson and Lonsdale.]

11-12, M. T. W.

450-451-452. Field and Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

A course of three lectures a week and three hours for private study. Special
emphasis is given to the study of common rock-forming minerals and rocks,
building stones and ores. The divisions of dynamical, structural and physiographical
geology are covered in considerable detail, and the practical applications
of the topics treated to engineering work are pointed out. (Fall, Winter,

403-404-405. Economic Geology. [Watson.]

10-11, M. T. W.

453-454-455. Field and Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

This course is designed to give a general but comprehensive account of the
origin, nature, distribution and uses of the metallic and non-metallic products of
the earth with especial reference to those of the United States. Lectures and
collateral reading six hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

406-407-408. Petrography. [Watson and Assistant.]

12-1, M. T. W.

456-457-458. Laboratory.

6 hours a week.

This course aims to give a full knowledge of the determination of the common
rock-forming minerals and rocks in thin sections under the microscope. It
includes discussion of the microscopic structure, mineralogical composition, genetic
relations, and distribution of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
Lectures and preparation to the amount of six hours per week. (Fall, Winter,

420-421-422. Mining. [Thornton.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

Mine surveying, exploitation of mines, mining machinery and the uses of
electricity in mining. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)


521. Plane Surveying. [Saunders and Assistants.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Theory, uses, and adjustments of compass, level,
transit, and stadia. Special methods of land, city, topographic and mining surveys.
Survey computation and maps. (Fall or Spring.)

571. Field course: Practical use of chain and tape, level, compass,
transit, and stadia. Field notes, records and reports. 6 hours a week.

522. Mechanical Drawing. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Plane problems, conic sections, graphic algebra.
Projections of prisms and pyramids; of cylinders, cones and spheres; of the
plane sections and intersections of solid bodies. (Fall or Winter.)


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572. Practice course: Each week the student executes a finished plate
15″ × 20″ of exercises in mechanical drawing based on the lectures. 6 hours a
a week.

523. Descriptive Geometry. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Fundamental problems on the point, line, and plane.
Projections, tangencies, and intersections of curved surfaces. Applications to
shades and shadows, problems in mining, and so on. (Winter or Spring.)

573. Practice course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15″ × 20″
of problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week.

524. Graphical Statics. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

12-1, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Graphic composition and resolution of forces; centers
of gravity and moments of inertia; strain sheets for simple types of roof and
bridge trusses; beams under fixed and rolling loads; reservoir dams and retaining
walls; internal stresses and beam deflections. (Fall.)

574. Practice course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15″ × 20″
of problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week.

525. Structural Drawing. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistant.]

12-1 M. W. F.

Lecture course. Graphic analysis of steel and timber trusses for roofs
and bridges; of solid beams and plate girder bridges; and of reinforced concrete
slabs, girders, columns, and retaining walls. (Spring.)

575. Practice course: Design and detailed drawings of simple examples
of roofs and bridges, with complete computations for each structure. 6
hours a week.

526. Elementary Mechanics. [Thornton, Saunders and Assistants.]

12-1, M. W. F.

Lecture course. Composition and resolution of forces; friction; problems
in equilibrium; rectilinear motion, circular motion, projectile motion.

576. Practice course: Solution of weekly problems in mechanics by
graphical and analytical methods. 6 hours a week.

527. Applied Mechanics [Thornton.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

Review of elementary mechanics; dynamics of a particle; moments of inertia;
revolving bodies; rolling bodies; theory of work and energy; collision of
elastic solids; dynamics of the Steam Engine.

Weekly problems are assigned for solution by graphical and analytical methods.

528. Strength of Materials. [Thornton.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

Fundamental laws of stress and strain; straining actions and stresses in ties


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and struts, beams and shafts, reinforced concrete slabs and girders; deflections
in simple, restrained and continuous girders; columns under axial and eccentric
loads. Laboratory courses 661-2-3. (Winter.)

529. Hydraulics. [Thornton.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

Equilibrium of fluids, applied to the analysis and design of thin and thick
shells and pipes, dams and weirs: Motion of fluids and discharges from orifices,
weir notches, pipes, canals, and rivers. Principles of linear and angular momentum
with applications to the analysis and design of hydraulic motors and pumps.
Laboratory course, 680. (Spring.)

Laboratory studies in Strength of Materials and Hydraulics are given in the
Classes in Experimental Engineering.


Lectures are given to explain the origin and manufacture of materials, the
design and operation of equipment, methods of conducting the tests, and the calculation
of the desired results from the data taken in the laboratory. The work
is done principally in the laboratories where special emphasis is laid upon (1) a
thorough understanding of the problem to be undertaken, (2) accuracy in carrying
out the investigation, (3) the presentation of the results in a report which
must meet the standards of professional practice.

650. Road Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

Samples of stone are tested for specific gravity, absorption, cementing value,
toughness, resistance to abrasion, and compressive strength. Asphalts and tars
are tested for specific gravity, penetration, melting point, volatilization, viscosity,
flash point, fixed carbon. (Spring.)

661. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Tests of cement, timber and metals. A course for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers, similar to 662 and 663 but arranged so as to cover all of the work
in one term. (Winter.)

662. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Standard tests of Portland cement; tests of sand; tests of fine and coarse
aggregates; proportioning of concrete; compression tests of concrete; tests of
reinforced concrete beams; construction of forms for concrete. For Civil Engineers.

663. Structural Materials Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 662. Tests of wires; tension, compression and torsion
tests of metals; transverse tests of metals and timber; determination of the
Modulus of Elasticity of metals; autographic testing. For Civil Engineers.


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670. Fuel and Oil Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

Standard methods of sampling coal; proximate analysis of coal; determination
of the heating value of coal by the bomb calorimeter, with a study of the
cooling correction; the heating value of gas by the Junker calorimeter; determination
of specific gravity, flash and boiling points, chill point, viscosity, carbon
residue, and emulsification value of oils. (Fall.)

680. Hydraulic Testing. [Miller and Assistant.]

5 hours a week.

The measurement of the flow of water by means of orifices and weir notches;
determination of the coefficient of friction for pipe and pipe elbows; study of a
piston water meter; tests of large and small Venturi meters; performance tests
of piston and centrifugal pumps. (Spring.)

690. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

The calibration and adjustment of gauges; calibration of thermometers, planimeters,
pyrometers, and indicators; flue gas analysis; steam quality tests; valve
setting; determination of clearances; tests of steam boilers; tests of a steam engine.
For Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. (Fall.)

691. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 690. Complete tests of a gasoline engine; complete
tests of a steam engine; tests of a steam turbine with a study of methods of
correcting to standard conditions. The Power Test Code of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers is used. For Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

692. Power Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 691. Tests of an air compressor; tests of a blower;
complete tests of a centrifugal pump, and other assigned tests. For Mechanical
Engineers. (Spring.)


701. Curves and Earthwork. [Newcomb.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lectures on simple, compound, transition and vertical curves; the form of
excavations and embankments, earthwork surveys, computation of volumes, formation
of embankments, computation of haul, cost of earthwork, blasting.
Practical exercises in map drawing and topography. (Fall.)

702. Railroad Engineering. [Newcomb.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

Lectures on reconnoissance and preliminary surveys, office location, field location;
the construction, maintenance and operation of railroads. Special attention
is given to questions of railway economics. (Fall.)

703. Roads; Streets; Street Railways. [Newcomb.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the principles of road location; the construction and maintenance
of earth roads, broken stone roads, gravel roads; the pavements for city streets
and sidewalks; the location and construction of street railways. (Spring.)


Page 16

705. Bridges. [Newcomb.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lectures on the design and construction of standard types of steel and timber
bridges. (Winter.)

707. Waterworks and Sewers. [Newcomb.]

12-1, M. W. F.

Lectures on the quality, sources, collection, conveyance, purification, and distribution
of city water supplies; the laws of flow in pipe lines and aqueducts; the
drainage of houses and streets; the collection and conveyance of sewage; the disposal
of sewage; the construction and maintenance of works. Practical exercises
in the design of pipe lines and sewers. (Spring.)

714. Materials of Construction. [Newcomb.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

A descriptive study of the materials used in engineering structures, together
with their characteristics and proper preparation. Lectures on the design and
construction of foundations for bridges and buildings. (Winter.)

718. Masonry Structures. [Newcomb.]

10-11, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory of reinforced concrete; the design and construction
of selected types of masonry structures. Practical exercises in design, together
with structural drawing. (Spring.)


751. Railroad Surveying. [Saunders and Assistants.]

9 hours a week.

This course supplements 701, Curves and Earthwork. The class is divided
into squads, each squad making complete surveys, maps, profiles, and estimates
for a mile of located line. (Fall.)

755. Bridge Drafting. [Newcomb.]

12 hours a week.

This course accompanies 705, Bridges. Each student is required to make
complete design and detail drawings of one plate girder and one selected type of
bridge truss. (Winter.)


800. Elementary Steam Engineering. [Hancock.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

A study of methods employed and elementary scientific principles involved in
the production of heat and power from the combustion of fuels. Lectures, assigned
reading, analysis and design of familiar apparatus, and study of local
heating and power installations. (Fall.)

801. Steam Power Plants. [Hancock.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

The economic design and operation of steam power plants. The subject is
treated in lectures with assigned reading. Each student is expected to produce
during the term a complete design of a plant to satisfy assumed conditions.


Page 17

802. Machine Design. [Hancock.]

12-1, T. Th. S.

A study of machines including the motion problem, the force problem, selection
of materials, determination of form and size of parts, lubrication, sketches
and specifications, working drawings. Assigned problems in design. (Spring.)

803. Internal Combustion Engines. [Hancock.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of internal combustion engines, gas producers,
air compressors and motors and hot air engines. Weekly exercises and
problems in design. (Winter.)

804. Steam Engines and Steam Turbines. [Hancock.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of steam engines, steam turbines and refrigerating
machinery. Weekly exercises and problems in design. (Spring.)

805. Engine Design. [Hancock.]

10-11, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical problems involved in the design of machines discussed
in the two previous courses; inertia effects, stresses, strength of parts,
balancing, governing, etc. Weekly exercises and problems. (Spring.)

806. Kinematics of Machines. [Hancock.]

10-11, M. W. F.

A study of relative motions, velocities and accelerations in machine parts.
Assigned reading of recognized authorities and problems for solution on the
drawing board. (Fall.)

808. Thermodynamics. [Hoxton.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

A study of the basic laws with such applications to the properties of gases
and vapors and to thermodynamic appliances as are sufficient for the purposes of
illustration. A number of problems are solved. (Fall.)

809. Automobile Construction. [Hancock.]

10-11, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical design of automobiles. Lectures and assigned
reading of the recognized authorities. (Winter.)

859. Automobile Laboratory. [Hancock and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

This course supplements 809, and is devoted to the testing and work upon
automobiles. (Winter.)


Shop Instruction is given for its educational value. The purpose of this
Department is to train engineers, not artisans; and the claims of the shops are
not permitted to infringe on the more vital functions of the laboratories, the
drafting rooms, and the lectures.

Courses 860, 861 are required of all students of engineering; 862 of mechanical
engineering students only.

860. Wood Shop. [Hancock and Assistants.]

3 hours a week.

Bench exercises in sawing, planing, boring, chiseling, tool sharpening.

Lathe exercises in turning between centers and on a face plate.


Page 18

Machine-tool exercises in the production of useful articles. (Fall or Winter
or Spring.)

861. Machine Shop. [Hancock and Assistants.]

3 hours a week.

Bench exercises in chipping and filing.

Engine-lathe exercises in turning, boring, and thread cutting.

Machine-tool exercises in drilling, planing, shaping, and milling. (Fall or
Winter or Spring.)

862. Pattern and Tool-Making. [Hancock and Assistants.]

9 hours a week.

Simple solid and split pattern and core boxes; core making and moulding.
Exercises in tool making and tempering; jig making; precision methods in machine-tool
work. (Fall.)


900. Elements of Electrical Engineering. [Rodman.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

Lectures treating fundamental principles of Electrical Engineering; basic
ideas and fundamental units discussed; magnetic circuits and continuous electric
currents treated in detail; electromagnetism carefully studied. Special attention
is given to the physical conceptions involved, and numerous assigned problems
exemplify and broaden the theoretical discussions. 3 hours per week of supervised
problem work. (Fall.)

901. Direct Current Machines. [Rodman.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of direct
current generators and motors and the accessory apparatus required for the
proper management and control of these machines. The principles of testing
such machines are carefully discussed. Problems illustrating the methods of
calculation involved in continuous current circuits and practical examples from
standard engineering practice form an important part of the work. 3 hours per
week of supervised problem work. (Winter.)

902. Periodic Currents. [Rodman.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

Lectures on electrostatic phenomena, variable currents, alternating currents,
and alternating current circuits, both single and polyphase. A careful study is
made of circuits with periodic currents and their characteristics when resistance,
inductive reactance and capacity reactance are present in their various combinations.
Extensive problem work is required to facilitate the treatment of simple
and complex circuits. 3 hours per week of supervised problem work. (Spring.)

903. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12-1, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of alternating
current generators, synchronous motors, rotary converters, and transformers.
These machines are considered as units and as integral parts of electrical
systems. The principles of testing such apparatus under various conditions
of loading are discussed, and assigned problem work illustrates the theory and
practice. 3 hours per week of supervised problem work. (Fall.)


Page 19

904. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12-1, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903. The lectures treat more particularly
alternating current motors, induction, series and repulsion types, with their characteristics
and control apparatus. Methods of testing are outlined and graphical
methods of calculation and predetermination of operating characteristics are discussed.
Problems taken from engineering practice serve to broaden and fix the
theoretical deductions. 3 hours per week of supervised problem work. (Winter.)

905. Electric Power Transmission. [Rodman.]

11-12, M. W. F.

Lectures on systems of transmission and distribution, with a detailed consideration
of the electrical characteristics of transmission lines; the electrical equipment
of stations and sub-stations, including generating apparatus, switchboards,
control systems and protective devices; systems of transformation and the economic
considerations which influence the design of the complete electrical system.

906. Illumination and Photometry. [Rodman.]

11-12, M. W. F.

Lectures on light, its physical properties; illuminants and their characteristics;
shades and reflectors; photometry, standards and apparatus; illumination
calculations for point and surface sources; principles of interior, exterior, decorative,
and scenic illumination. Problems illustrating computations necessary for
the consideration of the Illuminating Engineer are assigned. (Fall.)

907. Electric Traction. [Rodman.]

11-12, M. W. F.

Lectures on the various types of electric motors for traction purposes, controllers
and systems of control, brakes, rolling stock, track, train performance,
and electric railway economics. A discussion with problems of the complete
electrification system for electric railways, including generating apparatus, transmission,
sub-stations and equipment, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy
for car propulsion. (Winter.)

910. Direct Current Systems. [Rodman.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

Lectures dealing with the fundamentals of electrical circuits and direct current
machinery. Problem work accompanies the lectures. The course is essentially
for the non-electrical engineering students. (Fall.)

911. Alternating Current Systems. [Rodman.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

Lectures covering the fundamentals of alternating current circuits and machinery.
Brief expositions of the subjects of electric lighting and power fundamentals.
For non-electrical engineering students. (Winter.)

912. Electrical Equipment. [Rodman.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

Lectures and computations dealing with the choice, arrangement, and systems
of wiring and control governing the approved methods of installation of
electrical equipment for industrial uses. For non-electrical engineering students.


Page 20

915. Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

12-1, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903-4. A more detailed study of the operating
characteristics of alternating current machinery is taken up particularly
treating the machines from the standpoint of design. Problems are solved to
clarify the theory. 3 hours of supervised problem work per week. (Spring.)


950-951-952. Direct Current Laboratory. [Wingfield.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to a study
of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple electrical circuits and
study of direct current apparatus and its operation; characteristics of generators
and motors. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

953-954-965. Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 902-3-4-15, dealing with measuring instruments for
alternating current circuits; series and parallel circuits and their characteristics;
polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced; and alternating current generator,
motor and transformer characteristics. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

956. Photometric Laboratory. [Rodman.]

2 hours a week.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon different
types of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics of incandescent and
arc lamps are studied. Tests of illumination, interior and exterior, are carried
out. Study of photometric standards and devices. (Fall.)

959. Electrical Laboratory. [Hoxton and Ball.]

2-5, Th.

This course deals particularly with the more precise electrical measurements
and the manipulation of instruments of precision used in the higher grade of
electrical testing and standardization. (Spring.)

960-961-962. Electrical Laboratory. [Wingfield.]

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 910-11-12. The work of the first term is devoted to
direct current tests; the second term exercises are on alternating current circuits
and machines; the course in the third term is largely concerned with calculations
and drawings for typical industrial equipments of electrical machines and controls.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

The University of Virginia branch of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers holds regular meetings for the discussion of periodical literature and
the exposition by resident and visiting engineers of present-day problems in Electrical


In May, 1921, a chapter of the National Honorary Engineering Fraternity Tau
Beta Pi was granted and the Alpha of Virginia Chapter of Tau Beta Pi will


Page 21
henceforth serve to further inspire high scholarship and integrity. This fraternity
is recognized as the leading honorary engineering fraternity of this country
and its chapters are found in a limited number of engineering schools of the
highest standing. The members are elected with care and the standards maintained
are rigid both in respect to scholarship and character.


During the session of 1920-21 the University of Virginia Journal of Engineering
was first issued. This Journal gives an opportunity to the students to
take part in an activity of interest and value and provides a medium in which
may be published results of individual experience and research.


Page 22


Classes  [2]   Lec.  Lab.  Topics 
S.-  M.  T. 
H.  W.  Th. 
Cr.  F.  S. 
Freshman  Math. (100-6-7)  12-1  Trig.—Anal. Geom. and College Algebra 
Ap. Math. (521-2-3)  10-11  8-10 M. W. F.  Surveying—Drawing—Descriptive Geom. 
Gen. Chem. (300-1-2)  11-12  9-11 T. Th. S.  Rhetoric—Composition—Literature 
English (1-2-3)  12-1  General Chemistry 
Shop-work (860-1)  3 h. a. w.  Woodshop—Machineshop 
Field-work (571)  6 h. a. w.  Field Surveys—Computations—Maps 
Sophomore  Math. (108-9-10)  11-12  Calculus 
Ap. Math. (524-6-5)  12-1  8-10 T. Th. S.  Graph. Statics—Elem. Machs.—Struc'l Drawing 
Physics (200-1-2)  10-11  8-10 M. W. F. or 2-5 T. Th.  General Physics 
Civil Engrg. (702-14-3)  12-1  Railways—Materials—Highways 
Mech. Engrg. (800-1-2)  12-1  Steam Engs.—Power Plants—Mach. Design 
Qual. Analysis (315-16-17)  8-9  2-5 T. Th.  Qualitative and Elem. Quantitative Anal. 
Exp. Engrg. (650)  6 h. a. w.  Road Materials (Stones—Asphalts—Tars) 
Junior  Ap. Math. (527-8-9)  12-1  Ap. Mechs.—Strength of Mats.—Hydraulics 
Economics (10-11-12)  9-10  Principles of Economics—Applications 
Elec. Engrg. (900-1-2)  6½  11-12  7 h. a. w.  Elec. and Mag.—D. C. Mach'y—Periodic Cur. 
Elec. Engrg. (910-11-12)  10-11  4 h. a. w.  D. C. Systems—A. C. Systems—Equipment 
Quan. Analysis (318-19-20)  7 h. a. w.  Quantitative Analysis 
Organic Chem. (309-10-11)  11-12  2-5 T. Th.  Organic Chemistry 
Civil Engrg. (701-5-18)  10-11  Curves and Earthwork—Bridges—Masonry 
Engrg. Geol. (400-1-2) (M. T. W.)  11-12  6 h. a. w.  Geology with special engineering applications 
Exp. Engrg. (670-61-80)  5 h. a. w.  Fuels and Lubricants—Materials—Hydraulics 
Exp. Engrg. (662-63)  5 h. a. w.  Materials Testing 
Field-work (751)  1½  9 h. a. w.  Surveys—Maps—Profiles—Estimates 
Bridge Drafting (755)  12 h. a. w.  Bridge Design—Detail Drawing 
Senior  Bus. Administration (20-25-30)  9-10  Acc'ting—Contracts—Specifications—Engrg. Econ. 
Civil Engrg. (707)  12-1  Waterworks—Sewers—Design 
Mech. Engrg. (808-3-4)  10-11  Thermodynamics—Gas Engs.—Engs.—Turbines. 
Mech. Engrg. (806-9-5)  10-11  6 h. a. w. (Winter)  Kinematics—Automobile—Engine Design 
Elec. Engrg. (903-4-15)  6½  12-1  7 h. a. w.  A. C. Machinery 
Elec. Engrg. (906-7-5)  11-12  2 h. a. w. (Fall)  Illumination—Traction—Power Trans. 
Physical Chem. (303-4-5)  12-1  10-12 M. W. F.  Physical Chemistry 
Technical Analysis (321-22-23)  7 h. a. w.  Technical Quantitative Analysis 
Applied Chem. (340-1-2)  11-12  Chemistry applied to industries 
Mining (420-1-2)  10-11  Mine Surveys—Coal Mining—Metal Mining 
Econ. Geology (403-4-5) (M. T. W.)  10-11  6 h. a. w.  Special study of American geologic resources 
Petrography (406-7-8) (M. T. W.)  12-1  6 h. a. w.  Study of rock-forming minerals and rocks 
Exp. Engrg. (690-1-2)  5 h. a. w.  Power plant, engine and turbine tests 
Shop-work (862)  1½  9 h. a. w.  Pattern and Tool-making 
Elec. Lab. (959)  ½  3 h. a. w.  Precision electrical measurements 
Chem. Lab. (386-7-8)  6 h. a. w.  Special chemical problems 

Session-hours credit.


Page 23


English 1-2-3  [3] Chem. Lab. 350-1-2 
Math. 100-6-7  [3] Field Work 571 
Chem. 300-1-2  [3] Drawing 572-3 
Applied Math. 521-2-3  [3] Shop Work 860-1 
L. F. $50 
Sophomore  Junior  Senior 
Civil  Calculus 108-9-10  Economics 10-11-12  Business Adm. 20-25-30 
[3] Physics 200-1-2  Applied Math. 527-8-9  C. E. 707 
[3] Applied Math. 524-6-5  [3] Exp. Eng. 662-63-80  M. E. 800-1 
C. E. 702-14-3  C. E. 701-5-18  [3] E. E. 910-11 
[3] Exp. Engin. 650  [3] C. E. 751  [3] Geology 400-1-2 
[3] C. E. 755 
L. F. $35  L. F. $35  L. F. $10 
Mechanical  Calculus 108-9-10  Economics 10-11-12  Business Adm. 20-25-30 
[3] Physics 200-1-2  Applied Math. 527-8-9  M. E. 808-3-4 
[3] Applied Math. 524-6-5  [3] Exp. Eng. 670-61-80  M. E. 806-[3] 9-5 
M. E. 800-1-2  [3] E. E. 910-11-12  [3] M. E. 862 
C. E. 714 
[3] Exp. Eng. 690-1-2 
L. F. $30  L. F. $30  L. F. $25 
Electrical  Calculus 108-9-10  Economics 10-11-12  Business Adm. 20-25-30 
[3] Physics 200-1-2  Applied Math. 527-8-9  [3] E. E. 903-4-15 
[3] Applied Math. 524-6-5  [3] Exp. Eng. 670-61-80  E. E.[3] 906-7-5 
M. E. 800-1-2  [3] E. E. 900-1-2  [3] E. E. 959 
M. E. 808-3-4 
[3] Exp. Eng. 690-1 
L. F. $30  L. F. $30  L. F. $35 
Chemical  Calculus 108-9-10  Economics 10-11-12  Business Adm. 20-25-30 
[3] Physics 200-1-2  [3] Applied Math. 524-6-5  [3] Phys. Chem. 303-4-5 
M. E. 800-1-2  [3] Quan. Anal. 318-19-20  Applied Chem. 340-1-2 
[3] Qual. Anal. 315-6-7  [3] Organ. Chem. 309-10-11  [3] Chem. Lab. 386-7-8 or 
[3] Tech. Analysis 321-2-3 
Applied Math. 529 
[3] Exp. Eng. 680 
[3] E. E. 910-11 
L. F. $35  L. F. $55  L. F. $55 
Mining  Calculus 108-9-10  Economics 10-11-12  Business Adm. 20-25-30 
[3] Physics 200-1-2  [3] Geology 400-1-2  Mining 420-1-2 
[3] Applied Math. 524-6-5  [3] Qual. Anal. 315-6-7  [3] Geology 403-4-5 
C. E. 702-14-3  M. E. 800-1  [3] Petrography 406-7-8 
[3] E. E. 910-11 
Applied Math. 529 
[3] Exp. Eng. 680 
L. F. $30  L. F. $35 

Starred courses involve Laboratory Work.

L. F.—Laboratory Fees.


Page 24


Fall Term  C[4]   L[5]   P[6]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geometry (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Draw. (525-575) 
Gen. Physics (200-251)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Railways (702)  Materials of Construction (714)  Highways (703) 
Road Materials Tests (650) 
Junior  Applied Mechanics (527)  Strength of Materials (528)  Hydraulics (529) 
Curves and Earthwork (701)  Bridges (705-755)  12  Masonry (718)  15 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Materials Tests (662)  Strength of Materials Tests (663)  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Railroad Surveying (751) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Waterworks and Sewers (707)  24 
D. C. Systems (910-960)  A. C. Systems (911-961)  Engineering Geology (402-452) 
Engineering Geology (400-450)  Engineering Geology (401-451) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.


Page 25


Fall Term  C[7]   L[8]   P[9]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geometry (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Draw. (525-575) 
Gen. Physics (200-250)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Machine Design (802) 
Junior  Applied Mechanics (527)  Strength of Materials (528)  Hydraulics (529) 
D. C. Systems (910-960)  A. C. Systems (911-961)  Elec. Equipment (912-962) 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Fuel and Oils Tests (670)  Strength of Materials Tests (661)  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
Thermodynamics (808)  Gas Engines (803)  Engine Design (805) 
Kinematics (806)  Materials of Construction (714)  Engines and Turbines (804) 
Power Testing (690)  Power Testing (691)  Power Testing (692) 
Shop (862)  Automobiles (809-859) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.


Page 26


Fall Term  C[10]   L[11]   P[12]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geometry (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Draw. (525-575) 
Gen. Physics (200-250)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Machine Design (802) 
Junior  Applied Mechanics (527)  Strength of Materials (528)  Hydraulics (529) 
Elem. of Electrical Engrg. (900-950)  D. C. Machinery (901-951)  Periodic Currents (902-952) 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Fuel and Oils Tests (670)  Strength of Materials Tests (661)  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
A. C. Machinery (903-953)  A. C. Machinery (904-954)  A. C. Machinery (915-965) 
Illum. and Photometry (906-956)  Electric Traction (907)  Power Transmission (905) 
Thermodynamics (808)  Gas Engines (803)  Engines and Turbines (804) 
Power Testing (690)  Power Testing (691)  Electrical Measurements (959) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.


Page 27


Fall Term  C[13]   L[14]   P[15]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geometry (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Qual. Analysis (315-365)  Qual. Analysis (316-366)  Elem. Quan. Analysis (317-367) 
Gen. Physics (200-250)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Machine Design (802) 
Junior  Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Drawing (525-575) 
Quan. Analysis (318-368)  Quan. Analysis (319-369)  Quan. Analysis (320-370) 
Organic Chemistry (309-359)  Organic Chemistry (310-360)  Organic Chemistry (311-361) 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20) 
Physical Chemistry (303-353)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
Applied Chemistry (340)  Physical Chemistry (304-354)  Physical Chemistry (305-355) 
D. C. Systems (910-960)  Applied Chemistry (341)  Applied Chemistry (342) 
Chemical Laboratory (386) or  A. C. Systems (911-961)  Hydraulics (529) 
Technical Analysis (321-371)  Chemical Laboratory (387) or  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Technical Analysis (322-372)  Chemical Laboratory (388) or 
Technical Analysis (323-373) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.


Page 28


Fall Term  C[16]   L[17]   P[18]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geom. (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Draw. (525-575) 
Gen. Phys. (200-250)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Railways (702)  Materials of Construction (714)  Highways (703) 
Junior  Engineering Geology (400-450)  Engineering Geology (401-451)  Engineering Geology (402-452) 
Qual. Analysis (315-365)  Qual. Analysis (316-366)  El. Quan. Analysis (317-367) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Hydraulics (529) 
D. C. Systems (910-960)  A. C. Systems (911-961)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
Mining (420)  Mining (421)  Mining (422) 
Economic Geology (403-453)  Economic Geology (404-454)  Economic Geology (405-455) 
Petrography (406-456)  Petrography (407-457)  Petrography (408-458) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.


Page 29


Hours  Monday, Wednesday, Friday  Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday  Hours 
Freshman Drawing Laboratory  Analytical Chemistry (315-16-17)  8:00
Physics Laboratory  Sophomore Drawing Laboratory 
Examination Day VII  Examination Day III 
Economics (10-11-12)  Sophomore Drawing Laboratory  9:00
Business Administration (20-25-30)  Freshman Chem. Laboratory 
Freshman Drawing Laboratory 
Physics Laboratory 
Examination Day II  Examination Day V 
Applied Mathematics (521-2-3)  Physics (200-1-2)  10:00
Civil Engineering (701-5-18)  Electrical Engineering (910-11-12) 
Mechanical Engineering (806-9-5)  Mechanical Engineering (808-3-4) 
Economic Geology (403-4-5) (M. T. W.)  Mining (420-1-2) 
Freshman Chem. Laboratory 
Examination Day I  Examination Day VIII 
Mathematics (108-9-10)  General Chemistry (300-1-2)  11:00
Engin. Geology (400-1-2) (M. T. W.)  Organic Chemistry (309-10-11) 
Electrical Engineering (906-7-5)  Applied Chemistry (340-1-2) 
Electrical Engineering (900-1-2) 
Examination Day X  Examination Day IX 
English (1-2-3)  Mathematics (100-6-7)  12:00
Applied Mathematics (524-6-5)  Applied Mathematics (527-8-9) 
Physical Chemistry (303-4-5)  Civil Engineering (702-14-3) 
Civil Engineering (707)  Mechanical Engineering (800-1-2) 
Petrography (406-7-8) (M. T. W.) 
Electrical Engineering (903-4-15) 
Examination Day IV  Examination Day VI 

The examination days for the various classes are fixed by the hour of regular
lecture period. The examination day for a particular course is indicated
in the table above by the Roman numeral in the space denoting hour of lecture.
The examination period covers ten days at the end of each term.

A change in lecture period for any course will change the examination day
correspondingly. Classes for which lecture periods are not indicated will have
examination days fixed by the arranged lecture hour in accordance with above


Page 30


The average annual expense of a student who pursues the regular course in
Engineering will be:

NonVirginians  Virginians 
University Fee  $ 40  $ 20 
Tuition and Laboratory Fees (average)  200  125 
Living Expenses (for nine months)  400  400 
Books and Drawing Materials  30  30 
Incidental Expenses (for nine months)  60  60 
Total annual for average conditions  $730  $635 

The charges for Tuition are uniform to all students, except that Virginians
are relieved of tuition on courses offered in the College, this exception
saving regular Freshmen from Virginia $100 and all other Virginia
students $65 each year in comparison with non-Virginians.

The laboratory charges are $15 per class for the year's course in Physics,
and $20 per class for a year's course in Chemistry. A deposit for breakage
of $5 is required for each laboratory course in Chemistry. The fee for
each practice course in the Engineering Department, Drawing, Engineering
Laboratories, and Shop-work is $5 per term for each course. The fees for
Field-work and Bridge Drafting are each $10 per term per course. These
fees include all charges for laboratory materials; but the student is held further
responsible for breakage.

The living Expenses include board, lodging, fuel and lights, servant and
laundry; the average is $10.00 per week, the minimum $7.50, and a reasonable
maximum $12.50. Books and Drawing Materials will cost about $120
for the four-year course. Incidental Expenses ought to be kept within modest
bounds; the above estimate is sufficient; large allowances of pocket
money promote idleness and attract companions of the baser sort. No allowances
are included for clothing and travel, the expenses for which vary
too much to be introduced into any general estimate.

The charges payable on entrance are the University Fee, and the Tuition
and Laboratory Fees.


Oral examinations are held at the beginning of each lecture hour on the
topics of the preceding lecture. Written test papers are set monthly, or at
such interval as the professor may appoint. Absences from lecture except
by reason of sickness are not excused without a written leave from the
Dean. Class standing is determined on the basis of the oral examinations
and the written tests. Absence from the latter or failure to answer incurs
a zero grade. Absences from laboratory periods, however caused, must be
made up by special private arrangement with the instructor.

Written examinations are held at the end of each term on the entire


Page 31
work of that term. The result of examination combined with the student's
class-standing gives his term-grade. The pass-mark is seventy-five
per cent. Absence from the written term examination incurs a zero term-grade,
which may not be removed except by the passage of a special written
examination on the work of that term. Such special examinations are
granted only upon presentation of a written certificate from a reputable
physician that the student by reason of sickness on the day of the regular
examination was unable to attend.

Regular Reports are sent out at the end of every term to the student's
parent or guardian. These state for each course followed the term-grade
and the number of absences. Further comment may be added by the Dean
or the professor, if it appears probable that such comment would be helpful
to the student. Parents are urged to examine these reports carefully
and to exert such parental influence as may seem needed to establish and
confirm the student in habits of industry and order.

Special Reports are sent to parents at the end of each month for students
delinquent in attendance or studiousness and for delinquents only.
When a student is making steady progress and showing due diligence in his
work, only the regular reports are sent. The receipt of a special report is
evidence that, in the judgment of the faculty, prompt and pointed parental
admonition is urgently needed.

If in any class in the Department of Engineering a student fails to
make satisfactory progress, he is first admonished by the professor in
charge. In default of prompt and permanent improvement, he is next
formally warned by the Dean. If due amendment is then not immediately
effected, the student's name is dropped from the rolls of the Department,
on the ground that he is not accomplishing the purposes for which he
should have entered upon a University course of study.


The following regulations, adopted to define the policy of the faculty,
are published for the information and guidance of the students:

1. Practice-courses as well as lecture-courses must be conducted under
the Honor System. The student who submits any work to be graded
is considered to submit it under pledge.

2. When the lecture-course and the associated practice-course are given
in the same term of the same year, no student will be admitted to examination
on the lecture-course until he has completed at least three-fourths of
the practice-course.

3. No student will be admitted to any practice-course unless he is at
the same time pursuing the associated lecture-course, or has already received
credit for the same.

4. No student will be admitted to the graduating examination on a


Page 32
lecture-course unless he has been present at more than half the lectures in
that course.

5. In the technical courses in Engineering (i. e., courses not given in the College)
term-grades shall not be averaged; except that the term-grades for
Freshman Applied Mathematics may be averaged for the first-year men
only, provided no mark is below 65.

6. The pass-mark in every course is 75. Class standing is estimated at
20 points; the written examination at 80 points.

7. No student who fails to make 75 on term-grade shall be granted another
examination on the course until he has again attended lectures on
that course.

8. Special examinations are not given except by reason of sickness on
the day of examination, attested by the written certificate of a reputable
physician, or for other like providential causes. In every case they must
be validated by special vote of the faculty.

9. A student whose term-grades average less than 40 for all the courses
in which he is registered shall be at once dropped from the rolls. If his
average is above 40 with no mark above 65, he is placed on probation.

10. A student on probation, who in the next term makes less than 65 on
each and all his courses, shall be at once dropped from the rolls.


Under the elective system of the University of Virginia, a student who
has completed courses of college or university grade in other institutions of
learning on mathematical or scientific subjects may be excused from attendance
upon these courses by the Dean, with the advice and consent of
the professors in charge, and will then be registered for the more advanced

In order to secure College Credit upon such courses toward a degree in
Engineering from this University, the applicant must show—

1. That the courses offered are coextensive with the corresponding
courses as given in the University of Virginia.

2. That his grades on them were not below the seventy-five per cent.
pass-mark of this University.

Such credits may be granted by the faculty upon the recommendation
of the Dean and the professors in charge; but are automatically revoked by
the failure of the student to pass in the more advanced courses in the related

The same rules apply to Credits on Summer School Courses; except
that for courses in the Summer School of this University the examination
questions must be prepared by the professor in charge of the regular course,
and the answers must be read and graded by him.


Page 33

Credits on Practice-Courses in Drawing, Shop-work, or Field-work
may be granted to applicants who have gained in professional practice the
training which these courses represent. Such applicants must file with the
Dean proper certificates from the official under whom the work was done
and must in addition pass a practical test on the subjects for which credit
is desired. College credit is not granted for high-school work.


The drafting rooms are abundantly lighted and are provided with solidly
constructed tables with locked drawers for instruments and materials.
Each student is assigned to a table and has a drawer for his exclusive use.
The regular Drawing Classes execute each one plate a week under the supervision
of the Instructors in Drawing. The more advanced students have
such additional drawings assigned by their respective professors as are
needed for the full development of the courses of study.

Careful attention is given to the training of the students in free-hand
lettering, in the conventional signs of mechanical drawing, in the proper
lay-out of drawings, and in neat and accurate execution. Exercises are required
also in tracing and in blue-printing, the rooms for which are conveniently
arranged and in close contiguity to the drafting rooms. While,
however, technical dexterity is demanded, the graphical method is taught
and used primarily as an indispensable instrument of research, the thoughtful
mastery of which is essential for the instructed Engineer.

The construction and theory of the Polar Planimeter, the Slide Rule,
and the Pantograph are carefully taught, and the student is trained in the
practical use of these appliances for the rapid and accurate production of estimates
and copies from finished drawings.


The machine shop is provided with six first-class engine lathes, illustrating
the practice of the best American makers; with a planer, a shaper,
two drill presses, a universal milling machine (Brown & Sharpe), and a universal
grinder (same makers); also with a gas forge for tempering tools, a
cut-off saw for metal rods, an emery wheel, grindstone, and so on.

The wood shop is furnished with five small lathes, a large patternmaker's
lathe, a jointer, a planer, a saw bench for slitting and cross-cutting,
a band-saw, a jig-saw, and a wood trimmer for pattern-making, six cabinetmaker's
benches, and an ample supply of hand tools.


Road Materials Laboratory.—The apparatus for tests of non-bituminous
road materials includes a two-cylinder Deval abrasion machine, a ball
mill, a moulding press for briquettes of rock dust, a Page impact cementation
tester, a Page impact toughness tester, a rock crusher and a Purdue
brick rattler. This outfit the University owes to the generous aid of the


Page 34
late Dr. Logan Waller Page. In addition, the Department has acquired a
40,000-pound compression tester, a diamond core drill, a diamond rock saw,
a grinding lap, a Westphal balance, specific gravity apparatus, and a complete
set of sieves. Useful researches in the road-building rocks and gravels
of Virginia, as well as the standard tests, are conducted each year by the
class in Civil Engineering.

The apparatus for tests of bituminous road materials includes the New
York Testing Laboratory penetrometer, the Kirschbaum ductility machine,
the Engler viscosimeter, the asphalt viscosimeter, the New York Testing
Laboratory extractor, the New York State Board of Health oil tester, Hubbard
pyknometers, asphalt flow plates, gas and electric hot plates, and the
accessory apparatus needed for research on bituminous road-binders.

Structural Materials Laboratory.—The Sinclair Laboratory for work
in testing structural materials was founded on the original donation of Mrs.
John Sinclair, of New York City, as a memorial to her late husband. The
collection has since been considerably enlarged. It contains a Riehle
100,000-pound machine, arranged for tensile, compressive, and transverse
tests, with an attachment for taking autographic diagrams; an Olsen
100,000-pound machine fitted with a suspended ball compression block; an
Olsen torsion machine of 50,000-inch pounds capacity; a Ewing machine
for finding the modulus of elasticity; hand machines for testing rods and
wires under pull, and small specimens of timber and cast iron under
transverse loads. It is also equipped with accessory measuring instruments;
these include a Henning extensometer, an Olsen compressometer,
and a Ewing optical extensometer of great delicacy.

The laboratory is completely equipped for making tests of cement,
cement aggregates, and concrete. It contains a Fairbank's tensile tester of
1,000 pounds capacity; an Olsen steaming oven for accelerated tests; an
Olsen drying oven with automatic temperature regulation; moist air closets;
sieves for mechanical analysis; moulds for tension and compression
tests; and the required small apparatus.

Fuel and Oil Laboratory.—For the determination of the heating value
of coal, petroleum, etc., the laboratory has an Emerson bomb calorimeter.
For gas calorimetry, a Junker calorimeter made by the American Meter
Co. is used. The equipment also includes a Braun gas muffle furnace, a
Brown high resistance pyrometer, balances, platinum crucibles, etc. For
investigating the coefficient of friction for lubricants, the laboratory has an
Olsen-Cornell oil tester, and is further equipped with such apparatus as
flash and chill point testers, hydrometers, viscosimeters, etc., used in the
determination of the physical properties of oils.

Hydraulics Laboratory.—The laboratory equipment for work in hydraulics
comprises a steel tank for weir experiments with interchangeable
bronze notches; a hook gauge for measurement of surface levels; a standpipe
provided with a set of standard bronze orifices for experiments on


Page 35
efflux; commercial pipe and elbows arranged for determining friction losses;
and the necessary scales, tanks, manometers, etc. It also includes a pump
which is piped to circulate water from a cement cistern to a tank in the
attic of the building.

Power Laboratory.—The laboratory is equipped to illustrate the theory
involved in Mechanical Engineering; to give practical instruction in the
handling of machinery; and to teach the fundamental methods of experimental
work. It contains a Ball high-speed engine; a De Laval turbine
with condensing and non-condensing nozzles, which is direct-connected to
a 20-kva. alternating-current generator; an Otto gasoline engine with a
special piston for alcohol; a Wheeler surface condenser to which the exhaust
from any of the steam units may be connected; a Sturtevant blower;
an air compressor; an A. B. C. Pitot tube; a steam pump; steam traps, etc.
For boiler tests, the boilers of the University Heating and Lighting Plant
are used.

The instrument room contains all necessary apparatus for carrying out
complete tests. Among this may be mentioned indicators, thermometers,
gauges, planimeters, with standards for their correction and calibration; two
types of Orsat apparatus; separating and throttling calorimeters, etc.


The outfit of field instruments contains compasses, transits, and levels
of various approved makes; a solar transit, furnished also with stadia wires
and gradienter for tachymetric work; hand-levels and clinometers for field
topography; plane tables; a sextant; together with an adequate supply of
leveling rods, telemeter rods, signal poles, chains, tapes, pins, and so on.
For hydraulic surveys a hook guage and a current meter are provided. All
students are instructed in the theory and adjustments of the field instruments
and in their practical use in the field. They are also required to
make up their field-books in standard forms; to reduce their surveys and
execute all the necessary profiles, plans, and maps; and to determine
lengths, areas, and volumes both from the maps and from the original
notes. Polar planimeters are provided for facilitating such estimates, and
a pantograph for making reduced copies of finished drawings.

In recognition of the growing interest in Good Roads in Virginia and
the immense social and economic importance of the construction of such
roads in all parts of the commonwealth, the Faculty of the Department of
Engineering has rearranged the courses of instruction in this topic and
brought them together into the Spring Term, so as to form a special course
in highway engineering for the benefit of young men from Virginia who
wish to go into public highway work. To such Virginians, if adequately
prepared and recommended, free scholarships will be given. Application
should be made to the Dean, accompanied by recommendations from the
State Highway Commissioner or from the Board of Supervisors of the applicant's


Page 36


The Scott Laboratory of Electrical Engineering.—This laboratory was
initially equipped and endowed by Mrs. Frances Branch Scott, of Richmond,
Va., as a memorial to her late son, an alumnus of this University.
During the year 1910 the equipment was substantially increased through
the generosity of the Hon. Charles R. Crane, of Chicago, Ill., a friend of
the University. During 1912 still further substantial additions were made,
consisting of measuring instruments, auxiliary control apparatus, and more
particularly a steam-turbine-driven three-phase alternating-current generator
with exciter and control switchboard.

In addition to full sets of electric meters with the appliances for testing
and calibrating them, galvanometers of the best modern types, standard
cells and resistances, standard condensers, and other pieces of apparatus
for minor tests, this laboratory contains numerous pieces of the very best
construction. Such are the Wolff potentiometer, the Seimens and Halske
Thomson double bridge, the Koepsel permeameter, the Duddell double projection
oscillograph, the Station photometer with Lummer-Brodhum screen,
the Carey-Foster bridge and others. For the work in machine-testing
there are a number of direct-current generators and motors, series, shunt
and compound, an interpole motor, a double current generator, a two-phase
alternator, a General Electric experimental test set for alternating
current, comprising a generator furnishing single, two, three, six or twelve-phase
current, and, in addition, offering three types of induction motors
with all necessary starting and controlling devices, a single-phase repulsion
motor, a two-phase induction motor, two three-phase induction motors,
several pairs of constant voltage transformers, a constant current transformer,
frequency meters, power factor indicator, synchronism indicator,
ground detector and the auxiliary apparatus used in testing these machines.
The laboratory has been arranged with a system of universal plug and
receptacle-connections to facilitate the setting up of all experimental combinations.


The buildings devoted wholly or in part to the work of the Department
of Engineering are the following:

The Mechanical Laboratory is the main seat of the instruction in technical
studies. It is 180 by 70 feet and contains on the main floor the Dean's
office and the offices of three other professors; and three lecture-rooms.

Above are an office, a small drafting room for advanced students, and
blue-print and photographic rooms. Below on the ground floor are an office
and classroom, the electrical laboratories, the testing laboratories, apparatus
and storerooms, and the students' lavatory. In order to more adequately
care for increased numbers this building has undergone a considerable
rearrangement during the past year. Wood and machine shop
equipment has been entirely removed from the building, as well as the facilities


Page 37
for Freshman and Sophomore Drawing. This change made available
much needed classroom space and allowed the electrical laboratories to be
expanded. Incident to the changes new cement floors were constructed for
the Road Materials Testing Laboratory, the main testing Laboratory and
the main hall. A new high-pressure steam line from the Power House was
also installed.

The Shops are now temporarily housed in the Garage erected for the
Motor Truck Training Detachment. This building gives a floor space of
some 5,000 square feet and has allowed the rearrangement of wood and machine
shop equipment for group drive by four electric motors. Space is
also available in this structure for use in connection with the course in automobile
construction and testing.

The Drawing Room is temporarily housed near Peabody Hall in one of
the Barracks taken from the Training Camp site and rebuilt and fitted for
drawing. The building accommodates about 180 men, each man having his
individual drawing desk.

The Power House is a single-story building 110 by 40 feet. In addition
to the University boiler plant and the electric lighting plant, this contains
the foundry and the forge-room. The Boiler plant consists of two horizontal
return-tubular boilers, each of 140 horse-power. The lighting plant
consists of three electric generators directly connected to high-speed engines,
the respective capacities being 25, 50, and 75 kilowatts. The whole
plant is available for purposes of instruction, study and experiment.

The Geological Museum is 120 by 50 feet. It is a three-story building.
The main floor is devoted to the very extensive geological collection of
specimens, charts, relief maps, and so on. The gallery above contains an
equally good collection of minerals and numerous models of typical crystallographic
forms. The upper floor contains the lecture-rooms and the laboratories
of Economic Geology. In the basement are stored subsidiary collections
and new material accumulated in more recent geological surveys.

The Physical Laboratory faces the Mechanical Laboratory on the opposite
side of the quadrangle, and has almost the same proportions. The
main floor contains the lecture-room, the professors' offices, the laboratory
of experimental physics, and the storeroom for the very large collection
of apparatus used in the lectures. On the ground floor is the laboratory of
theoretical electricity, the storage battery room, a well-equipped shop for
the repair and manufacture of apparatus, and smaller rooms for the work
of graduate students.

The new Chemical Laboratory was opened for use in September, 1917.
In this fire-proof structure all the work in Chemistry is assembled. The
floor area provided is about 30,000 square feet. The lecture-rooms seat
classes of 300, 75 and 25 students. The laboratories assigned to General
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis,
and Physical Chemistry contain 110, 60, 40, 30, and 20 desks. Altogether
by dividing classes into sections, 600 students may be accommodated.
Smaller private laboratories are provided for research workers. Large


Page 38
stock rooms communicating by elevators with the several floors contain
ample stores of chemical supplies. The 5,000 volumes of books and bound
sets of journals constituting the Departmental Library of Chemistry are
so housed as to be accessible to both teachers and students.


Fiske Kimball, M.Arch., Ph.D.  Professor of Art and Architecture 
Stanislaw John Makielski  Assistant Professor in Art and Architecture 


Instruction leading to the professional degree of Bachelor of Science
in Architecture is offered in the University by the McIntire School of Fine
Arts in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and with the
other academic schools. This work is under the administrative jurisdiction
of the College, and the rules of the College regarding entrance requirements,
fees, choice of courses, and requirements for degrees are those which apply
in it.

Thus the entrance requirements are fifteen units, of which three must
be in English, two and one-half in Mathematics, one in History, and two
units in each of two Modern Languages. Solid geometry and elementary
physics, though not made the subject of entrance conditions, are absolutely
required in the course of the work, and if not presented for entrance must
be taken at once in college—if necessary in addition to the number of hours
required for the degree.

The fees are as follows: University fee, for non-Virginians, $40; for
Virginians, $10. Tuition fee, for non-Virginians, $130; for Virginians, nothing,
except in technical courses in the Engineering Department a tuition fee
equal to $15 per term for each course, and in the courses in architectural
design (Architecture B2 and C1) $40 each. The total of tuition and laboratory
fees for the four years shows an annual average as follows: for nonVirginians,
$180; for Virginians, $75.


Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture must
complete the 63 session-hours listed below. To complete the work required
for the degree in four years from the time of entering college, students without
advanced standing or college credit should adhere closely to the following
program in choosing their courses. It is strongly urged, however, that
those students who can do so should devote an additional year to study for
the degree, taking also such other cultural and scientific subjects as foreign
languages, history, and chemistry.


Page 39


(Credit value in session-hours is given in parenthesis):

First Year.—English A1 or A2 or [19] 1-2-3 (3), [19] Mathematics 100-106-107
(3), [19] Applied Mathematics 521-522-523 with 571-572-573 (6), Art B2
(3), Physical Training B1 or elective (3): Total 18 session-hours.

Second Year.—Economics B1 or [19] 10-11-12 (3), [19] Mathematics 108-109-110
(3), Art B1 (3), Architecture B1 (3), Architectural Construction, B1
(3): Total 15 session-hours.

Third Year.[19] Applied Mathematics 524-526-525 with 574-576-575 (5),
[19] Civil Engineering 714 (1), Art B3 (2), Architecture B2 (4), Architectural
Construction B2 (3): Total 15 session-hours.

Fourth Year.[19] Business Administration 20-25-30 (3), [19] Applied Mathematics
528 (1), [19] Experimental Engineering 661 (1), [19] Civil Engineering
718 (1), Architectural Construction B3 (1), Art C1 (2), Architecture C1
(6), Architecture C2: Total 15 session-hours.


In the Department of Engineering.


Art B1: History of Art.—The development of architecture, sculpture,
and painting in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and modern
times, with an introduction to their elements and technique. Lectures,
reports.—(B.A. or B.S., credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Kimball.

Art B2: Freehand Drawing.—Expression of form by line and by light
and shade. Practice in drawing from the cast in charcoal and in pencil:
geometricals, forms, ornament, the figure. Sketching out of doors in pencil,
pen, and wash.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Assistant Professor

Art B3: Painting: Art B2 prerequisite.—The rendering of color and
form. Practice in painting from still life and from nature in water colors
and in oils.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.) Assistant Professor

Art C1: Advanced Drawing and Painting: Art B2 and B3 prerequisite.
First and second terms: Drawing and painting from the life. Third term:
Painting landscapes and architectural subjects out of doors.—(Credit, 2 session-hours
for B.S. in Architecture.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architecture B1: Architectural Drawing: Elements of Construction and
Art B1 prerequisite.—Walls, moulding, and opening, "the orders,"
architectural rendering; preparation of scale drawings and details: perspective.
Lectures and drawing.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives
at large.) Professor Kimball and Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architecture B2: Architectural Design: Architecture B1 prerequisite.


Page 40
Problems in the design of simple structures and of the elements of large
compositions. Sketch problems in the planning of more complex structures.
Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional lectures. (Credit, 4 session-hours
for B.S. in Architecture.) Drawing 12 hours a week. Professor

Architecture C1: Advanced Architectural Design: Architecture B1 and
B2 prerequisite.
—Problems in the design of complex structures and ensembles.
Sketch problems in the developed treatment of elements of architecture
and the allied arts. Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional
lectures. (Credit, 6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Drawing, 18
hours a week. Professor Kimball.

Architecture C2: Principles of Professional Practice: Architecture C1
—(No credit value.) Professor Kimball.

Architectural Construction B1: The study of building construction as
applied to frame, masonry and steel structures. The student receives instruction
in the use of materials of construction by study of samples in the
classroom, and, by means of numerous sketches becomes familiar with the
best methods and practices in building. During the drafting periods each
student will prepare working drawings of a typical building. (Credit, 3 session-hours
for B.S. in Architecture.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B2: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.—This
course is a continuation of the preceding one, and further teaches
the technique of building, details, specifications, and superintendence.
(Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B3: Building Equipment.—Drainage and
plumbing as applied to buildings. The heating, ventilation, lighting, and
other mechanical and electrical equipment of buildings. The lectures are
supplemented by working drawings prepared by the student. (Credit, 1 session-hour
for B.S. in Architecture.) (Second Term.) Assistant Professor


The work offered re-establishes the instruction outlined in the first curriculum
of the University, 1818, the earliest proposal for instruction in art, architecture
and music in any American university. An unrivalled background is provided
for it by the buildings and environment of Charlottesville; the University
group, with its old buildings especially designed to furnish examples of the various
orders "as specimens for the architectural lectures," its new buildings designed
by Stanford White; the works of sculpture by Houdon, Ezekiel, Bitter,
Borglum, Keck, Shrady, and Aitken; the paintings and prints presented by
Messrs. Thomas F. Ryan, John Barton Payne, John Armstrong Chaloner and
others; the concerts and exhibitions of paintings brought to the University with
part of the income of the McIntire fund. For the current work in art and architecture
there is generous provision of casts, books, photographs, and lantern


Page 41
slides, as well as a number of envoi drawings by former holders of the Roman
Prize and the Rotch Travelling Scholarship.

Inquiries from prospective students of Architecture regarding choice of
electives, transfer of credits from other departments or other institutions, etc.,
may be addressed to Fiske Kimball, Professor of Art and Architecture.


Page 42


Special Students.

Frieden, Ellis Zyv  Norfolk, Va. 
Guinn, Willie Carleton  Culpeper, Va. 
Hibbert, Malcolm Gilchrist  Charlottesville, Va. 
Holland, Edwin Trammell  Norfolk, Va. 
Humphreys, John, Jr.  Wilkesbarre, Pa. 
McCall, Theodore Carroll  St. Louis, Mo. 
Maughs, Jesse L.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Pleasants, Thomas Thweatt  Richmond, Va. 
Scarlett, John Birks, Jr.  W. Orange, N. J. 

Graduate School and College Students in Engineering Courses.

Andrews, Ralph Oren  Charlottesville, Va. 
De Brita, Joseph, Jr.  Long Island, N. Y. 
Dixon, Washington Irving  Norfolk, Va. 
Dorin, William Hiram, Jr.  City Point, Va. 
Dunlap, Edward Twiss  Washington, D. C. 
Farne, John Franklin, Jr.  Minersville, Pa. 
Ferebee, Dennis Smith  Oceana, Va. 
Foxworth, George Howe  Sutherland, Fla. 
Hodgkins, Edwin Key  Savannah, Ga. 
Jenkins, Micah  Winter Haven, Fla. 
Johnson, William Royster  Richmond, Va. 
Jonsberg, Myron Bellamy  St. Petersburg, Fla. 
Lefkowitch, Adolphe  Newport News, Va. 
Lynn, Marshall Hancock  Richmond, Va. 
Melton, Carroll  Norfolk, Va. 
Orf, William Henry  Minersville, Pa. 
Otto, Robert Eugene  Key West, Fla. 
Papin, Edward Chouteau  St. Louis, Mo. 
Pegau, Arthur August, M.A.  Petersburg, Va. 
Showalter, Louis Levering  Roanoke, Va. 
Sowder, Marion Garnett  East Radford, Va. 
Wenger, Clarence Windon  Charlottesville, Va. 
Williams, Thomas Leigh  Richmond, Va. 

Freshman Class.



Page 43
Allen, Edward Walter, Jr.  Norfolk, Va. 
Bennett, Russell Edwin  Norfolk, Va. 
Biers, Howard William R.  New York, N. Y. 
Bright, Arthur Wade  Charlottesville, Va. 
Bulluck, William Wilkinson  Leechville, N. C. 
Carter, William Henry  Free Union, Va. 
Carver, William Durham  Morristown, Tenn. 
Claytor, Philip Pendell  Hopkins, S. C. 
Cowhig, Joseph William  Charlotte, N. C. 
Crum, Paul Norton  Birmingham, Ala. 
East, Cecil Barrett Payne  Norfolk, Va. 
Epton, Carlyle Llewellyn  Spartanburg, S. C. 
Evans, George Alexander  East Orange, N. J. 
Fogarty, Arthur Beebe  St. Petersburg, Fla. 
Garrett, James Edward  Oceana, Va. 
Gerow, George Randolph  Petersburg, Va. 
Gibson, Edwin Lacy  Staunton, Va. 
Gill, Samuel Benjamin  Wicomico C. H., Va. 
Greaver, Lawrence  Charlottesville, Va. 
Hancock, David, Jr.  Birmingham, Ala. 
Hoffman, James Francis  Gordonsville, Va. 
Joyner, James Reginald  Amherst, Va. 
Lloyd, Howard Marshall  Norfolk, Va. 
Luke, William Allan, Jr.  Washington, D. C. 
McGahey, Randolph Winsborough  Lynchburg, Va. 
McNutt, Robert Blaine  Switchback, W. Va. 
Macdonald, Lea  Leesburg, Va. 
Machen, Charles Philip  Norfolk, Va. 
Mason, Joseph Crowder  Norfolk, Va. 
Matthews, Kenneth Francis  Washington, D. C. 
Meadows, William Gregory, Jr.  Buffalo, N. Y. 
Moore, Stephen Nicholas  Rectortown, Va. 
Morgan, George Warren  Pottsville, Va. 
Morris, William McDonald  Staunton, Va. 
Nottingham, Frank Oliver, Jr.  Norfolk, Va. 
Pye, Merrill Maury  Los Angeles, Cal. 
Ragland, Shelton  Charlottesville, Va. 
Rasnick, Hazen Chetwood  St. Paul, Va. 
Riley, William Jefferson  Bamberg, S. C. 
Scheck, Alan Hale  Pittsburgh, Pa. 
Smith, Augustus Wardlaw, Jr.  Greenville, S. C. 
Spicer, Murray Stacy  Cismont, Va. 
Swift, Howard Newman  Tokio, Japan 
Sydnor, Thomas Austin  Richmond, Va. 
Team, James Clyburn  Lugoff, S. C. 
Turpin, Marvin A.  Norfolk, Va. 
Vaughan, William Ludwell  Amberg, Va. 
Wainwright, Irvine Hundgins  Yorktown, Va. 
Watts, Howard Franklin  Hopkinsville, Ky. 
Wedemayer, George Edward  Ann Arbor, Mich. 
Whitaker, Will Alton  Baton Rouge, La. 
Worthington, Richard  Ivy Depot, Va. 
Worthington, William  Ivy Depot, Va. 


Page 44

Sophomore Class.



Page 45
Abbott, William Michaelborough  Chester, Va. 
Atteberry, Winston  Crowley, La. 
Baillio, Alexander Fyfe  Oceana, Va. 
Baker, William Cecil  Knoxville, Tenn. 
Bennington, Dudley Lemuel  Lynchburg, Va. 
Blake, William James  Alexandria, Va. 
Booth, Christopher Silas  Danville, Va. 
Burke, Nicholas Brown Trist  Alexandria, Va. 
Calcott, John Whitworth  Norfolk, Va. 
Christian, Johnson Barbour  Hanover, Va. 
Christmas, Whitney Norris  Washington, D. C. 
Cohen, Moritz Anton  Washington, D. C. 
Colvin, James William  Washington, D. C. 
Denny, Victor Lysle, Jr.  Boyce, Va. 
Dickinson, Joseph Rogers  Glasgow, Ky. 
Dorsey, William Reginald  Ellicott City, Md. 
Edwards, Theodoric Bland  Elmhurst, N. Y. 
Elgin, Joseph Clifton  Nashville, Tenn. 
Emory, Earl O'Grady  Dendron, Va. 
Ford, William Knight  Huntington, W. Va. 
Fox, John Conway  Roanoke, Va. 
Glick, Justus Edward  Mt. Crawford, Va. 
Harman, Paul Evans  Basic, Va. 
Harmon, Robert Rogers  Nashville, Tenn. 
Harrison, Welford Capers  Richmond, Va. 
Henderson, Thomas Hiram  Milford, Va. 
Holt, Taylor, Jr.  Port Norfolk, Va. 
Irvine, John Woodward  Culpeper, Va. 
Kelley, Lawrence Edgar  Clintwood, Va. 
Kelly, Richard Howell  University, Va. 
Loving, Charles Morris  Lynchburg, Va. 
McDavitt, Marcellus Balli  Brownsville, Texas 
Mackenzie, Alan Francis  Norfolk, Va. 
Martin, Thomas Staples  University, Va. 
Morse, Frederick Tracy  Unadilla, N. Y. 
Murphy, James Keithley  Orange, Va. 
Peery, James Sidney  N. Tazewell, Va. 
Pill, George Victor  Charlottesville, Va. 
Rawls, Reuben Rice  Asheville, N. C. 
Robinson, Carl Randolph  Portsmouth, Va. 
Robinson, Samuel Adams  Red Hill, Va. 
Rosenberger, Gilbert Gray  Winchester, Va. 
Savage, Henry, Jr.  Camden, S. C. 
Shellhorse, Albert William  Whittle's Depot, Va. 
Sibert, Gilbert Martin  Harrisonburg, Va. 
Smithers, Edward Francis  Richmond, Va. 
Stockton, Paul Anderson  Indianapolis, Ind. 
Tatum, George Marvin  University, Va. 
Taylor, Francis William Hay  Pensacola, Fla. 
Van Lear, Glenwood Michael  Basic, Va. 
Ward, Charles Francis, Jr.  Newton Centre, Mass. 
West, Frederick Power  Alexandria, Va. 
Wilson, Maitland A.  Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Junior Class.

Bauserman, Harry Fitzer  New Hope, Va. 
Borum, William Hodges  Ocean View, Va. 
Bunting, Theodore Robert  Norfolk, Va. 
Cockrell, Thomas Lyttleton  Reedville, Va. 
Dare, Edgar Wilson  Alexandria, Va. 
Davis, Flavius Eugene, Jr.  Roanoke, Va. 
Diboll, Eugene Blocker  New Orleans, La. 
Figg, Louis James, Jr.  Lynchburg, Va. 
Greene, Allan Brower  Plant City, Fla. 
Harman, Leroy Craun  Basic, Va. 
Harwood, Hugh Casey  Newport News, Va. 
Hoeke, Frederick Arnold  San Antonio, Texas 
Hoskins, Thomas Guy  Norfolk, Va. 
Hudson, Charles Williamson  Norfolk, Va. 
Kiener, Tyler Bainbridge  University, Va. 
Knight, Elmer Morton  Reidsville, N. C. 
McCulloch, Roderick Roy, B.S.  Washington, D. C. 
Mallory, James Colvin  Mineral, Va. 
Monroe, Harry Carlyle  Portsmouth, Va. 
Murphy, Timothy Henry  Lynchburg, Va. 
Painter, Newton Jeffress  Roanoke, Va. 
Parkinson, William Winston  Warrenton, Va. 
Parrack, Vasco Roosevelt  Roanoke, Va. 
Peebles, David Meade Bernard  Norfolk, Va. 
Ragland, Beaufort Selden  Richmond, Va. 
Scholl, Walter  Washington, D. C. 
Smith, Edmund Addison  Richmond, Va. 
Stevens, Charles Robert  Harrisonburg, Va. 
Venning, Richard Septimus  Charlottesville, Va. 
Weir, Paul Latimer  Manassas, Va. 
White, Harry Lively, Jr.  Norfolk, Va. 
Williams, Felix Noble  Anniston, Ala. 
Wilson, Fred Raymond  Charlottesville, Va. 
Wilson, John Coit, Jr.  Darlington, S. C. 


Page 46

Senior Class.

Atkins, Thomas Jefferson  Atkins, Va. 
Barksdale, Henry Compton  Charlottesville, Va. 
Boswick, Guy Weston  Norfolk, Va. 
Brown, Noland Waldo  Norrisville, Va. 
Brown, Robert Adams  Charlottesville, Va. 
Brown, Vergil Kerfoot  Charlottesville, Va. 
Conn, Julius  Newport News, Va. 
Forrest, Henry Clark  University, Va. 
Gamble, George Peterkin  Huntsville, Ala. 
Gildersleeve, Gordon Hamilton  East Orange, N. J. 
Gray, Alvin Nelson  Newport News, Va. 
Groves, Clarence Roland  Martinsville, Va. 
Gunn, Jack Arvid  Tampa, Fla. 
Hardy, William Worsham  Amelia C. H., Va. 
Hendren, William Hardy, Jr.  New Orleans, La. 
Hess, Bernard Andes  University, Va. 
Howard, Harry Moore  Alexandria, Va. 
Jones, Jesse Carter  Hampton, Va. 
Kater, Joseph Andrew  Winchester, Va. 
Kuhn, Percy Coleman  Richmond, Va. 
Lyles, Joseph Eugene  Tampa, Fla. 
Mayo, John Hancock  Beaver Dam, Va. 
Melsheimer, Louis Alan  Chase City, Va. 
Morgan, Marion Hewitt, Jr.  Hampton, Va. 
Mullins, Sidney Oglethorpe  Big Stone Gap, Va. 
Owen, Benton Brooks  Richmond, Va. 
Pegau, Robert Vernon  Petersburg, Va. 
Plummer, Charles Cazenove  Mobile, Ala. 
Preston, Elliott  Leesburg, Va. 
Preston, Haynes Graham  Tazewell, Va. 
Rhodes, Glenn Wesley  Dayton, Va. 
Roberts, Henry Wale  Louisa, Va. 
Shands, George King  Washington, D. C. 
Shuff, Harold Mathews  Pulaski, Va. 
Smith, William Minor  Roanoke, Va. 
Straley, William Thomas, B.A.  Lynchburg, Va. 
Sycle, Henry Borden  Richmond, Va. 
Via, Earl Hampton, M.E.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Wingfield, Kenneth Sewell, E.E.  Richmond, Va. 
Wise, Samuel Griffin  Bridgewater, Va. 

Absent on leave 1921-1922.